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Is the "pulled from another world" trope cliché or objectionable?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Download, May 17, 2021.

  1. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    It's not a doomed trope by itself; there's lots of mileage that can be taken from it if written in a self-aware fashion.
  2. Dirty Puzzle

    Dirty Puzzle Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 11, 2016
    Northern Hemisphere
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    Dimension hop fics are probably my biggest guilty pleasure fics because a lot of them are either mediocre or worse, but when they're done well, they're really good imo. I think that's because original works trying to deal with dimension travel or even time travel inherently stumble over the fact that all the power of these tropes really comes into play when you have all this previous attachment and history with the characters involved. It just doesn't really work the same with original characters unless you're Marvel and most everyone watching your 3 hour time travel movie have seen the previous ten films, and potentially read some of the comics. So when people write this niche in fic, I always give it a go.

    Most pitfalls with it are that a lot of poor writers still try to hit certain stations of the canon, even though it's an alternate world. I think it's for familiarity's sake, but to me the interesting bits of a dimension hop fic are how different the AU world is, or how different the dimension hopping Harry is.

    Personally, I've always wanted to see a dimension hop fic from the perspective of canonverse characters getting a dimension hopper come into canon, but it'd be pretty difficult to justify why it happened, so I haven't seen a fic like that around anywhere before, I don't think.