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LEGO thread

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    So the summer 2021 wave of Lego Harry Potter has been revealed. They're doing an anniversary thing like they did with Star Wars a couple years ago, so the sets this year are a self-contained whole which do not attach to e.g. the previous modular Hogwarts. Rather, all of this year's sets attach to form their own modular Hogwarts.

    Detailed pics of all the sets here: https://www.promobricks.de/lego-harry-potter-neuheiten-2021/120736/

    I have recently had to reduce my Lego purchasing simply because of a shortage of space to even store sets, never mind display them. So I have to be more discriminating than I was in earlier waves. I didn't buy the Astronomy Tower last year (though I did get the Burrow) nor did I get the massive Diagon Alley.

    I think I am going to limit myself to 2 sets from this wave.

    Firstly, the Polyjuice Potions Mistake:


    The build here is nice enough, but really it's all about the minifigs. It's pretty hard to find proper Slytherin robes that aren't just the "jumper and tie" versions you get in most sets, and here you have three of them. Plus cat Hermione.

    The other set I will get is Hogsmeade:


    This set is the opposite: all about the build rather than the minifigs. It's really on the money and will fill the Diagon Alley shaped space in my collection for much less money and space. I think I'll wait to buy this one until Christmas - because it's a winter scene, it will be nice to build it in the run up to Christmas.

    The main one I am not getting is the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets. I do think it's a great set, especially Lockhart's DADA classroom and office. I'm a big fan of Lockhart based humour. However, I just don't think I can justify buying it when I already have the Great Hall set from a few years ago - there's too much overlap. And while Lockhart and Tom Riddle would be good figures to add to the collection, they're not essential, I don't think. So this one is a reluctant pass.
  3. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Hogsmeade is very quaint, but cat-face Hermione is hilarious!

    The minifigs in that set are probably going to be highly collectible, given that you not only get Furmione (in the unlikely event no one's ever said that, you heard it hear first), but also the only versions of her, Harry, and Ron in Slytherin uniforms, not to mention that gold Harry. Makes me what they'll be charging for that little set.

    Wonder how the cost of acquiring all the golden minifigs will compare to the average cost of getting a full set of blind-bag figs, without resorting to ebay.

    Okay, the CoS set is pretty darn cool.
    Clever of them to double up on that Wizard Chess set. Giving you all the pieces means you can use it as a real chess set, which might push fence-sitters to purchase it.

    Note: I'd avoided posting for a while, since I was considering going pink at 3K posts, but here we are. I could still do it at 3003, but man would it take forever to have a respectable post count again. :D
  4. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I like most of the new sets. Main exceptions are the chessboard, which imagine are going to be bought just to part out the gold snape. The other is the mega harry/hermione. I like them, and if there's a whole range of them that will be cool, but that's going to be a really expensive line.

    My budget is limited, so I'll probably not get the CoS, flying, or the fluffy sets. I really like the polyjuice set as it has a lot of detail in a small space. The Hogsmeade set looks nice too, but one of my long term ambitions is to make a Hogsmeade moc. If I can only get one set from this lineup, it will be the Fawkes, just because it displays really well.