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Heroes Reborn

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by LINKed up, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Enhancing your hearing probably has more to do with the brain than the ear itself, though the specific genes for super-hearing may have caused the ear to develop so it could handle the power. Changing internal chemistry isn't new, your body does it all the time, adjusting hormone levels and producing antibodies - physically changing your atomic structure to the likes of diamond is not the same thing.

    Why would you need an immortal character? Tell me. Claire is basically immortal because she can't die, though that may not last into old age (however long it takes for her to become old). An immortal character can't really be pulled off in a story like this, having the cliche 'almost-immortal' bad guy is basically a given, you've got to have a bad guy who comes back again and again.

  2. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    I figure it would almost be a joke, like the one in the marvel universe.
  3. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    I never said bad guy. immortal good guy or immortal neutral. Say a guy who grew up in a watcher type role, watching as one generation of heroes emmerged and then died off and then so forth until preasent day.

    And whos to say Claire will be immortal. She seemed to at times in her life be quite susceptable to injury, when she was still a cheerleader and she cut her hand on that window pane... it took a few days to heal.

    She had the protection a couple times before so there were times in her life when she just didn't heal at all for some reason.

    heres a random slightly perverse thought though.... would she be considered physicly a virgin for eternity... that would have to suck ass. though she might eventually get off on pain considerign how much she inflicts upon herself...

    Thats enough pedo theorizing for now...
  4. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    No, the thing there is that her power hadn't kicked in yet all the time yet. That's why she was surprised when it manifested. Her hand was completely mangled by that machine, and she was fine within minutes. However, if her brain was hurt in that one place, or just removed, she would probably die.
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:

    She was suseptible to injury before her powers manifested, but not any more. I imagine that her surviving the fire was because it was a life or death situation, the kind of thing that brings out the absolute most anyone can give.

    On the randomly perverse thought... Yeah, that would definately suck though I don't think she actually feels much pain when she's injured, cause twisting bones back into position and healing herself after an autopsy would have hurt like fuck. Getting off on pain might happen though, you can never tell:whipped:.

  6. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Since she doesn't ever cry, I suspect that her body has a special kind of shock so that she can still function but she doesn't feel the pain as harshly. I remember when I sprained my wrists, they felt fine but I couldn't move them and my entire body felt weak for a little while, and the same thing happened when I broke my foot, but she seems to break multiple bones and then be able to get right back up.
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Really hated the finale. Too cheesy, and we got screwed out of a fight scene again =(

    Ando still makes me want to punch the damned TV everytime he opens his mouth.

    Hiro hopefully will grow up in feudal Japan.

    Nathan should of been tormented about the bomb for the last few episodes, not suddenly have a change of heart. Flying Peter off was badass, but the whole gushy crap before that killed it.

    Hiro stabbing Slyer was uber gay. Syler flung bullets back at Parkman (uber kick ass btw) yet Syler didnt bother to stop Hiro, who very gayley announced he was there, and charged him like a effing rhino... yeahhh k.
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    If you look at it that way, yeah, it was kinda gay (the whole 'I love you' crap put me in that mindframe for a bit too :p) and we got to see Sylar attempt murder on several people at once :D.

    Oh, one more thing... That was in New York... The city that never sleeps... And yet, a fight to the death was going on and nobody noticed! In New Fucking York, nobody wandered past, no cars travelled along, there wasn't even a stray animal slinking past. Kinda surreal, even for Heroes.

  9. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    ...didn't the haitian hint at having to wipe her memory more than once before

    ...I can't imagine bennet would have been sloppy enough to be caught by his wife with a gun again and I think the company would have told him to go to hell if he just wanted to erase marital issues.

    more than likely claires always had her healing abilities. maybee her powers just took some time to really set in...

    On the pain note... my theory is that she temporarily goes into shock each time she breaks something, and then her healing power just heals it for her before she conciously feels the pain. then when her pain receptors aren't sending any missing limb signals... she comes out of it, feeling maybe a little soar.

    although how that would explain, hand in garbage disposal... no clue.

    Side note: when mr muggles started to lick her blood off the floor, I laughed.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I think you're mistaking the Haitian deal with Mrs. Bennet. He remarked that she had been wiped many times, its probably why she had the brain problem.

    I reckon you're about right on the pain thing, maybe its just her power nullifying the pain receptors when she's injured so she's able to re-set her limbs & stuff. I don't think she feels sore afterwards though, she seemed perfectly fine when her hand healed after it got mangled, and Mr. Muggles is the ultimate evil in Heroes so I laughed a good bit when he licked up the blood :D. Mr. Muggles is the greater evil that Molly mentioned in the last episode :p.

  11. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    What happened to Zack? I was kind of disappointed when we learned that he wasn't going to be gay, but it was cool in that it looked like she was going to have a cool boyfriend. I recently read an article on wired or something that said they were going to be introducing some hot European boy for her. Okay, so maybe Zack is fugly or something, I'm not exactly the best judge of dudes being attractive, but I liked him. He was chill, and confused, and he got shit done. He rocked the house. He would've been useful.
  12. deathinapinkboa

    deathinapinkboa Minister of Magic

    Aug 24, 2006
    Democratic Republic of The Congo
    If Claire cut herself in half would two of her grow back?
  13. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    I think only the part with her brain would...
  14. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    Hiro in feudal Japan equals win.

    New bad guy that molly talked about equals semi-win(he's supposes to be more powerful then syler)

    Did D.L die? Cause I missed it if he died from blood loss.

    I can't wait for it to start again.
    EDIT: Nevermind about the D.L question...he's alive.
    and for those who wanted an immortal...Hana/Wireless is now immortal.
    Last edited: May 26, 2007
  15. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
  16. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    That's not quite the immortality I had in mind :p.

    Still, its a pretty cool trick, becoming the internet :D. She can find practically anything now, though it may take a while.


    P.S. Be paranoid of your webcams :D.
  17. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    or if your an exibisionist, do a sexy dance...

    brings new meaning to the term cybering.
  18. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    Well, I hadn't thought that I'd touch this thread for a while, but the new comics bring food for thought. New stuff on the Haitian. Some of the deities mentioned are Igbo (pretty sure Ogun is the Igbo God of thunder), but I'm not sure about the Houngun or whatever the term it is that they use. The end of the second comic about the Haitian mentions people who were just shells, and the Caribbean has a long history of stories of people who are similar, although they're called Zombies. Zora Neale Hurston (author of Their Eyes Were Watching God) wrote an essay about the zombies of the Caribbean, and she allegedly saw one. That will probably be expanded on.

    Also, the principle language of Haiti is French, and although his native tongue was most likely Creole, he would have picked up some French just wandering around. Did he perhaps meet Mrs. Petrelli (whom he clearly has a link to) in Paris?
  19. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    I was thinking the same thing... the xombies bit, not the petrelli bit. Though that would make sense... especially considering how firm she is that it be Paris. Maybee there is someone or something important there.

    Geographicly speaking, That entire continent should be more populated with heroes, as thats where generations of civilations lived and such. A heroes secret society perhaps?

    Not illuminati secret, but more a watcher type. I'm talking crazy, as I'm very sleep deprived.
  20. japanese_jew

    japanese_jew High Inquisitor

    Dec 7, 2006
    What continent? Africa? Haiti is in the Caribbean. If you're referring to Europe, Africa has had more generations. Besides, people are probably just as likely to move if they have powers, and they might even have an incentive to move to the U.S., in order to escape persecution for being a witch/wizard. Based on that thinking, it's most likely that Asia has a secret society of people with powers.

    Hmm, I wonder how that Indian boy had such good control over his power.