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LEGO thread

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    I'm still missing Voldemort, Dobby, Credence, Jacob, Queenie, and Percival Graves. Spent way too much getting duplicates, so I need to get on ebay to snag the rest... and sell the ones I don't need.

    I'm tempted to keep an extra Moody, though, so I can have Crouch Jr. displayed at the same time.

    I was actually given one of the display boxes for Christmas, but it wasn't a full box and, wouldn't you know it, the rare ones were already missing.
  2. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Yeah, I still need to snag a couple loose figs from the new wave. Currently saving up for the big Hogwarts set, but that will happen sooner than later. That's the only set I'm missing from 2018. Had to go a bit out of my way to get the mini-Diagon (which I sitll havent put together) and a really small Harry /w trolly polybag.

    Really looking forward to whatever this year happens to bring. Especially the first Fleur minifigs. Only thing that would make it better is a Bellatrix minifig that doesn't cost $30
  3. Conquistador

    Conquistador High Inquisitor

    Jan 19, 2017
    At Peace
    High Score:
    @Anarchy Have to admit I don't know much about Lego but genuinely asking, have they gotten so expensive that you need to save up for sets?

    I remember playing with and losing many as a kid.
  4. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    There are drug habits that are probably cheaper than Lego, and I imagine stepping on the paraphernalia is less painful, too.
  5. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    It's a 6000 piece set for $400.
  6. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Yeah, Lego has increased in price, especially the licensed sets. But Lego was never cheap. Your parents were probably crying every time you lost a piece, @momo
  7. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    picked up a (disassembled) tower bridge set for $40 at a garage sale. Lucky me. However, it's covered in dust and cat hair, so it's going to take some cleaning, and I have to inventory on it to see if the set is actually complete. So far so good, and I'm kind of looking forward to spending 2-3 days building it.
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    So pictures of the 2019 Harry Potter sets have been released: https://brickset.com/article/43459/harry-potter-summer-set-images

    Will definitely get the Clock Tower as it attaches to the other Hogwarts sets and has all 4 champions. The other sets are nice, but mostly I would get them for the minifigs rather than the sets themselves. As a wave, it actually rather leans towards the "small sets" end of the spectrum, given that last wave we had the Great Hall, Hogwarts Express and Whomping Willow which were all substantial sets.

    Also it's hilarious that in the Clock Tower box art, Ron is dancing with Fleur.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2019
  9. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    worth noting that it's somehow taken this long to get a Fleur minifig
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Fuck me but Lego is a rich man's game...

  11. SilverOtter

    SilverOtter Seventh Year

    Feb 20, 2011
    Has anyone looked at 3d printed legos at all? I've been considering it so I could build some of the older HP sets that aren't in production anymore, but I'd like to know someone with pictures for references before trying it.
  12. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Not a good idea. Lego bricks are very strong and manufactured to a high level of precision (tolerance of 0.002 millimeters). A 3D printed version won't feel like proper Lego bricks nor will it be nearly as "grippy".

    You're probably better off looking into cheap knock-offs which ignore Lego's IP like Lepin, though they got shut down in China last week.
  13. SilverOtter

    SilverOtter Seventh Year

    Feb 20, 2011
    Well that's a huge let down. I had seen some youtube videos and they looked fairly decent in terms of grippyness, but the quality looked a bit dodgy to me.
  14. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Honestly, you can Bricklink a lot of the older sets and have them come in cheaper than the retail price. Doesn't look like any of them really have any unique pieces, and even if they did, you could likely just skip it or color substitute it. Like, I'm looking at the first gen Hogwarts and you could piecemeal it for under $50 probably, most expensive piece I saw with a quick glance was some tan lion's head column toppers at 50 cents each, and most of everything else is actual pennies. Of course, that's not including the minifigs, which can be pretty expensive. Not like you could really 3D print those though and have them be accurate anyways
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    So the new 2019 wave of HP Lego is out in Europe, and I think is coming to the US soon. The sets are:

    Hogwarts Clock Tower

    £85 / 922 pieces



    Hagrid's Hut: Buckbeak's Rescue

    £50 / 496 pieces


    Knight Bus

    £35 / 403 pieces


    Hungarian Horntail

    £30 / 265 pieces


    Expecto Patronum

    £20 / 121 pieces


    I've bought the Clock Tower, the Knight Bus, and Expecto Patronum. I might get the First Task set... I'm not too interested in the build, but the minifigs are cool... mostly I just want to have a Fleur with regular legs as well as the one of her in her Yule Ball dress.

    Doubt I will get the Hagrid's Hut set unless I see it at a heavy discount. While I would like Fudge, Macnair, the POA Hermione, and Buckbeak, that set is just ridiculously overpriced.

    Have only built the Knight Bus set so far, as I've no room to put the other stuff... not while I have the 6,000 piece Hogwarts Castle taking up an entire table. The Knight Bus is pretty awesome, though. It displays really well (I love the tall and thin dimensions, and the fact that it is a discrete object rather than a scene means you can just stick it on any shelf), and the chandelier swings nicely when it moves.

    The Clock Tower will attach to the Great Hall and Whomping Willow sets from the last wave like so:


    A further wave of 2 sets will follow in August, consisting of the Beauxbatons Carriage and Graveyard Duel:

  16. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Christmas at Grimmauld Place on the Lego Ideas site.


    Canon-accurate layout? No.
    Am I amused that they included the troll leg umbrella stand and elf heads? Yes.

    Oh, and Walburga's portrait being an actual minifig is kind of neat.
  17. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    It's that time of year again - new wave of Lego HP sets coming June 2020, except in the US/Canada, where they are coming later in the summer. I think Lego basically got tired of US retailers putting the sets on the shelves to sell before the official release date so has responded by not releasing the sets in the US until a couple months later.

    Anyway, this wave we have:

    - Room of Requirement (OotP) - 193 pieces - EUR 20
    - Forbidden Forest Encounter with Umbridge (OotP) - 253 pieces - EUR 30
    - 4 Privet Drive (CoS)- 797 pieces - EUR 70
    - Buildable Hedwig - 630 pieces - EUR 40
    - Hogwarts Astronomy Tower - 971 pieces - EUR 100
    - Attack on the Burrow (HBP movie) - 1047 pieces - EUR 100

    To be honest, I feel like this wave is a slight decrease in quality compared to the first 2 waves. It's still good, but the sets don't feel as detailed as previous waves. Perhaps it's also that the scene selection is less interesting this wave? To me at least.

    For me, the only two "must buy" sets are the Attack on the Burrow and the Astronomy Tower.




    I feel like this is by far the best set of the wave, even though it's based on a movie scene. It just really captures the homey character of the Burrow - the crooked upper floors, the warm but eclectic colour scheme, and all the culinary/domestic details. All the bedrooms have really nice details too. It even has a skydoor as featured in Victoria Potter!

    Only downside to the set is that it has no bathroom. Weird thing I know, but I'm a big fan of Lego houses having everything a house needs, including kitchen and a bathroom. And Lego bathrooms often feature some pretty cool mini-builds - see the Tree House set for an example of really fun Lego bathrooms.

    Minifigure selection is also great. With the exception of the Voldemort Graveyard set (great set, highly recommended), the Lego HP sets have been quite short on villains, so this set really does well to expand the cast of Death Eaters. Unless I am having a senior moment I think we're still missing Lucius, however.

    Astronomy Tower:



    To be honest I was a bit disappointed by this set. I'll buy it - I have bought all the modular Hogwarts castle sets so far and the more of them you have, the cooler the aggregate product becomes - but I will buy it reluctantly.

    My disappointment is twofold.

    Firstly, the exterior feels like a big step down in terms of detail compared to previous sets in this modular Hogwarts line. While the main gatehouse is nice, and I like the way the astronomy tower sticks out, the eye is drawn to the facade of the left side of the building, which is just... flat. Literally no detail other than stickers.

    Secondly, the interior feels like a lot of wasted space. Compare to the Great Hall set, which provided us with a key castle space in enough detail and size to pose multiple figures in there. Compare to the Clocktower set, which had some really fun, detailed "complete" rooms, like the hospital wing and the prefects bath. The interior of this set, in comparison, feels more like a series of landings with props on them, rather than a series of distinct rooms. Hell, Slughorn's potions classroom is literally just a few tables of potions stuck into the foyer of the area.

    What I like about the set:

    - The greenhouse is lovely.

    - The astronomy-related mini-builds are cool.

    - Nice selection of mini-figures, though I am not a fan of how this HBP wave has depicted Hermione's hair.

    The Others

    Won't post pics of the others because the post will become too long. Good images here or on the Lego Store.

    - Room of Requirement - I like the fireplace and the accessories (Patroni, nice sticker representing the DA notice board) but there's not a whole lot going on here, especially if you already have (multiple) Harry, Hermione and Luna figures from other sets. It looks like it is intended to connect to the Hogwarts modular build, though I'm not sure where it is intended to attach specifically. If it does attach to the modular Hogwarts in a sensible way I may end up buying it for completeness' sale/because it's cheap.

    - Forbidden Forest - I actually really like the way that the Gawp build represents a minifigure's shape and proportions. Also like the centaurs and the Hermione minifig. Umbridge would also be a good figure to have from the standpoint of completing the cast of characters. Nonetheless, because the location/scene is not really a key HP moment/place, it's not a must-buy for me. I will probably end up buying it on sale towards the end of its retail period.

    - Privet Drive - from a purely Lego perspective, I think this is a pretty cute build, especially the house's facade. I love the dark humour of including the cupboard under the stairs and the fun play feature of letters shooting out the fireplace. The Dursleys are, like Umbridge, a "want to have to complete the cast of characters" item for me. However, at the end of the day I collect HP sets for the wizarding world stuff, and Privet Drive just doesn't feel like an essential place to me.

    - Buildable Hedwig - nice build, looks good, would make a good display piece, but I don't have anywhere near enough space to display Lego as it is, so probably a skip for me.

    On top of these sets, a new wave of Collectable Minifigures in blind bags will be coming later in the summer. The first HP CMF series was really good, so I have high hopes for this second wave. May post later what figures I would like to see in that (Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy please).
  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Mostly talking to myself here, but nonetheless - let's talk Harry Potter CMF wave 2.

    As a reminder, in wave 1 we got:

    - Harry Potter in school robes (with mid legs) (POA)

    - Hermione in school robes (with mid legs) (POA)

    - Ron in school robes (with mid legs) (POA)

    - Draco in Quidditch robes (short legs) (CoS)

    - Luna Lovegood in Muggle clothes (mid legs) (OotP)

    - Neville Longbottom in Herbology gear (mid legs) (CoS)

    - Cho Chang in unform (mid legs) (GoF)

    - Dean Thomas in robes (mid legs) (POA)

    - Lord Voldemort in green robes (skirt piece) (OotP)

    - Dobby (CoS)

    - Trelawney (PoA)

    - Cedric in Triwizard kit (GoF)

    - Professor Flitwick (GoF)

    - Mad-Eye Moody/Barty Jr (GoF)

    - Harry in pyjamas with invisibility cloak (short legs) (PS)

    - Dumbledore in blue robes (GoF)

    - Newt (FB1)

    - Tina (FB1)

    - Jacob (FB1)

    - Queenie (FB1)

    - Credence (FB1)

    - Graves (FB1)

    So if the second wave is the same size, we're looking at 16 HP figures plus 6 FB2 figures. Also the range will almost certainly include at least one of Harry, Ron and Hermione.

    So my realistic "wish list" for wave 2 is:

    - Harry (Bill and Fleur wedding outfit)

    - Ron (Bill and Fleur wedding outfit)

    - Hermione (Bill and Fleur wedding outfit)

    - Lucius Malfoy

    - Narcissa Malfoy

    - Rita Skeeter

    - Kingsley Shacklebolt

    - Aberforth Dumbledore

    - Inferius

    - Pansy Parkinson in female Slytherin robes

    - Susan Bones in female Hufflepuff robes (unlikely but you can always hope...)

    - Tom Riddle in male Slytherin robes (HBP memory version)

    - Pius Thicknesse

    - Rufus Scrimgeour

    - Cormac McLaggen (Quidditch robes)

    - Yaxley (Death Eater robes)

    - Leta Lestrange

    - Yusuf Kama

    - Gellert Grindelwald

    - Nicholas Flamel

    - Theseus Scamander

    - Vinda Rosier
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    More talking to myself - yesterday the second wave of HP collectable minifigures was leaked. Image attached to this post. Official announcement will no doubt follow shortly because they're on sale in September.

    In summary we got:

    1. HBP Harry with potion's book.
    2. Dumbledore with Fawkes (Richard Harris look)
    3. HBP Hermione with butterbeer
    4. HBP Ron with butterbeer
    5. HBP Luna with lion's head outfit
    6. Griphook with Gryffindor's sword
    7. Lily Potter with baby Harry
    8. James Potter with family photograph
    9. HBP Ginny (Slug Club Party)
    10. Fred/George Weasley (OotP winter outfit)
    11. Fred/George Weasley (OotP winter outfit)
    12. Bellatrix in Azkaban uniform
    13. Kingsley Shacklebolt (OotP Advance Guard robes)
    14. Moaning Myrtle
    15. Professor Sprout with mandrake
    16. Neville Longbottom in Gryffindor robes with Monster Book of Monsters

    Overall I have mixed feelings. I feel like Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville are wasted spots. All four appear in loads of other sets and the designers clearly struggled to think of novel outfits for them. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel. I would have much preferred their places to have been used for other Hogwarts students - if we could get Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw robes if CMF-level detail, that'd be great.

    Ginny and Bellatrix would have been great additions, but there are better versions of both in The Burrow set. Which admittedly is quite expensive, so it's good that there's a cheaper way of getting them. But again it feels like a bit of a wasted use of those places in the line up, when there are so many characters we don't have any version of at all.

    Dumbledore and Luna are also figures we have plenty of, but their particular depiction here is good enough - and different enough - that I think they are worthy inclusions.

    So yeah, for me the "must haves" here (assuming I buy The Burrow set at some point) are:

    2. Dumbledore
    6. Griphook
    7. Lily Potter
    8. James Potter
    10. Fred/George
    11. Fred/George
    13. Kingsley
    15. Professor Sprout

    And the "nice to haves":

    5. Luna
    14. Myrtle
    9. Ginny
    12. Bellatrix

    Attached Files:

  20. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Aww, I really like the Myrtle one; she could keep my Spooky Girl company. I suppose it's neat to see OG movie Dumbledore, especially since he comes with Fawkes.

    I'm still miffed that I'm missing 6 figures from the first set, but they cost more than extra years of life.
    I had a really long response written to your April 29th post, but it got eaten by circumstance and I couldn't bring myself to retype it.

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