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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Okay, so a significantly better day, opening with no losses, a Dratini purchase from the Game Corner (who I named Ashaya), who I augmented with the TMs for Thunderbolt and Ice Beam (I kick ass at the card flipping game, let's just say that), and then proceeded to beat the shit out of Whitney's gym with Vira the Geodude, who just started rolling and wouldn't stop. It was rather badass.

    So outside of an extremely close shave with a Ditto who copied Ashaya and then attempted to use Dragon Rage, everything's going well. I haven't ran into much I want, but Ecruteak should change that, with the introduction of the Burnt Tower (where I hope to pick up a Magmar), the first level of Mt. Mortar (where I hope to grab a Machop), and Route 38, where I'm gunning for a Magnemite.

    Oh, and as for Morty? Palindrome the Raticate will have very loud words with him.

    EDIT: actually, scratch that, because my emulator just failed to record my last save before getting Ashaya the Dratini and after kicking Whitney's ass, which means two hours just went down the drain. Just wonderful.

    Whatever, current team looks like this:

    Anya the Crobat, level 23
    Mourne the Gastly, level 22
    Fiat the Pidgeotto, level 22 (will be replaced by Ashaya the Dratini when I purchase her)
    Vira the Geodude, level 22
    Palindrome the Raticate, level 22
    Zennith the Togetic, level 23

    Also, a question: I have emulation editors that allow me to tinker with my SS evolution files, and I do eventually want to get the max evolved form of some of these pokemon. Now, in previous time, I set the evolution editor to have my Haunter/Graveller/Kadabra/Machoke to evolve at level 42-45 to their final form, but I'm not sure if I should go for it on the Nuzlocke run? What does DLP think?
  2. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I don't think about the 'ideal team' in-game. I love all Pokemon, so I like using ones that I haven't played with in a while. There's no strategy to it, I just pick the ones I feel like using.
  3. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Well, look at the stuff with three evols - the starters, things like Ttar and D'nite, etc. Compare their stats, and their max base stat number. If it's something in the 500s, you probably want to have an evol level of 40 or so. If it's something in the 600s, you probably want level 50. If you have something that's close to legendary in power (in the 650s or so), you want 55-60 as their final evol level.
  4. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Finally out of Eterna, but I had to sacrifice Mishie to save Calz. Caught a new Wurmple who I have named Mknote, he shall be the new meat shield of my team.

    Current Team
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  5. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well, today was a grinding day after the Rival killed off half my team.

    After grinding my Geodude to 22. I took it into Whitney's Gym and Ash the Geodude just Magnitude her way through everything. No deaths, and Militank was pretty much harmless, did have an OH SHIT moment when Clefairy copied Magnitude though. After that I did more grinding, this time for the rest of the team, and caught a few new mons and killed 3 more rattatas, seriously I could have a full team of rattata by now if I wanted to. Anyways after I finally got Vira the Magikarp to evolve into Vira the Gyarados, I got my revenge by completely destroying the Rival's team in the third battle, Croconaw didn't even get one damaging attack in, two bites and the rival withdrew him. After that I took Vira and destroyed the Ghost gym and 3/4 of Morty's team before I had to switch out for Lutris to kill the last Haunter after Vira got cursed.

    And now for the dead/living lists:
    Dead List:
    Vladbat died to a Marill rollout in a trainer battle on route and that was all the contribution it did, Vlad the Nidoran came along that same route and it will hopefully be as useful as Vlad the Nidoking was in my last Nuzlocke run.
    Irene the Butterfree died to a crit while I was catching Midknight the Stantler

    Level 14 Anya the Hoothoot is annoying to level, tanky as hell though, fly user later I suppose
    Level 17 Midknight the Stantler has already saved my team's asses twice now against water pokemon
    Level 22 Vlad the Nidorino is currently a bitch to level as its current best attack came along 6 levels after capture and is Fury Attack
    Level 24 Vira the Gyarados is my current best attacker and hopefully will carry me through the dragon gym later
    Level 27 Ash the Gravaller who would be a Golem but my wifi isn't working for my DS, not to much say, probably won't see much use except for capturing for a while
    Level 28 Lutris the Quilava is all that remains of my original team and is still my best mon although is currently being overtaken by Gyarados, will become my special attack monster after it gets some better attacks and evolves again

    Forgot about my Boxed Mons:
    Wench the Rattata which is the last I'll catch, as the three dead rattata can attest to
    Kens the Rattata who I caught earlier
    Mknote the Sudowoodo cause I hate Sudowoodo that much
    Jon the Eevee who has a terrible Special Attack stat but is still going to be a Jolteon cause Jolteon is a boss. Well he will be once I get a damn Thunderstone.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  6. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I lol'd so hard. :3
  7. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I just trolled Eterna Gym with Vira, and after caught a fem Meditate who I named Jwlk. Now off to go beat up Team Galactic and get a bike.

    Current Team

    RIP Jwlk and Mknote, you made good meat shields against that Team Galactics Kadabra.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  8. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Come at me, Bro.
  9. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    First off, this is not the place for that. You really can't plan for a Nuzlocke team, not with the factors involved, and while it's cool to dream, planning ideal teams isn't really the thing to do in this thread, I don't think. Especially since you wanna think in a tourney mindset, when this is just fun game fun that doesn't require super competitive strategies or movesets. So maybe ask it again if you want to generate discussion, but in the general Pokemon thread, or the Pokemanz Tournament threads... Though it could only be my opinion that doesn't belong in this thread, but either way.

    Annnnyway. Short log for now.


    Traveller's Log, Week Seven.

    The Traveller buried two of The Traveller's Pokemon yesterday. There was only one to learn from this experience, and that was that Team Galactic should not be underestimated as they had been prior... though their outfits are still silly and the bowl-shaped haircuts scare The Traveller somewhat. The Traveller is sure they are servants of the reincarnated Warlock Fenraellis. Another of their admins, Jupiter, was running an operation out of Eterna City, which is where The Traveller encountered her.

    One of the two to die was Goro the Machop, a new capture from Route 211, who wasn't around long enough to be really cared about, as sad as it sounded, but his death provided healing impetus that allowed The Storm to kill Jupiter's Skuntank, a beast of a thing strong as they come. The Storm used her Bubblebeams effectively to end the fierce battle... which had claimed one life prior to Goro's.

    Gatsby The Staravia (Level 4-22).

    The Traveller lost a good friend in Gatsby. He was strong and fast, but Skuntank's Night Slash had a high critical hit rate, and, well, it was a one hit KO. Gats's power was best demonstrated in his raping of Eterna City Gym, and it's with great regret that The Traveller has to bury him; Gatsby could've been endgame. He should've been endgame, but that is the nature of the beast.

    Though in heavy mourning and more than a little worried about capture choices (After encountering another Geodude in Route 206), sometimes The Traveller gets lucky. Venturing into a secret cave entrance under the Cycling Road to the west of the actual Wayward Cave entrance gifted the new addition of a Gible, nicknamed Chase. Chase has a versatile moveset already, and will surely grow into a powerful fighter.

    Gatsby's loss will not be forgotten, not by The Traveller. It's time to train.

    Traveller out.


    And yes, Chase's name is a shoutout to the fic Pedestal.
  10. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    RIP Calz the Monferno and Gio The Pink Shellos. The battles with Team Galactic took almost everything from me but now it's just me and Vira who is now 25. I wonder how much further I will go before Vira is stomped :(
  11. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Don't give up, Lucky. Believe in Vira, believe in me, who believes in you. You can do it. ;_;

    Also, if you let me die, I will destroy you. /me stares.
  12. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Yeah, so I was reading through this thread, and despite not playing any Pokemon whatsoever since Yellow, I decided to hunt down my old cartridges and give it a whirl. I found my Yellow, so....

    Pokemon Yellow Nuzlocke challenge, activate!
  13. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Okay, first day of my newest LeafGreen Nuzlocke Run is done. Here's a list of the rule's I'm going by. Most of them are ones I use normally, but I've added a couple since I'm taking this one seriously and want a challenge come the Indigo Plateau.

    • Capture only the first pokemon in any area.
    • If that pokemon dies then no captures can be made in that area.
    • All captured pokemon must have a nickname.
    • Water counts as part of the same route, so no capturing one on land and another from the sea.
    • If a pokemon faints, it's dead. It goes to Box 14: The Graveyard. After reaching Lavender Town, all pokemon in The Graveyard must be released.
    • No in-battle item usage. This will likely screw me over at some point, but so be it.
    • Repels may only be used twice in succession in any given area.
    • Super Repels and Max Repels can only be used once in any given area.
    • No legendaries.
    • Snorlaxes and the likes (with out of battle avatars) are part of the route they're on, so if you've captured a pokemon on that route already, no catching the Snorlax.
    • Only one pokemon can be gained from within a city's limits. So no buying out the Game Corner and getting the Eevee at the same time.

    That's it for now. I may update with more house rules later, depending on how well I do.

    I am Aekiel, my rival is Taure.

    I picked Charmander as my starter, named her Ashaya because the thought of Ash beating Taure up amused me. After a rather one-sided battle thanks to a missed hit from Squirtle, I went up to Viridian City and picked up the package for Oak. I made the mistake of grinding a couple of levels at this point, so once I'd delivered the package I ran into the problem of every move I have being powerful enough to OHKO anything on Route 1. So when the first pokemon I encountered after getting my pokeballs was a level 2 Rattata, I didn't hold out much hope. I didn't bother trying a pokeball without harming it, since it was only a Rattata.

    Route 2 however, was much better for me. A level 3 Pidgey was my first encounter and it was able to survive the hit from Ashaya, which allowed me to capture it. I named it Drome, because it was the first name to pop into my head (and it was female, otherwise it would have been Calz). May she sweep teams just as well as he did. After that I ventured forth into Viridian Forest.

    Luck be with me, my first encounter was a Caterpie! I'd bitched about never running into those first in every other Nuzlocke Run I'd done, so finally getting myself one of my favourite (future) pokemon straight off the bat was a welcome relief. Butterfree is awesome for capturing other pokemon, since it learns all the status powder moves + Confusion really early on. Ollie the Caterpie would serve me well.

    After a good bit of levelling to get everyone to around level 13, I went to go curb-stomp Taure. Ollie the (now) Butterfree was his awesome self and swept through both his Pidgey and his Squirtle (take that you useless water rat!). After that bit of fun I decided it was time to go face Brock.

    I gained a level on Ashaya going through Viridian Forest again, bringing her up to level 15. Almost time for her to evolve, but I decided to wait until after defeating Brock to do so.

    The trainer guy before Brock was an easy victory for Olliefree, who put both Geodudes to sleep and Confusing them to hell. Then it was on to Brock.

    His Geodude fell the same way the junior trainer's had. Then came Onix. Ollie was faster, so he got the sleep powder in first, and a Confusion that took Onix down to half health. Then it woke up. You see, there's one very important fact I'd forgotten before going to fight Brock. For all Butterfree's prowess in the psychic department, it is not a psychic pokemon. It's a bug/flying type. Normally this wouldn't mean much, but Brock is a rock-type trainer. Not a ground type, which he could be confused for. His primary focus is on rocks. Rocks that fall. Rocks that entomb.

    He scored a critical hit. A super effective, critical hit. Ollie went from curbstomping everything to being crushed under an avalanche of rocks. I may or may not have let out a Big NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when it happened. I'd done everything right until that point. I'd been careful with my pokemon. Healed them at half health. Only put them against critters they stood no chance of losing against. Then I met Brock. I guess he ain't a gym leader for nothing. Knew I should have picked Bulbasaur.

    Anyway, Ashaya picked up the slack with a couple of Metal Claws (almost getting entombed herself, but she was tanky enough to take one of them), and I walked out with a dead Butterfree and the Boulderbadge.

    Thus ends the first day. Tomorrow I'll go through Mount Moon for the third time and see if I can catch me a Geodude, or at least a Mankey.
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Okay, so I'm bored enough to give this a go. Starting game on White, will update with le details when I get far enough to post something worthwhile.
  15. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Ok, so I got to the Safari Zone. The general consesus as to that is that, so long as you dont throw anything, you can go around until you find a Pokemon of your fancy, and when you throw the first anything, it counts as the only thing you can catch, right?

    If those rules are ok, everyone say hello tooooooooooo ....:


    (If I understood the Nuzlocke rules about the Safari Zone incorrectly, I shall turn my heart to stone, and release Taure. Ashaya the Pidgeotto will be distraught, but such is life)

    On other news, I'm not sure, but shouldn't I have gotten Fly before Surf?
  16. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    You get fly above the North end of Cycling Road, and you'll need cut to get it.
    and yeah, that's the Safari rules I've played by before. Although I have seen, under some rules, each zone counts as a different route. Not sure why...
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Right, so...

    Took Oshawott, named that lovely lady Kushinada. Rolled Bianca and Cheren. Ho Hum.

    Caught a male Lillipup on Route One (McHargue). Trained it to level 8, my starter to level 9. Rolled into the next town whose name I can't be bothered to remember, crushed N.

    Route Two yielded a second Lillipup, a female I decided to name Meatshield. Her intended use is rather self-explanatory. Continued training my two viable team members. Rolled into Striaton City and took Cheren to school. Into the Dreamyard, picked up Pansear (Big Smoke, yo). Backtracked to Route Two to build the sorry monkey up a level and then hit the Gym so I can be strong, brah.

    Almost lost McHargue in the process due to getting flinchlocked a couple of rounds by one of the underlings' Lillipup. Cilan went down with no trouble. Kushinada handled his Lillipup and Big Smoke slowly took care of Pansage.

    After all the follow-up garbage in the Dreamyard, Route Three brings another of many rollings of Cheren and a lucky break for me as my first wild encounter turns out to be a level 9 Blitzle. Mills Lane is her name, I'll allow it despite her gender and so will you. Big Smoke goes back to the box because Pansear is garbage and Mills will be able to handle my Fire-type needs with Flame Charge until I get something better later on. Kushinada and McHargue have both evolved by the end of the Team Plasma encounter and I snag a Woobat before leaving the cave (Snivella). Into the box she goes and this is where I stop for the moment because I have to grind Ms. Lane up to snuff and I don't want to right now. Nothing dead to this point, but that's soon to change when I run into Lenora and that fucking Watchog.

    Current Team Status (1 Gym Badge):

    Kushinada (F Dewott) Level 17
    McHargue (M Herdier) Level 16
    Mills Lane (F Blitzle) Level 9

    EDIT: And this ends prematurely, as I've just lent my DS to a friend for awhile. I'll grab an emulator and do a run on one of the earlier games perhaps. Pretty sure I'd already messed up by not remembering to nickname a couple of most recent catches anyway.

    EDIT 2: Or so I thought. Dumbass asks to borrow it and then leaves an hour later without it. More coming later as I'm sure you're all on the edge of your seats.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  18. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Oh time once again for the DLP Nuzlocke run. Last time I went with HeartGold... this time... Yellow I think.
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I failed my platinum run :( Vira and Jwlk got rolled by a Pachirisu and Chimchar combo on the way to MT Coronet. So I decided to try another, but this time I switched to Leaf Green. I pick Bulbasaur as my starter and named him Calz, I of course just like in platinum have a shitty start, on Route 1 after getting my pokedex and pokeballs I caught a fem Rattata that I named Ashaya, who died when I was trying to level it. So I go to route 2 and find a male Mankey who I named Jwlk.

    Now Jwlk is awesome, he stomped my rivals charmander with no problem, then I trolled his Pidgey with Calz using Leechseed/Tackle. Afterwards I head to Route 3 hoping for a new Rattata or Pidgey, I end up with a male Pidgey I named Olliek. I finally go into Viridian Forest hoping for a Pikachu or Weedle, but I end up getting a level 4 fem Metapod who's only move is Harden.

    I name my new Metapod Vira and head to Route 1 to level them both to 10, after which I will get them both to 10. Once Olliek and Vira are awesome enough I will trudge through Viridian Forest and kill Brock.

    Current Team
  20. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    So my SoulSilver run came to a screeching end, with a combination of two events that made me want to light everything on fire.

    1.)The two beauties on Route 37, both with Wigglytuff and Clefable at level 16. I thought, okay, no sweat, I'll bring out Vira the Geodude and Mourne the Gastly and use Magnitude and Rock Smash to decimate them.

    Then the Clefables started using Metronome, and everything went to hell.

    First Clefable pulled Psychic, fried Mourne instantly. Undaunted, Vira continued as I brought out Ashaya the Dratini. Rock Smash shoved one of the Clefable's into the red.

    Then the Clefable got motherfucking GIGA DRAIN.

    Vira's gone, and I'm screaming at my laptop, undoubtedly perturbing the neighbours. So I brought in Anya the Crobat to kick ass and take names -


    So yeah, I'm out of air at this point, and I shove Palindrome the Raticate into combat, and she just rapes everything. But I'm now down to three Pokemon, and no patience whatsoever.

    2. I go to the Burned Tower, still incredibly annoyed all my hard work ended up in a puddle on Route 37, and I go to take on my rival. At this point, I stopped caring about how my party was going to go, so I didn't even bother to level the new Pokemon I shoved on my team.

    And for the most part, it was fine. Gastly goes down to Palindrome's Bite, and Magnemite goes down to Ashaya. And then the Croconaw comes out, and I'm like, 'Okay, I taught Ashaya Thunderbolt, this fight should be straightforward...'


    Suffice to say, I was out of patience, and while Palindrome managed to do some serious damage, then comes the killer - that damned Zubat with Supersonic and Wing Attack.

    Here's a hint - nothing went well.

    So that run's effectively over, or it has reached the point where I'm no longer having fun. So fuck this - what should I do, restart SoulSilver, or take a run with FireRed?