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META MAFIA - Episode I: Slumber Party || Concluded [FEMME NATION Win]

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Zeitgeist, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Pshh, we've had better suggestions than that!

    I was partial to watching the Pokemon movies, personally.

    (I do like Mean Girls and Clueless a LOT....I love seeing movies with funny females in them...especially Emma Stone <3....but that's besides the point)

    Anyway, I don't care about what we watch. I'll be busy omnomming on cookies, and eating pudding off of the strippers. So...pick whatever.

    ....this is the part of the slumber party where everyone else has fallen asleep and I'm still raring to go, isn't it?
  2. Little Knee

    Little Knee Seventh Year

    Jul 31, 2011

    ....... *I'm still awake* *Eating cookies from Cheddar*

    Ah, okay. About the voting. Ashaya, you haven't told us the reasons you become suspicious of 1and1isthree. Mind to share with us? You're the first person here to vote for one of us to be smothered, and it doesn't seem too nice :(
  3. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Well, it wasn't any particular reason. She just seemed like the best option to me.

    Just a reminder, we only have 4 hours to go....of course, whoever is the Master of Mamo can just decide who we smother.
  4. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    This is so difficult, it being the first day and all, trying to root out who looks guilty.

    If we don't make a smothering then we don't kill an innocent, but don't have a chance of killing a witch either. If we make a smother we might kill a witch but have a greater chance of getting an innocent. But if we don't then we can't move towards the vigilante kill, and the vigilante kill seems to be one of the only ways of knowing if we are on the right track or not as roles nor sides are not revealed upon death.

    So I think we need to smother.

    I guess I need to pick someone. CheddarTrek has seemed fishy since the first moment when she accused someone of being a witch right away for their opinion. Of course that person could very well be a witch. Let me check who it was, I just remember this stuck in my head when Cheddar did that. Okay it was Gila. And then since then, Cheddar has been acting very clueless talking about she has no clue what she is doing. Hmm , maybe she just doesn't at all and that's why she was outright making witch accusations. Okay gonna give the benefit of the doubt for now, but definitely on my suspect list.

    Of course Anya also, because she has the Gay BFF is on my radar. I did vote for her but that is because I wanted to move along to talking about who to smother, and I wasn't doing to great at deducing who was innocent or guilty. Don't want to kill her off just yet though, let's see how she acts with her double vote.

    Ashaya has been giving a lot of opinions and strategies seeming to be really helping us out, but is that because she wants to appear on the good side or because she has experience and is genuinely innocent and wants us to do well?

    One thing that struck me odd about Palindrome was that she said she has generally been good at detecting scum. But she also posted that she has a lot of experience being on the mafia side but not on the good side.... Of course she also advocated herself to be the gal pal so that adds a bit more suspicion on top of it.

    I'm sure if I go through everyone, I will have suspicions of them all but for now, Schadenfreude has really not contributed much of anything useful to the conversation, so whether it be because she is scum trying to be inconspicious or because she just is an innocent who doesn't have much to say in ways of helping us route out scum, I am going to vote her, because I would rather lose her than someone who is helping us with scum hunting strategies or providing their suspicions.

    Incase there are better suggestions opinions I will keep it at a deadline vote. Although I am worried with so little time left we will not get a smothering at all. Girls please vote!

    Deadline Vote: Schadenfreude
  5. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Okay, I'm changing my vote because reading over the thread, I get a sense that something is off with Lindsey. I'm really sorry for not having any good reasons, but I'm just gonna go with my gut here....I don't think we will reach an agreement today anyway, so it doesn't matter much.

    Remember, we have the Master of Mamo, who can decide a smothering target for us.
    Though let's not rely on that, it really is much better to see who votes for who.

    rescind vote
    Deadline vote: Lindsey
  6. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    A Pokemon movie instead of Baz Furrman's Dromeo and Lutriet? Are you sure? It features some high calibre acting from Clark Danes and Lea DiSidhe as Dromeo and Lutriet respectively. Lea's performance as Lutriet was particularly convincing. It was almost fey and fairy-like in characterisation. :3

    I suppose you can watch Pokemon 2000, though, if that it is what you prefer. This is also the time to check your QTs - and be reminded that the Master of Mamo can choose to lynch somebody if no consensus is reached.

    Use your QTs as a place for fun, roleplaying, and keeping track of your thoughts/suspicions. Trust me. Rather than internalising, using your QTs to document your thoughts will help you comprehend the game better.

    I've also decided to extend the end of Day 1 to 08:00PM EST on 11 December. This is because I really doubt that I'll be able to wake up any earlier than that. Yep, my sleep cycle is atrocious. This should give you around 10 more hours from now to reach a consensus.

    Of course, the Day will end whenever enough Standard votes (7) have been cast as a majority. Seriously, get lynching, though. Extensions are normally rare, and this one is only because I really need to sleep.

    Ironic, because I'm posting in a Slumber Party.

    Schadenfreude: 0 (+1)
    LochNess [Deadline Vote]
    Lindsey: 0 (+1)
    Ashaya [Deadline Vote]
    7 votes needed to crush somebody with a pillow
    Yet to vote: 1and1is3, Anya (+ Calz the Gay BFF), CheddarTrek, Gila, insectamantidae, jadedmutt, Lindsey, Little Knee, Palindrome, Schadenfreude, and Vira
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2011
  7. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    That's why I hope people vote because if we rely on the Master of Mamo, then we can't start seeing vote patterns etc, so girls please please step up and start voting!

    ---------- Post automerged at 03:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:52 PM ----------

    Oops just saw Zeitgeists post that it's extended, really glad about that
  8. 1and1is3

    1and1is3 First Year

    Jul 17, 2010
    Wasn't Pokemon 2000 the one with Lugia?

    It was awesome.

    Now on to the fluffy topic of lynching. To smother someone with pillows. Death by pillows is actually kinda fun isn't it? :D

    IMHO, I feel something off reading Gila's and Cheddar's posts. Its just my gut feeling, but I think I'll go with it.

    Deadline Vote: Gila

    Now, if you'll just convince me that you aren't guilty...

    LochNess is pretty much nicetowngirl on mah radar, seeing how earnest she is. Or maybe she's scheming and just making a first impression to get ready for the chance to backstab us :O Such is the way of life.

    There isn't much from us to read from, and I suggest we just go with the wind. Moar people vote please?
  9. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude Fourth Year

    Jul 16, 2010
    God, trying to sort out who looks suspicious and who looks innocent make me feel so bad at this game. Why must you all have conflicting and yet convincing arguments... Just thinking of all the convoluted ways things could be interpreted or in which you girls could be spinning things reminds me that I over-think way too much.

    Well. I really need to go to bed soon, and I doubt I'd get up before the new deadline.

    Gut feeling it is.

    Deadline Vote: Ashaya

    I'm not sure exactly, but something just seems off. Might have something to do with how quickly you supported the Galpal vote for Anya, who herself is also suspicious to me.
  10. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Yeah - Hunt of Thrones was the game I played and won; it was a multiple faction game, with four factions. The only reason my team managed to win was that we managed to kill off all of the other mafia team, who were in a stronger position than us in the town.

    That game was so stressful. D:
  11. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Meh, I supported the Anya galpal vote because she's motherfucking Anya <3
    Also, she seems rather genuine, and I don't think she is scum.

    At the moment, I'm most suspicious of (in order): Lindsey, 1and1isthree, Gila, jadedmutt, and Vira. It's mostly because they haven't been posting much. So....get to posting.
  12. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    Can I also say I'm already regretting my choice of making Anya the gal pal if her original vote was to someone because they hurt her feelings... even if she did rescind it...
  13. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Yeah, see, I came into this game with the intention of having fun and those comments were meant in jest -- hell I thought that would have been obvious. If I have to watch everything I post/type that closely then this isn't going to be a fun game. For goodness sakes, you're all DLP members, though I'm beginning to wonder how much of the rest of the forums some of you frequent.

    I also have slight suspicions of Palindrome for similar reasons. Ashaya as well.

    Damned if I know who to vote for though.

    *Passes out more Cookies*

    Perhaps I'll be suspicious of anyone who doesn't like cookies. Who was it that wanted Rice Krispie Treats? Jadedmutt. I've got my eye on you...
  14. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    So girls, who do suspect? Who will you cast your vote for? I mean I know we can still have a judge smother, but I really think it would be better to have a majority vote so we aren"t relying on one person's suspicions, and can start getting a feel for who everyone is and who they are voting for. I made my vote but as I said I have other suspicious people in mind, also anyone else who barely posts is already automatically a suspect for me.

    Please everyone cast a vote. I know there is still time left but I know we all have real life commitmentts/ time zone differences and it may be hard to reacha majority if people leave it to the last minute.
  15. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Sorry about that. Just slept like 14 hours. I should be up all day.

    I have to say sorry to Cheddar, like an hour after I posted that I felt bad and couldn't change it as I didn't have a computer near me. I shouldn't have tried to force you into that role. :(

    I also have suspicions on both Palindrome and Ashaya as well because they both have kicked ass in the past. But, not trusting them does not give me the reason to vote for them.

    For some reason I have a big suspicion on insectamatidae but I have no idea why.

    My mind is in a whirl of confusion, I shall hold on for voting now.
  16. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    And CheddarTrek, I don't think it's that anyone wants to make it a not fun game, but the fact that we are trying to figure out who the witches are by who they type means we will all be trying to figure out what each other means when they post things.

    I mean we could just all pass out cupcakes and cuddle and not worry about what people are saying, but I think the game is actually more fun when we do read into people's posts and discuss our suspicions aloud.

    Not trying to cause a feud, *hands out cupcake to CheddarTrek*
  17. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Ugh, sorry I haven't been around much. Got exams in a few days, so I've tried to ignore the internet.

    Not suspicious of anyone right now, to be honest. I'd say Insecta because she didn't get me a bottle of water when she went out and now I have to drink this stupid punch, but that isn't good enough evidence. I'm going to vote a little bit later after I've reread the thread.

    Also, I support a Pokemon movie marathon. Anyone who doesn't must take it up with me.
  18. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    I don't know who to trust right now, but I'm suspicious of Lindsey. She seems to be putting a lot of emphasis on her noob-ness. She's playing it up too much.

    And LochNess is being very neutral, which raises alarm bells.
  19. LochNess

    LochNess Third Year DLP Supporter

    Oct 10, 2011
    I ahree with you jadedmutt about Lyndsey. There are many of us who haven't played before, (as in me) but aren't relying on being new o be viewed as clueless.

    I will say I am an innocent. I'm not jumping on one person because it's too early for me to weed out the witches, but I am trying my best to find suspicious people. I wouldn't say I am completely neutral, I mean I have been posting the names of people I find suspicious which might make me a target for the witches if I do call them out and draw attention to them. But you are right that I am not calling out "_____ is a WITCH, I KNOW IT< BURN HER!"
  20. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Lmao. I am not even realizing I have been playing up by noobness, I'll try to stop doing that. Honestly, I just have no one I am suspicious enough to vote them out.

    My thoughts:
    1and1is3 - Never really around so I have no reading on her. It doesn't help that I never see her around the forums (perhaps she is on IRC?). I have nothing to judge her on.

    Anya (totally just typed Arya the first time :p)- I have been suspicious of her for awhile and didn't want her to be the galpal. Ah well. I am closely watching her.

    I have no opinions (as of yet) for Vira, Schadenfreude, jadedmutt, LockNess or Gila (probably cause she hasn't posted lately). Little Knee and Cheddar, I am not suspicious of at all, at this time.

    I think I'm most suspicious of insecta, Anya and 1and1is3.

    I really don't want to judge Ashaya and Palindrome based on other games, so I am holding back any worry I have of them for right now.

    So, because I might be gone (on a date o: tonight.) I will throw out a vote until people can convince me otherwise.

    Deadline vote: 1and1is3