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Harry Potter crossovers you want to see

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Download, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Would love to see a fic where Arthas doesn't go bad. It fucking PAINED me to go through the undead campaign.
  2. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    I hope so. Still she sounds like a class A bitch even before Arthas decided to show her the "other-side" as it were.
  3. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Harry paired with the undead is kind've offputting.
  4. Pantricelog

    Pantricelog First Year

    Jul 24, 2010
    Harry/UndeadSylvanas OTP
  5. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Arthas was shit before AND after FM. Would have been awesome if he subjugated it instead of the other way around.
  6. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Its been a while since I watched Sabrina so I might have gotten a few things wrong to change:

    • Sabrina is a half-blood rather than half-witch/half-mortal. Her father is a wizard and her mother is a muggle.
    • Magicals are no longer immortal-ageless.
    • Wanded magic instead of wandless - way too often have I seen fics that go like "Those British wizards are so behind the times being limited to using wands while us superior American wizards do wandless magic!" and I really want to see that avoided.
    • Other realm - not sure I want any of that in a HP/Sabrina crossover
    • Maybe the Witches Council can be the American version of the Ministry?
    • You need some sort of event that sees Sabrina having to live with her Aunts like in canon just before she turns eleven. Ideally her aunts should live in the UK which sees Sabrina enrolled at Hogwarts rather than a US school. You could invert the whole "superior and tolerant American wizards" thing found in fanon so nauseatingly often by having Sabrina's mother obliviated of all knowledge of Sabrina by the American magical government because she divorced her magical husband. Similar to canon Sabrina's father could simply be too busy with work to look after her prompting her to be sent to the UK to live with her aunts.
    • Salem - maybe make the American magical government a bit more creative than the UK when it comes to punishing criminals. Salem was transfigured into a cat (minus his voice box) for trying to be a dark lord or maybe because he supported Grindlewald or something (his last name sounds slightly German). Anyone reasonably skilled in transfiguration could turn him back but it's a crime to reverse the punishment until he has finished his sentence.
    Anyway, I would personally prefer a fusion fic that keeps HP magic (mostly) and brings in Sabrina characters.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    EDIT: moved to the Plot Bunny thread. Riley in the post below is entirely correct.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  8. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    I think that belongs in the plot bunny thread guys.
  9. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    A decent Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover that does not have Harry as Percy's brother, or has the "PeeJay gang go to Hogawartz!" thing going on.

    There have been a few where Harry's the son of Eris, and one on here where he's adopted by Hecate, with the former being entertaining in concept but not in execution, but the few demigod-Harry stories I've seen always have him as the son of Hades or Poseidon.
  10. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    Lol, they actually managed to stop at one god? Most I come across had Harry as the son of all big three.
  11. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    I'm actually curious. How did they manage to justify that?
  12. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Ever watch Jerry Springer?
  13. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    Can't remember reading any explanation, but they must be thinking, hey, it's Greek Mythology, if Athena can burst out of Zeus's head, Poseidon, Hades and Zeus can have a foursome with Lily Potter while in disguise of James Potter.

    It's sad that only thing they managed to pick up from reading Percy Jackson is the Greek Pantheon's names. You should read Iliad and Odyssey if you're going to try to write a decent Percy Jackson fanfic. Or at least check wikia. :/
  14. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Oh no, I've seen those types, too.

    Some involve slash and mpreg (the red x has never been such a gift from God!), others involve Lily or James being one god/ddess in disguise, or possessing, etcetera.

    It's all pretty convoluted.

    That being said: Solomon Kane has the Egyptian pantheon in America, too: I'd like to see one where Lily or James was one of the old Celtics.

    Maybe the Horned God for James (whose symbol is a stag -- James is a stag animagus) or Lily as one aspect of the Triple Goddess, or something. I dunno.
  15. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Ah, Planescape... the first D&D campaign setting that intrigued me enough (based entirely on a postcard{!} about it that TSR sent me in the mail, mind you) that I actually bought it.

    It still burns me that I never manged to get the Planes of Law boxed set.

    My first "lead" miniatures (Ral Partha had actually just switched from lead to "Rallidium" when these came out) were Planescape ones.

    HP/Planescape is a very broad category, though, and could literally be anything+D&D magic. Setting it in Sigil, though, makes it a bit more specific.

    I could see an interesting story where Voldemort tries to get rid of Harry (and his friends?) by somehow transporting them to the outer planes (specifically, one of the hellish planes), and he/they somehow find their way out through a path that leads them to Sigil (for better or worse). Of course, while it may be played out, there's always the Veil of Death.

    Of course, a new approach might involve Harry and his group finding a way to open a door to Sigil or the Outer Planes, in order to look for someone/thing to help fight Voldemort. Usually, if someone gets sent to another reality/dimension, it's either Voldemort trying to fuck someone or the Ministry trying to execute Harry (with the runners-up being Harry trying to start a new life or Harry trying to kill himself), so seeing some proactive ("junior?") Order members trying something like this would be refreshing.

    I don't remember the first two, but World That Waits is not (afaik) Marvel Cinematic Universe (or it wasn't when it started, anyway).

    In fact, as I recall, in the 'latest' chapters it went so off the rails that it's barely even X-Men.

    I live for good Addams Family crossovers... so it makes sense that my life is shit! :p

    There are a couple that are decent, but either update at a glacial pace or are abandoned.

    Everything else is gay!Harry with a completely overhauled personality and a different name because why should we call Harry by his actual name? So passé...

    Of course, in my world, if it isn't Harry/Wednesday, it isn't an Addams Family crossover: Which means that there are only four or five of them out there, and at least half are garbage.

    I never watched the cartoon, but I liked the movie, and I've always thought Winona Ryder was cute. Burton may have been trying to kill me, putting her and Geena Davis in the same movie; if they hadn't made the latter's character as dowdy as possible, I'd have probably blown straight through puberty, on the spot, and started a second one. Also, I apparently have a one-track mind.

    Lydia can see magic because she, herself, is strange and unusual.

    She reads a bit like a squib, when you think about her in HP terms, but her parents are so thoroughly muggle... and we don't really hear about muggles having squibs (probably because a muggleborn squib would be even more pathetic and less worthy of notice/mention than a squib or a muggle, by the pureblood way if thinking.).

    This is one crossover where I'm not sure whether I'd approve or disapprove of giving the "Property B" character a wand. I dread that shit in Buffy crossovers because it's such a cop-out (right up there with making Slayers immune to magic - Since fucking when, bitch?). "Just give Buffy a wand, so then she can do evvvvvverything!" She wasn't even doing Willow-style magic, puh-leaze.

    Lydia with magic, though... it makes as much sense to do that as to leave her an exceptional muggle, I suppose.

    I wonder if Harry would end up meeting the Maitlands and Deetzes because, as Master of Death, he needs to make sure everything is copacetic regarding the dead people moving in and out of the Afterlife in that house... either because he's aware of the Afterlife's bureaucracy and is making sure the rules are followed or just because something is drawing him there (where he discovers said bureaucracy exists)?

    Pretty much. It makes me feel like I'm actually reading about the Highlander since, whenever you mix HP and BTVS, there can be only one: One set of characters just has to be way better than the other. Thus, you tend to have one of two situations.

    1: The wizard characters completely outshine the Buffy characters and/or hand their asses to them, to the point where it's like "As far as you feel you are above the 'herd' of Sunnydale's masses, who can't seem to see or acknowledge the paranormal, that is half as far as we are above you: You know nothing of magic and what it can do. Now watch us use magic to dropkick you, whilst we simultaneously solve demon problems you only assumed merited the term 'apocalyptic.'"

    2: Or, you have a world where, of the Buffy characters, Buffy is stronger, faster (naturally), and smarter than all wizards, plus she probably either A: can use a wand or B: has varying degrees of immunity (total, more often than not) to wizard magic, so they more or less pose zero threat to her; Willow is so vastly, awe-inspiringly, powerful that, really, all she would need to kill Voldemort herself is to find him... aaaand she has a spell that can find him; Giles knows all about the Wizarding World and, in fact, has owned a wand and been able to do wizard magic the whole time; and, finally, even Xander seems to be able to outclass wizards on nearly every front (especially physically), except he can't do magic - UNLESS HE TOTALLY FUCKING CAN.

    Ugh. (Never mind the fact that Giles knowing about the WW and not telling Buffy and company raises some serious questions - which is nothing compared to him being a wizard and neither telling anyone nor using magic to help them.)

    Even a few of the Buffy crossovers I like have a touch of these elements, though in at least one it's because "comedy." For some reason, the majority of HP/Buffy stories end up reading like a curbstomp fic. Now, I like a curbstomp when it's at least halfway decently written, it makes sense for the side doing the stomping to be doing so, and the story is actually meant to be a curbstomp fic. HP/BTVS crossovers rarely qualify for any of the above.


    I'd like to see a good HP/Raildex (A Certain Magical Index, A Certain Scientific Railgun) crossover.

    There are three (count 'em, three) on FFN. Of those, one is apparently a Lily/Snape fic that, from the sounds of the summary, has little or nothing to do with Raildex; one is just a collection of one-shots, which I skimmed and found nothing to do with Raildex; and the third is a girl!Harry, no GWL/BWL fic, that only has one chapter, so it probably has very little to do with either Harry Potter or Raildex.

    In other words, there are no HP/Raildex crossovers.

    Done well, this combination could be amazing. It has magic, science, a cast of zillions... There are the various espers of Academy City, along with their subgroups, and various conspiracies; then the various magical factions, like Necessarius of the Anglican Church (though, I imagine in a crossover with HP they'd either have to be pretty quiet about their existence or are somehow totally ignorant of the Wizarding World, otherwise the wizards would have stomped them into the dirt, ages ago), the Amakusa Catholics, the Agnese Forces, another group of Catholics from Russia, a fictionalized AU magical British royal family, God's Right Seat, Return of the Winged One, GREMLIN, the group that opposes GREMLIN, the Kihara family, various mercenary groups, groups with vague names like GROUP, SCHOOL, ITEM, BLOCK, DRAGON, and MEMBER...

    In this universe, there's a lot of science versus religious zealots using magic versus magicians using magic. With its cast overflowing with named characters and groups, there's a ton of material to work with, which an author could either try to use as much of as possible, or simply pare away everything but a selected main cast and go from there.

    I'm kind of puzzled as to why I haven't seen more attempts at this: Not even good, full-fledged stories, just attempts.

    As with pretty much every crossover I'd like to see, I have some material of my own written (nothing new, there) but, at only 14k words, it's not even enough to make it out of my grouped Anime Crossover Ideas dump-file. And roughly half of that word count is just me contradicting my first plot idea with alternate takes because I felt the first one sucked. It's relatively safe to say that this is another one that won't see the light of day, at least in this lifetime.

    The hardest part of this crossover is explaining why they never mentioned espers in the HP world (making it so they're a rarity or secretly the cause of recent scientific meddling works for that) and how all these magical religious exist without the wizards either crushing them or at least knowing about them, or vice versa (the same problem as with HP/BTVS or HP/Dresden Files, and so on).

    The only big questions left are whether Tōma's power works on HP magic, and what spices to use on Accelerator after the HP cast realizes that he's an obnoxious, murderous, derivative, Japanese cliché of a "complex" villain, and just spit-roast the douchebag.

    (Actually, given how fan fic usually works, there is also the question of what happens when the irresistible force that is Harry meets the immovable object that is Tōma, and finding out how many girls each one manages to pull from the other's harem without even trying.) :rolleyes:

    HP/The Venture Bros. I'd fucking love to see this shit.
    I have 15k words of my own take on it, but that's rarely ever as much fun as reading someone else's take, even if they make some choices you wouldn't.

    Heck, the creators of Venture Bros. have said that it's a show about failure; if you're one of those types who think James and his peers are the shit, and Harry's generation is just full of also-rans that don't even merit an honorable mention, this should be right up your alley. A Harry who is traumatized from what he's been through but so jaded and worn out that he's just blasé and sardonic about it instead of angst-ridden, would fit right in with Rusty, or even post-season-4 Hank and Dean (especially the latter). Which means it doesn't really matter what you do with either property's timeline, as Harry and his crowd probably fit in just as well with either generation.

    HP/VB works just as well a tragi-comedy as it does a comedy with some serious moments, or just a full on comedy.

    Quoted for truth.
    Once you read Browncoat, Green Eyes, you always want more HP/Firefly. Sadly, the one or two(?) other readable attempts only update on leap years.

    I have a near-10k plotbunny for that, but it sucks and I have a hard time mining enough 'care' to do anything with it.

    Emphatically no.

    Disclaimer: I prefer Keanu Constantine, which I fully realize is anathema to many fans of the comic/British people offended that the movie didn't use a Brit actor, but that's another thing I can't be fucked to care about. Keanu Constantine is terse because he's burned out, disillusioned, and knows he's going to Hell when he dies (and what's waiting there for him); comic Constantine is just an utter prick, from what I've seen.

    Hopefully this all makes sense and nothing was repeated: The site keeps messing with my posts...
  16. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I want to see an Aliens/HP crossover. It just occurred to me.

    Basically the premise should be that someone stumbles across preserved Xenomorph eggs somewhere in Hogwarts (sealed off part of the Chamber of Secret perhaps?) and gets infected. Preferably it should happen during fifth or sixth year just to throw a spanner in Voldemort's plans for world domination.
  17. psychobob35

    psychobob35 Fourth Year

    Jan 4, 2012
    When you say the Horned God do you mean Cernunnos, because the deity known simply as the Horned God is Neo-Pagan and has a goats head.

    Edit: Nevermind, you specified that it was the Celtic Horned God.
  18. Trig

    Trig Unspeakable

    Jan 27, 2010
    HP/Constantine: My Soul To Keep by Rym

    I'd personally love to read a well written Harry Potter / Malazan crossover.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    HP/Marble Hornets.

    It'd be interesting to see an attempt at the Slenderman Mythos crossed over with the Potterverse.
  20. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Cyberfantasy more like. It's one of the few settings I've found that has managed to blend East Asian Dragons with futuristic technology relatively seamlessly. To the point where an East Asian Dragon owns one of the largest R&D corporations in the world.