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Hooked On Harry: Is Harry Potter Bewitching Our Youth?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord Ravenclaw, Jun 17, 2006.

  1. Gruntlord

    Gruntlord Raptured to Hell

    Aug 20, 2006
    These people make me laugh...

    And FSMism FTW.
  2. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Who can blame them for backpedaling like they have. The entire world including most Christians were laughing there ass’s off when the pope condemned the books as evil and now they see how stupid they look they have decided to embrace them. Ironically enough just as everything is going down hill for the series.
  3. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    You lost me on that argument... Why do the ppl think they look stupid?
  4. SSC

    SSC Guest

    An "old one-two" in the face? That's still pretty mild, concerning we're talknig about burning books. If someone stole one of my favourites and burned it, I'd probably take the chain-saw from the garage and get "creative" on the thief.
    Good books are, in their own special way, holy. If those idiots want to burn something, I'd suggest they start with their toes and work their way up.

    I'm 'part' Christian myself (still deciding which religion, if any, to attach myself to, but I'm part of a choir and we occasionally have to sing in the church) but extremists (of all kinds, it's not just Christians who go mad) are always bad news.

    This whole turn-around about Harry Potter is extremely amusing. :) First they're complaining about HP (BURNING BOOKS! aargh!), now they're embracing it and calling it another kind of Bible, in a way. Fools.

    This just shows how people can deduce *anything* from a text. A year ago, I got an email saying Harry Potter (the character) is *clearly* the embodiment of Satan, since he can talk to snakes, etcetera, etcetera. Now they're saying he's Jezus. (Honestly, make up your minds already!)
  5. The Lord of Chaos

    The Lord of Chaos Slug Club Member

    Sep 4, 2006
    Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live

    Something I read once that I found really interesting, is that the passage in the bible that denounces Witchcrart saying thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. This is actually, supposedly, a mistranslation, directly translated it does not say witch, it says black sorcerous. So I guess all these fanatics people who are against HP should only become up in arms if one of the female main characters starts practicing the dark arts.
