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Harry Potter Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    owner, you're telling me that a first-time player who rolled scum will not only bus his partners but do so in such a manner that the vast majority of town was more or less convinced of it and willing to lynch Maj until Maj claimed?

    I've also never heard of "townsided" or "scumsided". Is that even a playstyle for scum?

    Also, trying to scumread me by saying I pushed on the doctor is bullshit and you know it. Maj claimed with like an hour left before deadline and didn't crumb her role at all.
  2. mallorean_thug

    mallorean_thug Muggle

    May 14, 2016
    High Score:
    Miner, who does that mean you think is scum?
  3. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    It doesn't count as bussing until someone actually dies. It only counts as distancing if they are still alive.

    Townsiding, when you have randed mafia, is commonly found in mafia players who play better as town.

    Scum or mafia siding you should have heard in the WH7 game, as tom was doing that as town for a good bit of the game.

    Mafia and Town have different objectives in order to win, so technically they should play differently. But some will try to match their town play, which a lot of times doesn't work out for them in the end.

    Jarizok was active enough to fairly get by on his own. I don't know if that was good coaching or more of his personality that we saw.

    But if you think about it, if you don't know how people are going to read you it's probably safer to distance them by calling them mafia or put them in their scum leans. Just in case, he dies early.

    The problem you had miner is that you were too overly picky with him. If I'm right and you are his partner, scum teammates are overly aware of their partner's mistakes, so sometimes they will pick them out first trying to get town cred. The issue with that is sometimes, town would have never picked that mistake out if it were for the scum teammate being so picky of the other scum teammate in the first place. Same thing can be said about Proph being picky on you miner for not voting early day 1. Sure, Mal picked up on it, but Proph chirped in pretty quickly as he entered the thread. Proph also called Jarizok super town day 1.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 PM ----------

    I also think you might be the mafia roleblocker, miner, as I think you were the one to start asking if I would be notified if the roleblocker blocked me.

    There's the doctor tell of whoever mentions doctor first is the real doctor. But you could easily extend that to any role. Sure, I brought up that I might be blocked, but it sounded like you were showing some concerned when it was being talked about.

    I don't know. It was just something that had crossed my mind.

    Though, I still want to kind of keep the vote on Proph today as I feel if I'm gone he might not get lynched with mal being around.
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011

    Zenzao has been modkilled.

    He was Dean Thomas, Vanilla Town.


    All votes are now reset.
  5. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Based on votal analysis:

    Looking at Kai being the likeliest, that vote on Jarizok was extremely opportunistic.

    Beyond that I want to go back and look at all the people who interacted with Jarizok, like Waco, Zen, and HF.

    Would also review the people who were on Proph's wagon. Willing to townread owner today, but the longer she lives the lower she falls on my readlist. Citrus has dropped to scumlean for being on Proph's wagon in the first place, although I'd really rather get Kai.

    Not sure what the specific worlds look like right now.

    He's been in one game. How can he "play better" as either alignment???

    As for coaching, don't you think if he was coached someone would understand the mindset you put forth and had him put one of his scumleans in null at the very least if not a townread? And that's assuming that they even put forth any effort at all into reading their teammates. You can also distance via 0 interaction.

    I don't know where you're coming from with your "overly picky" statement. Explain how I picked up on any of his mistakes? As far as I'm aware, I tunneled him because of weird interactions between him and Maj.

    And then pretty much everyone agreed that it was strange his posting fell off towards the end of d1 when we flashwagoned Delphine.

    I spent a good portion of yesterday trying to get people to lynch him for it but nope people wanted Maj.
  6. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    The overly aware tell is a real thing, tho I'm not sure I agree with it in this case without going back and specifically looking for it

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 PM ----------

    Damn it really... Well, at least my read on Zenzao was good...
  7. Story Content: Zenzao is expelled

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Zenzao is expelled

    Just quoting font to make this a bookmark:


    Votecount 3.01.2

    Abstaining (9): KaiDASH, Citrus, owner, miner11121, The Waco Kid, his fluffiness, Prophylaxis, Bill Door, mallorean_thug

    With 9 alive, it's 5 to Soft Lynch and 7 to Hard Lynch!

    Day 3 will end Tuesday, November 22nd at 2100 EST or immediately following a Hard Lynch. A timer is available here.

    Previous Votals: 1.01 | 1.02 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 | 1.07 | 1.08 [Final] ||| 2.01 | 2.02 | 2.03 | 2.04 | 2.05 | 2.06 | 2.07 | 2.08 [Final] ||| 3.01
  8. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Alright, notes dump sumary from overnight

    Jarizok (8): his fluffiness, Zenzao, The Waco Kid, Bill Door, Prophylaxis, mallorean_thug, miner11121, KaiDASH

    Prophylaxis (4): owner, Citrus, Majube, Jarizok

    My thoughts from yesterday's wagon :

    I'm clearing the front 3 on the wagon (And now Zenzao mod-flip makes that pretty easy). There's no good reason for HF to start a wagon on his teammate there I think.

    Bill moves up for me after this as well.

    The back half of the wagon on the other hand is more suspect.

    Prophylaxis: Pretty much forced to make the vote because he was the other wagon. Note how much Proph & Jarizok basically defended each other as the wagon's formed. And Proph flipped on Jarizok from "I don't really want to lynch him" to "die in fire" less than 60 seconds after the claim. That looks remarkably to me like he 1) really was begging for a reason to hard scum-read and/or 2) knew it was coming so he could react quickly and get town!cred before anyone else chimed in

    Also, let's take a look at Proph's opening:

    Note Proph's posting on Jarizok after he enters. Feels a lot like he's trying to push Town!Jarizok by just repeating it, and raising him up.

    And look at the vote. Looks remarkably like a chainsaw on the guy who just listed Jarizok bottom of his wall, with his only given reasoning being a rehash of something Mal had already brought up

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

    Mallorean Thug: Is square in the POE circle following the wagon. After his Don't Lynch Proph stance, he had no choice but to vote Jarizok there.

    To add to this, Mal has a lot of small things that I'm not liking. He's pushed, "hey everybody vote" constantly (a town sentiment, but a null statement from him), yet back in #74 calls Bill scum but sticks with a RVS on 'Drome, but then folds the minute he's pressed on it.

    He argued for RVS until everyone checked in (thus increasing it's duration)

    He teaches a detailed lesson about how to play as a new player to Jarizok in thread, and there are some other coaching posts in that sequence.

    #307, calls owner/proph pre-mature, and then the way he tacks on Jarizok as one of the after thoughts to the Do Not lynch D1 group is strange, especially given the other newbie, Majube is in the primary group (with oddly enough, Proph/Drome).

    His early D2 play with the Proph wagon could potentially have been a defense of Proph, or a white!knight of Proph designed to try and catch town.

    And finally, his push on Zenzao today, was just poor to begin with, as Zenzao has been obvious!town the whole game, and it just becomes more obvious how bad that play was after Zen's mod-flip
  9. Story Content:

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Please stop posting. The game is on hold.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:07 ----------

    Given that a town was modkilled, Day will immediately end so as not to provide town the benefit of extra information to work with.


    “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
    Albus Dumbledore


    It is now Night 3, which will end at 2100 EST tomorrow. A timer is available here.

    Please refrain from posting during the Night phase.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:13 ----------

    augh, fuck bookmarks and not being able to edit
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    [Sassy filler goes here]
  11. Story Content: Day 4 Begins

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Day 4 Begins


    "I hope you're pleased with yourselves. We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled."
    Hermione Granger


    The Waco Kid was killed in the Night! He was...


    Hermione Granger, Vanilla Town
    (I couldn't resist using this quote.)

    It is now Day 4!

    Votecount 4.00

    Abstaining (8): miner11121, his fluffiness, Citrus, Prophylaxis, mallorean_thug, KaiDASH, owner, Bill Door

    With 8 alive, it's 5 to Soft Lynch and 6 to Hard Lynch!

    Day 4 will end Friday, November 25th at 2100 EST (extended by 24 hours due to the holidays) or immediately following a Hard Lynch. A timer is available here.

    Previous Votals: 1.01 | 1.02 | 1.03 | 1.04 | 1.05 | 1.06 | 1.07 | 1.08 [Final] ||| 2.01 | 2.02 | 2.03 | 2.04 | 2.05 | 2.06 | 2.07 | 2.08 [Final] ||| 3.01 |||


    Attending Hogwarts (Livelist):
    2. miner11121
    7. his fluffiness
    8. Citrus
    9. Prophylaxis
    10. mallorean_thug
    11. KaiDASH
    12. owner
    13. Bill Door

    Avada Kedavra'd (Dead):
    5. Delphine r Quiddity, Neville Longbottom, Vanilla Town, was lynched Day 1.
    1. Jarizok, Professor Quirinus Quirrell, Mafia 1-Shot Bulletproof, was lynched Day 2.
    6. Majube, Parvati Patil, Town Doctor, was killed Night 2.
    4. Zenzao, Dean Thomas, Vanilla Town, was modkilled Day 2.
    3. The Waco Kid, Hermione Granger, Vanilla Town, was killed Night 3.
  12. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
  13. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Vote: Citrus

    Now that Zenzao has been proven to be town, what are your thoughts, mallorean_thug? Bill Door, you voted Kai yesterday. Do you still think he's scum, and who do you think his most likely teammate is? Prophylaxis, any thoughts? owner, who did you check, and were you successful? miner11121, what did you learn from your Jarizok reread? KaiDASH any thoughts on the gamestate and who is your current scumteam?

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ----------

    oh god formatting.
  14. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Given that Zenzao was town, I'm forced to conclude that Jarizok more or less played the game by trying to null-read his teammates as much as possible. So I guess I more or less agree with Bill here about Kai and/or Citrus.

    I would like to go for Kai today since, like I said yesterday, his lynch vote on Jarizok seemed most opportunistic.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------


    Lynch: Kai
  15. owner

    owner First Year

    Sep 25, 2016
    here, in the present
    High Score:
    But Jarizok flipped mafia though. I feel like in most cases it would only be opportunistic if it flipped a townie.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

    I was blocked again. I tried to check miner.

    It seems mafia is satisfied with just blocking me.

    vote: Prophylaxis

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:14 PM ----------

    Also miner, are you sure you aren't specifically going for the easy pushes this game?

    'Cause that's kind of what it looks like you are doing. :p
  16. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    It's actually the opposite of what you are thinking. Kai jumped on the wagon very late (8th vote with 7 needed to lynch). It's opportunistic because he ends up voting for the scum without actually influencing the vote at all, so it's a vote that might look good at first glance, but isn't actually an indicator that he's town.
  17. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast

    I don't think Jarizok was a particularly easy push.

    Neither is Kai, to be fair, and I've made it clear that I don't know what his meta is.

    But since Zenzao flipped town, I am forced to conclude that he read at least one scum null.

    I was going to look further into HF, but Waco made a good point in that HF had literally no reason to push on Jarizok d2. I wasn't around d2 until the very end so I didn't notice, but I now believe HF is town.

    Also owner, you may really want to reconsider your reads. If you're town, why are you still alive? Like, the longer you live the more apprehensive and unsure I am about my townread of you currently.
  18. Prophylaxis

    Prophylaxis Squib

    May 4, 2013
    I cannot believe I missed the entirety of Day 3.

    Catching up now, but owner, if you really think that I'm Jarizok's scumbuddy, you definitely need to re-evaluate. There's no way I'm scum when I was the counterwagon to him.
  19. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    To be fair day 3 did not last long with Zenzao being modkilled, but yes, waiting on your activity for the past few days now.

    I'm going to bed soon. Will hopefully be around tomorrow, so ping me if you need me.
  20. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Proph, you've been a main wagon for the past two days. Is there anything that you've observed about the people voting you that you find interesting?

    Also, Jarizok's wagon actually formed after yours, so his alignment means not much with regards to yours.