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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I wish to be a part of your team, Vira. ;_;
  2. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Oh, right. I forgot I didn't have a Lungs yet. Well, if I see a nice male Pokemon, I'll be sure to name it after you~
  3. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Dude, I never got to be part of her team. She hatched a Togepi, named it Lutris... and then scrapped it.

    All my tears from long ago. :'<
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2012
  4. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    I was turned into switch bait, so I know your pain Lutris.
  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    So, I finally got over the fact that Arceus decided my team must be wiped from existence, just before the Elite Four, and began a new game.

    Starter is Joe the Bulbasaur. Route 1 yielded Santi the Pidgey who, once fully evolved, will be the herald of awesomeness.
    Route 22 yielded Andro the Mankey. May your fury bring death and fiery rain down upon our enemies.

    Will post again with new members.

    ---------- Post automerged at 08:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 AM ----------

    Welcome to Sesc the Caterpie. His awesomeness when fully evolved will be epic.
    However, since Bulbasaur is my starter, I'm not sure if I'll keep Sesc in the long run. We'll see.
  6. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I would also like to be a part of Vira's team, though this time without dying :(
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    No can do, Lucky. Only one Pokemon per person and you died. But hey, at least I actually battled with you instead of throwing you into the box. :awesome
  8. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan


    ...No, really. It actually kind of hurts. ;-;
  9. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I had to Lutris. You were a Togepi and your ability was Hustle. I cannot work with that. :(
  10. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Can I be something? I could be your Mewtwo. :3


    We're on a boat. Trainer mentioned something about an S.S. Anne, but I can't be bothered to remember human names. Except for Trainer's, maybe. But he's never told me what it is, so oh well.

    Trainer has been keeping me out of my home a lot more often since I clobbered those strange humans and that pack of my brethren. It's no secret that I'm the strongest on our team now. The pokemon that Trainer has me battling are pitifully weak, and it makes me yearn for the days of training with foes just as powerful as I. There is no strategy in my battles now. But I will fight them for as long as Trainer commands me to. I will obey Trainer until the day I die, just like the others.

    When we get off the boat, I know instinctively that we're not in Johto anymore. Trainer reads something off of his map that I can't be bothered to remember, and we head off, past the nearby gym and into a field of tall grass. Trainer has me stand by while he catches a leaf-tosser, and he stores me in my home for a quick rest while he unleashes the ridged one on some other Trainers.

    After that, we spend a few hours in a gambling shack until Trainer has enough coins to 'purchase' a four-legged pokemon of potential. He names it Bud and sticks that strange device on its head that causes me to lose my memory of battles. I'm tempted to 'misplace' it for all the annoyance it causes me, but that would upset trainer. And that's unacceptable.

    Trainer and I travel to a nearby trail and encounter a fanged scavenger, who he angrily orders me to knock out. He sticks around curiously for our second encounter, and we run into a dark flame-breather. This angers Trainer for reasons I can't understand.

    We travel back through the city where Trainer bought his four-legged potential pokemon and to another route, where he grudgingly catches a vile goo that immediately begins reeking through its home. Trainer wastes no time placing it in the void, much to my relief.

    After that we travel through a few different cities, ending up outside a large building that stank of ozone. Trainer shuffles around in the grass muttering to himself, fingers crossed. We encounter one of the mud dweller's brethren, and Trainer scowls, setting me upon it. He shuffles around some more, curiosity and dread fighting for dominance on his face.

    It's a static fur, and Trainer howls his anger at the heavens. I'm once again to confused to do much of anything for my poor human.

    We mostly wander, after that, battling a few Trainers here and there. Trainer shuffles around in a small patch of grass of a small town, and seems quite pleased with the tentacle dweller that he catches. In a show of surprising insight, or perhaps just coincidence, he names it Dweller.

    Bud dies to a Trainer near the sea, caught in a ground demon's arena trap, I believe Trainer called it. I drove it as deep into the ground as I could. I hope it never comes back up.

    After that Trainer started fiddling with his music box. He enlists my help in capturing a great dozer, whom puts up a commendable fight. Trainer names him Cyber. After that we wander caves. Trainer seems extremely happy when we come upon a dark prophet, and in yet another show of coincidental insight, he names it Prophet.

    At some point, he brings me to a gym of grass pokemon, which I easily handle. I still have yet to face a challenge in this new plane.

    Finally, as the sun begins to set, Trainer challenges a gym of rock pokemon. Only instead of using me, as I'd expected, he brings out the tentacle dweller. I'm just able to get a glimpse of it before Trainer returns me to my home and see that it had since Changed and exuded an ancient power that had not been there before.

    I'm tempted to stay awake, in case trainer needs me, but ultimately decide to entrust my teammate with the gym. I have had an exhausting day, after all. I deserve a bit of rest.

    New Arrival(s):


    Dweller the Tangrowth
    Nature: Bold
    Ability: Leaf Guard
    Moves: Giga Drain, Ancient Power,
    Mega Drain, Stun Spore

    Prophet the Absol
    Nature: Quiet
    Ability: Super Luck
    Moves: Future Sight, Bite,
    Slash, Dark Pulse


    Cyber the Snorlax

    Nature: Impish
    Ability: Immunity
    Moves: Block, Rollout,
    Crunch, Giga Impact
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
  11. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    The writing isn't top notch but I'm not aiming for that. I present to you;

    The Nuzlocke.


    Red awoke to brilliant sunlight. He winced as his eyes became accustomed to the glare and slowly got out of bed, stretching to work out the kinks. Making his way around his room he got dressed hoping his Mom would have breakfast ready.

    He went downstairs and entered the living room where his mother was sitting at the table staring at her hands. She looked worried.

    “Hey mom, good morning. Where's breakfast?” He asked.

    His mom looked up at him and only then did he see the tears in her eyes. “There is no breakfast today, Red. A group of men dressed in black this morning burst in. They stole every room in the house apart from this one and your room. The kitchen's gone, Red.” Her shoulders shook as she cried in earnest.

    Red didn't know what to do, he'd never seen her cry. She'd always been a pillar of strength and comfort for him. “But... why? Why would they take it all, what about the police?”

    “All dead.” She said in a horrified whisper. “They attacked the whole town, Red. Did the same to the Oak house across the road. He's looking for you, by the way. Professor Oak. You should go to his lab and see him.”

    Red nodded, relieved that he could do something in the face of this atrocity. He grabbed his hat from the table and put it on as he left the house. What was left of the house.

    In a few minutes he had checked the whole town for Professor Oak but he was nowhere to be seen. The old man often went out into Route 1 to conduct research so he decided to try there. Just as he reached the edge of the tall grass a strong hand grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back.

    “Would you care to explain to me just what in the fuck you were doing?” Professor Oak asked. The man looked pissed.

    “I was just going to lo-”, Red started.

    “You do not fucking go into the tall grass you retard! How many times have I told you children about not going into the tall grass? None of you listen though, do you? You're all too wrapped up in your own sense of adventure! You want adventure? How about I let a feral Rattata rip your throat out and watch as you drown in your own blood?” Oak was practically foaming at the mouth.

    Red tried to explain again but Oak cut him off.

    “Follow me, shithead.” He said as he started walking towards his lab. Warily, Red followed.

    He tried to make conversation along the way but oak was silent, until just as he turned the path to the lab, the old professor looked him up and down.

    “What are you anyway? Boy? Girl? I can't tell.” He asked.

    “What? Professor, it's me, Red! There's like ten people living in this town and I've lived next to you for years!”

    “Fuck your mind games. Answer the question.” He said.

    “Boy... I'm a boy.” Red replied, slightly perplexed.

    “Right. Grow a beard or something, it's confusing.”

    They entered the lab and walked over to a table with three pokeballs resting on it. Out of a side door came Blue, his neighbour and childhood friend.

    “And who the buggering fuck are you, prancing around my lab like this?” Oak shouted at him.

    Blue sighed and rubbed his eyes. “I'm Blue. Your Grandson.”

    Oak looked confused for a moment. “Where's Ophelia?”

    “She's dead, Gramps. Pecked to death by a flock of Spearow.”

    Blue shot Red an apologetic look. “Alzheimers. He's having a bad day. We're supposed to take a pokemon each and go looking for the bastards who stole our kitchens. I'm starving.”

    Red nodded in understanding and walked to the table, ignoring Oak who now had his zip down and was playing with his penis quite openly. Tufts of grey hair poked through his fly and turned Red's stomach.

    Randomly, he picked a pokeball and released the creature within. The light coalesced into a small squirtle. Red smiled, happy with his choice. “I shall name you, LUTRIS.” He declared.

    Blue sighed and picked up a pokeball, releasing a bulbasaur. “Cool, that'll work. Let's go, bulbasaur.” He said, returning the pokemon to its ball and turning to leave.

    “Wait, shouldn't we, like, battle or something?” Red asked, eagerly.

    Blue turned around with a disbelieving expression. “Here? Really?” He asked, gesturing towards his Grandfather who was being restrained by one of his aides while a female aide lay on the floor, holding a bruised cheek.

    “Yeah, perfect time and place!” Red replied, eagerly.

    “Fine. Let's get this over with quickly.” Blue said, releasing bulbasuar.

    5 minutes later

    “Hah! I am victorious. Your type advantage wasn't enough because you didn't believe in your pokemon and battle with heart!” Red exclaimed.

    “You used a potion. Where did you even get a fucking potion?” Blue asked.

    “I downloaded it from my PC.” Red replied, as if the answer were obvious.

    “Riiight I'm gonna leave now. See ya around.”

    Red returned Lutris to his pokeball and smiled. A new day was dawning. And it would be awesome.
  12. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I haven't laughed so hard in a while XD
  13. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Fuck your mind games. The Soulsilver Nuzlocke post I wrote was better until precisely this moment. Thanks for writing.
  14. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Journal entry #5

    It has been two days since I left Pallet town armed with only my faithful squirtle lutris and a few pokeballs. I caught a flying type pokemon named Pidgey but Pidgey was a gay name so I'm calling it DROME for now. For some reason i can't say the name without shouting. I've run into the same problem with LUTRIS. It is a greatly disturbing problem that I feel has some connection to my shouting the names when i first nicknamed them. Fuck.

    Red emerged from the tall grass in front of Vriridan city's front gate. It was a large place, bustling with activity. The city boasted its own Pokecentre, Mart and even a gym. Some estimated the population would soar as high as twenty five inhabitants with in the next few years.

    Lutris and Drome were in rough shape, but he got them to the pokecentre where a cheerful nurse with bright pink hair healed them and returned them to him.

    “I should warn you, though your Pidgey's physical wounds have healed, its mental wounds may take longer.” She said, as she handed him.

    “What do you mean? We didn't run into any psychic type pokemon along the way. In fact, the biodiversity in the area is pretty shocking.” Red replied, confused.

    “Yes, be that as it may, Pidgey aren't used to fighting. They have Pidgeotto and Pidgeot to protect them from the brutality of nature. What I'm saying is... Your Pidgey has seen shit, man. She's seen shit. You don't just escape from it. It follows you. If you notice any eratic behaviour, please bring her back.”

    Red examined Drome's pokeball with sad eyes. Lutris was a bit of a skeez but he was a stalwart fighter. He wasn't so sure about Drome.

    I'm just going to have to train her. She'll be the ultimate fighting machine, she has to be, to survive in this world.

    He restocked his supplies at the Mart by using some cash he stole from Oak's lab while the Professor was trying to rape his aide. He wouldn't notice a few thousand. The guy was a celebrity.

    Note to self: Blackmail Oak with the rape story.

    Packing his shit, he left and wandered west to route 22 where he figured he could train Lutris and Drome. Maybe catch a new pokemon if he was lucky.

    After around an hour of walking through rocky roads and overgrown ditches, he came to a large area of tall green grass.

    “Time to knock our shit into gear, guys!” He said before sprinting into the grass. Without warning, a hammer blow knocked him backwards out of the grass and he hit the ground with a thump, pushing the air from his lungs. Crawling to his knees he saw that a pokemon had hit him. Not just any pokemon, a fairly rare one.

    The wild mankey paced around him, shrieking. Not one to back down, Red twisted his cap and threw out a pokeball. “DROME! I choose you!”

    The pokeball opened in mid air and Drome flew out. The pidgey dive bombed the mankey without command and hit it with a tackle attack. An enormously powerful tackle. Like... woah.

    The mankey fell to the ground, dead. It's ribcage was clearly crushed and its eyes were glassy.

    “DROME! What the fuck are you doing?” Red shouted.

    Drome looked around with wide eyes, seemingly searching for another enemy. She was twitchy, as if she expected an ambush any second.

    “DROME, Charlie won't get you. Return!”

    He looked at his pokeball, worried.

    “Oh well, looks like I won't be catching anything on this route.” He said to himself. For a dream genie had come to him in the night and told him to only catch the first pokemon he saw on any route. It was part of his destiny.

    “Fucking dream genie.” Red muttered before going on his way.

    In the distance, he saw Blue's distinct straw coloured hair and felt a stirring in his loins that he repressed instantly.

    “Hey, Blue! Wait up. We have to battle!” He shouted.

    Distantly, he thought he heard someone shouting, “Fuck off and leave me alone.”

    He had a crazy imagination at times.
  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    So um, we're just going to call my HG run abandoned. I got back into Diablo II and have been devoting pretty much all my gaming time to that during these past weeks.
  16. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Happy birthday bro :p
  17. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    No Gyarados named after Kang from any of you? :( feels bad bro
  18. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I've had a bit too much to drink, and I'm having trouble getting my Magikarp to evolve for you. It's nothing personal.
  19. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I arrived in Kanto and while I was annoyed at having the route east of Vermillion blocked off, I quickly found I could go to Saffron. Cue my joy.

    Found a level 13 female Pidgey on the way, but killed it out of disgust.

    In Saffron, I picked up the Psychic TM and now my Xatu finally knows a psychic move. I’m so proud. ;_;

    I went west, towards Celadon, but didn’t actually go in, as I had another goal in mind. Houndour lived in the grass and I was determined to find one. I did a small prayer to my hax gods and entered the grass.

    A level 15 male Houndour popped up.

    I readied my Confuse Rays and my Ultra Balls. Not even Roar could scare me away. I caught the Houndour on the second Ultra Ball and named him Meance. I was then informed that I spelled Menace’s name wrong so I’m now heading for Lavender Town and killing every bitch that gets in my way.

    Current Team:
    Kens the Graveler, level 46,
    Muscle the Machoke, level 41,
    Teh the Lanturn, level 46,
    Drome the Xatu, level 48,
    Meance the Houndour, level 18 (badass-in-training).

    Kinda ignoring my Machoke for whatever reason. She's starting to fall behind. -.-
  20. Kang

    Kang Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Nov 5, 2007
    This is how you will feel if you do.


    Do it.