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Naruto Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Fluffiness, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Your first question feels like it's a little beyond me (like, I am not sure I can give you a coherent, articulate, helpful answer), but I'll give it a shot:

    The current pressure on TMNT I would like to see continue until "something happens." Not sure what that is, but I don't really want to let him off with "derp town." Either post well enough to clear yourself, or die.

    I'm having a hard time reading the Titus/Mathblade war, mainly because there's obviously a ton of history I have zero information about. A question for your question: would you consider them an "unaligned pair"?

    There are consistent things that bother me about both of them. Short version: Titus making statements that contradict each other. MathBlade arguing well and coherently but the arguments have such a strange starting prepositions sometimes.

    I don't really understand the you/Mathblade argument, mostly because you both keep referencing post numbers and things that happened pages ago. I'm currently re-reading (on #300) and hopefully I'll get some insight when I come to it again.

    I feel like there's kind of a consensus town developing as I look at people's reads, and while I like that in theory, I reeeeeeeeally don't trust it D1. I am especially weirded out that everyone seems to be townreading me right now. I don't know if this is just scum going with the flow, or if they have a nasty surprise for me later on.

    The Waco Kid. I was pretty null on his early posts, but the last 12 hours he's been thinking what I've been thinking. The Waco/Titus "RVS wall" argument is kind of a sticking point, but at this point, from what I can tell, he's the kind of town player I'd want around later - his posts make sense to me, but they're not just theory and thoughts, he goes after people too.

    Assuming you mean "not TMNT" (not sure where the votes are right now, but I think he's top?), I think I'd have to say MathBlade. Not because I necessarily am convinced she's scum, but because I want to see how much certain people defend her, and because she self-admitted to being bad at handling pressure and I want to see if that's actually true.

    I also wouldn't mind seeing pressure on some of the people who are basically not interacting with the main flow of the thread like Jan or Banks. A push for a policy lynch on that group would make it harder for scum to blend in to the background.
  2. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    I'm getting ready to call it a night, but here's 3:

    Atum: Town: I really liked the way he came out of the gate in this game, aggressive, pressuring for reactions. Also relying on a meta read here, but everything is screaming town

    Titus: Scum: You'd be better off going through my posts to look at the actual case post-by-post then me summarizing it. Essentially, Titus has been contradicting herself and has scum-slipped repeatedly, and I've been calling her out for it.

    TMNTurtwig: Scum: This one dates back to near the beginning. I felt like he was very weak w/ his reasons to read people early, stretching facts (like how many people had posted, when it's easily verifiable, and this is something scum LuckyLee did in Endgames), and thought he was irresponsibly bandwagon (DLP has had some strange times with hammers, so I tend to try to be hyper aware of these things). I'm still processing what his current back and forth with Titus means for the two of them
  3. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    This is absolutely analysis TMNT. Try again....

    Newcomb, I contradicted myself once. Deliberately. I own that.

    @Waco, Are you familiar with Slayers?
  4. TMNTurtwig

    TMNTurtwig Professor

    Oct 9, 2011
    Wait, when did you prove Waco was town? Did I miss that? Also, I never once said Zenzao's problem was that he never quoted. I specifically stated that my problem with his posts was that he never gave a specific reason to be hounding after MB.
  5. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    That's okay, kind of expected Titus to be one of them so is not surprised.
  6. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Titus: No idea what Slayers are
  7. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    @TMNT She didn't. There is no mechanical information on Waco being town and Titus just hinted at Waco being scum a few posts ago. This is just flail.

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 23:04 ----------

    Granted I do have a town read on Waco but it is not "proven".

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:06 ---------- Previous post was at 23:05 ----------
    The Waco Kid -- Do you think Titus is bussing? Why would she bus here? Not seeing the benefit.
  8. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    TMNT, I literally just quoted the specific reasoning.

    Waco, A Slayer's gambit is a gambit where someone is deliberately scummy to see what scum follow. I figured Math and TMNT would be incapable of resisting. Newcomb reaching the same conclusions as me makes sense to call him town despite scumreading me. You are the same way but I did not expect more seasoned town to keep going once I crumbed that. I said I was going to be the only mislynch option and I meant it.

    I do have a plan. You see scum cannot lynch both me and Pozzi. Cannot happen. I am the only slot that can bring my plan to fruition. Believe me or not, you're scumhunting helps enough.
  9. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    The problem with Slayers, and here I'm assuming that Titus is referencing the Slayer's Gambit (basically, acting scummy to lure scum on to your wagon), is that you're still acting scummy. This is what I meant when I said earlier that Titus was playing pro-Titus and not pro-Town. Like maybe she does catch some scum that way, but she's not helping her own credibility in the process. Maybe she thinks she can pull up out the nosedive?

    I mean, that would seem to fit what I've read from her this game. Like there were times when she posted something - particularly the times when she compared herself to Sherlock and Socrates - when I was thinking, "wow, how can you and your ego even fit in this thread?" :p

    I mean if she's town and that's what she's doing, we're back to the problem of, "ok, but you're playing scummy so I'm gonna need something really, really big, like mechanically big, to clear you now."
  10. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Math, That is a horrible misrep. I never said Waco was scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

    Yup. That's the idea. Considering you know I am Socrates, maybe you can see the finish and why I have to be the only available mislynch. It is unspeakable, my arrogance.
  11. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    MathBlade, if I suicide via hard claim and Orochimaru poisons me toNight, will that finally shut you up on my being part of the scum team(And if you think I won't, take another look at CYS(Zenzao v Kalas). Re-read my WH11 QT. I am well within willingness to do that)? Maybe point you in the right damn direction so we have an actual chance of winning this forsaken game? Two of the players I played with against you in WH11 have stated my play style this game is coherent with town!Zenzao. I can go pull a quote from WH11 from Snowvon on my behavior that game.

    @TMNT - Are you blind or deliberately obtuse?

    Two reasons why I've been at Mathblade all Day.
  12. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    More like Socrates plus really.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

    There is no need for you to do that. TMNT is proving you town quite well.
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Sadly, I cannot.

    I fear in this play, I'm more of a Meletus.
  14. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    Meletus eventually sees that one cannot believe in the results (offspring) without believing in the cause (the gods) no? You will come around.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 PM ----------

    But too much Greek Philosophy obscures a very direct point I made to you which I shall reveal later if necessary.
  15. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Titus -- Yes you did right here. Waco's passion toward you being scum would mean Waco's wincon same as TMNT's Waco also pointed this out as doubt casting.

    Zenzao -- I don't believe you are town but if you are there is nothing to be gained by suiciding as if you don't die then it wouldn't be believed and if you do die it is anti town. The goal should not be to convince me. It should be to play protown scumreads against you be damned. I don't give two cents you scumread me improperly. I can site numerous town games with my current behavior. It would do nothing to convince the thread so I don't bother. It isn't about convincing me. If I am wrong have faith I will come around.

    If you think I am scum more so than your top read then campaign for my lynch and make it the focus like how I am trying to lynch Titus.
  16. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    No, I got it. I think.

    Why do I feel every time I talk to you like I'm Luke and you're Vader trying to tempt me to the Dark Side?
  17. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US

    Newcomb and Titus -- No codes translation please.
  18. Titus

    Titus Squib

    Nov 25, 2013
    MathBlade, That's absurd. How do you get from me highlighting that TMNT discourages tunnels and doesn't object to Waco or yours as endorsing a tunnel on myself?

    The goal isn't to win a single lynch but to highlight all the scum, which is my plan.
  19. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Because guts are the Force. May the Force be with you and vote Titus.
  20. Pozzai

    Pozzai Muggle

    Jun 27, 2015
    I can ask for no more.

    What about the small one building on me?

    It is my first game here, so I got as little information as you do.
    No matter my alignment(as in whatever people choose to read me as), Titus is defending me, Mathblade is going against me. From my perspective, it is likely, but not solidly an unaligned pair. Fonti for instance don't think they are.

    I am obviously more inclined to read Titus town than Mathblade town, due to the interactions with me, but I like a lot of the points TWK has brought up during the day, and I have a really hard time solidly reading Titus due to this.

    Likely unaligned, but it is possible they are aligned.

    It merely comes down to me feeling like he's not answering my questions straight, and her lack of interest in reading me scum untill Fonti came back at me for strike two, despite her saying she read me scummy back when Fonti put in the first attack on me.

    After this I'm pretty sure she didn't mention me in any of her scumreads, and pinged someone out for their feelings about me. If I read my notes correct those reads and the question was in #256 and #263.

    I also feel like she's accusing me of being scum, for something she did herself.

    All this makes it hard for me to read her town, if she is indeed so.

    I would agree with this, and the exact same feeling. He had a few decent early comments, I liked his sarcastic(I think they were) remarks in #233, think it was in the post merge, and after that he's just kept improving.

    Well, both me and TMNT really.

    The two you mentioned are amongst the few people I know in this game and it pains me they've not been around more, I would agree with them having to speak more, and wouldn't mind pressure put on them for that either.