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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Tehlaziboi

    Tehlaziboi Ninja Meido

    Dec 9, 2009
    And my whole team got their asses raped in the Ice gym. Everyone but Vira and Zeitgeist were in their 30s when I went to challenge the gym and wow, freeze is such a cheap status effect. Iceberg after iceberg just killed Chaos 2.0. Antivash may be a tank but he was also duo grass/ground, making him shit against ice types. Basically, my whole team was weak against Ice. Such a downer.

    Edit: And I can't even go to reserves to train. Flora Sky uses this weird ferry, which may be a glitch because when I stepped out of the pokemon center, he was gone. That left me practically stranded on the island save for this underground path that I can't access to without beating the ice gym first. It wouldn't be too bad of a problem if the island at least had one tall grass area for training but there is nothing.

    Cue me raging.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  2. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well, my third day has been a day of both losses and gains. I have 2 more gym badges under my belt, however each badge cost me two pokemon. First was Chuck's, the fighting gym leader, Primeape who used 2 Double Teams and stopped getting hit, that damn thing killed both Vlad the Nidorino and Ash the Gravaller. It was eventually killed by Lutris the Quilava. After that Vira the Gyarados made short work of Chuck's Poliwrath. Next came the Steel gym, this bitch loved to use the Thunder Wave and paralyze my Quilava, I finally took both Magnemites down but I had to sacrfice the new members of the team, Vash the Krabby and Mknote the Sudowoodo. Again Gyarados showed his worth by making Steelix his bitch and getitng me the badge. Afterwards I added Lungs the Tentacruel and Silent the Dratini to me group.

    So the dead list is now:
    Mishe the useless Togepi with Hustle instead of Serene Grace
    Anya the Bellsprout and you were so awesome too
    Lungs the Rattata, your quick attack will be missed even if you did have 5 IVs under 10
    Vladbat who died to a Marill rollout in a trainer battle on route and that was all the contribution it did, Vlad the Nidoran came along that same route and it will hopefully be as useful as Vlad the Nidoking was in my last Nuzlocke run.
    Irene the Butterfree died to a crit while I was catching Midknight the Stantler
    Vlad the Nidorino, you were going to be a King Vlad
    Ash the Gravaller, you killed Whitney, you're job was done as far as I was concerned
    Mknote the Sudowoodo who saw more battle than I had ever planned on letting him, that being any at all
    Vash the Krabby, you were going to be a King too

    Still Alive:
    On my team right now is
    Silent the Level 15 Dratini who I hope to be my ThunderBolt/Ice Beam user
    Lungs the Level 18 Tentacruel how the fuck did you do this Lungs? you aren't suppose to evolve until 30
    Midknight the Level 20 Stantler, haven't done much today Middy
    Anya the Level 20 Noctowl, good for special tanking and Flying, but not much else
    Vira the Level 31 Gyarados who along with Lut is carrying the shattered remains of the team
    Lutris the Level 34 Quilava, you're all that remains of the mons before Rival Battle 2, you can't die now
    Kens and Wench the Level 11 Rattatas who are going to stay in the box
    Vladbat2.0 the Level 13 Zubat who I just caught, may or may not see the light of day
    Jon the Level 5 Eevee, I'll get a Thunder Stone someday, and then you can leave the box
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Started again, will post progress in a bit. First, however, I have a question for the panel. For my fossil in White, would my future Archen count as my Pokemon for Relic Castle (where I get the fossil) or Nacrene City (where I resurrect it)? Or would it count for both?
  4. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    My journey begins, as good journeys so often do, in Pallet Town. I wake up, and amble around for a bit, hoping to catch my neighbor, Professor Oak. Having no luck, I venture into the wilderness, only for an amazing coincidence to happen, for he was chasing after me, screaming and flailing about.

    A wild Pikachu appears! And Professor Girthy has saved the day. I follow him back to his lab, and encounter the most charming of lads. I introduce myself as Albus, and apparently he is named Tom. He quite rudely interferes with my receiving of the Eevee that Professor Oak was going to bestow upon me, but, hey, Pikachu.

    I name it Luna, and turn to leave. Only for Tom to challenge me to battle. I defeat him easily, and he slinks away, promising to gather recruits and be stronger next time. I shrug, and head north.

    Pallet Town: First pokemon encountered = Pikachu (Obtained, named Luna)

    Route 1 had a plethora of Pidgeys for me to fry, and Luna happily obliged, hitting level 7 as Viridian came into focus. I went to purchase a few pokeballs to secure Luna a traveling companion and oh, hey, I'm apparently a glorified messenger boy for Professor Girthy. Ah well, back to Pallet Town I go, frying more things that venture into my path.

    I pick up a Pokedex in the lab, and head north once more, intent to finally begin my journey. More things get fried, and I have a sinking feeling in my gut that I'm not going to capture any pokemon on Route 1. One-shotting Pidgeys is not especially good for capturing them, after all. Maybe I'll get lucky and stumble across a level 4 Rattata that can survive Luna's Thundershock.

    I reach Viridian City, and purchase pokeballs. Joy, no more messenger boy. I tentatively step into the tall grass of Route 1, and... Pidgey. Level 2. Fucking wonderful. The inevitable occurs, and Luna must be my lone pokemon, for now.

    Route 1: First pokemon encountered = Pidgey (Killed)

    I return to Viridian proper, and have a look around, noticing a bit of water as my only possible option for obtaining a pokemon in the city. Perhaps I can secure a water type there later, if need be. With that noted, I restore Luna's health and PP at the Pokecenter, and leave Viridian behind for Route 2.

    Viridian City: First pokemon encountered = None, thus far.

    Route 2 offers some grass, and therefore an opportunity to add a second pokemon to my roster. I vaguely remember a Mr. Mime being attainable later on, and contemplate avoiding the grass to secure that within the rules of this run, but my desire for a second pokemon wins out.

    Success! A wild Nidoran (Male) appears. I whittle it down with a blast of lightning to the face, nearly one-shotting it, and capture it easily. I name it Cormac, for it shall be a boss, and railroad those bitches. With his horn.

    Slipping Cormac into the top spot in my roster to level him, I do so a few levels, before returning to the Viridian pokecenter to heal my mighty roster of two, and then heading into the forest in high spirits.

    Route 2: First pokemon encountered = Nidoran (Obtained, named Cormac)

    My first step into tall grass in the forest named green nets me a Caterpie. Yay. I capture him after a long, hard fought battle (or one blast of lightning to the face), and name him Neville. For he shall turn from a spineless worm into a magnificant bastard. Or something.

    I carefully triapse through the weeds, and emerge from the forest with Cormac and Neville both level 8, joining Luna's 11. I do intend to level both higher, but first I need to heal. On to Pewter City, and my first Gym Master!

    Viridian Forest: First pokemon encountered = Caterpie (Obtained, named Neville)

    I locate the Pokecenter, and heal up. I pick up a few potions for strictly out-of-combat healing, and head back out of the city limits to train my team to face Brock, and his mighty army of, well. Two.

    Still, Brock poses a formidible task for my team, as Luna is largely useless, and Neville's eventual Butterfree form is quite weak against Rock. I think. Flying and Poison? Bug? Whatever.

    Armed with the knowledge that Cormac and his fearsome Double Kick will be the key to my victory, I set out to level him to 12 to obtain it. Rattatas and Pidgeys get slain for great justice in Route 2, just south of the city, and I eventually round out my team all at level 12. Luna the Pikachu, Cormac the Nidoran, and Neville the Butterfree.

    I heal, and stride into Brock's lair, intent to defeat him and claim my badge, only to be intercepted. Oh. He has a lackey. Very well, then.

    Cormac double kicks his way to victory, I slap a potion on him, and Brock awaits. Bam-bam goes Cormac's purple feet, double-tapping a staccato rhythm upon the rocky face of Geodude. It is a critical strike. It is super effective. Down goes the blob of rock. Onix proves a slightly tougher test, however.

    By which I mean it took two double kicks to emerge victorious, and untouched. Take that, Sir Brockington, your badge (and random TM) is mine! Right. Eastward I go, as Route 3 (And Mt. Moon) await.

    Pewter City: First pokemon encountered = None, thus far.

    Current Team Status (1 Badge):

    Cormac the Nidoran - 14
    Luna the Pikachu - 12
    Neville the Butterfree - 12

    Albus, signing out.
  5. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    I treat cases like that as either, like I get the Amber Fossil from Ruins of Alph, but I resurrect it elsewhere, I could use for Ruins of Alph, which I did cause nothing of value comes from there, but I could also have used it for it's resurrection location.
  6. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Okay, so, would someone kindly explain to me the premise of a Nuzlocke run, as well as the rules?

    I understand the two rules that you can only capture the first Pokemon you encounter on each route, and you have to release a Pokemon when it faints. Is that it, or am I missing some other rules?
  7. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Those are the two bare-basic rules you have to follow for a Nuzlocke Run. Two optional rules that a lot of people use are no repeat pokemon (this does count towards the first encounter rule), and no in-battle item use. Makes it much more difficult when you've only got weakened pokemon to fight with against an unexpectedly strong enemy.
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Restarted, again took Oshawott (named Musashi). Wrecked Bianca, Cheren and a bedroom and pretended to listen to people talk a lot and it's on to Route 1. First Pokemon encountered is again a Lillipup, which I catch and name Beethoven as I promise myself to be a bit more careful with it this time around.

    I train Musashi and Beethoven to level eight and head north. Accumula Town leads me to listen to some oldfag with ninjas rant about Matlock and I take my frustrations out on a kid with green hair and his Purrloin. Moving right on...

    I step into the grass in Route Two and soon come across this little rodent thing glaring at me with rage eyes and shaking its puny ginger midget fist at me. Recognizing my quarry at once, I catch it anyway and Xiphosis the Patrat has joined the party. Right into the box he goes.

    Somebody call my momma and tell her to bring me my fucking running shoes and a sammich cause I'mma whoop up on some trainers and Bianca. That done it's into Striaton City to school Cheren. I moonwalk into the Dreamyard and recruit Diddy the Pansear. Back to Route Two to level up a bit more in preparation for Striaton Gym.

    Beethoven and Musashi handle the underings like bosses and I pick a fight with one of the head waiters because the service was bad. Musashi makes chop suey out of Cilan's Lillipup and Diddy deep fries Pansage and the berry it wasn't holding. Yay, I have the Trio Badge. I proceed to waste time clowning Team Plasma and get to hear several illusions of oldfags screaming 'MAAAAAAAAT-LOCK!'

    Up to Route Three to steal lunch money from preschoolers and beat up Cheren for the third time in roughly an hour and a half. I catch Pesto the Pidove, cursing the fact that I didn't get a Blitzle this time around. Oh well. Off to be a hero and rescue some kid's Pokemon from Team Plasma.

    I grab Snivellus the Woobat inside the cave, and the Pokemon Gods decide to troll me. A dust cloud pops up on the exit panel to the cave, and stepping on it reveals a Drilbur that I would have loved to have gotten except that I'd already encountered and caught something else. I kill it with Musashi and then bring out Snape and abuse his greasy ass because that was somehow his fault.

    Musashi and Beethoven evolve en route to Nacrene City. Cheren wasted my valuable time again and only escapes another whooping by handing over some berries. I take a walk through town and catch Umbridge the Tympole right outside of Pinwheel Forest. She'll be a good reserve option if I lose my starter, though I would rather have gotten Timburr. Currently leveling a bit more in preparation for Nacrene Gym and that bitch who ruined my last run when she killed my Herdier.

    Battle Team

    Musashi the Dewott - Level 17
    Beethoven the Herdier - Level 17
    Diddy the Pansear - Level 13


    Xiphosis the Patrat - Level 6
    Pesto the Pidove - Level 10
    Snivellus the Woobat - Level 11
    Umbridge the Tympole - Level 12
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  9. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    Decided to attempt this since it soundedchallenging and fun. Quick question, I caught a Nincada on route 116 but I don't know how to count the shedinja I could get when it evolves if I leave a party slot open.
  10. TMNTurtwig

    TMNTurtwig Professor

    Oct 9, 2011
    Am starting a Leaf Green run; will post results here.
  11. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    You keep one. The other is released.

    As for the fossil issue, the general consensus I've come across is that it is your Pokemon for where you resurrect it (i.e. Cinnabar, Rustboro, Orebourgh etc.) not where you find it (Pewter/Mt Moon, Desert/Route 111 etc.).
  12. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Gonna start an Emerald run, probably won't write much.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Joe evoled into Blastoise.
    Zeit evolved into Dragonair.

    Everyone welcome Azira the Hitmonchan! His 1000+1 types of punches will be useful.

    And because I feel bad for boxing Lungs the Diglet and never using him, everyone welcome Lungs the Lapras!
    (too bad that I won't be using you, since I already got Hitmonchan from Saffron)

    Gio the Graveler swept through Koga, in the process becoming the first ever Ninja Boulder.
    Joe's Tail Whip is starting to feel really awkward, since his tail is now really, really tiny.

    Anyway, going to sweep through Cinnabar with Joe the Blastoise, then through Givanni, then onwards to the Elite Four.

    Azira's arrival is awesome, because now I have a chance Blue's Venufag. Fire Punch > Venufags.
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You all are henceforth warned and on notice. I am giving serious consideration to turning my run into an actual story and posting it.
  15. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I so almost did that for my Pokemon White run. It would've been seriously heartwrenching and dark in places, and I even had plot reasons for making the Nuzlocke rules happen, lol. Would've been fun.
  16. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    It's going to end up being more of a parody if I don't start having to work at this one at some point. I got arrogant and made a tactical boo boo in my previous try, but Unova is srsly filled with some overpowered common Pokemon. Darmanitan will rape you in the ass and then shit lava into the wound.

    Then again, I could probably make it hard by rolling with some of the extra optional rules.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------

    Part 2 with le new narration style. Enjoy, ladies and gents (and Oz)

    As I recall, our hero ended the first installment preparing to challenge Nacrene Gym. After running around Route 3 and beating up on more preschoolers and nerds and karate posers, Musashi is at level 20 and Beethoven at level 18. But first, our hero has a vision of a brave Herdier being massacred at the hands of a creepy-looking rat and determines that this grim and lamentable history shall not repeat itself. He hatches a scheme.

    Back to the Pokemon Center, the hero heads to the PC and brings out Xiphosis the Patrat. He makes a stop at the cafe and orders his little overlord a royal feast of ramen noodles and Natty Ice. Surely a meal fit for an emperor or a condemned man or Pokemon. Onward to the museum, he meets N at the door. N is quite upset that the Michael Jackson exhibit has been removed and a 'battle' ensues. Our hero wins without his opponent landing a single blow and heads inside as his nemesis mutters some garbage about Reshiram. Feh, Mewtwo is better anyway.

    The last of the Super Nerds takes our hero on a time-wasting tour of the museum, after which he proceeds into Nacrene Gym itself. Musashi whips out his salchops and strikes a ninja pose, and litters the little library with disembowled Patrats and Lillipups. Some book reveals a switch to open a passage into the dungeon where Miss Cleo awaits.

    The battle begins in earnest. Musashi's Shell Blade downs Lenora's Herdier in two rounds, with the Dewott taking heavy damage himself courtesy of Take Down (srsly, recoil moves ftfl). Out comes Watchog, and the hero pulls his champion back and sends in the mighty Xiphosis. Even the worst of Hell's demons stands no chance against a level 6 Patrat. The hero slips Musashi a Fresh Water as the Watchog mauls Xiphosis with a powered Retaliate. Derp. Still undigested ramen noodles are mixed in with the gore on the floor, yo.

    Musashi returns to the fight and immediately eats a critical hit from Retaliate (d'oh!). Shell Blade takes the enemy down to a little over half health...but yay! Defense down! Now, a smart trainer would realize that Watchog only has three shots of Retaliate remaining, after which the battle is essentially won. He would realize that he has more Super Potions and Fresh Waters than that and would fight a war of attrition. Our hero says fuck that shit, tactics are for pussies.

    Retaliate number two leaves Musashi with two hit points remaining, but Shell Blade scores the KO. Did you see that shit in your crystal ball, bitchtits? No soup for you, Lenora. A winner is our hero!

    In comes Super Nerd wailing about Team Plasma, and our hero has not even the time to shovel the bloody remains of Xiphosis the Patrat into a dustpan before he is hustled out into the museum. Team Plasma mooks hurl a smoke bomb and disappear with an exhibit. Back outside, Giovann...Burgh from Castelia City comes up and so do Bianca and Cheren. A plan of attack is agreed upon. Our hero is on the verge of asking why Lenora doesn't join the chase but then remembers that she has no Pokemanz because he KTFO'd them all. Pwn.

    Back westward into into Pinwheel Forest. Of course, the artfag takes the easy route for himself, leaving our intrepid protagonist to do all the actual work. The hero shows how little a fuck he cares about Lenora's dragon exhibit by wasting the better part of an hour training Diddy the Pansear up to par with the rest of his team. He also captures Cleveland the Venipede. Think about one of its later attacks and figure it out.

    Beethoven the Herdier benefits from the raping of Team Plasma goons and Brokeback Mountain extras in the woods, grinding up to level 22 to match Musashi's own level. The battle is won, the exhibit recovered and a Moon Stone received. Our hero continues on over a big-ass bridge and into Castelia City. The city smells like potted meat and ass, so much so that the hero would rather go and dick around in a sandstorm than stay there. He does just that, hiking up to Route Four. There he catches Millicent the Darumaka, also to be known as Rape Ape. Diddy is at once demoted to second string and box duty, because as I've said before, Pansear sucks ass.

    The hero backtracks to Pinwheel Forest, where Millicent the Rape Ape makes Smokey the Bear cry by burning the shit out of Petilils and Sewaddles to the tune of level 22. Back to Castelia City and battles with a dancing crew and on to the gym. But alas, more Team Plasma faggotry afoot. Burgh demands that we follow him to the dock, where Bianca and some little girl are waiting. Meanwhile, someone who looks suspiciously like Team DLP Admin Vash is standing on the poopdeck of a nearby boat, binoculars fixated on little Iris.

    Blah blah blah more battling and crappy slow Psychic Pokemon rescuing and it's on to the gym, where Millicent the Rape Ape pounds many, many bugs into a boiling paste with Fire Punch. Also, by the by, Hustle fucking sucks. Serious. Burgh dies without getting in any offense worth noting. Leavenny's Razor Leaf does a barely noticeable 15 damage before it gets roasted by a 4X Super Effective Fire Punch. Our hero, armed with his third badge and another shitty TM, heads back into the Castelia streets, where his phone starts to ring.

    (To Be Continued)

    Status Post-Castelia City Gym

    The A-Team

    Musashi the Dewott - level 24
    Beethoven the Herdier - level 22
    Millicent the Darumaka - level 24

    The Box

    Diddy the Pansear - level 20
    Cleveland the Venipede - level 15
    Pesto the Pidove - Level 10
    Snivellus the Woobat - Level 11
    Umbridge the Tympole - Level 12

    The Morgue

    Xiphosis the Patrat - Watchog Bait
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  17. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  18. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    So, everything was going fine. And then I got to Cinnabar.

    Joe the Blastoise solo'd everything inside Blaine's gym. That was until I decided to XP some of my other Pokemon.



    Sending him against that Arcanine 11 levels above him was probably a bad idea. Well anyway, I switched to Zeit, who Dragon Rage'd the fuck out of that Arcanine.

    Here's where the weird starts. Right after I leave Blaine's turf, Bill accosts me, kidnaps me, and throws me in his accomplice's escape boat. Now I am dumped in One Island, with no idea what to do or where to go. This wasn't in my Yellow. Must I really complete the quests in these islands to go back to Kanto?

    Going around confusedly, while trying to XP my 'mons at the same time turned out to be a bad idea, as shown by ... :


    On the plus side, Pokemon Mansion and One Island wielded Growlithe and Ponyta, respectively. These, when leveled, should be perfect to deal with Blue's Venufaggot.

  19. TMNTurtwig

    TMNTurtwig Professor

    Oct 9, 2011
    I got Firesaur the charmander from Professor Oak and kicked Squirtle's ass. Then I brought back the parcel and began my journey. I caught a pidgey on route 1 (Pidgisaur) and trained it. I healed in Viridian City, caught a spearow (Spearsaur), and trained some more.

    Firesaur lvl 13, Pidgisaur lvl 9, Spearsaur lvl 6 now. I fought Gary. His pidgey got in a crit gust, took me down to half life and the pidgey was almost dead. I switched for Pidgisaur and used gust to finish. I hit his squirtle a couple times until we both were red and I switched into Spearsaur to crack its skull.

    I accidentally killed a rattata on route 2 with a crit fom Firesaur. I switched my first party member to Spearsaur after that.

    I caught a caterpie in Viridian Forest. Since Spearsaur and Firesaur raped everything there, I stayed to train. I came out with:

    Firesaur (charmeleon) lvl 15, Pidgisaur (pidgey) lvl 9, Spearsaur (spearow) lvl 12, Sparkles (Butterfree) lvl 14.

    This is about where things started going poorly.

    Sparkles crushed Brock's lackey, leveling up and learning sleep powder. I put him in the back because he was a little injured and I was out of potions and money for the pokecenter. Brock came at me and I metal clawed geodude in the face twice taking barely any damage. I was on a roll. Onix outspeeds me, and crits a rock tomb. Just like that Firesaur was dead. Spearsaur leers once and pecks like a madman while Brock sits like retard screeching at me. OHKO's me with rock tomb. Pidgisaur doesn't even try to attack, but managed to get in two sand attacks before its untimely death. Sparkles the Butterfree comes in and cleans house with a sleep powder/confusion combo with one scary moment when Onix woke up and used rock tomb but missed (thank you Pidgisaur, your sacrifice was not in vain).

    I cleansweep the trainers on Route 3 with only Sparkles and I catch a jigglypuff (Jiggly). I heal in the pokemon center and go in. The first trainer's clefairy metronomes a flamethrower and OHKO's Sparkles. I'm now left with only a lvl 5 jigglypuff whose attacks are Sing and Defense Curl. A few steps later a zubat appears. It confuses my Jiggly, but I eventually catch it. I fight a bug trainer because I figure I can at least beat him if I put his pokemon to sleep with Jiggly and switch into Mavra, my Zubat. His weedle poisons Jiggly before going to sleep and Mavra eats it. His kakuna dies similarly.

    I have no antidotes so Jiggly has to suffer until I get to a pokemon center. I'm ambushed by geodude on my way out the door and I can't escape. It kills Mavra. I flee afterwords, but the damage is done. I have no offensive attacks any more. Not that it matters... Jiggly died of poison a few steps away from the pokemon center counter. Game End.

    I'll probably do another one, except I'll start with bulbasaur or squirtle next time.
  20. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    A little underlevel'd thar, Makiri :\

    Might want to have a ~20 Chameleon before fighting teh Brockz.