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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    This was asked like three pages back. No. Only one Pokemon per route, the very first. If you want to fish, you fish. Not one in the grass and one in the water. They are still the same route.

    So, played for a little while last night. Been busy with other things to play much lately.

    Started off continuing my trek to Eterna Forest. All things progressed well, if not without a couple of trips back to the Pokemon Centre. Upon my arrival to Eterna Forest, I was glad to see Cheryl waiting there with her amazing supplies of potions to keep everyone at full hp the whole time we're together.

    Eterna Forest was a breeze.

    Nabbed a Lv 12 Buneary called Fluffy, and decided to box it. The trainers proved a piece of cake as their attention was drawn to the Chansey my fellow trainer had. My word that Chansey was beaten up a lot. Cheryl probably didn't like those Magnitude attacks of mine hitting her as well either...

    Eterna Forest, cleared I made my way into Eterna City. After a few random conversations with Cyrus and Cynthia, I find a Chingling and a second Geodude east of town. Didn't catch the Chingling.

    After taking care of the gym trainers, I step up to Gardenia feeling rather underlevelled (19-20-20-21). Turtwig went down quick smart, but not before getting a Sunny Day and a Reflect in. Cherrim took quite a few hits thanks to that Reflect stopping most of my moves cold. But once it wore off, I won that battle of attrition. Sunny Day and Reflect, thankfully, faded the turn before Roserade appeared. But Staravia showed some of that boss his final evolution is known for and critical hit Roserade and killed it in one hit. Two gyms down.

    Team Galactic hideout went by swimming until this scientist on the third floor sent out his Kadabra. Having sent out Geodude with no idea what this guy had, I knew immediately Geodude couldn’t stand up to it. We were the same level (20) and my Sp Def was awful. I switched to Staravia to take it down with its great Atk and better Sp Def. Things got interesting here.

    The scientist used an X Special. Okay, I thought. Interesting. Wing Attack just didn't finish the job, and my Staravia took a super powered Confusion. Took off around 50 of my health and left me barely alive and confused. Knowing now that no Pokemon could take two Confusions, I switched to Shellos and watched him die. Then came out Luxio, with the intention of using Bite.

    The intention of using it... But Kadabra was faster and almost killed my Luxio in one hit, again with successful confusion. Luxio hurt himself in confusion. I switched to my other backup, Drifloon. He also fell in one easy hit. Prinplup, my only other Pokemon with strong Sp Def an a chance, entered the fray. He took just more than half of his health and... you guessed it. I was confused. But Prinplup managed to pull through and attack with Bubblebeam to finish off Kadabra.

    Commander Jupiter was worse.

    Geodude again comes out first. Jupiter sent out Zubat. I thought this would be easy.

    Zubat knew Giga Drain.

    Geodude was dead and I was in trouble. Luxio revenge killed Zubat with one Spark. But it was all in vain. Skuntank came out. Spark took off maybe 1/6th, while Night Slash took off most of my health. Switched out to Staravia, but again I lost most of my health. Night Slash systemically took down my team. I lost. All because that Lv 21 Zubat somehow knew Giga Drain.

    Unlike most people here, I can’t be bothered starting again so I re-challenged Jupiter and, armed with this new knowledge, defeated Skuntank thanks to a Magnitude 6 and 10. I know I’ve lost, but I want to keep going anyway. See how many times I do lose.

    Cycling Road was a breeze. Found a Zubat on the route below it which I killed, and a Bronzor in Wayward Cave. I caught the Bronzor, only to find its’ Nature meant reduced Sp Atk. I boxed it in disgust and pushed onwards through Mt Coronet. Met Cyrus again and had another one-sided chat.

    I emerged with the intention of raising a Pokemon I find in the next route or two. But we’ll see.

    At close my team is:

    Pippy the Prinplup: 24
    Geo Geo the Graveller: 25
    Luxie the Luxio: 23
    Piiiidgey the Staravia: 24

    Bronsaur the Bronzor: 20
    Togepriii the Togepi: whatever level it hatched at. Will use if Staravia perishes.

    Budew: 5. Died to Barry outside Jubilife.
    Slughorn the Shellos: 12. Died to Kadabra in T.G. Eterna Base.
    Balloon the Drifloon: 15. Died to Kababra in T.G. Eternia Base.
  2. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Forced to restart my Nuzlocke run due to horrific luck, Green’s journey has begun again, this time as a male trainer, maybe that was the problem…

    In any event, I once again chose Bulbasaur, a particularly sadistic one, and named it Wednesday, after Wednesday Addams.I believe it will have an obsession with chopping the heads off of other pokemon with razor leaf at some point.

    Route 1’s first pokemon was defeated promptly and Green’s journey continued. Route 2 was a flop, with a mere Rattata appearing. Green defeated it, not wanting to waste any time working with it. The same went for the Vermilion Forest with the introduction of a Weedle.

    Pewter Gym was a cakewalk, and Wednesday evolved into an Ivysaur after the first fight. Route 3 saw the addition of a lvl 9 Jigglypuff named Puffskein to the team.

    Luck was with Green upon entering Mt. Moon as his first fight was with a geodude, captured and named Lurch. Mt. Moon was a long walk, but when Green exited the other side, Wednesday was lvl 22 and had just learned Razor leaf, Lurch was 17, and Puffskein was level 11, and had been evolved to Wigglytuff before training had begun.

    Cerulean Gym was too easy, as Wednesday cut down those water-types with the greatest of ease.

    Some training is in order for Puffskein before facing my rival again.

    That’s all for today I am afraid.

    Current Team:
    Wednesday the Ivysaur: lvl 24
    Lurch the Geodude: lvl 20
    Puffskein the Wigglytuff: lvl 15
  3. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Poytin's log Day 2:

    Poytin wandered to the east towards Route 3. After beating up a series of children he came across a Sandshrew named Terran that was quickly added to his team. After a long time training his 3 pokemon to level 20 he entered Mt. Moon. There he found a Zubat named Screech that wouldn't be a part of his team.

    Walking through the rest of the mountain he beat up some punks in black before beating up a nerd for a fossil. It was also during this time that King once again evolved into the mighty Nidoking. As he was about to leave he was jumped by some punks in white that he quickly stomped. He then continued on to the city.

    Deciding to do some good works he headed for the pokemon orphanage and was drawn in by a Bulbasaur named Ivy. Ivy was trained up for a little bit and then Poytin ran into Nityop again. Poytin made short work of the annoyance and was pleased when Terran evolved into Sandslash and Ivy evolved into Ivysaur.

    Poytin then did the Nugget bridge challenge and stomped all those who were before him. He then ran into some sap who didn't know how to raise his pokemon. This person then gave Poytin a Charmander obviously seeing the talent that he had. This Charmander's name turned out to be Smokey.

    Poytin trained Smokey up a bit until it evolved into a Charmeleon.

    Current team:
    Raijin - Pikachu - 21
    King - Nidoking - 22
    Terran - Sandslash - 23
    Ivy - Ivysaur - 20
    Smokey - Charmeleon - 17

    Fuujin the Pidgey
    Worthless the Metapod
    Screech the Zubat
  4. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well, after doing some grinding I finally decided to go make use of Union Cave, after using repels to walk through it since I needed nothing in there, I went to the second basement floor and caught me a Lapras. Midknight the Stantler died getting me that Lapras.

    So with Mattsilver the Lapras I made my over to the Safari Zone area, unfortunately I forgot that Cloyster gets Aurora Beam and so Silent the Dratini died in a double battle. Just before hand though I caught a Golbat, making it another back up Fly slave. At the safari zone, the owner decided he wanted to give me it and all of its abundant pokemon. Now, I couldn't turn down that many pokemon, so even knowing there had to be a catch I took the offer. The catch was I had to pass two tests, test one was to catch a geodude for there. I didn't feel like it so instead I went to a different part of the Safari Zone and found a Nidoran(Male) and caught, naming it Vlad2.0, hopefully better in every way to the original.

    With this done I went Eastward over to Mahogany Town. Seems the nearby lake had a problem with a Red Gyarados rampaging about or something like that. After a not so thrilling battle, I caught Middy the Red Gyarados... who went straight to the box cause Vira hadn't died yet. After grinding up some more I talked to this guy with a cape, called himself Lance. He told me some group called Team Rocket, who I found trying to make money off selling Slowpoke Tails earlier, was making all the Magikarp evolve, not seeing how this was a problem but trusting his opinion, and hoping he wouldn't sick his Dragonite on me, I agreed to help. So into the base I went, apparently there was some switch to turn off all the alarms, I said fuck that and beat down every single Rocket in my path. After all was said and done, we'd save the town and the guy blocking the gym was gone.

    So with my Lapras having Thunderbolt, after some time playing Voltorb Flip, I went in ready to kill everything that was Water/Ice and leaving everything else to Lutris the Typhlosion, I walked, killed shit, and got to the Gym Leader himself. Lapras killed a Seel and a Dewgong while Lutris one-shotted a Piloswine. After getting my new badge I flew to Goldenrod and decided I should finish off Team Rocket for good, but first had to find someway to sneak by the fairly stupid guard. Luckily some other idiotic Rocket thought I was a new member and gave me some new clothes. Right when I was in the process of sneaking in, my rival blew my cover and so I had to fight through all the Rockets and they're poison and paralysis spamming pokemon. After that I had to rescue the kidnapped Chairman/Director guy, I don't know, I didn't care, but he had the key I needed so away I went.

    Right before I started my rescue, my rival stopped me again saying that he had been stalking me hoping to find that Lance guy cause he told him he sucked as a trainer... he was right as I proved by kicking his ass. After losing he suffered some kind of mental breakdown and ran away. With that warm up done, I kicked more Rocket ass, got the key card beat some Admins and made my way to the new head honcho, some guy named Archer. Gyarados killed his two dogs and I threw Lapras at his bird. That done, I got some shiny multi-colored feather. With the Rocket dispanded... again, I flew back to Mahogany Town and started east toward Blackthorn City and my last badge since the guy selling Rage Candy Bars or something like that was no longer blocking my path.

    After making my way through Ice cave and numerous Golbats, and only one freaking Swinub at the very end. I found myself in Blackthorn City. Knowing that I'd need Lapras MUCH stronger to deal with a gym of dragon pokemon I spent another bit of time grinding. It was barely enough. The entire gym was going perfectly until Claire brought out her Kingdra. Then shit went south fast. That thing was fucking crit hacking and making me use a shit ton of Hyper Potions non-stop. Finally after what seemed like forever I was able to kill the terrible beast, but the bitch wouldn't give me my badge, said I needed to prove myself in the Dragon's Den. So away I went, spotting numerous magikarp and people who didn't get the message that I was allowed inside. After I got into the back of the shrine, some old man asked me some questions about my views on pokemon and how to train/raise them. After he was satisfied, I got my badge although Claire threw a hissy fit and left. The Professor called said he had some new invention. So I flew back home and walked over to Elm's lab. He had something called a Masterball for me, said it would catch any pokemon without fail.

    As I was leaving I was told the Kimono girls I had met in my travels, who didn't seem to stand out much besides the way they dressed, wanted to talk to me. So away to Ecruteak City I went. Once I got to their dance theater my rival came rushing out saying how he got his asked kicked... again. Why is he my rival again? Anyways after that they challenged me to a back to back match against all 5 of them. It was fine besides a near death by Lutris from Jolteon. He got payback by one-shotting him with a Blaze boosted crit Blast Burn. Afterwards they told me they wanted my help to summon Ho-Oh to the nearby tower and gave me a bell. After making my way to the top and watching a dance. A rainbow phoenix came down, probably where the feather came from, and you could see the joy on the Kimono Girls' faces. Their looks of adoration toward the bird was kind of creepy, so I decided that the bird had to go. With that decided I sent Vira the Gyarados to go kill the god-bird thing. After that was done, they seemed rather sad to see me kill their god figure.

    With all my business in Johto taken care of I made my way through the Tohjo Falls and into Kanto. After finding a house to stay right in front of Victory Road, I decided to call it a day.

    And now the dead/living list:
    Mishe the useless Togepi with Hustle instead of Serene Grace
    Anya the Bellsprout and you were so awesome too
    Lungs the Rattata, your quick attack will be missed even if you did have 5 IVs under 10
    Vladbat who died to a Marill rollout in a trainer battle on route and that was all the contribution it did, Vlad the Nidoran came along that same route and it will hopefully be as useful as Vlad the Nidoking was in my last Nuzlocke run.
    Irene the Butterfree died to a crit while I was catching Midknight the Stantler
    Vlad the Nidorino, you were going to be a King Vlad
    Ash the Gravaller, you killed Whitney, you're job was done as far as I was concerned
    Mknote the Sudowoodo who saw more battle than I had ever planned on letting him, that being any at all
    Vash the Krabby, you were going to be a King too
    Newly Deceased:
    Silent the Dratini died to an Aurora Beam from a Cloyster before she could Thunderbolt it to hell
    Midknight the Stantler died to a crit Ice Shard for a Lapras that I was trying to catch

    New Mons:
    Mattsilver the Lapras
    Middy the Red Gyarados
    Glernaj the Gligar
    Vlad 2.0 the Nidorino I hope this one turns out better than the last, seems that way so far

    Current Party:
    Vladbat3 the Level 22 Golbat who's just a place holder/switch bait
    Anya the Level 22 Noctowl who's just my Fly slave and sleep bitch
    Vlad2.0 the level 34 Nidorino, just 9 more levels and you get to be a King Vlad!
    Lutris the Level 40 Typhlosion, still alive and kicking ass
    Vira the Level 42 Gyarados who along with Lutris and Mattsilver made Team Rocket cry
    and last but not least, that's Vladbat3, is
    Mattsilver the Level 42 Lapras, who ice beamed and Thunderbolted his way throwed both the Ice and Dragon gyms.

    Middy is the only thing of note in the box, maybe Glernaj, the rest are all complete wipe backups or have been forgotten about. That said, I NEED stop getting Rattata/Raticates and Zubat/Golbats first. I have plenty and just kill the new ones now.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  5. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Prologue: Decided to start an Emerald Nuzlocke. No special rules or anything, just pure Nuzlocke. Story to follow once I have significant enough backlog.

    Part 1: Arrived in Littleroot, traveling in the back of my Mom's moving van. Man, I bet the Traveler didn't have to deal with bullshit like this. Mom helps me out of the back, and tells me about how I'll a room all to myself. Finally! Now I don't have to worry about the strange things that Mom brings home when she goes whoring! On my way up, I notice a Vigoroth vigorously... yeah, moving on. Mom's transfixed, gigantic hoebag that she is.

    After chatting up the Bitchs, my next door neighbors, I head out to hear a damsel in distress. I head out to find it's apparently Professor Bitch, being chased by a Poochyeena. I get a Mudkip out of his bag and trollstomp the 'ho. He's so grateful that he lets me keep it, and tells me to go find his daughter, May Bitch. I do, with Lutris the Mudkip following along, and we whoop her till she cries for Daddy. I take her back, she gives me some pokeballs, and I go head out to conquer.

    My first conquest? A goddamn Poochyeena. I name it Syed because it's unwanted and unloved. I avoid Route 103, because I'm half-sure there's better pokemon to be found there later on when I can surf. Time to head out~

    Part 2: Headed out onto Route 102, caught a Wurmple, named her Mishie. Not totally useless, so I grinded her hard until she reached level 10 and emerged as a wonderful Dustox. Almost makes up for not getting something useful, like a Zigzagoon or a Ralts. Went into Petalburg, all set to challenge the leader and....it's my Dad. Turns out he won't fight me, and even better, he wants me to help some brat catch a pokemon. Wussy kid comes in, I help him, and the bastard ends up with a Ralts! SO NOT FAIR! I swear to Arceus, I'mma murder this bastard in his sleep and steal his pokemon.

    Anyway, I head out towards Rustboro intent on catching something I'll like. Poochyeena. Fuck that noise, Lutris blows his brains out with a Water Gun. I dash briefly into the Forest and...it's a Cascoon. So disgusted, I don't even name him and box him with Syed. Whatevs. Lutris, Mishie, and I will rock this place and who knows what else.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  6. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    So I continued my FireRed experience: I'm at Silph Co. with these pokemons:

    Balls the lv37 Venosaur still alive :3 it's a bitch with razor leaf and giga drain and for catching sleep powder.
    Naeblis the lv39 Pidgeot wich was the first pokemon I caught somehow still alive featherdance and aerial ace is a kicker.
    Coyote the lv29 Gyrados, caught him with the old rod. Surf is his only useful skill yet.
    Oz the lv20 Meowth, for HM slave and payday, berries sticking to him like bitches be crazy.
    Jon the lv36 Growlithe caught him just outside Celadon city he burns them. Burns them down.
    And for last Giovanni the lv31 Graveller just to have some rock with me. He has balls.

    And for the R.I.P. part:

    Calz the lv11 Mankey damn those spearows.
    Ashaya the lv16 Zubat she jsut taured all the way, so I had to sacrifice her.
  7. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Journal Entry #4

    Today was... better.

    The first thing I do is train Fawkes the Spearow until he evolves into a mighty Fearow. Paired with Clarice and Pursuit, Morty is swept with minimal issues.

    Fog Badge - Obtained

    I wander through Route 38, where I meet yet another Rattata that I have Fawkes slaughter in my frustration. I finally strike gold in Route 39, however, with a Miltank. My Pokedex tells me there is only a 5% chance of meeting one in my area, and that's not even going into it's stats.

    She's Jolly. She likes to run. She has Scrappy.

    I'm tempted to name her Speedster, but instead I name her Matilda in honor of my late starter/tank, Panzer. I set to leveling her, and with Stomp/Milk Drink, it's almost too easy.

    I also train Scramble Exeggcute, who I've been regretfully neglecting the past few days. After a solid bout of training in the lighthouse of Olivine, he gets to nudging my bag until the Leaf Stone we'd won falls out. I get the hint, and a moment later I have a shiny (not literally, unfortunately) new Exeggutor.

    I'm starting to feel like my luck is turning, so I try my luck at fishing/surfing to get that Water pokemon I've been lacking. I net a lv. 20 Magikarp who I name Magicunt, a Tentacool whom I christen Friend, and a Corsola that I deem Bamf. I'm not sure if I'll use any of them, and they're all boxed for the team being. We'll see.

    After that I have a quick battle with the guy who'd been chasing ledgendaries back in Ecruteak, and Matilda hands his entire team their asses. Rollout is a helluva move.

    I've just returned a potion to Gym Leader Jasmine, whom I had planned on challenging as soon as she got to her gym. A bit of research, however, showed that her pokemon are in the thirties, while mine are in the low twenties. I think I'll wait a bit.

    Today was a good one. Tomorrow will be too.

    This, I swear.

    New Arrival(s)
    Matilda the Miltank
    Nature: Jolly
    Ability: Scrappy
    Moves: Rollout, Stomp,
    Milk Drink, Body Slam
  8. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Stuff happened, so here is a disjointed account:

    1. Somewhere, somehow, I can't remember how- Anya the Butterfree died.

    2. Only Pokemon I captured was a female Koffing I named Insecta. She is boxed for now, though I may use her later, depending if I find something later.

    3. Battled my douchebag rival Klael and ended up sacrificing Cheddar the Pidgey to his Magnemite. Seriously, that thing was doing half-damage every time with its Sonic Boom.

    4. Zeit, my adamant Eevee that I swore to evolve into an Umbreon, died in an accident today that involved a wild Stantler, Leer, and a well-placed Stomp. His nature was crappy though so I don't care.

    Going to up against the Ecruteak gym now. With Calz the Croconaw's Bite and Muscle the Machop's Payback, this should be easy.

    inb4 I die horribly.

    Current Team:
    Calz the Croconaw, level 25,
    Kens the Geodude, level 23,
    Muscle the Machop, level 25.

    Lutris the Togepi, level 4,
    Mishie the Paras, level 7,
    Insecta the Koffing, level 14.

    Rest in Peace:
    Anya the Gastly, level 17,
    Inq the Nidoran Male, level 12,
    Anya the Butterfree, level 12,
    Cheddar the Pidgey, level 17,
    Zeit the Eevee, level 15.
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Quiet day for me, not really enough to bother with doing a writeup. Our hero wants you to know that he had a sleep in after spending all the previous night furiously railing Elesa in a posh hotel room, but I have the inside scoop and the reality is that he didn't get any and spent all day watching Maury Povich reruns.
  10. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Entered the Ecruteak gym and raped everyone in my path. Kens the Geodude involved into a Graveler while doing so.

    Started my battle with Morty with Muscle the Machop in the lead. Payback took out the Gastly and Haunter. Morty sent out a Gengar and threw a Shadow Ball at me. Cue Muscle going down to 2 HP and cue my panicking. Machop did get off a Payback, but Gengar survived into red health. I decided I had no choice and threw Calz the Croconaw into the ring. He survived the Shadow Ball and went into yellow health. I gave him a Potion, but it was rendered moot and the next Shadow Ball put him into red health. I had Quick Claw attached to Calz and gave a quick prayer to the hax gods.

    Calz died horribly, but I wasn’t too worried. I sent out Kens, who was in full health, only for him to die in one shot. Then Muscle died and then I died because I was stupid and brought no spare Pokemon to sacrifice.


    So, my real battle with Morty went like this: I sent out Calz first to deal with the first Gastly. It died with one Bite and Morty immediately pulled out his Gengar. I was like ‘challenge accepted’ and sent out Muscle. She survived the Shadow Ball by 6 HP and then proceeded to Payback the damage with all the strength she had, killing the Gengar. Calz killed the two Haunters and I earned my badge. I didn’t even have to sacrifice Lutris the Togepi, who happened to be in my party when I challenged Morty.

    So, yeah, this was a good day and not nightmarish at all~

    Current Team:
    Calz the Croconaw, level 27,
    Kens the Graveler, level 25,
    Muscle the Machop, level 27.
  11. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I can attest that Vira died horribly.
  12. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    So, I'm mentally challenged and lost all the writing I did on my Nuzlocke Yellow run, from 3 badges up until 8. Since I'm not redoing all that, I'll just recap - I won.

    The first six pokemon I captured, I killed the Elite 4 with:

    Harry the Gyarados - level 63
    Ron the Charizard - Level 61
    Hermione the Venusaur - Level 60
    Neville the Butterfree - Level 61
    Cormac the Nidoking - Level 60
    Luna the Pikachu - Level 60

    Zero deaths from game start, to Elite 4 defeat. I was careful, cautious, and yes, I was lucky. Several self-destructs brought my beloved pokemon down into the single digits, but they survived.

    I followed the following blueprint, and I'm a tad OCD about such things.

    Gym 1: All pokemon on roster, level 12.
    Gym 2: All pokemon on roster, level 18
    Gym 3: All pokemon on roster, level 24
    Gym 4: All pokemon on roster, level 30
    Gym 5: All pokemon on roster, level 36
    Gym 6: All pokemon on roster, level 42
    Gym 7: All pokemon on roster, level 48
    Gym 8: All pokemon on roster, level 54
    Elite 4: All pokemon on roster, level 60

    By far the biggest challenge was Sabrina. The 4th gym was level 32-ish pokemon, and then the gap between 4 and 5 was 'huge', jumping from 32 to 50. I decided to detour and do the Kang 5th, with Ron setting things on fire satisfactorily, and then back tracking to do Sabrina when I was 42.

    It was a fun, pretty quick Nuzlocke, and I recommend Yellow for anyone wanting a challenge, and a dash of nostalgia, perhaps. I'll be working my way through each generation doing a Nuzlocke run, and shall attempt to log the runs slightly more effectively going forwards.

    Nuzlocke Yellow run Complete.

    Main Team:

    Harry the Gyarados - level 63
    Ron the Charizard - Level 61
    Hermione the Venusaur - Level 60
    Neville the Butterfree - Level 61
    Cormac the Nidoking - Level 60
    Luna the Pikachu - Level 60



    Trainer Albus, signing out.
  13. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    No death runs are ++
  14. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA

    I've been disappointed with my team so far. Can't they see I long for something stronger? Nevertheless, they persevere. Starting where I left off, I took Lutris the Mudkip and Mishie the Dustox and tore through Roxanne. Bitches don't know about my Mudshot.

    Go out and help the Devon Researcher, and my first poke in the grass yields an Abra. I gank it with a Great Ball before it can dash away, and Sir KaiDashigan joins the team. Sadly, none of my pokemon can learn Cut, so I enter Rusturf tunnel hoping against hope. Sadly all I find is some whiny female Whismur. Ellisande joins the team. Aqua Grunt just can't hold his water and gets steam-rolled.

    Grinding and grinding and I just can't grind enough. May Bitch's Wingull crits Ellisande, and she dies, whining the whole way. I am enraged and have Mishie eat May's soul. So distraught, I head immediately to Dewford, and pick up a Magikarp using my ole Rod. Name it Sree, since while it may be flaccid and weak now, it's rage boner when it evolves into Super-Mod will be quite impressive.

    I head into Granite Cave, using a repel to safely get me to the lower levels. Surely here I will get a good pokemon I like. Perhaps an Aron? Or a Sableye? Hell, I'd be happy with a high level Makuhita!

    Vladbat joins the party, and I none the happier. I decide to say fuckit, and navigate Granite Cave blind so I can deliver the letter and get that shiny Exp Share sooner. Grinding hard before I box out Brawly.

    Current Team:
    Lutris, Level 19 Marshtomp
    Mishie, Level 18 Dustox
    Vladbat, Level 11 Zubat
    Sree, Level 7 Magikarp
    KaiDASH, Level 16 KaiDabra.

    Syed, Poochyeena
    Unnamed Cascoon, probably going to be Mishie 2.0 in case of emergency.

    Ellisande the Whismur. You died like you lived, a whiny bitch.
  15. Evan Tide

    Evan Tide Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Nov 30, 2006
    So Cal
    What's the ruling on changing my start pokemon with cheats?

    I want to nuzlocke a Black run, but I really don't want to use a Gen 5 starter.
  16. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    So I just accidentally deleted my save in FireRed, where I was doing the Nuzlocke.

    Many things are broken in my house that weren't broken before.
  17. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I was on the train heading home playing Leafgreen, and I turned it off because I had to transfer to another train. I hadn't saved at all >< So I had to restart, again. But this new run is going so much better than the previous, I picked Squirtle this time, probably out of boredom of the other starters. Anyways I named him Lungs, and after I got my poke balls I encountered a Pidgey on Route 1 who I caught and named Lutris. I then went to Route 22 hoping for a mankey, but instead got a Rattata.

    I named the new Rattata Azira, he is to be the meat shield/HM hoe of the team. I go to Viridian Forest hoping for a caterpie and to level Lutris a bit, but I was ridiculously lucky and encountered a fem Pikachu who I named Vira. Vira already knew Thundershock so she crushed my Rival Girthy's pidgey with ease, while Lutris defeated his Bulbasaur. Gust of wind, bolts of lightning, and BUBBLES could be seen through Viridian Forest as Lutris, Lungs, and Vira stormed through it. Brock easily fell to the might of Lungs and his unstoppable Bubbles.

    I am now heading to Route 3 to train a bit and hopefully catch a Nidoran.

    Current Team
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012
  18. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    With the Ecruteak gym behind me, I went to Olivine to deal with Jasmine’s Ampharos. Though first thing I did was get the Good Rod and go fishing. Found a female Magikarp that I named Irene and promptly boxed.

    I got to the top of the lighthouse with ease and Jasmine begged me to get her medicine. I agreed because that’s totally what I want to do, go surfing in Tentacool-infested waters. Luckily, I remember that Cianwood didn’t have a Poke Mart, so I stocked up on Super Potions, Great Balls, and Antidotes.

    Also, Muscle the Machop finally evolved. And I got to be honest: Machoke’s overworld sprite is the creepiest thing ever. -.-

    Then it was Surfing time! As soon as I got into the water I ran into a male Tentacool that I caught and named Sree. Continuing on, I made it to the next water route and decided there was little chance of seeing a Mantine first, so I fished instead.

    Up came a Chinchou.

    After squealing in delight, I sent out Sree to make sure I didn’t accidently kill it. But the Chinchou Sparked and bye bye Sree, we barely knew ya. Calz the Croconaw came in and Surfed it until it was in the red, and my first Great Ball caught it. The Chinchou was male and I named it Teh.

    I already have a water-type, but I need an electric-type really badly, so it’s training time for Teh.

    Current Team:
    Calz the Croconaw, level 29,
    Kens the Geodude, level 26,
    Muscle the Machoke, level 28,
    Teh the Chinchou, level 20.

    Lutris the Togepi, level 4,
    Mishie the Paras, level 7,
    Insecta the Koffing, level 14,
    Irene the Magikarp, level 20.

    Rest in Peace:
    Anya the Gastly, level 17,
    Inq the Nidoran Male, level 12,
    Anya the Butterfree, level 12,
    Cheddar the Pidgey, level 17,
    Zeit the Eevee, level 15,
    Sree the Tentacool, level 20.
  19. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:

  20. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I leveled all of my pokes a bit on Route 3, and caught a fem Nidoran. Her name is Mishie and she has a brave nature. I leveled up Mishie to 14 and entered Mt Moon, I ran into a wild Geodude and named it Sree. I am now back in Pewter because I forgot to buy repels, after I buy repels and heal up I will rush through Mt Moon.

    Current Team

    Meatshields/HM Stock

    I defeated Team Rocket in Mt Moon with ease. I also evolved Mishie into a nidoqueen with a moonstone I found inside of Mt Moon, I then started heading to Cerulean City and caught a mankey who I named Aekiel. I leveled my team a little bit outside of Cerulean, and then headed to the Nugget Bridge. My rival Girthy once again confronted me, only to be crushed once again. I breezed past Nugget Bridge, and on Route 24 I caught a Bellsprout which I named Jwlk. I was nearing Bill House, but one Route 25 I came across a fem Caterpie. I caught it and named it Irene, I am now heading to the Pokecenter to box it.

    Current Team
    Mishie The Level 17 Nidoqueen
    Lutris The Level 18 Pidgeotto
    Vira The Level 17 Pikachu
    Lungs The Level 18 Wartortle
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012