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How to make the perfect Independent!Harry story

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Tobang, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. Lord Bill

    Lord Bill ¯\(º_o)/¯ DLP Supporter

    Dec 14, 2005
    Watching. Unseen...
    Is that it? You forgot about the parsel-magic, which he got from a portrait of Salazar himself, who has proclaim Harry as his "true" heir, and special phoenix-magic, which he learns from Fawkes who Dumbledore has been keeping prisoner so everyone thinks he is light but now Fawkes has escaped because Harry claimed his inheritance and can now come into his true powers as some sort of other magical species, lets say elven, and Fawkes takes him on the phoenix-express to a secret elf village, in the forbidden forest, where he will meet/save/get rescued by some uber-hot elven chick who strangely matches a prophesy about "love" and "the hidden heir to elven kingdoms" who will "reunite all beings and defeat all evil", then Harry will have a big cry about how everyone won't accept him and everyone always betrays him, hot elf girl cheers him up, they get it on then go back to Hogwarts to complain about getting annoyed by draco whom Harry could utterly destroy at any point. Whew! Then you abandon it, possibly after stringing along your readers with the promise of more chapters and lame "real life" excuses.
  2. Duke of Rothwood

    Duke of Rothwood Professor

    Oct 27, 2005
    Rothwood Castle
    You know this all actually sounds like a story I started a while ago
    *shudders at the memory*
  3. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    Before you abandoned it, right?

    Lord Bill...If you hadn't joined before me, I'd say that you freaking stole my name.

    Independent!Harry does not cry. Pussy!Harry cries. The two should not be combined (though they often are).
  4. Mr. Merriman

    Mr. Merriman Groundskeeper

    Jun 9, 2006
    Kinsfire is the worst offender on Crying!Indy!Harry fics. I absolutely hate the way he portrays Harry.
  5. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Err...that fills everything i said where?

    I'm a bit lost here...i haven't posted in this thread until now, unless you're referring to some other post.
  6. Mech Angel.V.2.

    Mech Angel.V.2. Second Year

    Jun 3, 2006
    A dragon's den
    How can we all forget that Harry produces an 'intimidating' aura and has one-liners stolen from Final Fantasy and Batman? Or how he has to like Tonks for her 'True Form', or that Ginny must be the dom and the most wild in those horrible Honks = Ginny's lovers.
  7. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    haha thats what i was going for honestly, i really hated that story, especially the h/ bella interaction, if they are going to be a couple then they need to be sick, evil, couple not some lovey dovey couple, i also forgot to mention that the author only updates about once every couple of years..

    But we are missing the "true" style of every indy!harry story: for it to be a true independent harry story harry must feel guilty about killing anything, he also must be extremly powerful while only using reducto and stupefy..
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  8. mcfeedfest

    mcfeedfest Guest

    Wow... Really cliche... Super powers, Azkaban, Ginny, time turner, Vault theft, its really got it all. Not to mention the pheonix animagus...
  9. Naga's Shadow

    Naga's Shadow Seventh Year

    May 24, 2006
    I belive you forgot the most important part of an Ind!Harry story. A chapter set aside where Harry can confront the Order. And by confront I mean rant at Dumbledore in front of everyone about screwing up his life. Of course Dumbledore in all his infinite wisdom is caught completely flatfooted by the fact that Harry know's everything and can't defend himself. This causes a split in the Order and all the weak, young, and otherwise useless members. (Tonks, Remus, Fred, Gorge) join Harry and then are turned into uber killing machines by the end of the summer. After that they have rant chapter two were Harry goes off on his friends, which is always some combination of Hermione, Ron, and anyone else. Remember Luna, Ginny and Neville can not turn on Harry as he needs to be with Ginny and... Well never mind Neville and Luna after we hear they're on Harry's side they don't have any other lines.
  10. Swimdraconian

    Swimdraconian Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 10, 2006
    And remember, Luna and Neville must get together as well as Harry calling Remus "Uncle Moony" or something equally as asinine.
  11. Nexus

    Nexus Denarii Host

    Feb 18, 2006
    Strolling along River Styx
    ohhh.........there is more he also masters subjects he never took before....like arithmancy ...........then starts making his own spells.
  12. sirius009

    sirius009 Minister of Magic

    Oct 20, 2005
    United States
    Don't forget, Neville was also mentioned in the prophecy, which undoubtedly makes him incredibly powerful the second he turns sixteen, of course the reason he wasn't powerful before is "he had seals placed on his magic when he was a baby."

    Lets not forget Bill/Charlie taking harry's side after really only knowing him for like five minutes, they than become his biggest supporters.

    Finally, Harry needs to be an animagus in under a week, he does this through some "long lost" animagus guide that the ministry tries to hide.

    Some miscellanous details of the story also include, but are not limited to: Trunk big enough to live in, long hair, bodybuilder type body after only a week, time turner's used for training, lets not forget some gay animal harry has as his familiar or phoenix!Hedwig..
  13. FantasyDuck

    FantasyDuck Second Year

    Jun 23, 2006
    Too true. Also...

    Harry makes Neville lose his shyness and clumsyness, turns him into a powerful and strong wizard. After that Neville sleeps with Patil twins.

    Harry rediscorvers the lost and superpowerful art of Rune magic.

    Harry finds his inner Slytherin and Snape becomes his friend/mentor/co potion master.
  14. Nexus

    Nexus Denarii Host

    Feb 18, 2006
    Strolling along River Styx
    was it mentioned before........?

    but ron and hermione start dating and dont tell harry on purpose.........and harry gets know through a misguided letter
  15. bookworm1314

    bookworm1314 Guest

    But you all forgot the dragon/basilisk hide armor harry gets at the conveniontly placed store in Diagon Ally.
  16. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Don't forget that Lily and james come back to life and everything is all happy once Harry has slain the evil Voldemort.
  17. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    Let's not forget Chapter 1.5, where Merlin appears to Harry in a dream and starts training him. In wandless magic. It turns out that wandless magic is about fifty times more powerful than regular magic (as Harry discovers when he levitates a pencil through the ceiling). Why did wizards abandon wandless magic? Well, they came up with wands as a training aid for children, and eventually younger wizards stopped progressing on to wandless magic because it was so difficult. Of course, Harry masters wandless magic in about 4.5 seconds.

    Merlin is so astonished by this that he turns the rest of Harry's training over to the Founders of Hogwarts. Harry gets along famously with Salazar Slytherin and discovers that he's actually phenomenally good at potions, since it's "just like cooking".

    Anything else? I would suggest that Harry defeat Voldemort by literally merging with his mentor Griphook and a bunch of fairies in order to cast some uber-spell, but that would just be ridiculous.
  18. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Someone did that. he merged with a goblin (who was his adopted dad), his friends, a centaur, a pheonix and something else to make a gigantic, white dragon that melted Voldie's soul. This was, of course, after he learned house elf magic and goblin magic in a trunk that rivalled Buckingham Palace, turned everyone against Dumbles, got off with Hermione and travelled to a past-Hogwarts (in a painting) to train with the four founders. Neville was also uber!powerful and Harry, Neville, Hermione and Luna became animagi (though Harry only became a robin - Neville was a wolf, Hermione a snake (where-upon she became a parselmouth) and Luna a mermaid).

    Other than that you have to remember the prophecy that tells you exactly what will happen. PROPHECIES ARE VAGUE FOR A REASON! They do not come with a list of handy spells that can destroy horcruxes in a safe and pain-free manner or a useful walkthrough-for-killing-Dark-Lords.