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Heart of the Warrior Book 1 by MadnessPersonified - T

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by KeshinNoAkui, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. KeshinNoAkui

    KeshinNoAkui Seventh Year

    May 27, 2006
    Washington State.
    Title: Heart of the Warrior Book 1
    Author: MadnessPersonified
    Rating: Teen
    Genre: Action/Adventure
    Pairing: None currently, though hinted at H/G in later years (think year 5)
    Status: Complete
    Summary: AU Ninja Turtles 2003 Harry Potter crossover. After going to the surface against the orders of their Master Splinter, Leonardo and Raphael find an abandoned boy. Better summary in my profile.
    Link: Here

    I finally decided to read this, after writing it off as something boring. But in truth it's actually rather interesting. Granted, it will be H/G, but at the moment (year 4) there has been NO acknowledgement of feelings toward each other of either Harry or Ginny, though many other people do know. Also, it has some rather interesting ideas (EvilDumbledore) that seem paper-thin at first, but as the story goes on you begin to realize it's thicker than first looks.

    Basically, it's a crossover that puts unique twists on Canon, while making the characters more believable (i.e. Hermione isn't someone you wish to die...right now anyways).

    I feel I'm gonna be flamed, but I felt DLP could use a link to a worthwhile story, if only to kill off boredom.
  2. Lord Apophis

    Lord Apophis Professor

    Jun 16, 2006
    I was not sure about reading it after finding out that it was a Ninja Turtles crossover but it is quite good, not great but something to pass the time...
  3. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    Mediocre at best so far, I had to skip chapter 1, ugh. Still I have hopes for the rest as it seems decent just a ... well poorly writen in the begining.
    Ugh again, chapter 2 sucks. I'm ony giving this one more go before I dump it.
  4. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Sorry, but... Ninja fucking Turtles!? No thanks.
  5. Cervus

    Cervus Raptured to Hell

    Aug 29, 2005
    Manchester, England.
    My thoughts exactly. Urgh, God darn it, now I'm singing the theme tune!

    *Cervus wonders off singing*

    Teenage mutant ninja turtles
    Teenage mutant ninja turtles
    Teenage mutant ninja turtles
    Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!
  6. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    I'm with the ip and Cervus. There are some crossovers that should not be crossed. And the medicore rating from the others is another turn off.
  7. Jheph

    Jheph Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2006
    I’m not even willing to touch this and I have a very strong stomach in non-conventional fics. There are just some things that I’m not willing to cross. There are many different titles you can crossover Harry Potter, but there are some limits.

    Teenage mutant ninja turtles… Ugh, I feel a bit sick. Those two titles do not even have a common ground to cross them over to each other.
  8. Not too good, not too bad, it will do if there's nothing else to read, which is what happens when you've been around long enough to read all the good ones. Biggest problem is that it will be a Harry/Ginslut pairing, but on the plus side, Dumbledore bashing will happen and lots of won won bashing is already happening.
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    All I have to say is this.

    There had DAMN BLOODY BETTER be a fight between Wormtail and Master Splinter.
  10. I agree with LT, a fight between Splinter and Wormtail might redeam this, but most likely not...worth reading if your bored, don't touch it if you have anything better to do.
  11. Skykes

    Skykes Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    May 14, 2006
    Im not even gonna go near this. some lines should NOT be crossed. its like HPxone tree hill. like wtf .
  12. Devin Cybrus

    Devin Cybrus First Year

    Jun 21, 2006
    I wanted to give this story a chance so damn bad. It's such a badass idea, Harry getting raised by the Ninja fuckin' Turtles! How could you possibly screw something so potentially cool up? I raised an eyebrow when Harry was hanging from the ceiling reading a book for no good reason, and the other one went up when nobody seemed willing to say "Hey, what the fuck are you even doing up there?". My fears were quieted when Harry started kicking ass doing a bunch of flips and stuff. I don't care how unrealistic it is - reading about an eleven year old mercilessly kicking a bunch of 15 year old ass is just cool, okay? I'm gonna write a story one day where Harry is kidnapped and raised by a bunch of ninjas and is forced to come to Hogwarts, but refuses to use magic because "It's totally queer," he then totally flips out and cuts everyone's heads off and flies off into the sunset while popping like 15 boners over a hot chick.


    Uh, where was I again? Oh yeah, then we get weird stuff like Harry randomly finding Salazar Slytherin's library... and him not being a pureblood maniac... and Harry can control the four elements (or something?). Oh, and it's more of a personal peeve, but Dumbledore isn't the right kind of badass manipulator. He uses lemon drops to control people's minds. Anyway, that kind of stuff combined with the already choppy ass writing style (reading the first Quidditch match was a chore) makes for a lot of wasted potential, no matter to the people who deny their childhoods :(
  13. TheJackOFDiamonds

    TheJackOFDiamonds Third Year

    May 9, 2006
    The only thing funnier than this would be a HP/The O.C. crossover, preferably with liberal use of the cruciatus curse on every single person.

    -the Jack
  14. Cthulu

    Cthulu Unintelligent Bigot

    May 24, 2006
    I think im gonna cry

    I gave this fic a chance... O' how i regret it...
    There is no explenation for various actions and what not, he keeps hopping between calling the turtels by nicknames and their real names...
    Something like: Don kicked the ninja in the chest and then Donatello ducked a spear.
    Only far far worse written...
    Sadly, this guy really need to take a writing class, especially in writing fight scenes!
    They're horrible! Absolutley horrible!
    And his spelling is worse than mine!

    Edit 1:
    Ahum, oh yes.. I forgot one thing....
    It seems that he "accidentaly" put a chapter from the therd fic, in the middle of the first fic... I think it was the fourth chapter...
    ----End of edit----

    And he
    ----WARNING everything below is spolier!------

    gets sorted into slytherin... And apparently all slytherins except Bulstrode and a few others are against Malfoy and only listens to him SOMETIMES not all the time, becouse of his father...
    And Snape hates Malfoy, he actually hates Malfoy senior aswell, but he thinks that junior is worse...
    And Harry uses a "dubel edged" sword, but he NEVER kills anyone, just like the other turtels, none of the ninjas they fight ever die...
    And then in a fight with some senior slytherins, Harry kicks their ass, and then throws one of them into Fluffys room, and he doesnt care at all that he just fed a human to a huge fucking dog!
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  15. Sanctimonius

    Sanctimonius Guest

    uhh... wtf?
  16. Hellsing Boy

    Hellsing Boy Second Year

    Jun 19, 2006
    Hellsing HQ
    This is just a rewritting of the books (and badly written at that) with the turtles cramed in; just to see if it got better, I skimmed the last chapter of the third book and let's just say that...:puke:

    Sorry, but no.
  17. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    I somehow stumbled upon this thread. After seeing the crossover i am fleeing. Fleeing like a big girl's blouse.
    -Runs off into the distance with zombies after him-
  18. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    If this predated the thread-rating system, fine, but none of the reviews gave it above a mediocre.