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Just a couple of plot ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Mordecai, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Just a few plot ideas I have had an will never use.

    The first is that the wizarding world isn't the only group of wizards that are organised.

    Im thinking that maybe the major religions all have large groups of wizards behind them.

    This isn't meaning any offence to anyone who is religious btw.

    Depending on what religion you choose to focus on you could have them specialise in different things.

    My original idea was for the Catholics to be ruled by a small but highly organised world of wizards. Once long ago, these wizards were actually the only priests, but they were successful beyond their wildest dreams, and had to involve muggles as priests as well. So it came about that the lower echelons of the Church are filled with Muggles, but the Higher one goes the more wizards one finds, with no one among the cardinals being muggle, and a pope is certainly always a wizard.

    I think this idea would be a total AU from before Hogwarts. You could have harry wander into a catholic church after he has been beaten by Vernon or get chased in my Dudley or something, and have it that he arrives at the same time as the regional Bishopis there, who is a wizard. The Bishop immediately recognising Harry's talent, arranges for him to be taken into the care of the Church.

    IM thinking that they might do magic in a different way from Wizards in the books.It could be that they invoke their magic with chants in latin (which would explain historical latin church chants), and perhaps for more powerful works they use a staff (which could explain why high officials carry staffs).

    Come the age of 11 when Harry gets his Hogwarts letter, he is in Rome, a favourite pupil of the Pope himself. The Pope and Dumbledore work out an arrangement that is up to the author, but heavily favours the Popes side of thigns, since Dumbledore doesn't want to precipitate the Pope declaring a which hunt in England and leaking the appropriate information on how to find various magical places. Perhaps the Pope agrees to lend aid in the event that Voldemort returns, in exchange for Harry going to Hogwarts with a fair number of magical priests.

    You could go from their into a very interesting fic in my opinion.

    Another idea I had, would probably be either post CoS when they have just selected their subjects for the 3 years or post OotP when they need to select their NEWTS.

    Work Experience

    If it was post CoS, it would be to allow the pupils to see magic in an everday situation and see how different interests of theirs are utilised out in the world. This would let them know if they were wanting to change their subject choices before the start of term.

    If it was post OotP then it would be to let the pupil experience a period of time in actual work, since they would be able to leave school, technically qualified, after their exam results get in.

    Im thinking, that Harry, being a bit of a slacker, would put of organising it to the last minute, probably with Ron doing so as well. But where Ron can get a placement in his Dads department at the Ministry, Harry can't. He is unwilling, or not knowledgable enough, to put his fame to good use, and get a placement whereveer he would like it and is left sending off letter to the keepers of random shops in Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. He accepts the first affirmative answer he gets, which im thinking could be some creepy wee store, either a second hand book store, or an odds and ends junk shop.

    From their it would evolve, if it was a book shop, then Harry might discover a love of books, or at least a love of learning. If it was a junk shop, it might make Harry at least slightly more diligent at school, since he would see an enormous selection of different uses for magic.

    The shop keeper could also be involved, whether as a kind of creepy old "Olivander" type person, who cryptically teaches Harry random but useful things. Or jsut an average person who has a lot of pent up knowledge, that he is willing to dispence.

    I would think that during the period of time that the Work Placement happens for, maybe 2 or 3 weeks, but its up to the author, that the students would be allowed to use magic, as long as they are under the supervision of a designated person at their placement, so for Harry it would be under the supervision of the Shop Keeper.

    I hope someone finds a use for these ideas, cause I like them, but I doubt I will ever use them. I would as always appreciate some feedback on them anyway.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Both good ideas, I especially like the Work Experience one.

    With the magical priest one, are you saying that the Pope and the magical priests use their magic to fake miracles ect, and have faked the whole religion?

    Or would they still be Christians, and just happen to be magical?
  3. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    I absolutely hate religion, but I love the church idea. Would be excellent to read.
  4. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Interesting Idea, that would be an... odd read if someone wrote it.
  5. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    Taure I was thinking that the whole religion thign was a hoax, and they just use magic to fake things.
  6. Duke of Rothwood

    Duke of Rothwood Professor

    Oct 27, 2005
    Rothwood Castle
    Those are interesting ideas. I am especially interested in the church idea, hopefully someone takes it up. I might, but I am have never written a story before and don't really want to mess up one like that, which could be quite good.
  7. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    I really like both of the ideas...but didn't you already sort of cover the Post-CoS part of the working experience challenge with your summer school challenge? :?
  8. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    no, they are different ideas for post CoS fics. I personally don't think there are enough of them out there.
  9. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    ^Too true, CoS could easily be a turning point for Harry's life. For instance, he could easily think what happened in the first book was an isolated incident and won't happen again, but when his life is in danger for the second time in a row, it should show he needs to work hard and take shit seriously. Not to mention the fact that the Chamber of Secrets has to have more secrets than a single basillisk to kill mudbloods. I don't believe that Salazar Syltherin, infamous for Dark Arts would create a secret infamous chamber with nothing but a snake in it.
  10. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Sep 29, 2005
    Southern California
    Did he have more stuff in there at one time? Probably.

    Did he leave it all there? I doubt it.

    Remember that Slytherin left Hogwarts for good at one point and so he probably took most of his stuff with him including whatever else he might had in the Chamber. It is still possible that he had some stuff to help his heir in some way, I wouldn't be surprised if the information about Horcruxes was something that used to be in the chamber. Riddle might have overlooked a few caches but overall I don't think there is anything of significant value left and certainly nothing that would pwn everyone, Slytherin would keep that stuff for himself.
  11. Lord Bill

    Lord Bill ¯\(º_o)/¯ DLP Supporter

    Dec 14, 2005
    Watching. Unseen...
    That whole christian thing reminded me of a super-abandoned HP/Hellsing crossover fic I once read called Iscariot, only 2 (short) chapters worth, but the idea was interesting.
  12. Duke of Rothwood

    Duke of Rothwood Professor

    Oct 27, 2005
    Rothwood Castle
    Well if anyone wants to create the Christian version, I would certainly read it and/or help out if needed

    Oh and the Iscariot fic was interesting, too bad it was dropped
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  13. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    I think that the Chamber of Secrets should have a few abandoned rooms in them...not huge, fully-stocked libraries and living quarters like most stories have. Maybe even a few hastily discarded items, or maybe some unuseable furniture.

    I think that the Christian idea is very interesting, and would definitely read it...but I don't think that I would have the balls to write it...not that I could do the idea justice anyways. :(
  14. Mordecai

    Mordecai Drunken Scotsman –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2005
    High Score:
    i don't thinki could do the idea justice either, which is why I posted it here. Who knows, maybe I will try and write it someday, but I doubt it.
  15. cazten

    cazten Slug Club Member

    Nov 22, 2005
    I hate that Rowling is so stupid. I find it rediculous that historicaly we see people burned at the stake by the church for being "witches", yet hogwarts celebrates Christmass.... Indicating that some part of the religion has roots in magic history too.
    Although i read in some fic that the "stake burnings" were faked by witches and wizards. God damnit ive read so many fics i dont know whats cannon and whats not anymore lol.

    Here's a possible addition to the story line. Instead of Christians jsut being some organized group of people, they can be people specialized in a certain certain brand of magic using different methods harnessing magic such as "staffs" as you said. And the religion its self doesnt have to be completly made up. Perhaps there was a man they originally refered too as "god" and then "jesus". And they could be the wizards that found how to manipulate the magic in the special way the Christians do.