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Mountainous Mafia #2: Murder in Vanilla Town

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    My Jan read wasn't based on that, I just came across it as I was making the post again.

    Also, my goal with the post was not to tie Jan and Fonti together, I barely mention her. I just tacked the bit to Fonti on because of what she said while I was making the case, the whole thing is pure Jan.
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    Jan said "this is where I took it from" about his opening post, while at the same time arguing he couldn't have taken it from the opening post because the timeframe wouldn't allow it. Also he said he already knew it from the WWE and used it from there.

    Both things can't be true at the same time.
  2. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    But being that fonti and jan are your two lowest reads do you think they can be aligned what you already mentioned in your previous post aside?
  3. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Oh, I certainly think it's possible, but my Jan scumread is not conditional on Fonti also being scum.
  4. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    [QUOTE="Jarizok, post: 1017344, member: 58148"Jan said "this is where I took it from" about his opening post, while at the same time arguing he couldn't have taken it from the opening post because the timeframe wouldn't allow it. Also he said he already knew it from the WWE and used it from there.

    Both things can't be true at the same time.[/QUOTE]
    This is a fair point but for the sake of argument do you think wolf!Jan admits that when it probably makes him look actively worse?
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    Riiiiiiiip my quote.
  5. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Dunno how he'll react. I'll leave that part to him?
  6. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    That's not what I asked?

    I'm asking do you think wolf!Jan tries to fake spew himself clear and then admits it had come from something else when that arguably makes him look a bit worse?
  7. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    This is why she wouldn't, tbh.
  8. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    Ah, my bad.

    It's obviously not the smart thing to do, but if you're asking me if Jan is capable of making mistakes, I'm gonna go yes.
  9. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Mountainous Mafia #2 Votal 1.8

    Jari [3] - Delphine, Beru, Font.
    Jan [3] - Fluff, Fable, Jari.
    [1] - Miner.
    Font [1] - Rubicon.

    Not Voting [3] - GH, Asmo, Jan.

    With eleven players alive, it will take six votes to soft-lynch and nine votes to hard-lynch!

    Day One ends on September 14 at 3pm PST.
  10. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    "I'm bored."
  11. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
  12. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    I had brought up the point and a few posts had gone by without anyone mentioning it (and I also wanted to get more engaged), so I directly asked somebody who was around at the time to give their take on it.
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    I'll assume that the question in the first part of this only directly relates to what else I quoted, correct me if I'm wrong.

    Anyway, the answer is I can't, because this isn't something I usually do. The games I've played in the past year have generally been 36/12 with a smattering of 48/24 on the side, so "waiting until the last 24 hours to do things" isn't nearly as much of a percentage of time allotted like it is here.

    Though I don't particularly understand while my quote of "me waiting until the last 24 hours to really go for it" could be perceived as me stating that I was doing a townie thing, care to elaborate on that one?

    Beru tonal markers coming up.
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    "while" = "why" good lord
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    The last time I will talk about the matter:

    I saw the fist part, thought about something that would be a fun fit for it (thinking role pms are unique), actually googled the phrase to get a picture version, but all of them had "the revival" tag on it and that wasn't a good fit and I didn't feel like editing pictures.

    Game started, wrote the thing. Read introduction post and realized I spewed myself.

    Feel free to ignore all of this. Try using it against me and you force me to explain things even more, which is just boring.

    On the subject of fonti and me not interacting early on. We had a small fight d1 in the mu witchhunt game and I decided to not cross paths with her this game unless it made sense/I had something to actually talk about. Nothing to do with either of us or our alignment.

    If you want to know how Fonti and I wolf together, check Mini-mafia #6 (?) Citrus hosted it. Star Wars themed.
    Or ask Rubicon he rolled scum with us.
    It sure as hell is not "Jan was annoyed by Fable and said so in wolfchat. I will now be annoyed by Fable for completely different reasons just to be a big old meany. That will teach him a lesson."

    I don't think anything else no your case was memorable enough for me to remember.

    No one ever asked me. I won't explain reads on 10 people in every 2nd post I make over and over again, seems pointless.

    I said why Delphine got some townpoint from me earlier. I said that her limited activity (in bursts) is somewhat explained by her lack of internet), which removes some of my doubt and makes her a townlean instead of a "mixed bag"-read .
    Fonti said it well, that delphine is likely town, but we should hold her to a higher standard or something. Just keep an eye on her to see how her game evolves etc.

    Fontis play in the last 12(?) hours is either only to pocket me or just town. I liked most of her early reads. Her thoughts make good sense.
    I actually somewhat liked her Bears read, because her completely self centric play reads somewhat similar to the witchhunt I modded.

    Like so far I have explained my reads on :

    I haven't explained my reads on :

    Saying I haven't explained my reads is just - what? You just didn't like what I have said.
  14. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    I've liked the following posts from Beru, this time with deeper explanations. You'll forgive me for manually quoting without providing post markers themselves, easier that way:

    Also a lot of this is going to come down to "tone".

    I'm making a few of the following assumptions based on just general rumblings about the site from people I know (Newcomb) and things I've briefly glanced over, correct me if I'm wrong:

    1) The general meta on DLP is, to a certain degree, townsided.
    2) Many of the players on DLP, possibly because seemingly half of you were mentored by Eido, place a high value on understanding a player's thought process when looking over them and seeing if their posts make sense from a townie perspective or is otherwise agenda-y, etc.
    3) This method outlined in Point 2 is generally successful, given Point 1.

    Because of this emphasis on process, Beru putting herself out there like this in the post that I quoted here seems like she's reading the tea leaves early on in the game w/r/t how she's going to approach it and is just ruminating on this fact for its own sake, not particularly slanting it one way or the other ("HEY GUYS LOOK AT ME I'M GONNA BE DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY DON'T LYNCH ME FOR IT OKAY" or "ugh, woe is me, nobody's going to ever understand poor Beru and how I approach this wonderful, horrible game of ours"). It's just like she's just taking notice of the gamestate and factoring it into how she approaches things before moving on and continuing to try to form reads and solve.

    tl;dr I don't see this post coming from mafia.

    I'm not sure I mentioned this post during my previous runthrough of Beru, but this one displays more of the same thought patterns to me, with emphasis on her second line. It's just Beru generally ruminating on things, seemingly as they come to her, but she's not pushing it in any particular way. It's just a thought she has and is putting it down.

    First line is a stupid reason why I'm townreading her and an easy one for me to get tangled on, but the read's still there for her saying it.

    Second line is just a kind of quiet little sort of confidence on her position in the game state, one that I rarely see associated with mafia posting it in that sort of situation.

    This is a newer post of Beru's that was made since I made my comments on her yesterday(?) but it's kind of more of what I've been talking about, it displays an easy, "shrug it off" sort of confidence in dealing with her own position relative to the gamestate. I don't really see many mafia (witches? wolves? what's the preferred terminology here?) making these kinds of posts, especially when, IME, they're hyper-aware of where they stand and normally would be treating the "lots of random votes at me but nothing really stacking" like it's a lot bigger emergency than it actually is.

    Beru's not doing that.


    So yeah. That said, overall I would like for her to explain her reads on the team being someone in Fonti/Jari/Delphine.
  15. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Really important work thing this afternoon, will catch up tonight.
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    I think this applies to Newcomb and Fonti.

    I would not know that anyone else got any mentorship by Eido.

    My play might be slightly tainted because I hang around this place and Fonti too much to not be affected at all.

    I addition - I don't think pure tone reads on bears will get you that far. She always feels somewhat freeflowing in thread and cagey with everything she says (in regards to reads) to me. Like .. getting anything useful out of her is hard because she normally rolehunts as either alignment, and then gives vague reads because of "reasons" etc because you don't roletalk in thread.
    I expected her to actually take a break from that in a game like this and just try to be tranparent about her thoughts, which has not happened to an extend I was hoping for.

    I can see your point, but I don't think it means a lot in regards to her alignment (there are tohers in this game that I would read town for things like that).
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    Got hom from the store. Time to reread the stuff that happened while I was sleeping.

    There was something there that I wanted to talk about, I think.
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    what the .. how did that become a quote? something messed up hard. let me fix it.
    10 posts inbetween.

    I think both of them making such a similar statement on Rubicon (10 posts apart) is a good look for all three?!

    I don't thin scum!Delphine ever copies fontis thought process there on purpose. Not if they are scum together or if fonti is town. Not a thing.

    Not a lock it down as town thing .. but a handful of townpoints.
    Just a similar thought process etc.

    This is right.
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    A part of me is trying to figure out what Jari does right now.

    Getting me misslynched in this game should be near to impossible, but is his case something he actually believes or is he just fighting windmills and blowing up some smoke that looks good and is an unlikely angle for scum to take.

    Everything else he has done was somewhat bland.

    Let us talk about reads.

    In case you are town here. Explain your top 5 townreads with as many words as you can, please.
    (You should realize this is helpful regardless of my alignment, because you technically just win the game by townfirming 7 players, if you can't find scum.)
    Plus explain why your fluff read is neutral when you said :
    As response to this post :
    I get the part where you would expect Fluff to "throw in a random two lines of text by now", but saying he is neutral after agreeing with the matter that Fluff is more likely town for doing nothing is not right, is it?
  17. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Jari, your case on Jan is completely unconvincing for the reasons Fable. For an example of Jan blowing up at someone for no reason, see the mu witchhunt. For example of me getting annoyed with someone on Jan's behalf, see the dm game from Monday.

    I also have only seen Jan do stupid spew clear shit to this extent as town. You should reassess.

    You should answer my questions, address the case on you, and explain your changing beruru read.
  18. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    No one will ever read that wall!

    God bless automerge.

    Funfact, the middlepart might be me meeping around and no one will ever know. Muahahaha
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    Fonti killing the merge! How dare you!
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    I don't think anyone has seen me do stupid shit like that ever before as anything in all honesty.

    I tried to shower afterwards, but I don't think I will feel clean again until this game is over.

    On an unrelated note @Fable - sorry if I got your post the wrong way. Happens sometimes. Not alignment indicative just an overblown emotional reactions when in the wrong mindset and confronted with bullshit.
    I can give you examples where I did it as town and scum before. Don't read into it.

    (I still think the way you pushed had hostile intentions, but we should just move on from that part of the game)
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    The merge is back, baby!
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    You are, sorry, I probably wasn't clear enough.

    I think, on four different occasions, in different ways, you have gone into detail on things you /would/ have done, and these things invariably very towny and perhaps indicative of a towny thought process. But since you never actually did then, simply stating the thoughts feel like an attempt to look town rather than being town. Is explaining as you did in your opening post, when you asked me questions early on and when you talked about how you intended to push on people for content in the last 24 hours part of your normal play?
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    Alright, I understand you bears read and am ok with it. I'll note that things like "I think this thread is going to be split into three main groups, actually." from them, which ruminate on the gamestate in stead of scumhunting are, I think, sometimes the result of them trying to solve from a scum perspective. They made a lot of similar states in my recent scum game with them.
  20. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Every time I see a wall I'm triggered.

    I don't think that fonti/Jan is the exact team, but I do think that fonti is still scum here.

    I mean, there's only so many times you can 180 on your reads and call it a reaction test of some sort.