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JKR's Room of Requirements is open again!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by the-caitiff, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. the-caitiff

    the-caitiff Death Eater

    Aug 18, 2006
    West Central Florida USA
    Over on JKR's homepage that mysterious door is able to be opened again. The do not disturb sign is only ever off the door for a few days at a time so here's your chance.

    Click on the rubber eraser on the front page and it will send you to the locked door.


    EDIT; No, I haven't figured out the puzzle to getting it open yet either but if someone does I'd love to see the solution.

    Edit 2; not much of a puzzle. Click the fly it turns into a key that you put in the door.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  2. Nobody

    Nobody Backtraced

    Jul 25, 2006
    There are only three immediately clickable things: door handle (does nothing), light switch (duh), and eraser (takes you back to the "homepage"). I've found nothing to do with any of them.

    edit: Won't let me click the fly. :( I've been sitting here clicking the fly on the window ever since I saw the edit. Maybe NoScript is blocking something I don't know about.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  3. BartucTheBloody

    BartucTheBloody Third Year

    Jul 7, 2006
    A fly will appear on the window. Grab it with your mouse and it will turn into a key. Drag the key to the door.

    Edit: Not really sure what to do after door is open. I see a paper with wombat on it. A triangle, circle, and a thin rectangle all move.

    Edit 2: I'm not sure if you have to do this, but I turned off the lights and put some of each potion into the plant before I noticed the bug.

    Edit 3: Finally figured those fucking shapes out. Drag the rectangle into the triangle, then drag the circle into the triangle. It should sparkle, or some shit. You then click on the shape and it glows.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  4. Garret P.I.

    Garret P.I. Backtraced

    May 30, 2007
    Seattle, WA.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  5. BartucTheBloody

    BartucTheBloody Third Year

    Jul 7, 2006
    Some of those questions were pretty retarded. One of my favorites: best policy for the MoM against the Dark Arts? Teach the unforgivables from year 1. Duh!
  6. Dain Bread

    Dain Bread Second Year

    Feb 10, 2007
    Apparently, if you put enough of both potions onto the plant, you get some extra content. For me, it was finalized names for teachers for Ancient Runes, Divination, COMC, Muggle Studies, and Arithmancy. Plus, some scrapped names for a Buckbeak.
  7. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Thats the biggest load of crap ever. So many of those questions are just your opinions and opinions are never wrong. Also some of that ties into censorship.
  8. Nobody

    Nobody Backtraced

    Jul 25, 2006
    You mean as it'll be in book 7? They probably won't matter, but the Divination and COMC thing got me wondering. We know who they both are.
  9. BartucTheBloody

    BartucTheBloody Third Year

    Jul 7, 2006
    I'm pretty sure it's pre-PoA because she's still trying to get a name for Buckbeak, and Remus Lupin is DADA teacher. CoMC teacher is Prof. Rubeus Hagrid and divination is a male by the name of Prof. Mopsus etc
  10. Dark Magic

    Dark Magic Denarii Host

    Jan 23, 2007
    This door irritates me to no end.

    Edit: Who would have thought that the solution would be clicking the British flag?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  11. Nobody

    Nobody Backtraced

    Jul 25, 2006
    Heh. That's boring. So close to book 7 release (dreading and anticipating it.. I don't want to read it, but I know I have to.) you'd think she'd release some new info with this stupid gimmicky door.
  12. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    That...was retarded.
  13. ariannariddle

    ariannariddle Squib

    May 10, 2005
    Can someone tell me how to click on the fly it wont let me. Help please.
  14. ariannariddle

    ariannariddle Squib

    May 10, 2005
    something came up on the mirror it says peeves woz ere!
    is it anything important?
  15. Dain Bread

    Dain Bread Second Year

    Feb 10, 2007
    First: Double Posting is bad news. Second: Instead of clicking the accessibility version of the site, click the British flag. If that doesn't do it, you're screwed.
  16. ariannariddle

    ariannariddle Squib

    May 10, 2005
    Sorry about the double post. thanks it worked.
  17. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Anyone going to post the information or not? Or is it all garbage?
  18. Chilli

    Chilli Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    May 27, 2006
    It's just a test that you take; there's no new info and IIRC she doesn't ever post "correct" answers. Which makes sense since most of it is questions that ask your opinion. Not to mention that most of the choices (in the multiple choice problems) were idiotic. Here are a couple of questions:

    Choose the ministry of magic decision that in your estimation, had the most damaging effect on present day wizarding life.
    A. The creation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1693
    B. The deafeat of the Appeal Against House-Elf Slavery in 1973
    The drive into hiding of the surviving giants in the early 1980s
    C. The 1865 decision to leave full control of Gringotts in Goblin hands
    D. The Wand Ban of 1631 which forbade Non-Human Magical Beings to carry wands

    Q.4: Same as above but this time asking for the best effect. Same answers too

    Q.12 :
    Which t wo of the following policies do you think would best serve the ministry of magic in its fight against the Dark Arts?
    A. Destroy all Dark Arts spellbooks
    B. Unforgivable curses to be taught from year 1 at Hogwarts
    C. Outlaw sale of all goods that can be used in the Dark Arts
    D. Automatic life sentences in Azkaban for all convicted of Dark Arts crimes.
    E. Improve Ministry of Magic Public Information Services
    F. Lift jinx on post of DADA teacher at Hogwarts
    G. Persuade BWL to front anti-Dark Arts publicity campaign

    T/F: The most persisent offender against the International Wizarding Statute of Secrecy is Scotland.
    T/F: Some countries have wizard royal families

    Me thinks JKR has been reading too much fanfiction. It would certainly explain HBP...
  19. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Well my results have been marked and delivered.

    Go to the WOMBATS link at the top of the page and be taken to your results. Then just click on them and read them.

    I got Outstanding and was told I should apply for a job at Hogwarts since I am so great... my beat is 80% get O's and the rest get E's can't have the little fangirls getting upset can we?
  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    The answers haven't been released (and I don't know if they will be) but its still interesting to speculate, and some of them we don't need the answers to get something out of. I won't analyse all the questions, just the ones that I find interesting. You can find the full thing on the Lexicon.

    Not having the answers here doesn't really matter: all of the options happened, we just have to pick the one which we think is the most important. Out of them, option f is the most interesting, as it brings a new light on the wizarding world's relationship with the monarchy.

    Again, not having the answers here doesn't really matter: all of the options happened, we just have to pick the one which we think is the most important. Amusing is the name Rugnuk, very similar to Ragnok, a goblin fanon institution. Of most interest is the option f, as it shows us that all magical creatures are able to do spells and so forth with a wand - they are simply banned from doing so.

    Lots of interesting ideas here, though its a bummer that we don't know the correct one. I can see all of them but for h being true, though not so much b and c.

    The wording suggests that only one is true. I'm going with c personally, as we've seen all of them in the books. We know from an interview that a isn't true, we don't have enough information about b, again, we've seen the contrary to d in the books, and e is not true as Transfiguration is pretty hard.

    So, from now on I'm treating this as canon: Foodstuffs can be increased, Transfigured, summoned from a distance and magically cooked.

    An interesting question. Clearly the answer isn't b. Its between a and c, and both have things going for it. It's different from normal transfiguration in that it doesn't have an incantation or need a wand, but on the other hand they learnt about it in Transfiguration class, McGonagall is an animagus and is the Transfiguration teacher, and a self-transfiguration is a very good description of what it is.

    Another interesting question. We know a is true from the bezoar, we know b is true from Finite Incantatem, which is a non-specific canceling spell. I see no reason why d would not be true: you can transfigure human into human, and a human is just another animal, so why not animal to human? The only really ambiguous one is c, but again I'm inclined to think it's possible: did McGonagall know the Ferret was Malfoy? "Is that a student?" It doesn't sound like it to me.

    Its a pity we don't have the answers to this one. c and d are both obviously true - we've seen them both occur. a is also true - Cedric did it with the stone into a dog in the Triwizard, and there are other examples too. b is the hard one, but I'm gonna say that its possible too, as I see no reason for it not to be. Plus, turning a person into a statue, Narnia style, would be cool. In any case, this answers the age old question, Is animation a charm or transfiguration?

    I'm thinking d for this one. We know that Dementors appear wherever there is depression and widespread sadness - this occurs in tropical climates too, so c is out. E sounds like classic anti-werewolf propaganda. For b, we've seen possession be prevented by force of will and emotion, so I think the defence against it is rather like resisting the Imperious, though Occlumency probably helps. a can't be true as there are too many inferi around for the numbers of wizards killed in the first war. So it has to be d, especially taking into account JKRs definitions on her site.

    However, if it were up to me to decide what was canon, I'd go for b.

    This question is very odd. B is false, as both Harry and voldemort have survived it. Yet D is also false, as we have seen the Crutiatus blocked. A seems to be false, as I should imagine the strength relies on the caster, not the form. E seems to be true from what we've seen, and c could go either way. I didn't see the paper, so maybe you could pick multiple ones, in which case I'd pick a, b, and d.

    Anyway, anyone have any thoughts on this new information?

    To sumarise, we now know almost definitely:

    The magical world and the British Monarchy once communicated like the Ministry and the PM. Maybe they still do.

    All magical creatures can use wands to do magic of the likes learnt at Hogwarts.

    Foodstuffs can be increased, Transfigured, summoned from a distance and magically cooked, but not conjured.

    Animation belongs to the Transfiguration branch of magic.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2007