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List of Plot Holes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vengashii, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    It's in the King's Cross chapter.
  2. Gabrinth

    Gabrinth Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2007
    Cary, NC
    But losing your wand can't be that big of a deal if you can just disarm someone and then have another, perfectly matched, wand. If I was Harry, I'd just go down Knockturn Alley, asking what people's wands were especially made for (Like Lily's was made for charms work), and then I would disarm them and take it.

    You could have a wand for every fucking subject with a few days' work.
  3. Mirkwood

    Mirkwood Seventh Year

    Mar 20, 2008
    Thats one of the things that really pissed me off in DH, it's stupid, Harry disarmed numerous people over the years and didn't get any more wands.
  4. Synchro

    Synchro High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 30, 2008
    He said it in that chapter where Harry is at King's Cross after being hit by Voldemort's AK in the forbidden forest. They have the last discussion about the whole quest Harry was sent on.
  5. Manatheron

    Manatheron Headmaster

    Dec 12, 2006
    In what way are they a plot hole? One big Deus Ex I might agree with.
  6. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    Hey, if you can't handle the Deus Ex Machina, get out of the fandom.

  7. mbond98

    mbond98 Seventh Year

    Dec 3, 2006
    Party Time
    She didn't make it up in DH, she made it up in HBP -- "Dungs got me good invisibility cloak, and me other two are worn down."
  8. Lincos

    Lincos Professor DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2007
    Liverpool, UK
    Sorry for the necro, forgot I actually posted in this thread and I'm just answering a question aimed at me.

    Why didn't Harry (Fred/George) see Wormtail on the map the whole three years he was there?
  9. Padfoot85

    Padfoot85 Sixth Year

    Feb 1, 2007
    The Sea of Tranquility

    The only theory I have to that is this:

    It's mostly Fred and George that would have noticed it. After all the map didn't even get into Harry's hand until 3rd year anyway. At which time Wormtail was already gone or was just about to leave. Wormtail was in Ron's cage the entire time. In Ron's bed. Why would they ever look on the lower year Gryffindor boys dorm. And i doubt that they would pay so much attention to Harry's year anyway, they are doing their own thing at the time.

    They also never took it out until after they had gone through the common room. Because they were never in any trouble until they left the portrait. So why would you backtrack your steps.

    And Wormtail was a rat. He didn't care about anything in the Weasley existence until the words Sirius Black were uttered. Then he fled. To save his own skin. It was only because he had no one else to turn to that he assisted Voldemort. But before that happened he didn't pay attention to Potter or Weasley. Think about it, if Pettigrew was really evil he had all that time alone with Harry the first two years, he could have killed him easily.

    Bottom Line, they wouldn't have noticed Pettigrew on the map or even cared if they did notice him. And Harry just noticed him, because he was looking at everything around him, because he just got the map.

    That's about all I have to offer on that.
  10. Gabrinth

    Gabrinth Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Feb 24, 2007
    Cary, NC
    Also, depending on how well the map was drawn, there is always the chance that it was rather difficult to see a specific name up in the tower because it was such a small place on the map and the names had to be even smaller. With all the stacked dorms, a single name would be hard to notice.

    And I also don't think that Fred and George had any clue what Harry and Ron's dorm mates' names were. They probably saw 'Peter' in passing and didn't even think to look at the last name, as it wasn't who they were looking for, and this is assuming that what I said above isn't the case and it is easy enough to see singular names up in the tower.
  11. Randeemy

    Randeemy Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2005
    Its a boarding school, you know everyone in your house seeing as you live together for so long.
  12. Reign

    Reign Fourth Year

    Oct 27, 2008
    Also, didn't Percy have Scabbers before Ron? If he did then there should be an extra year or two depending on when the Twins got the map. Anyways shouldn't Harry of been wondering why someone named Peter Pettigrew was always with them?

    Only thing I can think of is Peter ran away whenever Harry had the map out or he used the Confundus charm on it, should be easy since he helped create the map.

    Another Triwizard Tournament plot hole, couldn't Dumbledore of Confundus charmed the cup to believing there was no 4th school or is there a limit to one Confundus charm per tournament?
  13. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.
    ..."A limit to one Confundus charm per tournament?" The Cup is not supposed to be Confunded. Confunding it is cheating, just like meddling with an election's results -- you're not going to ask, "Oh, couldn't they fix the election again so that the right candidate is elected, or is there a limit to one fixing per election?"

    What Dumbledore might have done is "de-Confunding" the Cup; but once Harry's name was out, it was too late, as the Cup constitutes -- to quote Crouch -- a binding magical contract. He couldn't go back even if it was obvious he wasn't a legitimate champion.
  14. Qazi

    Qazi Squib

    Aug 22, 2008
    Was it specifically stated that Crouch cast a two-way portkey? No? All portkeys, bar the Cup IIRC, have been single-use, unidirectional devices.
    Would it not also be logical (ha, wizards & logic?), that as part of the Tournament proper, the cup was initially a portkey to transport the victorious Triwizard Champion to outside the maze? Crouch just layered the Little Hangleton portkey over the top, and forgot/didn't know about the former victory portkey already in place.

    ...but enough of this justification shit.
  15. Reign

    Reign Fourth Year

    Oct 27, 2008
    You really latched on to my try at a joke... Since you took it seriously then I will take it seriously too.

    "Cheating's a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and always has been." - Alastor Moody. Not that we can trust what Moody or Barty say's since Moody is Barty Crouch Jr. and Barty Crouch Sr. is under the Imperius Curse.

    The Confudus charm was basically adding another school so when the Confundus Charm was removed it removed the extra school. If there is no school, there can't be a Harry Potter attending that school, and when there is no Harry, there can't be a contract.

    Heh, the Crouch family is fucked up, Barty Crouch Sr.-Imperius Cursed, Barty Jr.-fanatical death eater, and last but certainly not least Mrs. Crouch-drinking polyjuice potion on her death bed, in Azkaban...
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  16. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.

    Okay, all joking aside, I just don't understand how you think.

    The Cup's actions are irreversible, Confunding Charm or not. There's no, "remove the charm and bam! remove the school!" It's like saying (forgive me for yet another comparison) that Slughorn can cancel Ron's actions while he were under Romilda's love potions by just giving him an antidote. No, the antidote will make him normal again, but if he's declared his undying love to Romilda in front of the whole school in the meantime, it won't make it so nothing ever happened.

    As for cheating being traditional in Triwizard Tournaments, I always assumed Crouch was talking about the tasks themselves, not the choosing of champions -- after all there was no reason to mess with the Cup before the age rule was established. I imagine it's a device powerful enough to remain impartial as to which student is most worthy of being chosen, or Crouch wouldn't have had to make it believe in the existence of a fourth school; he could just have made it ignore Diggory and pick Harry instead.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  17. Reign

    Reign Fourth Year

    Oct 27, 2008
    I will try to explain my logic using your comparison.

    So if the love potion(Confundus charm) was removed from Ron(the cup) it would make him/it normal (The cup being normal would there for not know the extra school was competing). I agree with you there but, while everyone would know that Ron confessed his undying love for Romilda, Ron would (being normal) tell everyone that he was under a love potion and rectify that mistake. Would not the cup being an impartial judge also rectify the mistake by removing the binding magical contract from Harry?

    Instead of the cup being powerful enough to resist the Confudus charm and remain impartial while judging you would think it would be even harder to make the cup forget that there was only supposed to be 3 schools competing. The name of the tournament its self being called "3 wizard tournament", you can only have three wizards if there are only three schools.

    Also, Crouch probably thought that adding a new school would be the surest way to get Harry into the tournament.

    Your idea of removing Diggory could be expanded upon and instead of just removing Diggory remove everyone who put there name under Hogwarts thus removing all the competition and not making anyone suspect that a fourth school was added. Which would of been a much smarter choice on Barty's part but then again he was crazy.
  18. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.
    Oh, they tried to. Karkaroff demanded that everyone submit their names again, remember? Confunding Charms don't last, as a rule, and the Cup would've been back to normal by then. But then Bagman said it was not possible, as the Cup had -- er, deactivated? Gone to sleep? Something? And would not be activated again before the next Tournament.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    I don't understand why they didn't tell Harry to just do as poorly as possible if they were worried about his safety. Why couldn't he just make sure he took the longest in each event, then walk off when that time was reached? Does the Cup sense how much one actually tries in each competition? I suppose it could be some form of Unbreakable Vow, but that seems to only work with willing participants.

    Seems like a plot-hole to me.
  20. Tinn Tam

    Tinn Tam Review Goddess Retired Staff

    Aug 11, 2006
    Paris, France.
    Actually for the first task McGonagall tells him to "do his best", that no one would think poorly of him if he didn't succeed, and that teams of wizards are ready to intervene should anything go wrong. After he's managed that task successfully, however, they all start thinking he can handle himself.

    Then again, he could have abandoned every task halfway through. But I'm not sure Harry would like the idea of making a fool of himself in front of the whole school. Although he's stupidly lured into a false feeling of safety after the first task, he can be rather competitive...okay, sometimes.