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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    It is too easy, tbh. I won't do no items or pokecenters both at once, but I'm currently stomping a nodeaths run on LeafGreen - nothing lost, on Victory Road. Lapras, Charizard, Persian and a lowperf Onix. There's also a boxed Pidgeotto because it was consistently outperformed.
  2. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Unless I misunderstood the rules this guy (says) he uses, there's no way he can do all the grinding needed for such levels without regular visits to the PokeCenters.

    Or can he? He could be legit, but I doubt it.
  3. draconian139

    draconian139 DA Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    I'm not sure, nearly all of his heals were due to being out of pp but he could have done some that weren't mentioned. I don't think he did mostly because I think someone on that forum would have called him out on it.

    On my own run(normal rules) I failed shortly after the second gym, then restarted and have just finished the fourth. My biggest problem is luck in the wild so far, nearly every pokemon I first run into is either normal, part poison, or part flying so I'm dreading hitting the ice users. A perfect example, I'd been looking forward to the fire caves and picking up a fire type, instead koffing decided to crash my party.

    Thanks for mentioning gameboid earlier in the thread Lungs, I'm really enjoying using it on my kindle.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  4. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Rocks fell and everyone died. I want to get back to my Dragon Quest VIII game now. Also this decision has nothing at all to do with the fact that I was a dumb fuck and let my Archen get ganked by a Fisherman for no damned reason. I mean, there's no way one of the most overpowered Pokemon in the history of the series could lose to a fucking Basculin even with a type mismatch, right? :(

    I think I will just bow to the reality that I am never going to be able to dismiss my ego in favor of playing smart and leave this to people who are capable of doing so.

    P.S. Fuck this challenge.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  5. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I just beat LeafGreen - no deaths.

    Level 61 Lapras @NoItem; TB, Beam, Surf, Body Slam
    Level 59 Charizard @NoItem; Fly, Thrower, Strength, Rock Slide
    Level: I don't even remember my Persian or my Onix at this point.

  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You know, it's a little funny to think about all the times I've torn through a Pokemon game without ever having anything fainted from start to finish. And now I've failed to do it twice when it actually matters in as many days. Gah. I really just can't muster up the resolve to continue. I was having fun, but losing Archeops turns fun into a crushing realization of 'I cannot win this game now.' That bird was the nucleus of my endgame strategy and I can't think of any way to move on without it.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  7. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Fucking hell. Everything was going well. Joe the Blastoise swept through Giovanni's gym and Giovanni himself with minimal fuss, and then it was time to grind to bring all the levels where I needed them.

    I decided the Victory Road would be a good place to grind, in the process making the Pokemon League a place I could Fly to.

    I had forgotten one thing, however. I had forgotten that my rival, Blue, was a faggot. And being a faggot, he chose to ambush me as I was entering the Victory Road to level Growlithe, the Pokemon I wanted to prepare to battle him.

    Pidgeot went down after a few Rock Slides from Gio the Graveler. Then comes the Venufag.
    Now, I have bitched and whined many times about how I don't have anything to battle the Venufaggot with, and how happy I was when Pokemon mansion granted me a Growlithe. But I was not ready! Seratin the Growlithe was not prepared for this fight. Venusaur was 21 levels his senior, and one razor Leaf, "not very effective" or not, would OHKO him.

    So, after all was said and done, much did I mourne.

    Seratin the Growlithe barked and bit as Joe the Blastoise held it back, feeling equally frustrated and helpless, while Zeit the Dragonair evaded Venusaur's Razor Leafs with a speed borne only from desperation. Zeit knew that, until he were fully grown, he could not defeat his senior Pokemon. But his trainer depended on it, everyone had done their part, and now was time for his.
    Ashaya the Pidgeotto had fought courageously, blinding the Venusaur with sand so that it may destroy its deadly accuracy with the Razor Leafs, something Blue had been certain to perfect. Blue himself knew that, should the Venusaur go down, the rest of his team would be defeated handily by the power of Red's Pokemon.
    His strongest, Joe the Blastoise, refrained from joining the fray, knowing that a single Razor Leaf would cleave his hard shell cleanly, as he was weak against grass type attacks. The same went for the aggresive yet wise Gio the Graveer. Joe held back the Growlithe, who knew that the Venusaur was to be his responsibility, but because he wasn't ready yet, not properly trained to fight it, others, less suitable, were forced to fight.

    They had been amnushed, and could not have refused Blue's challenge to a fight.

    Blue instructed Venusaur to Grow, ignoring offence for the time being in order to make his Razor Leafs even deadlier. That allowed Zeit the time he needed to use Thunder Wave, which paralysed Venusaur. The beast let out a growl, knowing that now many of his attacks would be halted by the electricity coursing through him.

    Zeit the Dragonair fought with valour, his rage against his immovable opponent manifesting itself as Dragon Rage, a plume of Fire that blasted against the Venusaur, but did not have the burning effects that normal Fire attacks had.

    Red, the trainer, realized his error. He could have taught Zeit how to use his innate powers over the weather to use Thunder Shock, but now was not the time to think of his past failings. The fight was still on.

    Unable to wipe the sand from its eyes, or remove the electricity from its body, Venusaur let out wave after wave of Razor Leaves, while Zeit flew up in the skies, evading and countering with the guttural flames of Dragon Rage.

    It seemed like Zeit, against all odds, would win the struggle, since his Dragon rage had started to wear Venusaur down. Blue was confident in his ability, and did not use a Full Restore. Red wondered why, but he would soon get the answer as to why his rival was feeling so confident.
    Zeit stopped moving in the air. Red gasped. A Razor Leaf, powered by Venusaur's Growth, had embedded itself on Zeit's head, and still kept flying after leaving the Dragon's skull from the other side.
    Growlithe's cries of anguish joined those of Red, as Zeit, bleeding profusely, fell from the skies. As it fell, dying, an ethereal light burst from Zeit's eyes, and he let out a roar no-one present would ever forget. A massive ball of Fire, inherent to all those of Dragon lineage, left Zeit's mouth at the same time life did, and impacted straight with Venusaur.

    Ashaya flew and caught Zeit's corpse before it struck the ground, just as Venusaur dropped to it's knees, heavy and wounded, but still conscious. Red did not even have to say anything, and HoS the Raticate, letting out a terrifying screech of anger, charged forward to deal the coup de grace. A quick attack later, and it was over.

    Joe the Blastoise let Seratin go, and it run over to Zeit's corpse, who had been his mentor since it was captured by Red. Joe the Blastoise tore its eyes from the scene, instead focusing it's rage on the Growlithe that Blue had sent after retrieving Venusaur. Blue knew he would lose, but Dragonair was dead, while Venusaur had simply fainted.

    After Growlithe, Blue sent Alakazam, the Psychic Pokemon. Joe soldiered through the Psychic attacks, and his Hydro Cannon blasted Alakazam into the rocks besides Blue.
    The fight was over. Blue, after taunting Red on still refusing to kill the Pokemon of his enemies, left to face the Elite Four, leaving the broken team to mourne for their lost comrade.

    Seratin's howls echoed through the valley, all the way to Viridian City.


    I am pretty pissed right now.

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  8. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Lots of activity this update. Going by Kang’s suggestion, I traded Ashaya the Drowzee away for Muscle the Machop, a striking level 12 beast. Who’s also female. That done, Calz the Croconaw, Kens the Geodude, and Muscle banded together to destroy every trainer in the Goldenrod region. It was beautiful.

    Next up was the gym. Muscle dominated until she came to Whitney’s Miltank. That fucking thing kept Stomping and Attracting my other pokes so Muscle was the only one who could have possibly beaten it. During the fight, I was forced to sacrifice a Pokemon for more healing time, so RIP Inq the Male Nidoran (who I caught during grinding). Muscle then finished the Miltank off and I walked away with a badge.

    Ecruteak was my next stop and I avoided most of the trainers there since I needed more Pokemon to catch first. In the route before Ecruteak, a Pidgey graced my view and I killed it, because I already had a fucking Pidgey. Talked to Bill in the Pokemon Center and then followed him back to Goldenrod to take his Eevee, a precious level 5 thing that I have named Zeit.

    I’m going to do some running around now so that I can evolve Zeit into an Espeon before he misses some crucial moves (like Confusion at level 15). Going to see if I can get a Soothe Bell soon.

    Current Team:
    Calz the Croconaw, level 22,
    Kens the Geodude, level 22,
    Muscle the Machop, level 22,
    Zeit the Eevee, level 5 (badass-in-training),
    Cheddar the Pidgey, level 17 (backup),
    Anya the Butterfree, level 12 (capturing tool).

    Lutris the Togepi, level 4,
    Mishie the Paras, level 7.

    Rest in Peace:
    Anya the Gastly, level 17,
    Inq the Nidoran Male, level 12.
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    So, since I know you all want to hear from me again, consider my resolve mustered. Rest in peace Tlaloc the Archen, who never got to live up to his Aztec god namesake. I guess a guaranteed Pokemon that's on par with a legendary kinda violates the spirit of this challenge to begin with, but I'm going to try to do this without him. Details coming shortly after I deal with Elesa.

    Also @ Vira, you should be able to get a Soothe Bell from someone in the park IIRC.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  10. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    I could've sworn that the only item given to you in the park by someone was a Quick Claw from that teacher who's just chilling on the bench to the far right as you walk in.
  11. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Super Happy Day Two Recap Time

    Our hero picks up the phone in Castelia City, and promptly curses and hangs up as some guy named Ganesh tries to sell him life insurance. The phone rings again a moment later. The person on the other end this second time is only slightly less annoying than the Punjabi telemarketer. Bianca wants a battle, claiming to be stronger after been trained by the object of Team DLP Admin Vash's obsession. Feh.

    Hi ho, hi ho, back to the goddamned desert we go. Bianca is waiting at the checkpoint and gets rolled in record time. Should have let Team Plasma keep that worthless Munna. Unova has such shitty Psychic types. Slow slow slow. After making Bianca eat that ugly beret of hers, back to Route 4. Cheren wants to compare strength and comes up lacking again.

    Rather than heading right into Nimbasa City, our hero decides to claim Relic Castle in the name of Spain. The Resort Area yields a new challenger in Mr. Krabs the Dwebble. The castle itself adds Carmen the Sandile (kinda wanted a Yamask, but whatever). More importantly, fossil time. Archen going to rape many bitches in the days to come.

    The hero runs back to Nacrene City to resurrect his new avatar of destruction. Tlaloc the Archen comes with 70 Attack at level 25. Fuck yeah better than Seaking. He decides to raise his new pet in the desert, veering left as he enters from Castelia.

    Disaster ensues. Tlaloc gets murked in only his second battle by a fucking Fisherman and his Basulin. Words cannot describe the rage and sadness. Fuck Aqua Jet and it's priority and ability to critical and oneshot. Who loses a Pokemon to a fucking Fisherman? That's almost as bad as losing to Gary. Gah.

    Tlaloc's untimely departure means that Mr. Krabs is promoted to the A-Team. May he serve up many delicious Krabby Patties from the corpses of our enemies. The hero puts aside his grief and his expectations of rolling the shit out of the Elite Four with Acrobatics spam and levels his team against the trainers in the desert and the routes surrounding Nimbasa.

    Routes Five and Sixteen yield Gabrielle the Minccino (did I spell that right?) and Telomere the Solosis. Oh, he also owned some Team Plasma redshirts as he entered town and got a bike which he put into his backpack because honey badger don't give a shit about the laws of mass and volume. To the amusement park.

    Our hero is pulled into the Ferris Wheel to take a ride with N, who is no doubt planning to rape him. That fails and another battle ensues. Musashi takes down Sandile, Darumaka and Scraggy with ease and Mr. Krabs mops up on Sigilyph. Level up, Rock Slide learned. Fuck yeah.

    Nimbasa Gym proves that beating up on models and rich kids is far more profitable than rolling preschoolers. Mr. Krabs handles the underlings like a boss (and he is the boss, amirite?). Elesa, however, proves to be a more difficult quarry.

    Her Emolga opens with Volt Switch, sending in the other Emolga and chewing up roughly a third of Mr. Krabs' HP. Emolga Number Two eats a Rock Slide and it reduced to critical HP. Our hero rolls his eyes as Elesa feeds the wannabe Pikachu a Hyper Potion on the next turn, and then laughs as Rock Slide does a teensy bit more damage and gets the kill.

    Beethoven the Herdier swaps in to handle Emolga Number One. Volt Switch brings in Zebstrika, Return barely takes away half its health. Spark reduces Beethoven to near critical health before he can Dig. Here I realize that I should have just used another Return to guarantee a kill. If Elesa had half a brain she would have switched in Emolga to own my Dig, but she has none and Zebstrika gets murked. Mr. Krabs comes in to clean up and Rock Slides the last Emolga into a conveniently made grave. Battle over. Praise some higher power for Dwebble being a pretty damned solid tank or that could have gone very badly.

    Elesa is defeated and seems quite flustered and complimentary of our hero's awesomeness, which naturally means that she wants sex. More to come later.

    Status Post-Nimbasa City Gym

    The A-Team

    Musashi the Dewott - Level 28
    Beethoven the Herdier - Level 29
    Millicent the Darumaka - Level 28
    Mr. Krabs the Dwebble - Level 30

    The Box

    Diddy the Pansear - level 20
    Cleveland the Venipede - level 15
    Pesto the Pidove - Level 10
    Snivellus the Woobat - Level 11
    Umbridge the Tympole - Level 12
    Carmen the Sandile - Level 21
    Gabrielle the Minccino - Level 19
    Telomere the Solosis - Level 19

    The Morgue

    Xiphosis the Patrat - Watchog Bait
    Tlaloc the Archen - Most Badass Pokemon To Lose To A Fucking Fisherman
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    All my plans have gone down the drain. I was looking forward to a future where Muscle the Machamp and Zeit the Espeon could rule the world, but it can no longer be. For my Eevee is adamant natured. ;_;

    For you casual players, adamant nature means my Eevee would grow with superior attack and inferior special attack. It's the worst nature for an Eevee. It's been suggested to me to let Eevee evolve into an Umbreon, which wouldn't mind the nature so much, but still...

    Either way, I am undone. D8
  13. Uncle Stojil

    Uncle Stojil Auror

    Apr 16, 2011
    An advantageous Nature is useful but not vital. IVs are much more important. How's your Eevee on that front?
  14. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Ehh, I've never considered IV/EV and nature that important for non-competitive play. Play with the team that you want! :>
  15. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Yeah I don't care if I'm starting late. Just found my DS. :3
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I know, I know, but now that I've played competetive, it's really hard for me to ignore natures. Even if I did evolve the Eevee, I'd always have the thought in the back of my mind, 'It's adamant natured, so it's not very good. It's going to fail me.'

    Though yeah, I'll probably use it anyways since I never use Espeon / Umbreon. The problem now is getting its happiness maxed out. Cue hours and hours of walking around. -.-

    Also, dunno about IVs. It's not at a high enough level to check yet.
  17. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    If you're playing on an emu, do like I am and play at 500% speed. Can level super fast as well. :3
  18. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Journal Entry #3

    This morning I woke up to a bright future. Tonight I fall asleep in a nightmare.

    It all starts out so well. I have the means to evolve one of my pokemon, a new dragon, and Pip the Togepi is due to evolve soon. I set out to Ecruteak in high spirits.

    The day passes at a snail's pace as I battle every trainer I can get my hands on. I have a very close call in which my entire team is' put to sleep and Dream Eater'd by some cunt's Drowzee, but we pull through without any casualties in the end, thanks to Clarice the Dratini.

    I make it into the city and scout out the Burned Tower. Besides some legendary pokemon I don't even try to catch, I manage to snag a Koffing that I name SweetCheex. I handily crush my rival along the way with Pip and Clarice. Next I take a few minutes out of my day to clear out a dance house and acquire the HM03 Surf.

    After that I check out route 42. My first mistake.

    I'm immediately accosted by a gentlemanly hiker who gives me the HM05 Strength. I also pick up the TM Shadow Claw, which I waste no time teaching Gar the Haunter. I decide to save my first encounter for Route 42 for when I can use Surf and get a water pokemon. Mt. Coronet yields a Rattata, unfortunately, so I'm forced to continue on to Mahogany minus the Machop I'd been hoping to get.

    The first person I see as I exit Mt. Coronet is a fisherman. Easy prey for Scramble.

    Wrong. So very, very wrong.

    I can't even remember what he used. All I know is that it knew Minimize, Harden, and Rollout. That's all it needed.

    Scramble gets it down into the low yellow before I'm forced to sacrifice SweetCheex and get a free hit in with Gar. As I write this I'm kicking myself for not just using Clarice and Dragon Raging it straight to hell.

    Gar uses Shadow Punch, a guaranteed hit. It barely takes off a point. Rollout strikes him without mercy, and just like that he's gone. In my rage, I dimly remember sending out Clarice, who rampages along the battlefield, shrieking in rage at the loss of our comrade.

    The part the leaves me the most shaken is that Gar just fades away, denying me the consolation of a proper burial.

    In my sorrow, I don't notice the eager looking hiker until he's already challenged me to a battle. Before I can even register what's happening, Pip has been slain by a rogue Geodude. Scramble's revenge is swift and brutal.

    I numbly bury Pip in a small copse of trees and stumble into Mahogany, heartbroken. I spare only a moment to heal Clarice and Scramble, and then I turn and walk back to Ecruteak.

    On the way I catch a Spearow. I name him Fawkes.

    I will not challenge the fourth gym today. I will mourn. I will train.

    And then I will conquer.

    New Arrival(s):
    Ability: Keen Eye
    Moves: U-turn, Leer,
    Fury Attack, Pursuit
  19. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Well I failed, I was training on cycling road with my level 40 dragonair, who was crit poisoned killed by a muk. I still had Fiat so I switched out and again got poisoned. I flew to the poke center and healed real quick, then heading back to cycling road to grind some more. I then encountered a weezing who poisons Fiat. I use Tri Attack and get him really low so the Weezing being the champion he is self destructs. I am now starting a new run now. I chose Charmander to switch it up a bit, and named him after one of my favorite authors on DLP, Nuhuh. Earlier Irene also died, but since she was so unimportant I forgot to mention it.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  20. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Got a sore throat and don't feel like writing.

    Thus, starting a Fire Red run.

    I chose a Charmander, who I named Swimdracon(ian). He will be like CR's Harry Potter - violent, unstable, and prone to tearing things apart.

    My rival, name Bess, chose a Squirtle. What a noob.

    Squirtle was a pushover, only managing to pull of one tackle. What a noob.

    The first pokemon I encountered on my journey on Route 1 was a Pidgey. Lacking the means to capture it, I decided to barbeque it instead. Unfortunately, Swimdraconian has not yet learned how to use fire (despite his tail being on fire). We had to make do with eating it raw.

    Our second encounter was a Rattata, which we also dissected and ate raw. This pushed Swimdraconian to level 7, teaching him how to spit flames. Thank god, I was starting to get a stomachache.

    Viridian City saw me turned into an errand boy. Note to self: find means of revenge on that old bastard. Perhaps his grandson, Bess, might be involved...

    On second thought, I may delay my revenge. A pokedex is an interesting reward, and the pokeballs are just a bonus.

    Bess is a little bitch. Note to self: find way to seduce his sister. Preferably in his room.

    I have travelled from Viridian to Route 22, hoping for a Mankey. Barring that, a Spearow. My wish for a Mankey is granted. A short battle later, the Mankey is caught. I name it Merrill. He will be like a policeman, angry and abusive.

    Attempting to get to Route 2, I was intercepted by a rambling old man. Note to self: spike his coffee next time I'm in town.

    Knowing that I could trade for a Mr. Mime here, I avoided the grass and made my way to Viridian Forest.

    Hoping for a Caterpie, I made my way into the grass. A god of fortune must have been smiling upon me, for I encountered a Pikachu instead. Catching it took two pokeballs, but it was worth it. The Pikachu, now named Syed, will strike quickly from the shadows.

    A brief backtrack to heal later, I was ready to storm through the forest.

    Swimdraconian made a valiant attempt at genocide, but I suspect his attempt to decimate the bug population of the forest fell rather short of the mark. Perhaps next time.

    Despite my previous conviction to hold out for a Mr. Mime, I decided I needed a Pidgey more. In Route 2, I encountered a Pidgey in the grass. Switching out Swimdraconian for Merrill, I took the bird on. The fight was more long-winded than I expected, thus I named the Pidgey Taure.

    Having assembled my starting team, I decided to train them in preparation for Brock. Merrill would take the lead, being the only one capable of not getting his ass kicked, but that was besides the point.

    Until next time...
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012