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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Well... My copy of leaf green was broken don't ask how for even thinking about it will cause me to herp and derp all over IRC. I am now starting a Black Run, and will hopefully get someone to do trades to evolve pokes I catch, if I am lucky.

    Edit-I couldn't find my copy of black so I started a platinum run. I chose Turtwig as my Starter and named it Fiat I then defeated my Rival Syed who had the audacity to herp and derp all over my room with ease. After I got my poke balls from Dawn I went to Route 201 and met a Bidoof. I KOed it in frustration and quickly headed to Route 202 hoping for something semi useful. I ended up with a Starly which I caught and named Ash.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2012
  2. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007

    The 'no repeats' rule to me, means that if a Golbat popped up first, and I had one in my party/box... it means I can't catch anything from that route.
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    That's not the interpretation I read of it. I guess it depends on how much you want to challenge yourself?

    From the Nuzlocke Challenge Wiki under rule variations:

    "No repeat pokemon (if first Pokemon in area is repeat, can kill and try again)."

    Though generally I just run away from a repeat, as though I didn't even deign to notice its presence. I think the best way to do it is to limit your number of retries though (five or less). Like, so you can't catch all the common fodder that appears in a given location elsewhere and then allow yourself to go in and spend however long getting that awesome rare Pokemon you want.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2012
  4. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I guess I don't see that really even limiting you all that much... I'll stick to my variation, I think. The point is to challenge yourself, and be stuck with the randomness that is inherent in who shows up first. Meh.
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I suppose I'll do that as well this time around. Haven't yet run into a point of it being an issue in my Heart Gold run.

    LOL fuck the automerge message.

    FFS I still wish I had my spare DS. Got a pretty boss Togepi (Timid nature, Serene Grace) out of the egg but I'm pretty much going to have to box it until I get the National Dex because I have no Shiny Stone to evolve to Togekiss with. And screw leveling it up to 50-ish as Togetic. Too much stat loss by going through that many levels with an inferior evolution. If I still had the second DS I would trade the stone I need over from my postgame Platinum file no problem.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2012
  6. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Journal Entry #9

    So much has happened today. So much has changed. And if I'm truthful with myself, it excites me.

    I travel to Ecruteak and head over to the tower where the legendary pokemon resides. On my way, I'm accosted by my rival's harried form bursting out of the building I'd obtained the HM03 from. He informs me that he'd just come from a battle with the Kimono Girls.

    When I enter the room the head Kimono Girl tells me that they've been expecting me, and that they wish to test my fortitude as a trainer and my love for my pokemon to see if I'm worthy of confronting the Legendary pokemon. I'm tempted to challenge them immediately, but with two baby pokemon and only three veterans on my team, I decide to do some training first.

    When I challenge them it's with two Dragonair, a Miltank, some fodder, and a prayer. I keep Riddle in the box, just in case.

    I scrape by. I don't know how, but I do. The Kimono Girls present me with a bell and tell me to meet them at the Bell Tower. When I finally make it to the top, I find them dancing around a pillar. The feather in my backpack grows unbearably hot and the bell in my pocket tinkles along to some nonexistent beat.

    The legendary pokemon appears in a burst of fire and descends. The head Kimono Girl turns to me and orders me to face my destiny and battle the legendary Ho-oh.

    I stare up into its fearsome visage, feeling incredibly small in the face of its earth-shattering power. I make a decision.

    Trainer Menace used one Masterball.

    ... ... ... !

    The wild Ho-oh was caught!

    I teach Fable fly and return to New Bark. When Lyra tries to stop me from taking the path to Victory Road, I release my new legendary and politely ask her to go fuck herself.

    The journey to Victory Road is rough, but I manage to gain some experience from it. I catch a Slowpoke, a Spinarak, and a Quagsire along the way. To the box they go.

    I arrive at Victory Road and immediately after verifying that Fable will remember the location, fly to the Whirl Islands. I cross my fingers and enter, hoping for one pokemon in particular.

    Against all odds, it appears.

    King the Horsea is added to the party, and after a bit of grinding in Victory Road, becomes King the Seadra.

    I travel through the cave at a relaxed pace, picking up some useful TMs and healing items along the way. Just before I can exit it, however, I'm confronted by Silver.

    My pokemon are all tired and weakened from the powerful wild pokemon of Victory Road. My patience is frayed from all of the navigation errors that have been made in the past few hours. My hand closes around a certain purple pokeball, and I unleash the fires of hell on my rival's team.

    I feel marginally guilty afterwards at the crushed look on the guy's face, but it soon passes. Excitement soon takes over. I've defeated the eight Gyms of Johto, the Victory Road, and every obstacle in between.

    The League awaits.

    New Arrival(s):


    Fable the Ho-oh
    Nature: Mild
    Ability: Pressure
    Moves: Flash, Fly,
    Brave Bird, Sacred Fire

    King the Seadra
    Nature: Rash
    Ability: Sniper
    Moves: Surf, Twister,
    Brine, Focus Energy


    I'm posting this from the computers offered at the League building, and I have a question to ask of my fellow trainers:

    Should I evolve my Seadra?

    From my perspective, the pros should outweigh the cons, but I'm not so sure.

    My team, as it stands, will consist of three Dragonites, a Miltank, the legendary Ho-oh, and whatever I decide King will turn out to be.

    I feel like it would be good to evolve King, as the new Dragon type would get rid of nearly all of his weaknesses. The only issue would be the new weakness: Dragon.

    I don't think it's a very good idea to go into a battle with revered Dragon Tamer Lance with four dragon pokemon on my team. Especially when one of them will be the only pokemon on my team capable of learning ice type moves.

    I'm considering taking my Slowpoke out of storage and evolving it into the form with the most talent for Special Attack moves and making it my dragon killer. I haven't decided yet.

    Either way, however, I'll be needing someone to trade evolve my pokemon with me. Depending on how it goes, I'd be willing to give a Dragonair or two to whoever helps me out. It will hurt, and even now the thought of giving any of them up pains me, but it's something I feel I can't avoid. And besides, the person I give them to will probably be a better trainer for them than I could ever be.

    Let me know if you're interested, or you have any advice to give.

  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I needed more Pokemon before I went to Blackthorn and decided the route before Ice Path was a good place to start. The grass in that place contained mostly grass-types and anything that wouldn't die to Petal Dance would be good in my book. Found a male Tangela and sent Matt the Golbat out to weaken it. Two bites did the job nicely, throwing it into the yellow.

    However, to my despair, this Tangela didn't want to be captured. Twelve Ultra Balls I threw and he broke out of every single one. Also chucked two Great Balls at him, but he broke out of those too. Now, I didn't have a good supply of balls from the start and I was running low on ammo. I thought, 'Fuck it,' and began with my Heal Balls. The first one failed, but the second caught the little fiend.

    Thus, Chaos the Tangela joined the team.

    Next, Ice Path. An ice Pokemon would have been lovely. But nope, Golbat. I rage-quit and then moved to my last choice: the Ruins of Alph. The grass there would give me a Natu, or so I hoped. I spent fifteen fruitless minutes trying to find a way to the grassy area. I was in the car at the time so I couldn't look it up, but noticed an odd cave leading to the grass. The only cave nearby was Union Cave, but the map showed that it was miles away and for it to lead back to Violet seemed unrealistic.

    But this was a Pokemon game, so I shrugged and got some more repel. Followed the north route of Union Cave and came out to the grassy area at the Ruins. Found a female Natu easily and Golbat sapped half her health with an Astonish. One Fast Ball later and Drome the Natu was caught.

    Now it's training time, which I'm not looking forward to.

    Current Team:
    Kens the Graveler, level 36,
    Muscle the Machoke, level 34,
    Teh the Lanturn, level 35,
    Chaos the Tangela, level 23 (badass-in-training),
    Drome the Natu, level 20 (badass-in-training),
    Matt the Golbat, level 22 (Fly slave).

    Calz the Feraligatr, level 34 (for now)
  8. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Day 4

    Well, I’ve been busy, and dreading the tedious silph co, but here I am. After two minutes, I’m already pissed off. The first fight just goes : supersonic, confused, confused, confused, supersonic, confused, confused, confused, fuck that. Come on, the first guy has 3 zubats and a golbat and that’s all they did. And he had a raticate with hyperfang as well, just to rub it in. And this is just the very first guy. There will be many like him coming up, and there will be guys with self destructs probably.

    I started off by clearing every floor I could without going through any of the warp tiles. That was probably 15 or 20 people. Then, I tried to figure the damn maze out.

    I derped around for awhile, found the card key, and a few minutes later I fought Vegeta again, and kicked his ass. Then, I got Daphne the Lapras. I’m not sure where to put it on my team yet. Giovanni wasn’t too hard.

    After that, I headed to the fighting gym. All I can say about that is lolfly. I didn’t take a single point of damage, and in under two minutes I had Daphne the hitmonchan. I suppose I should use it in the next gym.

    Sabrina’s gym wasn’t hard at all. I tossed Snorlax in the front, and he just absorbed all the psychic attacks like a pro, and one body slam or strength oneshot all the psychics, including sabrina’s 43 alakazam. I used charizard to deal with the ghost types.


    My levels as I head toward gym six. I guess pulling in lapras now would be smart for the fire types, but I guess Dragonair’s surf will have to suffice. Victribell may get some well needed levels during the water surfing part.
  9. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Lots of stuff happened.

    Did some training, had to give Drome the Natu the TMs Shadow Ball and Pluck as it didn’t know any attacking moves. She evolved pretty quickly and learned Wish and Confuse Ray, the most useful moves ever. Boxed Chaos the Tangela as I have a flying-type now and don’t need a grass-type.

    Once I felt ready, I challenged Clair. Clair was a bastard and I had to use Hyper Potions every third turn. It was ridiculous. Teh the Lanturn murdered the Gyarados and Calz the Feraligatr killed the first Dragonair. Then the Kingdra was sent out and began Hydro Pumping shit, and I was suddenly on the edge of the knife, trying to keep my Pokemon from dying. My sacrificial Pokemon, Mishie the Paras, died quickly, but it wasn’t enough.

    Calz the Feraligatr was murdered by a Hydro Pump when he was in yellow health and I had Teh the Lanturn finish the Kingdra off. Muscle the Machoke beat the last Dragonair and I won.

    Clair refused to give me the badge like the bastard she was, so I went to the Dragon’s Den for to past the Elder’s challenge (and for a Dratini). Passed the test, got the badge, and then got the Dragon Pulse TM. I fished for a bit and pulled up a level 20 male Dratini. Matt the Golbat was my go-to Pokemon for captures and he Supersonic-ed it and used Bite, sending the Dratini into red. I threw an Ultra Ball, it broke out, and then died from Confusion hax. :/

    Elm called me, gave me a Master Ball, and before I could leave Johto, I was forced to do the Ho-Oh side quest. Somehow, I don’t know how, I beat the Kimono Girls without losing a single Pokemon, though I was Hyper Potion / Super Potion-ing every other turn. To be fair, the Umbreon nearly killed me with Last Resort (140 base power).

    Now I’m off to kill Ho-Oh. This should be fun.

    Current Team:
    Kens the Graveler, level 38,
    Muscle the Machoke, level 35,
    Teh the Lanturn, level 36,
    Drome the Xatu, level 34,
    Matt the Golbat, level 22 (Fly slave).

    Rest in Peace:
    Calz the Feraligatr, level 35,
    Mishie the Paras, level 7.
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Lol, the Kimono Girls are one of those points in the game that I'm already devising a plan to deal with properly. Shouldn't be that hard if I just switch properly but I always seem to end up losing something to them (the Espeon in particular) during regular runs. Probably going to use an Umbreon (will also deal with Sabrina, which is the major battle I'm planning for because she will absolutely run train on you if you don't have something tailor made to counter her).
  11. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Not resisted STAB physical attacks make Sabrina scream.
  12. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    If Alakazam and/or Espeon don't turn your brain into mush with Psychic before you can kill them (and if she doesn't put up a Barrier).
  13. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009
    I started a platinum run, at first it was pretty easy.
    Starting with Turtwig and catching a Machop kind of made the rock gym a joke.
    Grass gym was a little harder but giving my Zubat an X Attack I found somewhere let it sweep the leader without much trouble.

    Then I went into the Galactic building and continued winning without trouble.

    Then I met a scientist guy with a Kadabra.
    On account of his opting to spend his first turn using an X Special, I got the first attack but the battle was quite bloody.


    Leonardo the Turtwig
    Shocker the Luxio
    Antonio the Kricketune
    Bitey the Zubat
    Rocky the Machop
    Horace the Shellos

    Fuck you Kadabra guy, fuck you.

    But all is not lost, before facing the gym I captured my seventh pokemon, Chiaotzu the Meditite. But he alone would not be enough, so I began to rebuild. I set out to the few remaining areas I had not encountered a pokemon yet.
    I found Killer the Combee and Link the Buizel and Shenron the Magikarp.

    It was then that I came to a sinking realization, I had no way to use cut.

    Checking my notes desperately I found a ray of light, one area left.

    Lake Verity, rumored to be the home of a Legendary Pokemon

    All my hopes riding on this one last chance I set out...

    Meet Mr Slave.

    Fuck Yeah, Bidoof.

  14. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:

  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Having to rethink my team again. I was going to use Umbreon as mostly a Toxic wall and general tank that can also deal with Psychics via the conventional means. So I hop over to Serebii to see exactly when I get that Toxic TM to get into business (haven't gotten Eevee yet btw, still mucking around around Azalea and training up a Slowpoke that I'm probably going to box now that my ideal team has shifted).

    And for that TM, I see 32 BP. No no no no no no no god damn it fuck no I am not doing Battle Frontier. Gah.
  16. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    That's ok, you get two chances to catch a Murkrow right outside of Celadon, just make sure to only try and catch it at night. Plus, Toxic walling isn't that useful in-game since by the time it becomes a viable strategy, most trainers are carrying multiple full restores on them.
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    That last bit is also true. Lol, Espeon it is then. I wasn't liking Slowpoke too much anyway. I really hate attacking second all the time. >_>
  18. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    I just threw Psychic on Lapras, got me a Jolteon and called it a day. Then again, my Jolteon had good IVs and a good HP with a decent nature. Plus this game doesn't have too much of a use for Psychic types, just Koga and his daughter at his old gym. So two matches just don't seem worth it, more so since you can just use a fire pokemon to burn down their mostly bug team.

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 AM ----------

    Well, after a few days of grinding for two hours or so a day. I have a trained my Jolteon and Honchkrow to 50ish. Deciding to at least accomplish something today I took on Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and Erika. Lt. Surge was Earthquaked to death by King Vlad the Nidoking. Realizing the futility of the fight, he used the one move he got to put up a Light Screen which boosts the teams' special defense. Honchkrow ate Sabrina's pokemons in quick order. Not even Alakazam sacrificing himself to put up Reflect did anything. Then Erika came along, all was going fine then her Victreebel used Leaf Storm and killed Mattsilver the Lapras. The Victreebel was promptly burned to death from Typhlosion's Blast Burn. Oh well, guess I need a new pokemon to use Ice Beam to rape Lance. I'll finish leveling Typhlosion and getting a new mon to replace Lapras soon enough I suppose. There should be plenty to pick from at the area near the Fire Gym in Kanto.

    Anyways, the updated list:

    Harry the Level 53 Jolteon
    Raven the Level 55 Honchkrow
    Lutris the Level 45 Typhlosion, fuck yeah using Blast Burn w/ Charcoal Hold item one shoting mons 11 levels higher than you
    King Vlad the Level 56 Nidoking
    Middy the Level 30 (Red) Gyarados
    Lungs the Tentacruel my current HM slave
    Wench and Kens the Rattatas
    PalinDrome the Pidgeotto
    Glenaj the Gligar
    Irene the Gloom
    Jon and Sheeza the Eevees

    Mishe the useless Togepi with Hustle instead of Serene Grace
    Anya the Bellsprout and you were so awesome too
    Lungs the Rattata, your quick attack will be missed even if you did have 5 IVs under 10
    Vladbat who died to a Marill rollout in a trainer battle on route and that was all the contribution it did, Vlad the Nidoran came along that same route and it will hopefully be as useful as Vlad the Nidoking was in my last Nuzlocke run.
    Irene the Butterfree died to a crit while I was catching Midknight the Stantler
    Vlad the Nidorino, you were going to be a King Vlad
    Ash the Gravaller, you killed Whitney, you're job was done as far as I was concerned
    Mknote the Sudowoodo who saw more battle than I had ever planned on letting him, that being any at all
    Vash the Krabby, you were going to be a King too
    Silent the Dratini died to an Aurora Beam from a Cloyster before she could Thunderbolt it to hell
    Middy the Stantler died to a crit Ice Shard for a Lapras that I was trying to catch
    Vladbat3 died to counter against Bruno's Hitmontop, was avenged by Gyarados using Dragon Dance 6 times and Waterfalling everything to death while holding Mystic Water
    Vira the Gyarados dies to Karen's Gengar being a bitch and using Destiny Bond
    Anya the Level 26 Noctowl, died getting me a Murkrow
    MattSilver the Level 52 Lapras died to a Leafstorm from Erika's Victreebel
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Bruno also, and Psychic just a generally powerful Special sweeper type as long as you avoid those few Steels and Darks (and Gengar I suppose). There are so many Poison types in the Kanto and Johto dexes. Psychic is a lot less useful in the Sinnoh gen in my opinion, where there seems to be a glut of Dark types and shit that learns Crunch and can rape you.

    I also like to throw Grass Knot on Espeon when I use it to compensate for almost never running a Grass-type on my team. Seems to work quite well. It's allowed me to laugh at Tyranitar more than once.

    As for what you did with Eevee, my main beef with Jolteon in HG/SS is moveset (though that seems to be a common problem with all Eeveelutions). Thunderbolt TM comes along far too late in the game to be particularly useful. Even Shock Wave doesn't come until after the E4, which leaves you stuck running either Thunder Fang (Jolteon's attack score is Pretty Bad) or Rain Dance/Thunder (Jolteon is a bit too fragile for me to want to use a set up move in a Nuzlocke game).

    I might still be considering using it had I not gotten Mareep early though. You apparently didn't so I can't disagree with your choice.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2012
  20. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Thunderbolt is able to farmed the second you get to Goldenrod, as is Ice Beam and Flamethrower. And yeah, no Mareep for me. On the other hand, my Jolteon has a Hidden Power Grass so that may have been a deciding factor, that and I hoped to get a Staryu once I got a Super Rod but that plan fell through, I DID get a Chinchou which when turned into Lanturn is such a troll 'mon it isn't even funny.