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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2013
  2. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    Burn it down.
  3. aaltwal

    aaltwal Auror

    Apr 3, 2009
    The fate of Tsunade and the other Kate has been bugging me for a while. the next chapter's going to be interesting with Orochimaru with them.
  4. Mors

    Mors Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 5, 2006
    Somewhere they dont haet teh leet.
    Juugo's line at the end made me laugh.

    "What's Sasuke doing?" Juugo: "Hell if I know..."

    We sympathise, Juugo. We sympathise.
  5. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    Big ass wind/fire combination. Who didnt see that coming from I don't know the very first time Naruto learned how the elements interact.
  6. Davinelulinvega

    Davinelulinvega Third Year

    Dec 2, 2011
    i doubt the juubi will be that easy to take down. in the end madara could always extinguish the amaterasu.
  7. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    You know what would be interesting? If Sasuke sent Orochimaru there to assassinate Tsunade. She is only 54 years old, which means that IF she survives this war, she potentially has many more years to live. Sarutobi was over 70 afterall, and Oonoki might be even older.

    Sasuke wants to become the hokage, and given that the proclamation of his intent was the very first thing he said, we can presume that he is not feeling very patient. But there cannot be two active hokages, and odds are that if Tsunade survives this war, Sasuke won't even get a chance to try for the position for 20-30 years. Heck, given that Tsunade is both Senju and Uzumaki, it might be even more given the whole life/vitality thing. Now it is possible for a hokage to step down (Sarutobi did it), but it seems rather unlikely to me that Tsunade would resign just so Sasuke of all people could get the job. She might do it for Naruto, but not Sasuke, and I bet Sasuke knows that.

    So what is the only way for Sasuke to avoid having to wait multiple decades for the job (maybe even half a century)? He has to make sure Tsunade is out of the picture. And by having Orochimaru do it while Sasuke is fighting Juubi, it would be extremely difficult to put the blame on Sasuke.

    Sasuke killing (via Orochimaru) Tsunade would certainly be a shock, and would certainly put to the test Narutos whole attitude about avoiding the cycle of hatred and so on. Assuming here that Naruto found out somehow that Sasuke was responsible (from say Gaara or someone who overhears something Orochimaru says).

    The only problem is that I would assume Naruto could sense Sasukes evil intent. Then again, Sasuke is crazy enough that he might truly consider killing Tsunade a good thing, so he can take over and make everything better.

    I wonder if Naruto could sense malice, if the person he was sensing was actually literally insane to some degree, and truly and honestly believed he was doing the right and good thing (even if in reality the thing was wrong and evil). Does Naruto sense evil from some universal perspective? Because if not, his negativity sensing could potentially be fooled.
  8. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    ^that would be smart thing to do but we are talking about the Kishimotto so...
  9. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    Honestly, considering Sasuke's bullshit, it would require some serious bullshit on Kishimoto's part for Sasuke to even be considered for the job. Say what you will about whether or not he's a criminal, he pissed off a lot of people, and that's not exactly what you want in a Hokage.
  10. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Sasuke becoming Hokage would basically be one of those really terrible Naruto fics where they lock him up/kick him out/civilian-council-bullshit to get him out of konoha where he becomes super powerful and then spurns everyone later with how awesome he is. Specifically, I'm drawn to the stories where Naruto failing to retrieve Sasuke turns into Naruto being exiled, because of Uchiha-dicksucking.
  11. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    That's precisely the amount of bullshit required for Sasuke to become Hokage, yeah. Kishimoto has pulled some serious shit out of his ass as the manga went along, but he never went that far, thank fuck.
  12. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    The trouble is no one is really reacting to him like that. Other than a few token remarks, he has basically been welcomed back. No one has even mentioned the fact that Sasuke has a history of betrayal and that maybe its not smart to trust him. Heck, no one has even thrown Sasukes misdeeds to his face. It basically looks like everyone has forgiven him, which unfortunately makes the idea that Sasuke will become the hokage quite possible.

    The fact that it makes no sense might just be ignored in the manga, unfortunately.
  13. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Okey for some weird reason I want to read a fanfic of Sasuke becoming Hokage and Naruto poisoning Sasuke so he can't have any children. He would then go and have 9 kids and rebuild the Uzumaki clan.

    After all if Sasuke can live Naruto's dream Naruto can make sure he lives Sasuke's dream. (Even if it means to make sure Sasuke doesn't have any kids.)
  14. Trooper

    Trooper Death Eater

    Jan 8, 2009
    Bangalore, India
    Yes, Someone make this happen please. D:

    And the pairing shall be Naruto/Shizune.
  15. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    To be fair, this wasn't exactly the time for a long winded discussion about Sasuke's spotty past. They are in the middle of a fight and I think most people are just rolling with the fact that they've got help and everything else can be sorted out later.

    Next chapter should be interesting, with orochimaru finally doing his thing again. Datakim's theory does have merit and I always liked insaneSasuke but that seems to be an area that would require a subtle hand that Kishi just doesn't have.

    Orochimaru had Karin with him, you know, the super healer. I rather see them fixing up the Kages and maybe Oro taking over the body of the Raikage if he is still alive or something.
  16. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    This. It'd more unrealistic for them to start bitching out Sasuke in the middle of the biggest battle ever.

    Orochimaru already used his body swap on Zetsu so unless those Mokuton cells give him one helluva recharge, then he's got a three year wait.
  17. someone010101

    someone010101 High Inquisitor

    Aug 7, 2012
    I kind of hope Sasuke becomes Hokage.

    And Naruto becomes the leader of the joint Shinobi Nations.
  18. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
  19. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    This is true I guess. Though I wonder if there should be some suspicion that maybe Sasuke is after Juubis power? I mean from the POV of the alliance, this crazy criminal who helped capture a piece of Hachibi (and in doing so made the resurrection of Juubi possible in the first place) suddenly appears to the battlefield and helps make the biggest chakra battery helpless and vulnerable (which I presume would be necessary for it to be sealed into a jinchuuriki).

    If you did not know all that has happened (Itachi, Hashirama story, etc), would you not be worried that Sasuke is not there to help, but to steal the Juubis power for himself. His proclamation that he is going to be hokage and that the opinions of others don't matter should only make it look even more suspicious (since as a Juubi jinchuuriki, the opinions of others really would NOT matter).

    Heck, for all we know he might actually BE planning that for real. He showed a significant reaction when he sensed Narutos Kurama boosted chakra. It might well be in character for Sasuke to want to become better than Naruto at everything, and the only thing greater than Kyuubi is the Juubi.

    Koto Amatsukami can normally be used be used once every ten years. Senju DNA shortened the recharge of that to a single day. If we go by that, then Orochimaru needs roughly 1/3 of a day before he can use his technique again. And that was with the crude version Danzo had where he basically only had an arm. I figure a total clone (which the Zetsu is) made by Madara might well give even a greater boost.

    Ofcourse the question is would he actually want to swap bodies? I mean to use Raikage as an example, he may be pretty strong, but his body is obviously far inferior to that of a hashirama!clone-Zetsu which Orochimaru has now. Not to mention that the Raikage lacks an arm (though I guess Orochimarus crazy techniques could fix that).

    Oonoki would be someone Orochimaru would normally want the most I bet (dust release), but he is so old that I doubt Orochimaru would want to risk taking over that body since there is a chance Oonokii might die from natural causes before the 3 year limit is over (no senju dna in Oonoki).

    Gaara has an ability to manipulate sand, but other than that he is not all that special

    Raikage only has his physical body as I said, which is not all that great compared to what Orochimaru already has. Especially since Orochimaru focuses more on learning techniques, and Raikage is basically focused mostly on taijutsu.

    Tsunade may be a Senju/Uzumaki, but she would not give a significant boost over his current Hashirama-clone who is also Senju. There is also the minor detail of Tsunade being in two pieces.

    I think that if Orochimaru went for someone there, it would be the Mizukage who has two special bloodline abilities. Even rinnegan does not allow you to use bloodline abilities like that, so I think if it was anyone, it would be her. However I suspect that even those abilities would not be enough for Orochimaru to leave his Hashirama-clone.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2013
  20. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    If you're saying that Minato also pissed off a lot of people, well Sasuke did it during peace-time and as a missing nin where Minato did it during open war. Plus the people loved him. Infamous missing nin vs Beloved war hero.

    Still though, I wish shipuuden never happened now.
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