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Insightful Views on Harry Potter

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Devil Incarnate, Dec 11, 2005.

  1. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    The kid hasnt cried since he was like... I dunno, five or something but they all make him a wimp that cries over Cedric and Sirius. One thing about HBP that I did like was that it didnt go on about Sirius. I really get annoyed at stories with two chapters of Harry having a sad over his godfathers death.
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I liked that he didn't obsess over it, but on the other hand the way JKR just brushed it off in the book was utterly f-ed up. I especially hated the part with his stuff being left to Harry. Granted I'm happy she didn't pull a fanon and go way, way into it, but the way she just glossed over it, yet spent tons of time on other utterly retarded stuff, it just didn't make sense.
  3. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I can't agree with you there. I've seen this reasoning with some other people (Midknight) and I don't think it's right.

    What are you talking about is BEFORE OOTP, where Harry truly spoke with Sirius only few times. But in OOTP, he first spent the second part of the summer break hanging out with him in the Grimmauld Place and then a few more weeks during the Christmas holidays. She even says they were spending as much time as possible together bonding and talking and stuff. It was just not described in detail coz it wasn't important for the plot, but it's there...

    So, in my oppinion, it's OK for Harry to grieve for Sirius, especially seeing how the man had died while trying to rescue his stupid ass. But it's NOT OK for him to mope all day long, stop eating, have nightmares, waste away for months... I mean, he was living his life without Sirius for years, what's the difference now? And why couldn't people grive and keep living at the same time?

    So, griving is OK, but in smaller doses. What she did in HBP, totally glossed over the issue, was pure crap, but I guess she was also tired of snivelling Harry at the beggining of book 6...
  4. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I ignore anything not specifically pointed out in detail in canon. If she couldn't be bothered to go into detail with it to me it's not important enough to remember. I'll have a look @ OOTP again sometime this weekend, I'm sure there's something in there if you say there is, but I don't recall that. It's kinda of like the D.A. You know he HAD to of taught them more, or trained more himself, but since it's never mentioned outright with examples, I don't bother to assume something happened.

    Either way, even if he did, the guy still only spent a very small fraction of time with Harry, Harry would be closer to Lupin if we simply used time to judge. I'm more of the mind that the little shit would be more depressed he lost a link to his dad, and his way out of the Dursley's, then that fact that his stupidity got the guy killed, or that the man was gone.

    True, I just felt it was a slap in the face to the fans. Hands down (IMHO)Sirius was the character with the most depth, the most unpredictability. The most likable other then the twins, then she just snuffs him out like it was nothing and barely talks about it. Horrid. Then again she's good for introducing good characters (Lupin in PoA) then just forgetting about them (Lupin all GoF, can't remember atm if he was in OOTP or not)
  5. Devil Incarnate

    Devil Incarnate First Year

    Aug 4, 2005

    ip82, you are entitled to your own opinions. And even though I do not agree with what you said, I will defend to the death your right to say it (Peter Griffin).

    Another question. Why does Cedric's entire character seem as just a sacrifice? I mean, he was introduced, some stuff happened, he was killed. L.S will probaly agree with m on this. Cedric was only there to give JKR a reason not to pair Harry with Cho. :x

    I wish he would have been Cho's date to the Yule Ball. :(
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Yeah we've brought this up talking about JKR's habit of "throwaway" characters. She brings forward underdog/background characters, then either kills them quickly or forgets about them. Quick 30 second summary, that I'm sure someone will tear to shreds.

    Quirell -I can forgive this one, but to make the man a threat when he's only seen a few times seems right out of the blue.

    Riddle in CoS - Why is Ginny's posession so glossed over and then ignored after book 2? How many times in the Chamber ever mentioned again?

    PoA - She blows off Lupin and Sirius quite often in the next 3 years.

    GoF - Crouch Sr + Jr, Cedric.

    OOTP - Umbridge

    HBP- I dunno, my brain shut down after I read about the "Unbreakable Vow" <insert swear word filled rant> oh I remember now, she murders tons of random third string character's aunt/uncle/second cousin by marriage 's.
  7. Devil Incarnate

    Devil Incarnate First Year

    Aug 4, 2005
    I see your point. JK does have such a vice. Who do you think/hope will die in the next book? Besides the obvious (Weaslys except twins, and Granger).

    P.S Why didnt JK say anything else about the COS. I mean, if it is Salazar Slytherin's secret chamber (sorry) then he must have some sort of relics inside. The cliche of finding money, Salazar's portait and superpower potions inside may be annoying, but it may have some sort of truth behind it. :x DAMMIT!!! I want to know whats inside?
  8. OrchidDreams

    OrchidDreams Guest

    I honestly think Slytherin knew that he would be kicked out by the other founders, because if you take a look at the traditional Slytherin values, it would be something he would know. He then would have wanted some sort of revenge against the other founders, just to spite them, and what better way to do it that then hide a giant evil snake that could only be controlled and released by his heir?

    And I have never, ever, ever liked canon Snape. I’ve always thought he was a greasy-haired git who never moved on with his life. But then again, that’s just me.

    He was. Not a big part, but he is there. (He goes and gets Harry with the Advance Gaurd)
  9. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Ah yeah he's at the foot of the stair or something, then you never see him again innit?

    I was royally pissed when JKR hyped that something in the chamber would play a huge role in Harry's life, then she goes and pulls a Pokemon/Diablo on us with the damned 'cruxes.
  10. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    when she said that i thought it would be salazar's pensieve or something.
  11. Devil Incarnate

    Devil Incarnate First Year

    Aug 4, 2005
    Who should be the actors playing in OOTP next year?

    I can't wait to see Tonks and Bella! :D :D :D
  12. weaponx9

    weaponx9 Squib

    Jul 17, 2005
    i'm still trying to figure out why she called it chambe of secrets if theres only going to be one secret. whats the point. hell i've seen only one story where a author picked up on that. come on if your guna make a hidden chamber have a few things in it.

    with the question of salazar being evil well i definitly think he would have been classed as a dark wizard during the present, (cause rowena being a what she is would be classed somewhere between the two).

    when JK started going on about the horcruxes. it just got silly, come on now how the hell is harry meant to win, look at what happened to dumbles with just one of them and hes like (meant to be) uber powerful (this is with holding the fact that harry destroyed the diary with no back lash) how the hell is he meant to win. it just aint possible.
  13. Devil Incarnate

    Devil Incarnate First Year

    Aug 4, 2005
    Secrets: No one knew where it was and the basilisk resides there.

    That's probably why she said secretssss
  14. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Am I that one author? Because I'm pretty sure I go on about 'secrets' in my story.

    They have already found the person to play Tonks and they are down to the last five people to play Luna. They havnt released who they are yet though.
  15. weaponx9

    weaponx9 Squib

    Jul 17, 2005
    yeah syaoran you where that author. nice idea by the way. so who is going to play tonks. and who might play luna.
  16. Lord Supremo

    Lord Supremo Second Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    The Right Hand of God
    I'm thinking (and yes I realize this is a cliche but its an accurate one) that the Chamber of Secrets has a library with (another cliche) Parsel-magic. Sue me but its the goddamn truth
  17. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    The whole Parsel magic thing makes me irate, and I fully plan to bash the snot out of it. When a snake can hold a wand, make incantations, etc on it's own then maybe I'd buy it.
  18. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    but that leads to the question 'why is it there to begain with?'..i mean if he was gonna have a library for only his family then why not just put it into a house that his family know about. Why leave it in such on open area. I mean if one of his disendents was being followed then...well you get the picture. Maybe a pensieve with memory but not a huge assortment of books. And Voldemort would have taken them to begain with.
  19. Lord Supremo

    Lord Supremo Second Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    The Right Hand of God
    But that's just the thing, if he left his library in the family manor or something then he runs the risk that one of his descendents wouldn't share his views on Muggle-borns or Dark Magic and destroy the library and tell the Basilisk to drown itself or something. By putting it in the CoS he guarantees that only his "true" heir (a Muggle-hating Dark Wizard like himself) will come across the Chamber of Secrets, meaning that it will fulfil its original purpose (kill the Mudbloods in the school with the Basilisk, kill the Mudbloods and Muggles outside with spells learned from the library). And going on the line of "what if he were followed" Slytherin would probably figure that his heir would be a very strong wizard capable of dealing with any unwanted intruders. Also, Parseltongue is such a rare gift that Slytherin would have undoubtedly not considered the possibility that a Parseltongue that both wasn't his heir and was unsympathetic to the cause would ever even exist, let alone find the Chamber.

    As for the existence of Parsel-spells, I think it would make a lot of sense that they existed. For instance, in CoS, its mentioned very frequently that Parseltongue is the "mark of a Dark Wizard," because, as I believe Rita Skeeter mentions in her pre-Third Task article, its "considered a Dark Art as snakes are often used in the Darkest of spells and rituals." In JKRs world, centaurs, goblins, house elves, and probably many other types of magical creatures have their own "brand" of magic that requires no wands or incantations at all, so it would make sense that magical snakes, (which play a big role in the all the mythologies JKR gets her ideas from) too would have their own brand of magic, and since Parseltongues (apart from Harry) seem to have such an affinity for serpents, it would make sense that this magic would be accessible through Parseltongue.

    Also, since snakes are associated with evil or great power or both in almost every ancient belief system, it would follow that in JKRs world, the magic accessed by Parseltongue would be of a Dark kind that would greatly interest Slytherin. Slytherin would also see Parsel-magic as a great asset on the battle field as opponents, be they rival Dark Lords or meddlesome Albus Dumbledore types would not know what spell was coming at them or how to counter it. This would mean that an opponent would have to expend all his energy diving and dodging spells, robbing him of energy and taking his mind off sending offensive magic back at the Parselmouth. This kind of advantage would have intoxicated Slytherins mind as much as immortality has intoxicated Voldemorts, and he would've spent decades trying to collect all the knowledge he could on the subject, and then he would have wanted to pass this knowledge on to his true heir via the CoS as discussed above.

    As for Voldemort taking the library with him, that's just silly. While Tom Riddle was at Hogwarts, he had no idea he would be the last of the Slytherin line, and knowing that he had managed to kill only one Mudblood, he would have left the library there to pass on to his son to finish the job. Even if he had somehow determined that he was the last of the Slytherins, Riddle himself says in CoS "Well, [Dumbledore] certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after Hagrid was expelled. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the Chamber again while I was at school," Meaning that he would not have had opportunity to remove the library. After he graduated school, he could not go back to collect the library without Dumbledore knowing of his presence, and i doubt even a wizard as powerful as Lord Voldemort would have a helluva time trying to cast a Shrinking Charm powerful enough to condense a library into a size that could be snuck out without Dumbledore's notice. Also, Voldemort was obsessed with immortality as early as his 7th year, meaning that unless he had already found something in the Chamber library about becoming immortal, he would have dismissed the library as childish play and moved on in his quest.[/i]
  20. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Did slytherin even have a "family manor "? This(founding) was like... the 17th century. Castles were still in use as homes and for all we know Hogwarts was an apprentice-home. I can see Slytherin, Rowena, Helga, and Godric all living there and perhaps ruling the land around them, they were - after all - the most powerful. Perhaps Slytherin was in a hurry, or godric chased him out and he didn't have the time/need/want to take that stash with him . If you can't tell I think that the library is probable, but not Parsel-magic. Midknight is right in that respect, I can see slytherin trying it but not being sucessful..