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Name Change Discussion

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Anlun, Jul 12, 2007.


In regards to Time Travel, does Harry changing his name affect the reader?

  1. yes; I refuse to read a story if he changes his name. The story is no longer Harry Potter

    2 vote(s)
  2. No; his identity comes from the characterization not the name

    5 vote(s)
  3. I'm okay with a name change if internally he still refers to himself as Harry

    11 vote(s)
  4. I don't mind a name change, don't have him refer to himself as Harry, that is too confusing.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    I have always wondered how other people have felt when they read fics where Harry either has, or changes his name to something else, for whatever reason. I believe that they're two mentalities.

    The first is that it completely removes the sense of Harry Potter that is meant to be found. The reader came to read the fic because it was in the Harry Potter section, not the Evan Jamison section.
    The second argument is that it is an essential element to many Au's in that it allows the author to fully recreate a character that is essentially flawed in his or her eyes. Whether it's because canon Harry is magically weak, pathetically dumb, or hormonally challenged (perhaps all the above).
    I lean more to the second argument, as I don't see it as a big deal, but on the other hand I can see why it could be.
  2. Lorelei of the Sea

    Lorelei of the Sea Unspeakable

    Aug 13, 2005
    Southern California
    I hate stories that change his name. Usually, it's like an OC in the dramatically different wizarding world. Not only Harry is changed but everything else. They might as well publish it as original fiction.
  3. Mr. Merriman

    Mr. Merriman Groundskeeper

    Jun 9, 2006
    Wel, generally, as long as his name is Harry, I couldn't care less what he uses for his last name, even though I prefer Potter. Using Black or the like as a pseudonym to avoid attention is perfectly fine, but when I read a Harry Potter fanfic, I want to read about Harry doing things, not Evan or whatever. It helps the reader identify the main character, as different as he may be from canon Harry, with the familiar image we have in our minds. The more you change about a character, the less recognizable he is as the same character.

    In an AU fic where Harry was adopted or whatever, I all too often wind up reading about Raven Darkmoon or Hijo Kushime (or whatever faux Asian name is popular, including genuine Asian names stolen from Anime or Manga) that doesn't look, act, talk, or interact like Hary Potter.

    That's not Harry Potter. That's an OC replacing Harry Potter, not a variant of the same basic character. That bit annoys me.

    We're all guilty of changing the character of Harry. That's what DLP fanfic is all about, but it's still Harry. In a post-canon-book fic, it's much easier to keep the character associated with Harry Potter even if the name changes since there's a shared history. Make A Wish is an example of this. And he's still Harry. AUs are harder, since the character often has a completely different history from the Harry we know, and therefore there are fewer connections that allow us to think of this as the same character we read about in PS or PoA.

    It's just my opinion, but I really don't see any need for Harry's name to change to something else, other than gratification for the author, especially to the point where even Harry doesn't think of himself as Harry (even when using a fake name, like Evan, the narration, when from his POV, should show us what Harry is doing, even if the other character's call him Evan, so that we know what name Harry mentally associates with himself).
  4. Mindless

    Mindless Big Boss DLP Supporter

    Dec 31, 2006
    United States
    I like it better when the name change is merely a smoke screen to cover his identity. He's only referred to as [name] by others in the story, and it helps if the name is a good, well-thought out one.
  5. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    This is an interesting discussion as it's something I'm facing in my new fic.

    I tend to agree that changing the name can lead to changing the character too much. A lot of where I'll come down on this issue relates to the story itself. How does the name change fit? Is it just some arbitrary change because the author likes "Bob" better than "Harry"? If so then it's a detractor to the story. Did the change reflect a fairly large shift in Harry's life (i.e. adoption while still an infant)? If so then I can live with it.

    I think Mindless also makes a good point in regards to a cover story identity. If the author only uses the new name during conversation between characters, but keeps Harry as Harry for the purposes of narration then it can work well. The reader is given the sense that it is simply a "mask" of sorts.

    Without giving away plot points I believe most people may already have an inkling of how I'm handling the issue for my story. The possession scene of the prologue shows Harry as Harry within the confines of his mental prison, but his body and actions belong to Nodens. In this way I can maintain Harry as the character (slightly modified of course) he is meant to be, but for the purposes of the story I also have a Goa'uld who looks like, sounds like, and can act like, Harry Potter even if he uses the name Nodens.
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    I will stop reading a story if Harry changes his name. Especially his last name because he doesn't want to be a Potter. All because his father was a big bad bully and wasn't perfect.

    I can read stories in which Harry uses a new name as a disguise so others don't realize who he is. Then, he still thinks of himself as Harry Potter. I cannot read stories in which he forgoes his name and even thinks of himself as some random, cliched, name.
  7. Kate

    Kate Elite Member DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    It all depends for me. If Harry's name is changed , but I'm still thinking Harry inside my head, I don't really care. On the other hand, if I can't think of namechange!Harry as Harry, then the story is no more about Harry Potter, and there is no reason to continue reading.
  8. MysterioX

    MysterioX Professor

    Dec 15, 2005
    off the record
    I agree with these two. Harry Potter is just not the same if he's doesn't think he is.
  9. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    Eh, that's not exactly true. If I went through the books and swapped every instance of "Harry Potter" for "Bob Smith" the character remains unchanged. It is the actions, thoughts and circumstance that make the character who he is, not the name.

    Consider this:

    Harry lived his life exactly as happened in canon, but for the purpose of protecting his secret Dumbledore had instructed Petunia to call him "Jason Turner" rather than Harry Potter.

    Harry grows up believing he is Jason Turner, son of James and Lily Turner who were killed in a car crash. His years from 15 months to 11 were identical to canon in every way.

    At 11 he gets the letter addressed to Harry Potter. The letter is not opened only for different reasons than in canon. The letters keep coming until eventually, just as in canon, Hagrid is sent to fetch Harry.

    The only change in Harry's life at this point is a) the reason for not opening the letters from Hogwarts, and b)the revelation of his true name by Hagrid during their meeting.

    Does this change the character in any essential way? While Harry will think of himself as "Jason Turner" more easily than Harry Potter is the character fundamentally changed if his life, and future, are identical?

    Just food for thought.


    I think a lot of this issue has to do with emotional attachment. The character and story is "Harry Potter and the..." so after six books and five movies we've become attached to the name. We identify the name to the character and his adventures. When a fanfiction author then changes that most basic of elements we loose that connection with the character and it urks us.

    Then there's the issue of authors that choose idiotic names. I won't even get started on some of stupid names I've seen, but as with any element of fanfiction clichés tend to engender hatred. If we see too many "Harry Black" or "Raven Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw" etc., etc. we grow to hate it.

    The same can be said for the nicknames used in many fics. God knows that I have come to loath the nicknames "pup", "cub" and "prongslet" with a passion. Oh, and "Emeralds"...oh how I f-ing hate that nickname.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2007
  10. MysterioX

    MysterioX Professor

    Dec 15, 2005
    off the record
    That's what I meant. Only, you'r explanation was a lot clearer. We are too used to the name.
    But, if an author was to rewrite the whole series with a matching but different name... maybe.
  11. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I don't automatically hate fics when they change his name. But you better have a good reason for changing it (like hiding from the rest of the world). And I usually can't stomach it when you change to something seriously fucking retarding sounding. For example, Miss Whiskers had him go by the name Chris Collins in an alternate dimension. That was far better than normal because it wasn't a dumb-as-shit play on James or Evans or Harrison or Black. Or dead friends like Cedric Granger. Those names already have significance to the reader. Don't muddle up how we see the characters because you're incapable of an original thought. Sigh, sigh, go choke on a horse cock, sigh.

    Try and be interesting with your new names too. I'd bitch about what crappy elven names people give Harry, but if you're making Harry an elf then your problems are bigger than a sucktacular name.

    The most important part though is don't be a retard with your name. If you call Harry something like say, Rahkesh, it's just going make me want to take all your fucking ten-sided dice and jam them down your throat far enough that you're shitting double hit points.

    His name is freaking Harry. No one looks at a Harry and says, "You know, he kind of looks like an Arcturus, or maybe an Asmodaeus." Here's a rule of thumb, if you have to explain how to pronounce the name, then it's a shitty name. Bah. Names piss me off too often.
  12. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    For me, name change is OK as long as Harry think of himself as Harry Potter. Once he starts identifying himself with his new identity, his character drifts into the category of OC/Gary Stu and my interest slowly fades.
  13. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    So true. So very, very true.

    "Who are you?" The knights had become awed and fearful at the sight of the obviously powerful wizard before them.

    The young man jabbed his wand forward at random spots around the knights and several more small explosions went off.

    "I am Asmodaeus Rahkesh Arcturus," he said with a smooth accent no one could ever place. "But some call me...Harry."

    Oh yeah. I'm saving that for my HP/Monty Python & the Holy Grail spoof.

  14. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    I like Rahkesh.
  15. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    I always liked Rahkesh in Miranda Flairgold's series. A lot of the times authors change his name to what they think is cool, and that pisses me off. I can understand him changing his name for the purpose of hiding or evading people, but for no fucking reason?

    It all depends on the usage for me.
  16. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    A perfect example of this argument was a fic I absolutely hate that I read awhile ago.

    In this, Harry goes back in time and becomes this guy named "Ludwig", apparently so he can 'escape' his life. He's an unspeakable, shacks up with Tonks, and becomes uberpowerful. He then kills Voldemort and arranges "Harry's" death, so he can be left alone.

    Something about changing your identity or killing your 'self' off pisses me off. It's like running away. I like Harry proud of who he is, or at least refusing to run away from his entire identity and all who have known him just so he can be 'at peace', or 'away from the public eye'.
  17. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    So in general name changes are okay as long as mentally Harry can still call himself Harry. To the outside world hes w/e name but he himself would stay as Harry.
    Now my question is what happens in for example AU's or Time Travel where there's already a Harry Potter in that world. Would it be confusing for the reader to read a renamed Harry, using his real name in his thoughts, and at the same time writing that worlds Harry Potter as Harry as well. Bah that was confusing to write, I hope it's understandable.
  18. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    IMO, the Harry that takes priority in the story should remain Harry.


    Harry travels into the past to adopt himself.

    The older Harry is still the main character as in addition to adopting his younger self he is also hunting the horcruxes and dealing with Death Eaters. This is the character that should remain "Harry Potter".

    The younger Harry should retain his sirname, but change his first to reflect that he is no longer the main character. Most of the times using the middle name or a variation of it works fine (i.e. - James, Jimmy, Jim, etc).


    Or if the author wants to refrain from the middle name they could use an original name not related to existing characters. Perhaps an invented great-great-uncle's name or something.
  19. Anlun

    Anlun Denarii Host

    Jul 2, 2007
    That seems fine in that circumstance but what if Harry doesn't adopt past Harry? What if there separate people living separate live that intermix occasionally?
  20. KenderCleric

    KenderCleric Lord of Plot Bunnies

    Nov 26, 2006
    Terra Atlantus
    Again I'd say that the Harry that takes priority in the story should remain "Harry". If, for the purpose of the story, both must be called Harry then the author should find another way to identify them.

    Example: The younger Harry glared at his older counterpart.
    Example2: The ebony-haired youth glared at his graying elder self.

    These are both bad, but you see what I'm talking about.