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Iron Fist (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by deyas, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. Legend3381

    Legend3381 Seventh Year

    May 26, 2016
    New Jersey
    High Score:
    It might just be that the show does not live up to the high bar set by the other 3. The script and the plot did not do the character real justice. The guy who played Laros Tyrell in GOT is the main character and he could not bring the character to life.

    The women though are pretty good. Colleen and Joy are excellent.
  2. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    I dunno. It's not an amazing show by any means but I think it's fairly okay. I'm starting episode 7 and while I agree about the complaints about the main character and the action scenes I'm enjoying it.
  3. Legend3381

    Legend3381 Seventh Year

    May 26, 2016
    New Jersey
    High Score:
    i just had high expectations and feel let down. Hopefully they can rebound from this. I heard electra is going to be in the defenders. She would have made a much better bad guy then the one they have now.
  4. deyas

    deyas Groundskeeper

    May 4, 2009
    New Mexico
    Yeah, if you look at RottenTomatoes and see the 18% score (or whatever it is now) you might get a little frightened. But that doesn't really tell the whole story. If you look right underneath that, at the numeric score for critics, which is sitting at about 4.5/10, you get a clearer picture. And I'd have to say, that's right about where I'd put it.

    Only a slightly spoilerish review.
    It's not atrocious by any means, but especially when considering the high quality of the other three, it's a pretty huge letdown. The dialogue is pretty terrible at parts, the pacing is unforgivably slow, and the fight choreography is not anywhere near the quality it needed to be for this show in particular. But more than that, it's just boring. In particular the first six episodes. People are defending that, by saying that the other three Marvel Netflix shows started with a "slow burn." Which is somewhat fair, but the primary difference being that we were actually seeing character progression during that point of those shows. Six episodes in, and Danny is basically still the same naive man-child he was in the first five minutes. It feels like a good deal of the "progression" we saw in the first six episodes, should have been condensed down to about two. And then maybe had the arc wherein Danny has to reclaim his company last longer than half an episode.

    I'm still enjoying it, mind, but I'm not at all sure I would be if the other three Netflix Marvel shows weren't among my all time favorite seasons of television.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
  5. R. E. Lee

    R. E. Lee Groundskeeper

    Nov 3, 2012
    I just started episode 7, and I actually quite like this show. I think Danny's characterization is about what you'd expect from someone who spent fifteen years living in a monastery of warrior monks as a child. He's trying to come home, but his memories of home are a kid's, giving him the same weird mixture of child-like wonder/fish-out-of-water and deadly competence that Starlord had in Guardians of the Galaxy.

    First episode is a bit choppy, and second episode was limited by its framing device, but from third through sixth I thought it got better every episode, with plot progressing at a good clip. Dialogue was a bit cheesy, but most of it gets better after a few episodes. Fight scenes are different from the other Defender series, but when you understand that its inspiration is '70s karate B-movies, rather than blaxploitation or film noir, it makes sense. Not worse, just different.

    It's not the best show ever, but it's definitely above average. I think reviewers went it wanting to dislike it, and thus did. People who compare it unfavorably to the other Defenders series, well, I don't think anyone likes all of them equally or in the same way, but I also think people also have slightly selective memory when it comes to those. Despite liking all of them, I think that Jessica Jones dragged in the middle, Luke Cage started strong but definitely ran out of steam somewhere in the second half, and Daredevil season two was forgettable when Frank Castle wasn't on the screen. You can say you liked some of those better than Iron Fist, but to say it's not on the same general level is unfair.
  6. Legend3381

    Legend3381 Seventh Year

    May 26, 2016
    New Jersey
    High Score:
    I just finished all 13 episodes.

    My issues:
    1. Terrible antagonists. There is no real big bad guy like killgrave or Fisk , instead 3 bad guys poorly written and acted. The hand look like some angry teen gang instead of a ancient and power order. They should have borrowed some of DD's ninjas, that would have been better
    2. Acting from the main character is pretty bad. He never embodies the character like DD, JJ, LC did.
    3. Script is poorly written, filled with cliche lines, plot holes, and under/ poorly developed characters.
    4. Action is poorly choreographed. Bad guys do a lot of standing around and waiting for their turn to get kicked. The fighting does not flow. It is also obvious when they cut into a stunt double.

    The Good
    1. The women leads are all good. The 3 main women makes the series watchable.
    2. Joy and colleen are HOT!!!!
  7. Caledfwlch

    Caledfwlch Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 17, 2013
    I really liked the show, but I have to disagree with this part. Danny's emotional instability isn't at all realistic for someone who spent the last fifteen years meditating and fighting with monks.

    My only other issue with the show is that the plot is all over the place, especially with regards to the business, but overall I liked it better than Daredevil.
  8. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010

    Great reasoning. The Coleen plot was the most predictable one, typical badass female love interest. Claire was shoehorned in and they finally had a chance to connect it a bit before Defenders, but no, Claire dosent mention any of the superhero friends she knows.

    The storyline was good, the last episode was a bit rushed and the pacing of the first few was iffy but the story was much better than Luke Cages and didnt repeat itself like Jessica Jones.

    I say Daredevil is still the best, but this is a solid show.
  9. LittleChicago

    LittleChicago Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 3, 2009
    I hate-watched the first two episodes through scotch-coloured glasses with a buddy. We started by pretty much tearing into everything.

    By the third ep, I was actually enjoying myself. No, it's not Grade-A TV like daredevil Season 1, it's not great but... it is *entertaining*. I enjoyed the shit out of the fight scenes - which, admittedly, there needed to be more of - even though they don't reach DD's level, and yes, Danny's characterization is weak. But I found myself laughing and actually looking forward to the next ep, two things that didn't happen while I was watching JJ (which I still haven't finished - subject matter was just too heavy for me).

    In all, no, not great, not up to the usual Netflix standard, but about on par with a goofy network show.
  10. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    I couldn't get over Dandy being a complete retard from the first few episodes.

    I tried, I really did.
  11. Hush

    Hush Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2016
    High Score:
    Why is Danny so bipolar for a kid who has been trained as a monk for 15 years? He shouldn't be exploding as often as he does...

    I was actually surprised at some of the crazy and brutal shit that happens in this one. I thought it was enjoyable but it became clear that some of the fight scenes were a bit rushed and the Finn Jones didn't have as much time to train and prepare himself. Prime example was that his super hero bod is probably the most achievable one on screen to date...
  12. sairafius

    sairafius Squib

    Mar 25, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm sorry to say it but I truly hated Iron Fist with the fury of a thousand burning suns.

    It's not that surprising though because I've hated everything except Daredevil. I liked Jessica Jones and Luke Cage's abilities but I hated the characters and their shows.

    Angst and drama just doesn't do it for me and I especially hate the whole reluctant or messed up hero angle.
  13. funkytoad

    funkytoad Fifth Year

    Aug 18, 2008
    I recently finished episode 7, and can someone explain to me why
    the Rand board of directors think they can oust Danny/Joy/Ward just like that? Danny literally owns 51% of the company and can fire all of them.
  14. Legend3381

    Legend3381 Seventh Year

    May 26, 2016
    New Jersey
    High Score:
    Its a major plot hole. They did it for the sake of doing it without putting any thought into how.
  15. Corvus Black

    Corvus Black Professor

    Jul 18, 2012
    Easily the weakest of the Netflix bunch. The story was rushed at some points and painfully slow at others. Inconsistent all around, plot and character wise.

    Pretty sure we only saw the actual Iron Fist half-a-dozen times as well, and it was unimpressive at that.

    And for a show about the greatest warrior of a realm of warriors, they really didn't do Danny justice.
  16. ???

    ??? Squib

    Feb 26, 2016
    High Score:
    Ward was the only character I cared about. I could have cared about Joy, but unfortunately for her she was stuck in a different show for most of the season.
  17. Morphe

    Morphe Squib

    Jul 15, 2017
    High Score:
    I tried watching this show but by the end of it I just wanted to kill the main guy. I mean it's so confusing. Apparently to become the iron fist you need to train and be in control of oneself but this guy manages to do dumb stuff and keep repeating the same over and over. I get that they need it to build the plot but they also kill the character along with it. Don't they? Or am I wrong in expecting that a trained martial artist is unable to keep their cool when they have been told their entire formation years that they need to keep calm?
    I haven't read the comics this is simply based on what I would have expected from a trained martial artist. If anyone could explain to me about this it would be great. Thanks.
  18. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I tried to give Iron Fist S2 a chance. About fifteen minutes in, Rand cockblocks his single friend. Fuck's sake. I didn't think there was anything left he could do to lower my opinion of him, but there it is.
  19. Ash'Ura

    Ash'Ura Totally Sirius

    Dec 10, 2009
    I watched that scene and all I could think was that the writers are purposely trying to piss off Asian dudes at this point.
  20. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I’m on episode 5 and it’s better than the first season but that’s easy. I’ll give it a real review later, but I just have to ask why no one shoots him. He’s not invincible or super fast. He basically announces himself before every fight and everyone knows who he is and what he does. So why not shoot him? They make a big deal when a few dudes with pistols would end him. Anyone with a good shot would fuck him up.