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Complete Mother of Learning by nobody103 - T - Original Fantasy

Discussion in 'Original Fiction' started by Betosa, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    I'm astonished this thing is supposed to end in roughly 6 chapters. I guess the author got tired of writing it and wants to move on? Did he fall in love with the idea at ending it at 100? There's easily enough room for 20 chapters I felt, after finishing this last one. You can barely wrap up the conflict and write a proper epilogue in sixish chapters. He's severally underestimating the amount of crap he has to write, or we're in for a lot of heavy-handed summarizing. It makes little sense to me, since it's taken us years of build up to get to this point, so why would you just...end it so quickly. I'm hoping the author will realize there's no way six chapters is enough room to pace things correctly. Even at 60k words, which is not what I'm expecting from this author, you don't have a lot of room to work with without being very selective on descriptions.

    As already stated, there are even a lot of student characters we had some development for in the story's beginning and then dropped off (let us not forget a certain animated spider girl), and it sounds like we're not going to be seeing much of them after 94. Seems like a lot of wasted writing was spent on them, I expected them to be puzzle pieces that fit into a larger resolution. There was quite a bit of world building that went underutilized, too. Unless we're going to see a sequel or another story in this universe, I can't help but prematurely cry 'wasted potential'.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2019
  2. thattin

    thattin Second Year

    Feb 20, 2013
    Whilst an ending in 6 or so chapters seems unlikely (and I suspect it'll run over) I don't think it's entirely impossible for it to be. When it gets down to it the conflict between Red Robe and Z&Z won't last long really? Like put that as 2 chapters max really. 1 chapter resolving Veyers talking to them now, 1 chapter on the soul cage and 1 chapter on why Zach was timelooped and by who would be 5 in total.

    Whilst I don't think the endgame should be short or unreasonably abrupt, I think dragging it on too long would be just as bad. I get the feeling he's just going to skim over some/most of his interactions with his classmates which while disappointing isn't unreasonable? They aren't the immediate concern, the Primordial is.

    That said I would love to see a sequel covering what happens to Z&Z afterwards. Preferably not from their point of view and that just has them as secondary background characters as I feel their "story" would be done if that makes sense?
  3. Sey

    Sey Not Worth the Notice DLP Supporter

    Aug 9, 2016
    High Score:
    New update. Has an interesting twist, but I didn’t necessarily love it. Still curious to who Red Robe is.
  4. rajvir

    rajvir Third Year

    Jul 8, 2011
    I actually really liked the twist myself.

    It answers a lot of questions I had looking back, granted a few new ones were added by SB but overall I really liked it.

    I'm pretty sure at this point Red Robe is confirmed, but we could get a twist I suppose.
  5. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    Confirmed who?
  6. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Spoilers time! Good chapter, but wasn't quite enough meat to it for me.

    I didn't expect that particular reveal, but I like it. It's worse than expected (for the characters) and better (for me as a reader) that Zach made a pact (hah, rhymes) with the angels that mirrors the one Silverlake made with the primordial.

    It explains a lot but also opens more questions. This is why Zach was so sure to never let Zorian into his head. It doesn't explain why he wouldn't let some random person inside the loop do it though, since even if he had to kill that person well... they'd appear again. Harsh but true.

    My guess is that Red Robe and Zach became buddies at some point early in the loop. Zach gave him a temp marker. Zach got attached and wanted Red Robe to survive and started working on a way to get around the pact, which led to him becoming a permanent looper, which somehow led to Red Robe finding all of this out and stabbing Zach in the back to save himself? Or not, dunno.

    And who the hell is Red Robe anyway? It's not Veyers, or is it? The original Silverlake is still here, but that doesn't quite match up (Silverlake wasn't soul-killed in the time loop after leaving like Veyers was, but who knows), so maybe RR!Veyers and regular Veyers both exist?

    ...Or maybe it's that stupid lawyer, actually. If he was Red Robe and had left the loop then he'd be 'reset to normal' like Zorian and Silverlake were, and when they read his mind during the loop itself they wouldn't have gotten anything. That actually makes sense. Not sure why he needed to remove Veyers from the loop at some point if it is him though, but that could technically be as simple an explanation as "he was irritating."

    Yeah, I guess he makes sense... but it still feels weird, somehow. The guy doesn't seem important enough or connected to enough, but whatever.

    So yeah, interesting chapter. But we got a little information on Veyers and then we got a twist, but nothing much happened outside of information changing hands. We learned a lot of things - and they were interesting plot things - but not much occurred. /shrug
  7. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I really like the twist.

    Especially how it explains Zach's behaviour we took for granted in this kind of character at the beginning, like trying to stop the invasion all alone.

    Once again, as the readers, we miss a chance to meet the headmaster. Is he really not that important?
  8. Sey

    Sey Not Worth the Notice DLP Supporter

    Aug 9, 2016
    High Score:
    Oof that’s so true. With staples like Ozpin and Dumbledore it kind feels almost insulting that the headmaster isn’t someone.
  9. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Henry Fogg (Dean of Braekbills)?
  10. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Well, to some extent that is the problem with this type of writing, you can easily end up with quite a bit of stuff that in a more traditional work would hopefully be cut during editing. If you publish stuff chapter by chapter without editing the existing body as you go you are far more likely to end with a lot of characters, plots and scenes that didn't pan out or which don't really contribute a lot to the overall story.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019
  11. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    I was reading reviews on ffnet and came across an apparently common theory. Can someone explain it? I'm guessing it's cropped up on another site.

    Zach is Red Robe?

    We've seen them in the same room together though. But then at some point before Zorian, Zach did find the simulacrum spell even if he apparently didn't learn it. Are they taking that route? Seems to leave a lot to be desired to me.

    Or what's the theory behind this theory?
  12. DvorakQ

    DvorakQ Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 29, 2006
    hmmm, wellp the new chapter did make an interesting point

    Soo I did posit that Jornak could be red robe (boring theory but kinda worked, soul removing veyers to stop constant interaction w/Zach)

    However, the Zach is red robe might be explained that maybe both the Angels AND the Demons have a dog in the fight. Maybe the time loop had an evil Zach who managed to break into the good Zach's loops. We still don't know what the deal with the missing gods is nor have any inklings w/regards to power levels of the Angels/Demons
  13. Glimmervoid

    Glimmervoid Professor

    Dec 21, 2011
    I maintain my theory that Red Robe is a version of Zorian from earlier in the time loop, who got a temporary mark and somehow broke the limits - meaning there were two versions of him in the time loop. We more or less know Red Robe broke a temporary mark. It is a small jump from simply extending the time limit somehow to allowing multiple version of a person. Or, hell, maybe he starts each loop as a ghost and has to possess someone. That could be how Veyers fits in - a easy target for possession, his wild magic making him uniquely vulnerable.

    The strongest evidence for this theory is Red Robe's apparent mind powers. We know he messed with Zach's mind and Zorian is the only human psychic of great skill we've seen so far. Sure there could be more (and likely are at a world building level) but this is a story.

    I think this works on a thematic level, too. One of the big things in Mother of Learning is Zorian's growth as a character. To start off with he is a real jerk, stewing in self-pity. But he gets better, makes friends and growths. Red Robe!Zorian would be a version who never went through that or went through it differently.
  14. Vanathor

    Vanathor Third Year

    May 16, 2014
    My main issue with that theory is how towards the middle-end of the loop whenever they encountered Red Robe he ran the fuck away because he was scared of Zorian wrecking him in the mental 1v1.
  15. ILikeLurking

    ILikeLurking Second Year

    Aug 1, 2011
    Well, with his shitty disposition before his soul-meld with Zach making him more personable, he would be less inclined to help/rescue Taiven, particularly after he was embarrassed by her laughing in his face at his crush. And even if he did, he'd be less inclined to reach out to the aranea for a number of reasons, particularly understanding the whole situation, and not grasping at straws for any possible help. Thus, less developed mind magic, more along the lines of a talented normal person.

    It all kind of fits, and he's dropped hints all along about how different he is after this experience, wondering how the old him would handle situations. There are quite a few hints that make me lean in the alternate!Zorian direction.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2019
  16. DvorakQ

    DvorakQ Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 29, 2006
    Mmm. Jornak theory
    1. Veyers proximity + already a cultist member. Allows quicker access to robe if you are already a member.
    A. Access to the lich. Probably via the cultist network. The quickness that the Invaders had access to loop knowledge means there wasn't a lot of lengthy I'd check.
    2. Pre-loop mind magic capability. Mind magic is fairly rare iirc. As he isn't a natural empath, his mediocre proficiency in the mines fight makes sense because vs normal mages his mind magic is probably considered good/great.
    3. If you want to bypass an unfavorable deal, who do you consult? A lawyer.
  17. Xantam

    Xantam Denarii Host

    Jan 8, 2006
    Another darkhorse candidate for Red Robes would be Briam. He and his firedrake are always impacted by Veyers's interruption, so it would be in his interest to remove Veyers from the loop. I'm sure there are several holes in this theory (for one, why wouldn't he just stop coming to class), but I wanted to look at it from another angle.
  18. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Chapter 95 has been out for over 48 hours so I'm okay with stopping spoiler tags til Chapter 96. Anyone who clicks "go to newest post" will see a lot of spoiler tags before hitting any that aren't tagged, etc.

    Argument against Zorian being RR is, as someone else said, RR's apparently mediocre mental abilities in comparison to Zorian. Jornak seems like an option. I'm not sure of the argument for it being Zach beyond what I outlined in spoiler tags above.

    I feel somewhat the opposite of you, actually, at least on this part.

    There are a lot of student characters that were developed, utilized for plot progression, and outgrown. At least that's how I see it.

    Part of the point of this story is that Zach and Zorian would be completely useless in the endgame here as their pre-timeloop selves. Similarly all of their peers are also going to be useless - or should be - at endgame. The only possible exceptions are Kael, who they aren't planning to involve, and that chick who had some equivalent of the third eye (or whatever - they took her on the airship).

    I don't think that those other characters dropped off - I think they were wrapped up. I don't know what more you want to see from Tinami but Zorian got what he needed from her. He got what he needed from the hot redhead girl, his golem-enthusiast classmate, and just about everyone else.

    If they were "puzzle pieces that fit into a larger resolution" I'd call bullshit. They're third year students at the Academy in a story that focuses on how that just isn't enough to change the world (without a time loop helping you).

    I think forcing them to all play a part at endgame would cheapen the story, not enhance it.

    I agree with you that there's a lot of wasted worldbuilding, but I'd rather have wasted worldbuilding than bland worldbuilding. I don't think it's that bad though - to me it's like complaining that Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were introduced but underutilized in the HP series. I mean, maybe? But at the same time we got enough information to fill in the blanks on what those places are like, just like we get enough information on other countries in MoL to fill in the blanks there.

    Don't get me wrong, I do want more story. I want it to last another 20 chapters not another 5. I hope it magically manages to do that. I more than agree that there's room enough to make that happen if the author wanted to.

    I just disagree with your specific complaints as listed above.
  19. OkraMaster

    OkraMaster Second Year

    Nov 18, 2013
    https://www.fictionpress.com/s/2961893/96/Mother-of-Learning UPDATE.

    And what an update it is.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Well, RR's out. Jornak was always the most likely candidate - including the possible motivation desire to see Cyoria burn. Good to see that he's not just a dick though. The time loop can be such a source of corruption...

    Angels seem more reasonable than expected. However, what with ZnZ being severely limited by this new truce.... They'll need every advantage they can get.
  20. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    The angels are reasonable, and actually being able to physically help in the fight for the primordial is more than I was expecting. I'm assuming Oganj is the demonic equivalent of the angel ZnZ talked to?

    It does look like it's just the final fight remaining. I expect one more twist however. I'd personally guess that it would be something like preventing any higher entities from interacting with the material world at all - no primordials, no celestials, etc - which would tie to the force which blocked them off from the loop. Might even be one of the failsafes from the old ones mentioned in this chapter.