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Abandoned Of Blacks and Malfoys by Lord Methene - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by Philly Homer, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Thank you, I am glad you enjoy it.

    Now, as promised, chapter 10, The Irish Affair, is up on Patronus Charm and it will be up on FFN as soon as the thing will work.

    Sadly for you, I am going skiing for the next week. As such, there won't be any updates until I get back.

    Still, I suggest you take this in a positive fashion, as it might prove to be an enlightening and inspirational experience.

    Seriously now, I apologize. I know you got used to the rate of updates, but they will resume when I come back.

    EDIT: FFN has stopped hating me and submitted to the chapter submission. FFN-Methene 0:1. You can find it here if more to your tastes.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2008
  2. Voice of the Nephilim

    Voice of the Nephilim Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    Methene, thanks for answering all of my questions.

    Ultimately, in fiction, I find that shades of grey paint a better picture than blacks and whites. You've certainly taken this viewpoint to heart.

    Not too long after i posted the question, it occurred to me a werewolf alpha is not all that likely to be keeping up on Wizarding current events. Ah well, still twas a good explanation.

    I'm off to read chapter 8. Keep up the great work.

    Just read all the latest chapters.

    Very good in general, with chapter 9 being a bit weaker than the others.

    Your portrayal of Dumbeldore gained some much need definition. By adding in that bit about him being slightly annoyed by Tonks' apparent lack of spine, you've given him an edge that makes it believable that he's the most powerful wizard around.

    It would seem the Irish messenger severely dropped the ball when he didn't stress the point that whomever slaughtered the English village took pains to remove the women and children as well. Though, as a counterpoint, I'm assuming the Irish made such ridiculous claims as to ensure that there would be war.

    I believe I've found a mistake in chapter 10. When an Irish villager casts a stupify towards Voldemort, it's describes as being a blue spell. I'm pretty sure that the spell is red in color.

    Earlier you said that you don't plan to make it completely canon. From what you've written so far, it seems very close, with the only divergance I've noticed is Ted Tonks being a Muggleborn wizard as opposed to a Muggle.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2008
  3. Philly Homer

    Philly Homer What you call elephant cum I call mouthwash

    Aug 16, 2007
    Look at the name, it should be obvious.
    I just read chapters 7-10, and they were pretty good. Chapter 9 was a tad bit weak, but that's to be expected from a filler chapter.

    I liked the Werewolf Bill being not being passed. It was too harsh, by any standards. Richard Potter is an antagonist and at times a foolish idealist in this story. However, this time Potter was indeed correct in protesting the bill, as it would give the Aurors, and subsequently the Ministry too much power over the normal people. Too bad all that was for naught, as Voldemort betrayed the werewolves, with the aide of the Knights. I find the Knights to be an interesting concept, but I don't like the idea of this Grandmaster. Voldemort is the most terrible wizard of all time. I just don't like the idea of someone being stronger than our favorite Dark Lord. I especially despise him bowing to anyone, it makes Voldemort seem OC. Voldemort is very egotistical, I just cannot envision him bowing to anyone, no matter what.

    I already hate Andromeda from the earlier chapter, now I want someone to find her and Ted, and kill them very slowly. Dumbledore giving Ted and her protection was something I liked, even Dumbledore needs to be at times vengeful, and this was the perfect opportunity.

    The all wizard place was a nice idea. It gives annoyed men like Cygnus a sanctuary from annoying cunts. Let's just hope fangirls don't take the all wizard concept, and turn it into something else. The Christmas Ball was okay. I liked the Lucius/Narcissa parts, which surprised me. Usually I skim over parts like this, but this one was enjoyable. Giulia Zabini's appearance made me chuckle. There will indeed be scandals following the young lady soon.

    The Irish/Britain war is something quite unexpected, but a good idea. While Voldemort's earlier manipulation of Fenrir and the werewolves were a tad week, this one made up for it. The man started a war between two countries, for his own goals. How do you not like this fella? I look forward to how you progress this war, and Voldemort's future plans.

    Keep up the good work Methene, and update soon!

    Last edited: Feb 16, 2008
  4. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    The Grandmaster had known Lord Voldemort before he was Lord Voldemort. He is a link to Voldemort's past. I assure you he does not like bowing to anyone more than you like him bowing to anyone. He needed support. Resources he works very hard on increasing. It was a necessary sacrifice, but not one he enjoyed. The interaction between the two will change in the future. And I say that from a good source, so trust me.

    The werewolf bill was a reactionary reaction to a crisis. Some political relations were affected by its failure (Aliquanta-Minister), while some were improved. It will have effects in the future.

    I am glad you enjoyed the little Dumbledore motivation and action I added there. The man certainly has his own hates and desires, and is as most people on the power scene motivated by what he thinks is best for Magical Britain, and a small desire for power, even though he would not admit it. I portray him as such to increase his humanity, I am glad you like it and it works.

    The Warlock's Club, the Ministry Ballroom are part of my effort to flesh out wizarding society more, show its history, its trends, its culture. Giulia was a way to include Abraxas in the chapter and present my take on her character.

    Andromeda and Ted will cause much mayhem in Wizarding society, even more than they have caused by running away and getting pregnant and forsaking the Blacks. How can it get any worse, I hear you say. Wait and see...

    Lord Voldemort has started this war in secret, playing on the political climate for a strict objective. I shouldn't be telling you this but I concede. A war is the ideal way to draw troops away from the homeland, leaving it less defended. Particularly if (spoiler) happens.

    I hope I addressed all your concerns, if not feel free to ask away. The reason I didn't answer earlier was because I wanted to combine an answer with a posting of a new chapter. This was rather delayed, as you can tell. My apologies.

    And now, with great pomp and heraldry, I give you Chapter 11: The 20 Days War. On Patronuscharm, and FFN, in order of precedence. Read and review at your pleasure.

    Also, considering my dreadful visual editing skills and the program used (MS Paint) this is a rather poor rendition of the Merlin Flag of Britannia. Still for those who like a visual confirmation of the written word here it is.

    If I get inspiration I will make a Leprechaun Flag one too. I see it in my mind but it is harder to put on paper, or screen in this case.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2008
  5. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    The crowds jeering as the messenger entered is what I'm truly talking about. I mean the thought of grown men, respected lords at that, booing and threatening a messenger just seems beneath them.

    My problem with the Unforgivables is that they are so easily cast in the battle scene. I understand that the Killing Curse is probably the most effective curse in existence, due to its inability to be blocked, but it seems so cheap. I guess my problem is that I see you trying to build this fleshed out governing body and trying to add depth to many of the aspects of the story, and then the Aurors walk in a straight line toward the enemy casting only Reduco and Avada Kedavra. It seems like there is a severe lack of any training, besides formations (which, as was said by Rufus, they are extremely rusty at), when they are only using two curses to take out an entire army, albeit a small untrained one. I guess I was just expecting more depth.
  6. Humbolt

    Humbolt Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2008
    Central New York
    I personally love this story and find it one of the most interesting ones in fanfiction.

    However, as Kthegreat said, I have a problem with the tactics used by the British Aurors. Holding ranks and destroying walls? I imagined a more close combat scenario, with small groups fighting each other.

    Overall an excellent story. 5/5
  7. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    I agree with you there. I read over it one more time when you mentioned it and I must concede I messed it up. I wanted to convey a sense of chaos, desperation combined with a desire for action, and yet it came out as school yard bullying of the fat kid. I will keep it in mind for the future and if I get any brilliant ideas in the future for how the scene should play out I will change it. In fact, I plan to have a total review of the entire story once Book one is finished, taking into account suggestions received by reviewers.

    In my defence it was the first battle I had tried writing. Only four regiments were Unforgivable certified, while the bulk of them (eight regiments) were not. The Aurors are not trained very well at the moment, that is true. The Irish were weak opponents, very few Aurors, mostly Militia. If Britain is to come up against a more powerful opponent, say France they would have a difficult time scoring such a decisive victory. Of course certain events will unfold that will reform the Auror Corps, but I can't mention them yet.

    The reason I used the Killing Curse predominantly in the fight scene was that it is the premier instrument for killing. The curse is not that hard to perform, since Pettigrew was able to do it, and it only required the right emotion. The next battle scenes I will write, I will try to provide a larger variety of spells. And the Unforgivable use will be justified in the next chapter, I assure you.
  8. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    Where is this supposed chapter you claimed to have finished? Not trying to rush creative genius, but I'm hooked on your story and I want more. I also noticed that the stories drawing nearer to the 20th chapter. Is this story going to go out with a big bang? Are you going to leave us with such a massive cliff-hanger that the cries for Book 2 become little more than animalistic cries of want? I certainly hope so. But back to Chapter 12, when is it coming out?
  9. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Apologies, apologies. I am working on this chapter today. Something got in the way to its release, but I swear I am working as fast as time allows. The story is indeed drawing close to chapter 20 and it will be a monumental ending to Book one, leaving the readers with a innate desire to find out what happens.

    Off to writing...
  10. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    Well that's a relief. I just wanted to make sure that nothing drastic had happened, and I'm glad to hear that the ending will be monumental. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
  11. Jenkins

    Jenkins Forum Bike DLP Supporter

    Nov 24, 2006
    I'm just going to give a quick little opinion.

    I find this to be a good story, well written and nice characters. Personally though I find it a bit of a struggle to continue reading it. I don't know why, everything a good fic needs is here, guess it's just a personal opinion.

    I still think from a reviewer's point of view this is great stuff Methene. I will keep reading it, simply because it's nicely done.

  12. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    OK just finished reading this and it was very enjoyable.

    The politics in it are very nice and the plot has a good feel to it.

    By far your weakest point though are your fights. You are using standard canon spells which to put it lightly suck arse.

    Voldemort one of the most powerful people in the world uses stunners disarmers standard fire spells and the unforgivables... please. Go to an online latin dictonary and make some up or go to the DLP spell list.

    These highly trained Aurors were using 4th year spell to bring down the walls and wards while others were shotting AK's at the people... two spells pretty much. Why the hell do they need training anyone can do that.

    Also you use a few very odd words in places. Several times you have said people chanted out a spell. A chant is a repeating use of a single word or a shot phrase, example. Blood, blood, blood, blood! chanted the mob.

    Not really a fault here but something that annoyed me. Your people are far to nice to their house elfs. Sure they don't need to be out right abusive although some would but they would never thank them like you have them doing.

    Your plus sides far out way these little problems though. Your politics are excellent and the plot line well thought out.

    Over all 4.5/5
  13. Korisovra

    Korisovra Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2008
    At your mothers house
    I'll admit it was well-written, and normally I like Methene's writing. I just couldn't get into this one. I'll give it a 3.5/5
  14. knothead

    knothead Groundskeeper

    Apr 7, 2007
    I read the first chapter, but couldn't get into the story...

    ...and couldn't read any further.

    The Black-Malfoy interaction is good. That being said, my problem is with how you've written Andromeda. I know why you have Andromeda wearing muggle clothing, but to me, it just seems too much, too soon. I think I'm looking for an initial conflict that's more subtle than what's given here.
  15. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Right, I presume I must start with an apology. I have been away from the summer and been distracted by other, more worldly matters. However, since the deities that be decided I should return to University, I, Lord Methene, eternal supporter of Harry/Fleur will renew my writing habit.

    Bear with me as the first chapters are bound to be rather rusty, but rest assured that I will do my best.
  16. Blaise

    Blaise Golden Patronus

    Jan 3, 2008
    Washington, D.C.
    Best news I've heard all day. And welcome back.
  17. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Oho, did I spot an update? What a delightful surprise! I have to admit that I'm not quite able to tell if it was unduly rough, as you claimed it would be after the break; however, if that is so, only because I was distracted by the content <3

    Even if it would've been a bit jarred -- the politics are as great as always, as are the little details, like the ceremonials; and I always enjoy seeing more of the wizarding world. A magical kingdom of France? Why, I thought about that just recently. I wondered how magical France would look like if the French Revolution was purely Muggle. It certainly offers lots of interesting possibilities.

    And I can't forget the mention of the Lord Delacour, either. When your story reaches Harry, the daughter of a Lord and leader of a Guild will make for a fine match for him indeed. That is, of course, assuming your plans on that have not changed (I should hope not?)

    So all in all never fear, only ignorant plebs would dare criticise the story in general or the latest chapter in particular. Bah! If you don't see the greatness, it only speaks of your own smallness.

    I wish you as much will as you need to bring about the next update fast, my friend, and meanwhile take a well deserved 5/5 for the story as your motivation.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2008
  18. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    The chance of those plans changing have about as much probability as that of the Pope embracing atheism while preaching devil worship. :)

    I always try to assume that the Muggle world has not impacted on the Magical world much after the date of official separation, around 1400 if memory serves me right. Obviously there is some influence, since I get my head around but some things evolved differently. France, as observed is one of them.

    Fleur Delacour, daughter of Lord Delacour, a close advisor of the French Wizard-King would certainly make a good match for Harry Potter. Or is it the other way around? Hmm... One can't actually know now, can they? Rest assured, all will be revealed. In due time, naturally.

    Thanks for staying with this story. I feel somewhat ashamed about letting it stay untouched for so long, but I feel new determination to continue.
  19. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany

    I looked at the black part and came. Then I read your added text and hated the "young wizard from Britannia" with a passion. Still, that's a nice way for Europe to look like. Incidentally, have you thought about where the capitals are? For example, Berlin or Vienna? Or something completely different?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2008
  20. Methene

    Methene Auror

    Oct 21, 2007
    Bucharest, Romania
    Certainly I have thought of it, although they will be revealed in turn. To give a small preview, the capital of Iberia is called the Hesperides. As for the obvious amalgamation of German states, it will be neither Berlin or Vienna, but an entirely new place, only magical. I know I am breaking several canon rules with that, but it needs to be so for the story.

    The war was not that far in the past, and it will naturally have repercussions in the modern day. If you remember that Ireland broke away right after the war, and that Spain was not too keen on Britain reoccupying it, you can certainly see some of that.

    EDIT: Question, though. For those of you who have read the story, is the reference helpful in clearing up some answered questions? I plan to update it every time I reveal more of the situation, or introduce a new element.