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HBP - A Better Movie Than Book?

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Silens Cursor, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Presumably it's on the movie's soundtrack.
  2. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    The biggest issue I had with the movie was the extra five to ten seconds some scenes seemed to have unnecessarily. Honestly, it was like the director forgot to yell cut and then just didn't show up during editing. A couple of times it worked, because the audience laughed at the situation the longer it stretched on, but many more times it was a waste of tape. They could have taken the extra few minutes left over and shown Watson's bush or something.
  3. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    We could argue all day about this with no conclusive winner, especially since it was at most five seconds in the movie, but let me say this and I'll drop it: If it were a Resurrection-Stone-thing, wouldn't Harry have gotten images of dead people, say, his parents, perhaps? Not images of Voldemort and creepy scream sounds?

    Touche`, my friend.

    I suppose I could see that, except that in the books everyone has to bring their own shitty telescope to school, not look through an observatory-quality telescope while they're there. And even so, a big telescope in an old castle would still be built into the old stone tower. Let's face it, it was a big fuck-up.


    That's it. Every post from you sounds the same. "I hate them Weasleys. I wish they wuz dead. Hurr huurr. Harry should hump Fleur on Jenny's corpse en make Molly an Author wotcher while he skullfukcs remus cause he touched hawt Tonks but not after he saww her true form no way. I'm may be 16 but Im hardcore agianst H/g werd."

    We get it, alright? You like Harry/Fleur. You don't like Harry/Ginny. You don't like the Weasleys in general. Did I miss anything? Jesus, you don't have to spell it out and spoon-feed us in Every. Single. Post.
  4. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    I just threw that theory out there, because obviously it could work. I'm not saying it's realistic, but it's not absolutely one-hundred percent impossible.

    Fuck you. My posts aren't all the same and I don't sound like that at all. Just because I'm sixteen doesn't mean I shorten all my words and type like an illiterate dumbass. Try to stay away from the stereotypes, hmm? And what does age have to do with disliking Harry/Ginny, anyway? Am I somehow unable to form a valid opinion on the HP ships, because I'm not a legal adult?

    And I'm not going to apologize for my apparent 'spoon-feeding', because it's my opinion. Every member on this site has them and they all express them. It's kind of the goddamn point. Every time I have posted something along those lines, it has been on topic.


    EDIT: The song playing during the inferi [from the score] is called 'Inferi in the Firestorm'. It's track 24 on the soundtrack.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
  5. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    No it's because you're female.

    Film was mediocre, much like the book. Now I'm going to watch as this thread devolves into a shitstorm because it's exhasted of any real discussion.
  6. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    The point is that we KNOW you don't like the Weasleys and that you hate H/G as a pairing. We also know that you like H/Fleur. While you don't put in every post, it appears often enough that people (myself included) are starting to get sick of it. Of course you have a right to your opinion, but there is a limit to how many times people are willing to listen to it.
  7. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Saw it yesterday, a litle late to the party here but I'm generally repeating what everyone has said really.

    Felton played Malfoy to perfection, always thought Malfoy needed more screen time and this film proved i, how he goes from arrogant, angry rich kid to a sobbing mess towards the end was brilliantly done, though the Bathroom scene needed more blood, I think the book was better for that, stupid kids.

    I liked some of the smaller touches in the film too, compared to the whole thing. I found the whole film good but things like the Aurors outside the assembly, the 7 shells on Riddles window, Slughorn's story about the fish and Bella's happy insanity at the end as they left Hogwarts to all add to the film in their own little way.

    Is it just me though, or are Aurors so much more incompetant than we've been led to believe by Fanon? The one Auror they encounted just stares wide eyed before being blasted off his feet. The students in the background as the DE's walk down the corridor don't go for help, or do anything. I mean come on...

    Still, they've butchered the story, and how JK lets them get away with it, I'll never know. Then again she's just milking the cash cow so... Disappointed about no Bill, really curious as to who they'd cast. That said, I can just see them skipping over Bill & Fleur at Shell Cottage.

    I can imagine Remus just flooing Harry while he's in the kitchen or something & telling them Tonks had Teddy. That & I'll never get used to seeing pregnant Tonks with Remus, even if they show that, eurgh... But yes, HBP was a good film, not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but story wise, they've well & truly fucked up.
  8. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Not sure if it needed more blood to be honest. As far as I can remember, saw it 5 days ago or something like that, quite an amount of blood was visible in the water. The only way to make it look like more is to have a blood fountain out of his chest, which would only look ridiculous.

    Or the Death Eaters are more capable.

    Nah, I believe Poesy(Fleur) is confirmed for the next film. Which implies that Shell Cottage will be used.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2009
  9. summanus

    summanus Second Year

    Apr 23, 2009
    You have to admit that the burrow scene was ridiculous...

    Possible spoilers below, highlight to make visible.
    I mean the whole darn thing blows up and the next scene they are all standing outside completely unharmed. And at the start of burrow scene the "big bad grown up" werewolf can't seem to jump through the fires yet here comes ginny in her nightgown and she jumps right through. I think I actually snorted out loud at the movies for that part.

    Even if you are a H/G shipper you can't just shut your eyes to some of these idiotic things. If the deatheaters manage to get through the wards & blow up the burrow it would only make sense that some weasleys would have at least gotten hurt. I gues the deatheaters wanted to show them all they are so good that they can afford to play with them all. Still I found that whole scene to be a joke & a bad one at that. And it has nothing to do with my ship preferences.
  10. BJH

    BJH First Year

    Dec 14, 2006
    Actually, I think that was exactly the point, Bella and Fenrir and whoever the third one was since I don't recall seeing a third person but there was a thrid smoke trail through the Burrow, were just toying with the Weasleys on Christmas day. Just having some holiday fun by ruining someone else's. Trying to kidnap Harry was a lark and not a serious ploy by the Dark Lord.

    And I think the bit where Ginny leaps through the fire was good. It showed a definite point. It isn't that Remus couldn't jump through the fire to get to Harry the point is that Remus wouldn't. Just like when Harry was alone growing up, Remus chose to leave him alone. Ginny chose to risk hurting herself to aid Harry, no one else did. Regardless of ship, this is a telling scene about people's choices.

  11. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    Looking back, I admit it has appeared a lot in this thread, but that's only because we've been discussing the Burrow and the pairings pretty much the entire time. However, I'm pretty much done talking about it, so you can all relax.
  12. They've released screenshots of Dobby's burial, so unless they just go out into some random field and do it, They're probably going to have it in there, also it's been confirmed that Clémence Poésy will reprise her role as Fleur.

    Dobby's Burial

    And here's Bill:

    Hmm, that made me dislike Remus a little.

    Also here's a nice review of the movie done by one of my favorite youtubers, it starts at 1:42
  13. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    That's pretty brilliant. I definitely like that part of the scene now.


    EDIT: Wow, Radcliffe looks terrible in that picture, lol. Are there any pictures of Bill's entire face?
  14. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Personally I thought the Burrow scene was pretty useless. It wasn't in the book, and while it might make a point about Ginny being there for Harry when Remus isn't, we never hear about it again so we can't be sure if that was the intent. So, ultimately, they waste a good 10 minutes of the film on a useless scene just to show off some cool special effects. Those 10 minutes could have been used to show a scene or two that were actually in the book.

    All in all, I thought it was a decent movie. They did the romance much better than the book (no chest monsters and there was actually some semblance of relationship development), the cave scene was nicely done (though I did find the drowning scene a bit superfluous), and Slughorn did a good job. Felix!Harry was a good laugh as well.

    However, the pacing of the movie was all over the place. Sometimes it dragged on forever and other times it seemed way too rushed. There were also a few scenes that wouldn't have made sense if you hadn't seen the book. I can't remember exactly which scenes, but I remember thinking that as I was watching at least once or twice. Not using the Hogwarts battle kinda irked me as well. It would have been a much better use of, say, the time they spent on the Burrow scene.
  15. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    Instead of those ten minutes of film being used for the Burrow scene, I wish they would've added more actual plot information - like the Hufflepuff cup memory or Snape hearing the prophecy.
  16. [​IMG]

    His name is Domhnall Gleeson, he's the son of Brendan Gleeson (Mad-Eye).
  17. rocket_runner

    rocket_runner Seventh Year

    Jun 20, 2009
    Missouri, USA
    Ew. Bill's supposed to be really hot, and that guy... isn't. Is he a good actor, at least?
  18. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    Isn't Bill being hot strictly fannon? Either way when being compared to the other Weasleys this guy is shitting on them. No homo

    I think one of the parts of the movie that doesn't get enough respect was Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The shop looked excellent and the giant head with the rabbit and hat was funny. Not to mention only business booming in diagon alley.

    I think the movie was better than the book, extra parts included. Special effects at the very least didn't disappoint.
  19. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:

    I liked how they did certain scenes, but I couldn't get past how they raped the story. Can't rate it more than a 2/5 for that.
  20. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Wow, the actor for Bill looks the part. Hair's too short, but I can imagine the Dragonthooth ear-ring and the Scars don't look hat badly done. That said, they're going to have a hard time explaining just who the hell he is + how he got those scars.

    Bedtime story at Shell Cottage perhaps? Either way... The scene's already wrong at Shell Cottage; supposed to be night, & Harry's supposed to be alone... further teasing the Harry/Hermione fans? Either way, unless they darken it a whole hell of a lot... fail scene.