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Heroes Reborn

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by LINKed up, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Demonic Chair Stealer

    Demonic Chair Stealer Second Year

    Nov 3, 2007
    Mohinder is just your typical example of the genius with absolutely nothing in the common sense (or loyalty) area. As for Ell I like the character but loathe the actress playing her she just doesn't fit. And did we honestly see Claire's character going anywhere else?
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Ell's annoying. Claire needs to go.

    Adam/Peter is going to be interesting.

    DL dieing like a lil bitch was fucked, but I hated his character anyway.
  3. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    For being so manipulative, he really fucked up with Claire. He just let her real name slip. I loved the look on his face as she ran away. And that was some bullshit with Bennette. Unless the person who had Claire's/Adam's blood was waiting underwater, Bennette should be dead.
  4. Kai Shek

    Kai Shek Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2006
    Unless that was his plan all along.. Make her go home, where he could easily get her.

    They took Claire's blood for themselves before they let her go. Plus, I believe that their blood can bring people back from the dead, not just heal them when a second from death

    So, Bennett probably did die, the blood just brought him back to life.

    I mean. Adam was nothing but a burnt Carcass, he came back. Claire had a stick jammed into her brain, and she was fine. Apparently this is all because of their blood.

    Personally, I had no problems with this episode, by far the best of the season.

    Ells obviously going to be turning on her father(by the look she gave him.)

    Mohinder is out of his league, He's trying to find the path that won't lead him to his death, but is morally good at the same time, he's just having trouble finding it. Many have been fooled by the company, I doubted that Mohinder would going to see through the facade.

    Though the DL scene made me angry. He dodges a quick fist with his ability, you'd think he was in the same frame of mind to do the same with the bullet when he sees the guy bring out his gun.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2007
  5. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    See, for me, it's the opposite. I like Kristen Bell, but I think Elle is just too badly written for her to make much of the character.

    I do, however, loathe the actress who plays Claire. No matter what comes out of her mouth, it sounds like overly-emotional, dramatic, whiny bullshit. I liked Claire a bit better last season, but in this one she's just bugging me. Oh-noes, her dad did something she must have known that he used to do to her chipmunk of a boyfriend. He must be evil!!!1!1!!one!!!!

    And her boyfriend is a horrible actor as well. Every time he speaks I just want to cringe.

    I did like the Matt and Angela scene, though. I'm curious to see what becomes of him.

    I had suspicions of Adam killing Hiro's dad, and I'm glad it was confirmed. Peter and Adam's storyline is the most interesting one this season.

    Also, did the preview say that they only have two more episodes before they run out due to the strike?

    Edit: Did anyone else notice that Claire's bf referred to Noah as Mr. Bennett, not Mt. Butler during the scene where he tackled Elle? Or did I hear it wrong?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2007
  6. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    Well it said there would betwo more episode till the end if this part of the season I believe. I think there will be a complete season though because on G4 they had the guy who played Hiro and he said that season 2 was finished, and that we would even see the first 10 minutes of season 3 (like at the end of season 1 how we saw the beginning of season 2).
  7. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    Well, Google turned up this in regards to Heroes and the strike. Since the strike has been going for over 3 weeks and the assholes who run the networks refuse to negotiate while the strike is going, then I'm guessing Dec. 3rd's episode is the last new Heroes for a while.
  8. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    Two episodes left due to a Writers Strike..

    Too many unanswered questions to find out in 2 fucking episodes in my opinion.

    I can only hope the season ends with a Hiro/Peter/Adam showdown because Peter doesn't know the 1607 story. Hopefully it will be more exciting than Peter vs Sylar from season 1.

    On a sidenote- In This week's we get moar of one of T.V's best villians; Sylar

  9. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    By the way, negotiations between the writers and the networks started up again today. Dunno if it means much, because they were negotiating for months after the strike, but at least it's a strike.

    I don't think they're intending to wrap up all the loose plot threads- they probably just edited it a bit to create a shock ending typical for a season finale, and they will resolve everything once the strike is over. I know for a fact that that's what they're doing on other shows (Bones, House).

    And I, too, am glad that Sylar's returning. Though with him returns the annoying latin girl and her brother, which is not so great.
  10. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    We can only hope the twins, and West die in horrible, gruesome deaths.

    The only new characters that are good this season are Adam, Bob and Ellie. Other than these three, the other new Heroes have been disappointing.

  11. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    Clair vs Elle, Cat-fight! Meow! And I can't wait to see the conclusion of Peter vs. Hiro, and who dies next episode. I actually think Bennette's "death" and regeneration will lead to some interesting situations. Micah and Monica's plot is kind of boring and juvenile, but hey I'll give it time. I'm just really getting sick of anything with Claire in it. She's entirely too over-dramatic, though less so this episode since she did "lose" her father and all.
  12. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    I wanna see Hiro Vs Peter.
    Poor, Poor Mya, she's gonna go insane.
    I like ellie..or the girl who plays ellie.
  13. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    I forgot about the Hispanics and Sylar. Thank God one's dead, and the other is soon to go. And Mya is entirely too gullible.
  14. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    Hiro is going to get his ass kicked IMO. All he can do is teleport and I don't see that being too useful.

    Maya is probably going to die, which sucks because I think they had a good idea but took too long to develop it.

    Did anyone else find the St.Joan story-line lame. If you have muscle mimicry and an ipod that has a shit load of enhancing moves, why do you only use one right before your about to go into a room with people that are dangerous. I'd go crazy with that thing and you can be damn sure by the end of the day that ipod would be worthless.
    And again Claire gets the award for biggest idiot on the show (with Maya coming in close competition). I would think after all this time she would learn something from her dad and be a bit more subtle, but no her great idea is to announce to the world her powers.

    Well on a brighter note at least we know she and Adam aren't totally immortal, a head slice will do the trick (convenient for Hiro, no).
    And it looks like Sylar will get his powers back next episode.

    And wtf happened to Parkman? If Sylar can get to New York in a day I would of thought Pakrman would of gotten to that Victoria chick around the same time as Peter and Adam. And awesome fathering leaving a 9 year old alone in a hobble of a home.
  15. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    I was somehwhat disappointed with the most of the episode

    Why wouldn't you kill the a super-villain like Adam, thus giving him another chance to come back later? Sure it is a fucking cruel punishment, but is really worth keeping him alive? Let's not even go into the logistics of how Adam ended up in the grave.

    Why the fuck is West still alive, for all that is holy they should have killed him. Why did he take up even five minutes in the last episode knowing how shitty his character is

    Why wouldn't Peter just rip the door off instead of using his mental abilities? Another plot hole

    The New Olreans storyline became as boring as the Claire/West storyline. The only redeeming factor Nikki got killed, even though she didn't bother me as much as she bothered other fans.

    The few good things;

    The cliffhanger with Nathan's death and the assassin. I don't think it was HRG since that would be too obvious. I think it is the guy Mama Petrelli was talking to on the phone. Her comment about opening Pandora's Box leaves me hope for next volume.

    HRG, it seems we finally get more of cold-blooded HRG next season another hope worthy cause for Volume 3.

    Peter and Matt probably taking up the fight to take down the company should be quite interesting.

    Sylar, there isn't simply enough which could be said about how good he is. Without him the episode would have been complete shit. Him killing Maya as soon as she confronted him about Alejandro's death had epic pwnage. Too bad she still lives I was really hoping she dies too. At the end when Sylar regains his powers, I think I squealed like a fangirl.

    I'm actually rooting for Sylar next Volume to take over the world or destroy it(whatever his preference). Also I would like to say Zachary Quinto does a fascinating job as Sylar.

  16. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    First of all I thought it was excellent the punishment Hiro put for Adam. To be in a coffin for all eternity is IMO worse than death which I think is what Hiro was going for. There is no way Adam can get out on his own, and since only Hiro knows where he is, I don't see him getting out. I though it was well executed.

    I agree but I can only answer with the same reason they keep Claire alive even though she sucks... fangirls.

    Not a plot-hole, I just think Peter hasn't realized he has super strength, and I'm not even sure Nicky's super strength would be enough. In the show they make her power fairly realistic. She's not superman strong, she's more along the lines of abnormally humanly strong. Smarter would of been for him to use the ice power and freeze it till it breaks but w/e, Peter tends not to use the majority of the powers he has and like to keep it within a lineup.

    I agree but I blame the writes strike for that. I read that originally the New Orleans plot was supposed to introduce a new villain, which was going to be that antithesis of the mimicry chick (forgot her name). This would eventually connect with the other story-lines, but because of the strike they had to hack it up. Lame but w/e.

    Overall I thought it was a good season finally, not the best but I blame the strike not the show itself.
  17. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    Sylar or another villain who needs help can have Molly locate Adam any time they want. Like I said it is a great punishment, but foolish because it gives Adam a chance to come back.

    Peter could not only have used ice, but also Ted's nuclear power to destroy the door. The show just used Peter's ability to move things with his mind, to have some oohs and aaahs.

    The whole Micah/Monica storyline is dumb/ It was meant to gather sympathy for New Orleans and the black community there. Monica's nemesis is probably the guy the black guy who kidnapped Monica was working for(exploiting the black community there, thus leading to how blacks are kept down [​IMG]) The part where she went after the thief to get some comic books and a medal was also very dumb. Granted the medal is a good reason, but it isn't good enough to go after hardcore criminals especially not for Monica.

  18. Rehio

    Rehio Bad Dragon ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 1, 2007
    New Mexico
    High Score:
    I still don't understand why she didn't watch the entire Ipod thing as soon as she got it. I would watch everything I could.
  19. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    I said the same thing to my friend, its because she's retarded. Same reason Suresh doesn't invest in a bullet proof vest, with the amount of times that guy has had a gun pointed at him.
  20. Demonic Chair Stealer

    Demonic Chair Stealer Second Year

    Nov 3, 2007
    Seriously the entire episode was a let down.

    The so called preview into next season only showed Sylar getting his abilities back. Come on now who couldn't predict that happening any way?
    Mohinder already said that he had taken Claire's blood, so it was obvious what was going to happen.

    Why couldn't they have actually shown us something interesting, new hero, something happening to one of the preexisting ones, something to leave us wanting more.