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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Alright, started my third Nuzlocke run of the month (First was halted by Gary Motherfucking Oak, second...I leveled my starter up to 16 before my second Rival Battle and after that everything felt pretty unfair.)

    Got Lutris the Squirtle because I'm playing Fire Red and I learned well from that picture in the Funny Pics thread.

    First Wild Pokemon I encountered was a rattata. OHKO'd the poor fucker while trying to catch him. LEST WE FORGET.

    Grinded Lutris up to level eleven because fighting Gary in a fair fight when it's 2-on-1 was going to end in bloodshed and a fourth nuzlocke run.

    Went up to route 2 and caught myself a Pidgey. Named him Calz because it's going to be awesome.

    Went into Viridian and put Pidgey in as my lead. First poke found was a Caterpie. I named it Dromeo.

    So, I came before Brock with a Level 13 Squirtle, a level 12 Pidgey and a level 4 Caterpie. Shit was so cash.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

    Fought a bugcatcher while trying to level up Dromeo - by which I mean switching in Calz and using him to fight them. Took a poison to the knee. Walking back to the Pokecenter, he succumbed to his injuries.

    EDIT: Caught a second Calz on the way to Mt. Moon. Dromeo levelled up two times on the way to and through Mt. Moon. I caught nothing at Mt. Moon because crithax. Then, since as a part of my custom rules I'm not using items, all of my pokemon were gradually worn down until Team Rocket killed them at the end. Lutris was laid low by a fucking Voltorb because or parahax carrying over from earlier.

    R.I.P Calz

    You were awesome.


    Together, we will make those bug-type scum pay for their heresy.

    R.I.P Dromeo

    You really shouldn't have died


    Team Rocket will rue the day they brought our ire upon them!

    R.I.P Lutris

    How the fuck did they kill you? You were level 21 and they were Mt. Moon


    You are survived by Calz 2.0

    R.I.P Calz 2.0

    Your death was fucking retarded. I derped.


    My bad, bro.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2012
  2. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Beat Morty with no problems (Scyther knew pursuit. He one-shotted everything in the gym, except Gengar. Which took two.

    Team is now:
    Spoon, Kadabra, 21.
    Matches, Magmar, 21.
    Snappy, Crocodile, 24.
    Shaun, Ampharos, 30.
    Edward, Scyther, 27.
    Beast, Larvitar, 17 (wooo safari zone!).

    Wol the Hoothoot (15) died. Also caught a raticate, a ratatta, a tentacool, tentacruel, and a shuckle. Puddles was swapped out for beast.

    Losing MrAnderson has really sucked. Levelling Abra against tentacool is not fun, and they about all I have left before I can face Chuck for the Storm Badge. Stocked up on about fifty antidotes and potions, terrified of a Total Party Wipe to poison in the middle of the sea. It happened once, destroying my team on Ruby, and now I never go out without teleport, fly, or both.
  3. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Yeah, I'm just ignoring the rest of my log. I died. Nuzlocke + No Items = gg.

    Time for round 4!
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    So I picked Bulbasaur for my first run through. I named him Lutris, because why not?

    After a couple of close shaves with the various Pidgey throughout the area I got the package from Viridian City, went back to Professor Oak and got me my pokeballs. I'd hoped for a Pidgey, since I'd be able to easily level it in Viridian Forest (Bitches don't know about my Gust). I caught a Rattata. I named it Matt. It would become my best friend in Mt. Moon, but that's for later in the story.

    When I got to route two I was, again, hoping for a Pidgey. I got a Rattata. It was female. I named it Anya. She was Matt's soulmate.

    Then I ventured forth into the dark and spooky realm of Viridian Forest. The first thing I ran into was... a Weedle. I put it to sleep with my newly acquired Sleep Powder, then hit it with a tackle. This brought it down to about 1/2 health. I threw a pokeball. It escaped. So I sent out Anya, my level 4 Rattata. "USE TACKLE!" I shouted. Critical. Fucking. Hit. My scream of rage could be heard by the Gold Court. I considered releasing Anya in revenge, but then I looked into Matt's beady little eyes and just couldn't bring myself to do it.

    At this point I remembered that there was another route off of Viridian City where I could potentially capture me a Mankey, and kick Gary's ass with Matt's brand new ability: Hyper Fang (oh how I love thee, hyper fang). One roflstomp battle later I was searching for a Pidgey or a Mankey. I'm sure you can guess what I caught.

    KaiDASH the Rattata joined the Rattata love triangle and many lulz were had on IRC.

    So it was with one Bulbasaur and three Rattatas that I sallied forth to go face Brock. Twenty seconds later I had the Boulderbadge and a brand new TM in the form of Rock Tomb. Such a shame none of my pokemon could use it. But no matter, now was the time I could go catch a Geodude in Mt. Moon!

    Defeating the trainers on the way there was easy enough, and route 4 provided me with my third type of pokemon: A Nidoran Female that I named Ashaya, on the prompting of Matt the Rat. She also had the Poison Pin ability, meaning anything that attacked her with a contact move would be poisoned (Sorry Taure). I was quite pleased with this.

    Anyway, I entered the mountain in quite a cheerful mood. I had a new pokemon and Geodude were common as muck. I'd have something that could take on Gary's Charmander soon and all would be awesome. Now, the experienced players amongst you will notice I've made one small, but significant error in my logic here. Geodude are common as muck, but if there's one thing more common than Geodude in caves and mountains it's Great and Powerful Zubat! You can guess which one I ran into first.

    I named it Zeitgeist, because he was being annoying. I spent the rest of my time in the mountain killing every fucking thing I could find. Zeit became my third strongest pokemon because I kept switching him out for Lutris (against Geodude) and Matt (against everything else) on the first turn. I realise now that I should have been doing that with Ashaya the Nidoran instead. Nidoqueen are dual poison-ground type, and I'd lucked out with finding a Moon Stone inside the mountain. It would have made her practically useless in the long term, but I could at least get the benefit of having a final evolution to fight Gary's Charmander with.

    When I got to fighting the Super Nerd guy I wiped him out with a mixture of Bullet Seed, Leech Seed and Supersonic. I picked the dome fossil because Kabutops looks more awesome than Omantye (it has scythe claws! :D).

    Then I left the Mountain, got myself healed up and marched off to fight Gary. His Pidgeotto fell to a couple of Hyper Fangs, but since I was working on a No Items In-Battle rule, I couldn't heal him back up. He was the first to die when Charmander was released, and his death spelt the end for me. I'd replaced Lutris' Tackle with Bullet Seed earlier, since I'd counted on Matt the Rat protecting me with normal attacks. What a fool I was. Anya and Kai had been boxed earlier because I couldn't be bothered to level them up (bad mistake). So when Matt and Lutris fell to his Ember, I had only a too-low level Ashaya the Nidoran and Zeitgeist the Useless to try and take on this fire breathing monster.

    I failed. My pokemon died and all I had left were two low level Rattatas in an area where everything is ten levels stronger than them. Thus ended my Nuzlocke Adventure.
  5. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:

    R.I.P. MattSilver the Raichu
    You were Level 44, they were Level 25.
    But they knew SelfDestruct.

    MattSilver is survived by the Level 44 Venusaur, Ashaya and the Level 35 Gyarados, Seratin.
  6. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    Sermon One

    In his wanderings, he found himself in a world of elemental monsters, divorced from the dreams of the godhead, anon Arceus. He came first into the village of the Professor and his shadow was Red, who was the prince of Champions, and things both caught and uncaught would fold to him until they were arrayed like stars upon his belt. Oak took Vekh and said:

    "I am the Beard-Greyed king of the Three in One. In you is a seven-syllable spell, POKEMON AE ALTADOON, which you will repeat until you know of the secret syllable of Champions."

    Then Oak threw Twice-Vekh into the tall grass and gifted him with a dragon, which Vekh named Kai after this world’s name for the Dwemer’s Brass God, for he knew one day its claw would be as metal.

    Then Gary came unto the Thief of The World and said:

    “I am the Motherfucking King of the Three in One. In you is the Lord of Champions, who possesses invisible knowledge of victory and monsters, which you shall nurture until you Catch Them All.”

    And Gary extended his hand and a tortoise of water came forth, glimmering with the power of the Rebel and King and it challenged Vekh’s dragon to single combat under the gaze of the Three in One. There, the tortoise was slain and yet lived for Gary of the Three in One was a Ruling King of this world and Vekh was not, and thus he knew that death is only a diagram back to the waking world.

    Seven monsters came to him that day and each one gave the dragon new motions that could be achieved by certain movements of the bones. These are known as the Ra-Tta-Ta. Then an eighth monster came, and he was a man, called Po-Ke-Mart, or the Multiplier of Motions Required. And Po-Ke-Mart said:

    “Return this unto Oak of the Three in One.”

    When Vekh did, both the Beard-Greyed King and his grandson-who-is-Gary were present and Oak sent them both into the world, with the gift of knowledge, which is just another word for Pokedex.

    “This,” said Oak. “Is the secret syllable of Champions.”

    The ending of the words is GARYOAK.
  7. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:

  8. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
  9. Yeagen

    Yeagen First Year

    Oct 10, 2011
    A planet in the Milky Way Galaxy
    This challenge makes me want to play Pokemon again. :p
  10. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Omg. That was the best thing ever, Drome...

    An update from my end.

    Caught a bunch of shit:

    Somehow, my Elite Four Team was... Azira the Primeape (caught on Victory Road). Ashaya the Venusaur (starter), Vira the Dodrio (caught on the outskirts of Celadon), Zeitgeist the Lapras (given to me in Silph Co. for my services), MattSilver the Zapdos (caught at the Power Plant after all my badges) and Seratin the Gyarados (caught as a Magikarp the first time I used an old rod in Vermillion?).

    I was severely underleveled. Of course, being #pokemanz, I'm also good at pokemon. Unfortunately, that makes a for a ragehappy combo. D8

    No one died to Lorelei, despite the fact that, on average, her pokes were 6 levels higher than mine.

    Vira the Dodrio ate it to the sound of a Cross Chop from Bruno's Machamp. Understandable. She nearly killed it with Fly, though. He was revenge-ganked with Thunderbolt.

    R.I.P. Vira

    No one died to Agatha, though Zeitgeist the Lapras Crit-OHKO'd her Level 58 Gengar (him being Level 53) with Ice Beam. Was nais.

    I lost Ashaya due to a well placed Aerial Ace from Lance's Aerodactyl. Should have switched off to Gyarados. Lost Azira the Primeape to preserve the life of MattSilver the Zapdos after he revenge-ganked Aerodactyl for me and nearly died to a boosted Ancientpower.

    R.I.P. Ashaya

    R.I.P. Azira

    Went to Lutris with Seratin, Zeit and Matt. At that point, I was crying and dying on irc, wondering why the hell I named him after the person who has the best win-loss ratio against me on PO.

    I killed Pidgeot with a pair of Thunderbolts and ate a pair of Aerial Aces in return (I was faster - he just used Full Restores :\)

    I killed Rhydon with a single Hydro Paump from le Seratin (level 45 vs. level 59 - I was SO proud).

    Alakazam killed MattSilver with Future Sight + Psychic. He then killed Seratin the same way.

    R.I.P. MattSilver
    R.I.P. Seratin

    Zeitgeist body-slammed it to death.

    Exeggutor hit me with Egg Bomb, and I used Ice Beam instead of Full Restore because I thought that it might kill it.

    It killed me with Giga Drain.

    So. Why is there no memorial of Zeit the Lapras?

    Because when I went to release him, he refused to go. His happiness must have been over a certain amount, but... the message I got back after "Zeitgeist was released! Bye-bye, Zeitgeist!" was ".............!!! Zeitgeist has come back. Was it worried about you?"

    So fuck this. I'm going to be clean of Ashaya, Matt, Seratin, Azira and Vira, but... Zeitgeist is coming along for another run.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  11. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Lungs / Zeit OTP.

    This is now canon. <3
  12. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    So much awesome in the last two pages. Fuck yeah, guys.

    Started my Black Nuzlocke and picked JON the Oshawatt, who has proceeded to stay true to his name and run roughshod over every other little bitch to cross our paths so far with his dominant Attack stat.

    Picked up a Patrat at Route 1 and named it syed, because I intend to drop it in a box and ignore the shit out of it for the rest of the game unless I need a swap-heal-sacrifice down the road.

    Just finished leveling and... dew dew dew, Congratulations! Your JON evolved into Dewott!

    Totally worth the last three hours at Route 1. Restocked at the Pokecenter and stopped for the time.
  13. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Nuzlocke Log 2.0

    Well, my second Nuzlocke run is still going. I'd say it was going strong, but as everyone on IRC can attest to, it hasn't. Not at all. Pretty much my entire team has been killed and replaced now, with only one pokemon making it through all the hardships intact. That's for later though.

    I picked Bulbasaur again, because I like the idea of a plant/monster mix. I named him Cheddar, because CheddarTrek's name appealed to me at the time. My first caught pokemon after the obligatory trip to the Viridian City Pokemart was a Pidgey, which was a definite sign of improvement on the last game. Oh how wrong I was. I named it Calz, because Calz is a bawse (and because everyone else was doing it :p).

    Route 2 was back to the old routine though with a good ol' Rattata. I named it Matt, for old time's sake. Then it was on to Viridian Forest to try and catch me a Caterpie. If you've read my other Nuzlocke Log then you'll know how that turned out. It wasn't as bad as it could have been though; I catch Lungs the Weedle. He quickly evolved into Kakuna and was then forgotten for a time.

    By this point Calz the Pidgey was getting close to being Calz the Pidgeotto, so I thought myself powerful enough to face Gary and his Trollmander. One roflstomp battle later I was laughing away to myself at how silly I'd been. Gary isn't that tough. I was right too; there are so many worse people out there to face than Gary... So many worse.

    Anyway, at this point I decided some power levelling was in order. Right after roflstomping Brock to hell with Cheddar the Bulbasaur. He wasn't quite as high a level as Lutris the Bulbasaur had been, but he still OHKO'd everything Brock could throw at him. Thus did I collect my shiny new Boulderbadge.

    The road to Mount Moon is a practical wasteland interspersed with more trainers than there are in the damned city just to the west. I had to make back and forth journeys to the Pokecenter in order to assuage my paranoia that one of them was going to die. I get through with all my pokemon intact and a pokemon center just up the road. But first to catch my Route 4 pokemon.

    It's a Mankey. A fucking Mankey. All my hopes and dreams have been resting on me finding a Mankey early on. For one it can learn rock tomb, which would be perfect for killing that fucking Trollmander. It goes down without a fuss and I name it Irene, because not being on IRC doesn't mean I can't mock you.

    Then SURPRISE DOUCHEBAG! Just as I'm leaving the grass area I run into a Spearow. Matt's on about 2/3 health so I figure I can get away with killing the fucker and being on my way. Oh what a fool I was. I forgot the crithax. I always forget the crithax. One Peck of the Gods later and Matt MkII is fit only for a shallow grave by the grasslands that killed him. The only bright side to this whole debacle is that the battle afterwards evolves Lungs into a full on Beedrill. I go on to exterminate the entire Spearow population of that little area.

    And I'm done for now. I need sleep. There's a bunch that happens in Mount Moon and even more once I go past Cerulean City. It'll be a fun read, so check back in about ten hours.
  14. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Man, all those playing FireRed are getting roflstomped, it seems. I don't remember running into that much trouble when I did LeafGreen, lol. Well, except Sabrina, who killed two of my primes, but she can go fuck herself.

    Anyhoo, some Travellin' developments have been had, so I'll get to it:


    Traveller's Log, Week Five.

    The Traveller has learnt three things in the past three weeks. One, the move Pursuit is to Sinnoh what bears were to Skyrim; Two, never count out the cricket; Three, that bitch AshayaTravellerSlayer is following The Traveller.

    From where The Traveller last left off, The Traveller headed off to Oreburgh City to claim The Traveller's first gym badge. A bit of training north of the city netted the addition of Bridges the Geodude to the team, breaking the nicknaming convention previously established - instead of a "-y" name, The Traveller decided Geodude was too much of a dude to not be named after Jeff Bridges, so that was that. That turned out to spell death for poor Bridges, who, after a bit of training, was brought out to stonewall Roark's Cranidos in gym battle. Bridges was supposed to come in, and take a few hits while Stormy got healed up from encounters with Roark's other two Pokemon with the copius amounts of potions The Traveller bought - compared to the experience in Skyrim, potions in Sinnoh are fucking lifesavers, by the way. Anyway, Bridges took his hits, and The Traveller was raring to return him, when...

    Well, it goes back to the first thing The Traveller learnt. Cranidos had a move called Pursuit, which does double the damage to a Pokemon being recalled. So, Bridges was killed by the extra hit, becoming the first casualty on The Traveller's team.

    And why is Pursuit like bears? Because like bears, The Traveller feels that Pursuit will haunt The Traveller. Back in Skyrim there were two bears that had a little hangout and always tried to kill The Traveller. The Traveller would run, and it would turn it that The Traveller had run in a full circle, which, of course, lead back to the same bears. Cranidos didn't look like the type of Pokemon to have Pursuit, and if The Traveller didn't pick that up, that means there'll be other surprises along the way. Just. Like. Those. Fucking. Bears.

    Lesson number two that was learnt came on the heels of Bridges's death: Rickety the Kricketune was able to keep Cranidos at bay and use Leech Life to great effect, thus earning MVP status for that match with gentlemanly style and grace. You go, bug.

    After beating Roark, The Traveller kept on moving, training up Buddy the Budew to equal footing with the rest, evolving Stormy and Gatsby into their second stage forms, and capturing two more Pokemon: Sherry the Psyduck in Oreburgh Gate and Sluggy the Shellos outside of Valley Windworks, just west of the pleasant little town known as Floarama. Both have not been used, but will be a suitable backup in the event of Stormy's death.

    The Traveller encountered Team Galactic at the Windworks, after meeting them for the first time in Jubilife a few days prior. Given that The Traveller has faced down much greater foes with much better battle sense, there wasn't much to say in these goons's deaths. In fact, the eerily similar looks in both hair and outfits between the goons makes The Traveller convinced they are robots or some kind, or zombies under the control of the Rogue Warlock Fenraellis... Time will tell on that one, no doubt.

    Inside the Valley Windworks held a challenge in the form of the Warlock Galactic's Admin Mars, whose Purugly was fast, furious and scratched like a truck. Gods bless Rickety, however, who survived on the barest minimum health and Rock Smashed the monster to death. The Galactic Warlock goons were quick to run after their leader fell, and the windworks were saved! Yay environment!

    It was in Eterna Forest a few days later, heading towards the second gym in Eterna City, that The Traveller captured a Buneary, nicknamed Bunny. Bunny was a fierce little thing and was well under way being trained, with the help of The Traveller's brief travelling companion Cheryl, when a duo of psychics sicked their monstorous Abras onto Bunny and used a move called Hidden Power to kill her in one shot. It was a brutal death, quickly avenged by Rickety, combing his glorious moustache the entire time with one of his sword-arm-thingies.

    After burying Bunny and saying goodbye to Cheryl, The Traveller quickly blitzed Eterna City's gym. Rickety and Gatsby made the place their bitch, Rickety especially keeping up a furious Fury Cutter combo to take down two of Gardenia's Pokemon, her Roserade being left for Gatsby's fierce Wing Attack. No losses in that battle.

    However, another loss was quick to strike in the form of Geist the Gastly, captured in the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest, and who fell victim in order for The Traveller to learn lesson number three.

    AshayaTravellerSlayer's spirit was killed in Route 201, in the form of a female Bidoof. Unfortunately, The Traveller didn't recognise that it had reincarnated in the form of another female Bidoof on the outskirts of Eterna City. Geist was unable to strike the opponent conventionally, so took off a chunk of his own HP, laid a Curse on the Bidoof and waited it out; surely, The Traveller was thinking, the Bidoof had nothing to counter with. The Curse did its work and took the Bidoof down to low health, but then, oh but then... the Bidoof revealed its final trick, in the form of a move called Rollout. It was a critical hit, it killed Geist, and to add insult to injury, the Curse killed the Bidoof immediately after.

    No victory there. Ashaya's spirit moves on again, and The Traveller was unable to stop it from winning this round.

    An astute person might notice that Geist's name might have been its undoing; it broke convention again, after all, just as Bridges did. Two out of three deaths have been because of broken nickname conventions, but The Traveller does not intend for that curse to strike once more. The Traveller says fuck the convention, fuck it all, and has had a nice old man in Eterna City rename the core four:

    Stormy the Prinplup, Level 22, is now The Storm.
    Rickety the Kricketune, Level 22, is now Sir Rickety. Well earned, sir.
    Buddy the Budew, Level 21, is now Penrose.
    Gatsby the Staravia, Level 22... Is still Gatsby. It's too awesome a name to ditch, The Traveller is thinking.

    So, with a new resolve and wariness setting in, The Traveller will continue onwards...

    Traveller out.


    Yeah I got sick of the "-y" naming scheme, lol. And Rickety deserved the Sir, as the BAMF that he is. But yes, onwards and stuff. Hope y'all are enjoying the ramblings, and if not, I hope that this post helps add even more Nuzlocke players to the fire. It's been great to see this much interest in it, and the running commentaries in #pokemanz on IRC has been fun. So hop on and check it out if you wish to, because I'm sure Aekiel will have more misadventures, not to mention myself.
  15. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I'd like to welcome FIAT the Meowth into the team. Fiat shall, once evolved, rock heaven and earth with his kitty powers. Also, his Pay Day has been serving me well <3

    A general welcome to Gila the Oddish and Gila2.0 the Oddish, one of whom I boxed and the other left on the day care. I planed on using them for Misty, but ended up raping her with a combination of HoS the Rattata, Fiat the Meowth and Ash the Pidgeotto.

    Congratulations to HoS, who managed to get even uglier by evolving into a Raticate.

    Sadly, CareOtters the Spearow got the boot in Vermillion, when I was given the chance to trade him for a Farfetch'd. His boosted EX is a godsend. Alas, he's still not battle-ready.

    A special FUCK YOU to my rival, who nearly cost me Gio the Geodude (a major badass) and Fiat the Meowth (a rising star) in S.S. Anne.
    Congratulations to Gio the Geodude for destroying everything inside Lt. Surge's gym.

    Edit: Forgot to welcome Lungs the Diglet. Welcome Lungs, if everything goes right, you shall never be left outside of your box <3
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  16. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    D8, Rep.

    Also @Aekiel...

  17. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:

    (The name wasn't mine, I got it from a trade)
  18. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Figured I'd go into a bit of detail about my progress so far on my SoulSilver run. And yes, if I have my way, I'm taking this all the way to Red, so hold on, folks, this is going to get nuts.

    I've also got one additional rule I use in addition to the 'release on faint' and 'catch first on route', and that's tied to Pokemon Center usage - namely, for me to use a Pokemon Center, my Pokemon have to gain levels equal to the 'gym number' I am on. So, going into Violet City, I can only use a Pokemon Center if one of my Pokemon gains a level. After I beat Falkner, my Pokemon will need to gain an aggregate of two levels, and after I beat Bugsy, it will be three levels, and so on (I predict this getting really tough in a hurry).

    So anyways, details. Starter was a Cyndaquil, and I named him Mattsilver. He is apparently calm in nature and somewhat stubborn, but he's been pretty badass right now, not gonna lie.

    As soon as I got my Pokeballs, I grabbed a Pidgey (at lvl 2) and named him Fiat. Apparently he's lazy, but he's got good perseverance. Either way, there have been way too many close shaves with him, including one nasty encounter with a fucking Weedle (seriously, FUCK POISON). I was going to swing by that patch of grass on Route 46 and catch myself an early Geodude, but I crit-killed it. Drat.

    Route 30 was unpleasant, in that I ran into a Kakuna at Level 4. I caught it and named it KaiDASH for all sorts of nasty reasons, but then fortune shone on me again as I caught myself a Weedle on Route 31. So KaiDASH the Kakuna goes in the PC and KaiDASH the Weedle gets raised to a jolly Beedril, who apparently 'likes to run' (and on a side note, how the fuck does THAT make any sense? Beedrills fly, but I guess since this IS Kai we're talking about...). He'll likely be shelved as soon as I'm lucky enough to get a Mareep on Route 32, because I'm going to need Electric-types (can't count on a Magnemite for a while).

    Before I slipped off to the Dark Cave, I waited till night and went to the Sprout Tower. Lucky for me, I managed to run into a Gastly, who I nicknamed Mourne after a rather tense battle. According to the memo, she's 'gentle' and 'alert to sounds'... yeah, I don't buy 'gentle'. It's an act, and when she evolves, I bet she won't be so gentle anymore.

    And then I slipped back over to the Dark Cave, where I ran into a Zubat. Now, I would have named the Zubat Vlad, like I always do on these runs, but unfortunately it's a female, so I named her Anya instead. On the memo, she's 'serious' and 'highly persistent', which I can accept. Right now she needs to learn Astonish or Bite so I can train in the Sprout Tower instead of having to deal with those motherfucking Weedles.

    Looking forward to ruining Falkner's shit and getting the Egg and a Togepi which will know Extrasensory (which is a fucking GREAT move).

    EDIT: also, I've got one other rule that I use to prevent serious power-levelling, and that is I only level to multiples of 6, with Falkner starting on 12. That means my Pokemon can only be at a max of level 12 to face Falkner, a max of level 18 to face Bugsy, a max of level 24 to face Whitney, and so forth. Combined with the Pokemon center rule, I predict serious hijinks mid/late game.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  19. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Ha, that actually happened to me my first SoulSilver Nuzlocke run. :D The one time I ever beat the odds.
  20. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Magnezone > All other Electric types :3