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HBP - A Better Movie Than Book?

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Silens Cursor, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Lyndon Eye

    Lyndon Eye Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jul 4, 2007
    Washington, DC
    I loved the movie. :D

    The humorous bits were great- there were some truly brilliant moments.

    The cave scene was exactly as JKR described it- awesome (I'll admit, I screamed when the hand shot out of the water).

    The only complaint I have is Daniel Radcliffe. Is it just me, or does he look nothing the books' description of Harry? Radcliffe just looks kinda chubby (especially given the poor choice of haircut) and awkward.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Meh, he does look like Harry. Y'know, when he's not moving. Or talking, or "acting"...


    Strong 'shooping, perhaps. I dunno.
  3. Deviace

    Deviace Second Year

    Jun 29, 2008
    Movie was alright. Is it just me or do some of the actors really lack emotion? I've noticed this in the other movies and frankly it shits me to tears. Radcliffe needs to work on his acting badly, his best scene, IMO, was in POA just after he finds out Sirius betrayed his parents. Needs more of that emotion in the movies and they would be great.
  4. psihary

    psihary Groundskeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    ... I've got a polar bear for a neighbour...
    For the same reason they did make Fleur look like an ordinary girl and missed Hermione's most prominent features - the big teeth and frizzy hair...
  5. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Sep 28, 2008
    Denver, Colorado

    I would have been fine with Narcissa if only she had the right color hair. Maybe it was just me but it looked like she had a skunk on her head.
  6. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    It wasn't exactly like JKR described it, but it was close enough, I guess. However, I did find the scene where Harry was forcing Dumbledore to drink the potion much more moving in the movie than I did while reading it.

    I've always thought Radcliffe was a bad choice for Harry. Perhaps I'm just being superficial, but I've always thought of Harry as handsome and Radcliffe isn't. Also, you would think for the amount of times JKR wrote about Harry's wind swept hair someone would've made sure Radcliffe's hair was more messy and out of control. Looks-wise, the thing that annoys me the most about Daniel Radcliffe is his refusal to wear green contacts. Harry's eyes are green - we've known that from book one. It's one of those things reiterated over and over again, and yet, in all of the later movies, Harry has blue eyes. I'm a stickler for details and that pisses me off.

    Do you think Radcliffe will finally wear them for the final movie?

    Radcliffe is terrible at acting. He's gotten better, yes, but he's still not up-to-par with Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Rupert Grint (particularly in this movie), and even Emma Watson. For someone who is getting paid as much as he is, you would think he would work a little harder at playing his part. He's playing the title character for fuck's sake! The only times I can honestly say I enjoy Radcliffe's acting is when he's doing humorous scenes - Felix Felicis and in the library with Romilda Vane, for example.
  7. Novera

    Novera Seventh Year

    Sep 19, 2007
    Whoa... He actually refuses to wear green contacts?

    And is it just me, or is this guy getting more and more full of himself in interviews as each movie comes out?

    I saw a interview where he said "I will never let them take the darkness out of Harry Potter." What the hell makes him think that he has any control over that?
  8. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    well he is this series version of harry potter. They can't just replace him. Fans would outcry even if he is a shitty actor.
  9. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    What if he had an accident? A brutal and bloody accident. Then they'd have to replace him. >_>
  10. Syrosaka

    Syrosaka Fifth Year

    Mar 17, 2009
    Where the Wild Things are
    Then I would honest to God do a little :banana: dance.
  11. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    People need to stop fucking using that bannana. >_>
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.

    People barely use the thing, relax.
  13. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    A better movie than the book?

    Simple answer? Hell yes.

    For me, the only thing they did wrong was cut out all the action at the end of the book. Otherwise, everything else was pretty good. Apart from the romance. Nothing could save that, though.

    Though I didn't get the whole 'hands rubbing' shit with Harry and Hermione at the end, and I think it happens earlier too. Kinda weird how she's more affectionate with Harry than with Ron.
  14. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Saw the movie Monday afternoon, and after reading most of the previous comments and couldn't decide whether to be scared or optimistic. Truth be told, I still don't know if I hated it or just pitied it because of the source material the screenwriters had to work with. Let's face facts - this movie was by and large just filler and setup for the DH doubleheader.

    First off, before I get worked up and rant, let me point out the upside, what I thought were the good parts of the movie. I liked very much the hot waitress at the train station, and cannot agree more that D'dore cock-blocking Harry was a stellar move. I liked the camera angles during the Quidditch match, and was glad that part of the story was short, as I can only handle so much Quidditch. After all, we are talking about a life-and-death struggle, right?

    I thought Tom Felton and the guy playing Slughorn did great jobs, although Felton's head is shaped so funny I kept picturing him as a green, bug-eyed alien with two fingers and a thumb. Sure, Slughorn didn't look the part, but he played it well enough. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Bonnie Wright did a pretty damn good job as the object of Harry's hidden desires, and the kiss scene in the RoR was exceptionally well-done, in my opinion. I've always liked Rupert Grint, and thought that if anyone saved this film from making me puke, it was his hilarious acting bits, especially the love potion scene. All that said, I thought Malfoy more than held his own, and his descent throughout the movie was pulled off pretty well.

    As a long-time H/Hr-shipper, I was severely irked by the way the producers thumbed their noses at people like me with the overt jabs. Watson was hot as usual, and for once, she seemed to be able to act. Have we all forgotten how she used to raise her eyebrows with every goddamn syllable she spoke?!? At least that was absent this go-round...

    The Cave Scene was beyond impressive. I was very apprehensive that this would be watered down and was pleasantly surprised that for a PG-rated movie, it was the best any of us could expect. D'dore was so kickass in those two or three minutes that I now want to read Dumbledore-centric fanfics (sans the slash, of course). It really brought home the sad fact that Harry will likely never approach that kind of magical or mental prowess.

    I have to agree with whoever said that Luna was both under- and over-used, but I like her so much I can't be upset. Like a previous poster, I thought the scene with Harry, Hermione, Ron and the canaries was very, very well done, regardless of personal 'ship preferences.

    I thought the kid playing teenaged Tom Riddle was a bit too creepy to have been as charming and charismatic as D'dore and others made him out to have been, but the acting itself was good. D'dore sagging under the weight of the seven-Horcruxes knowledge was a very nice touch, I thought.

    Hmmm, that's about all I can think of to praise. Sure, the Stoned!Harry was funny, but it was at times too subtle and others too blatant. I don't know; maybe I haven't been around enough stoned people. Now, on to the shitty parts. I won't rehash every single one pointed out already, but yes, Snape should have lost his marbles and turned Harry inside-out at the end, and Narcissa should have been platinum-haired and as hot as the actress' picture looks to be.

    What I can't believe, and what I'm really surprised hasn't been pointed out and - if it has been pointed out - raged about, are the bullshit liberties those idiot screenwriters took. The Burrow burning down?? Ummm, aren't there supposed to be wards on those places, like in DH, when the Death Eaters can't invade the wedding until the Ministry falls? And don't get me started on the "smoke trails" - that's just senseless bullshit, and I can see why we don't even need to dignify it with a discussion.

    Tonks was not hot in this movie. She looked like Mick fucking Jagger, and I am really pissed off about it.

    Dumbledore Side-Along Apparated Harry to Slughorn's hidey-hole, right? How, exactly, does he not accompany Harry to that rice paddy by the Burrow then? [By the way, do the Weasleys live near Shrek? WTF? Is that really a swamp they live in??] Never mind that D'dore and Harry Apparate out of and back into Hogwarts at the end...

    The only person in the ENTIRE MOVIE to mention Sirius? Bellatrix, while goading Harry to leave the Burrow. Nice of everyone to ask Harry how he's dealing with losing his godfather and the possibility of feeling some guilt associated with that loss.

    Two more things, and these are the worst, in my opinion. After Harry and D'dore return to the tower, Harry is on the next level down while Malfoy and D'dore have their chat. Harry can see them both. HE CAN SEE THEM. This is a one-thousand-year-old castle, you set-building fuck-ups, it won't have steel-plate decking with slots in it that you can see through! It will have thick stone floors, just like every other castle tower, and if you aren't on that level, you won't be able to see what the fuck is happening. Jesus Christ, that kind of stupid shit makes me furious.

    Now for the kicker, and I'm disappointed that none of you have said anything about it. When D'dore and Harry are talking Horcruxes and D'dore shows Harry the diary and the ring, Harry goes to touch the ring and it reacts. You can see D'dore putting two and two together, as if he didn't know way back that Harry's scar was almost certainly a Horcrux. The point is, the ring was no longer a Horcrux when Harry touched it. D'dore had already destroyed the Horcrux in the ring, so there's no way it could've reacted to Harry's Scarcrux. Besides, even if D'dore hadn't destroyed the ring - and he had - if Hocruxes were going to react that way to Harry, don't you think the diary would have reacted when Harry touched it back in second year?
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Uh, with regards to the ring: I saw that as a Resurrection stone thing, not a horcrux thing. Hallows foreshadowing.
  16. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    The best part of the movie?

    The Sherlock Holmes trailer. 'Nuff said.
  17. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    Slughorn also mentioned Sirius, just sayin'.

    Also, I think the reason behind the steel plating on the floor was that it was the Astronomy tower, and from the looks of things, that steel stuff seemed to be apparatus that would perhaps be used in astronomy, so I think in that case it is justified.
  18. KwanLi

    KwanLi First Year

    Jul 22, 2009
    I'll start from good to bad.


    -Malfoy, Snape, generally the bad guys. I've always thought Malfoy was the best actor out of the younger cast. He isn't given much to work with in the first few films but even in the first one, he does the snobbery and arrogance very well without overdoing it. Side effect of being British? Honestly, it seems like Felton, Rickman, and Carter understood how to convey emotions subtely and not beat it over our head. Plus, no homo, Malfoy was making theater swoons with that suit of his.

    -Cave. The discoloration to the point of being near monochromatic was a particularly smart decision. It makes the entire scene morbidly depressing and honestly it was the only scene that got some emotion out of me. Not to mention the scene where Harry is drowning in the chasm of nowhere was my single favorite scene.

    -Cormac. Whoever played this guy is awesome. Everything from his little quips to the Cpt. Morgan poses during the Quidditch tryouts were priceless.

    -Broadbent and Gambon. I've always thought Gambon played Dumbledore better than Harris. At least in this movie though he gets to get combine the loony nature with something serious. While Broadbent had trouble bringing the fat, he did bring the funny.

    The Bad:

    -Story. Ironic that you would mess up the one that's handed to you on a platter.

    -Bonnie Wright. Everyone wants to make money. I guess she saw Kristen Stewart's performance in Twilight and decided that was the route to take. They should have a contest in making dead-panned faces.

    -The Burrow scene. I would blame Steve Kloves but he did a decent job in writing 1-3. Thus, I'll blame David Yates because there was absolutely no reason this scene should have even been in there.

    -The ending. Sometimes I get the feeling that Yates didn't even read the book. Look, I know we all have our ideas of how the story should have been written but we still read it anyways. At least he helped me out by lowering my expectations for the next two movies.

    Everything else was alright. It was a bit top heavy on the romance side (needlessly so), but I knew it was already going to be like that. Not as awful as I thought it would be, but it was just another disappointing movie for the summer.
  19. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    I remember reading something a while back about how the contacts make Radcliffe's eyes itch or burn [or something] and it's uncomfortable, so he doesn't wear them. If that's the case, why not just go back and change his eye color when editing the movie?

    If it's not that, it could be that Harry is Voldemort's horcrux and the ring is a Slytherin heirloom - it recognizes Slytherin 'blood'. However, I think it being a Resurrection stone thing is much more believable.

    Were you not pissed that Harry didn't find out Snape heard the prophecy?

    I definitely lol'd at that. It's unbelievably true now that you've pointed it out. It's like they're having a competition to see who can act more like a loving corpse.

    I disliked the scene because all of the Weasleys remained relatively unscathed. What a waste...
  20. Red

    Red High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2008
    Went to see th movie yesterday. The movie had it's merits and flaws but overall I was entertained. Which is more than I can saw for the last few HP adaptations.

    I won't bother stating any grips I had, since I'll probably be echoing previous posts. Anyway, my favorites were Felix!Harry and the cave scene;
    This. I kinda wish they had made that part a little longer, it was seriously impressive.

    Anyone know the song playing when Dumbledore is beasting on the inferius(sp?)?