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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Today I will buy a gen 2 remake, a gen 5 and either a gen 4 or gen 5.5 which games should I get? and which starters should I use for blind nuzlocking? have only beaten gen 1 and 3.
  2. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Get Platinum, or Diamond/Pearl if you're looking for a challenge. It's my second favorite gen (behind gen 3) and Platinum has a lot of really good pokemon you can get as gifts/encounters. Just don't pick Turtwig as your starter. He's mine.
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Real men don't use gift Pokemon.

    ...Coming from the guy who has traditionally abused the shit out of them. But no longer!
  4. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I actually think I'm going to save pearl or diamond for later, get silver, black and black 2 today, which should I play first though? black or silver? looking for the biggest challenge
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Hm. Well, Soul Silver certainly has the harder final endboss in Red, as well as more gyms to conquer. But then I'm sure you've played the original Gold/Silver at some point and would have a general idea of what to expect. So if you're playing blind, go with Black.
  6. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    I mean, 5th gen in general is easy mode. Reusable TMs, free Lucky Eggs, pushover gyms, and oh god the hand-holding. The hand-holding.

    /doesn't like gen 5
  7. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I only ever played the first 7 gyms on an emulator about 4 years ago, and various parts of a crystal gba hack twice earlier in this thread... which starter would be hardest in silver? in black?
  8. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Probably the Grass starter in both games. So Chikorita/Snivy. And don't diss the free Lucky Eggs, Menace. Freedom from having to level grind is a wonderful thing. Agree 100% on the infinite use TM's though, that was a terrible idea and one I hope goes away in Gen 6.
  9. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    ok yeah, fucking store, ended up with HeartGold and Black, will be playing and publishing my Nuzlocke Diary / dramatization when I have time in the crazy world of job hunting

    As far as TMs, I"ll just toss after one use... I'd like to sell but no, just no.
  10. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Chikorita is a bitch to start with, because of the first gym. You're almost definitely going to need to use another pokemon to get past the leader, but I suppose that just encourages you to use other pokemon to supplement the powerful starter, which is really in keeping with the spirit of Nuzlocke.

    Snivy is awesome, though. I like it and its evolutions more than the Samurott line, even though it's more defense oriented and not a OHKO beast like many starters are, just because of the design. They're elegant and understated, and one of my favourite pokemon designs from any generation. Tepig is definitely the hardest of the Gen V starters to use for me, simply because its evolutions are so fucking ugly that I die inside when I look at Pignite or Emboar's fatass sprites. Tepig itself doesn't look so bad, for Gen V.

    But I actually like to ditch my starter and use only the pokemon I find as soon as possible. It makes for a much more intense experience, because you don't have that fallback powerbeast to murder everything. You gotta earn your Rattata genocide.
  11. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Snivy is the worst for me because it suffers from the same issues as almost every other Grass pokemon. Terrible move pool as far as type coverage goes. You really have nothing to go with against enemies that resist Grass.
  12. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    No tackle/bite/scratch?
  13. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I'm talking more about late game. You can teach it a few things via TM, but I prefer to be able to hit weaknesses and none of those things do that well either. Serperior just isn't built to OHKO like the other two Gen 5 starters and doesn't suit my play style.
  14. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I'm playing perfect platinum atm (platinum hack that just has most pokemon available via catch and higher level opponents) and damn it's so much better than gen V. Giratina may be the stupidest of any legendary ever, but I box them all anyways so no fucks given. That being said, if you want easy get gen 5 and if not get gen 4.

    I agree completely with Menace, gen V made the game really pathetically easy. I liked that they made some things easier, but between reusable TMs, the double exp share and double lucky egg, the easy farming by audino, and the lack of challenge anywhere made gen V the worst series imo.

    And about serperior: The other two Gen 5 starters are so fucking butt ugly that I could care less about Serperior's lack of OHKO capability. He's shit, tbqh. Super low attack and special attack, decent defenses, then a shitload dumped into speed. But who cares? At least you can keep him around without facepalming at the stupidity. It's either have a somewhat weaker starter, or box your starter asap before you vomit from how retarded he looks.
  15. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Okay, so I did a bunch of shit and didn't chronicle it, so let me get you up to date.

    Ehem - I found precisely ZERO good Pokemon to catch on Route 9, 10, 7, 8, and all of Rock Tunnel. No Abra, no Drowzee - guess I'm going to have to wait for that fucking Pokemon Tower to pick up a Gastly so I'll have something with Psychic-esque slaughtering capability. Fortunately, my lack of an electric type was remedied by an arrival at Celadon City, where I picked up an Eevee and evolved him into Jolteon. Since he's a bit of a prickly sort, I named him Inq. Oh, and I bought a Leaf Stone and evolved Palindrome into the monster that is Vileplume.

    So now in my quest to accumulate as much money as possible in order to buy more TMs from the Game Corner, I ventured towards a suspicious chap at the back - wait, why is he attacking me? Why does he suck so badly? Ah, this must be Team Rocket again! Lovely.

    So here's the abridged story of me tearing through Team Rocket's game corner: I have a Graveller named Kalas, they have Rattatas, Zubats, and Grimers. I have Rock Throw, Rollout, and Magnitude, and a resistance to Self-Destruct in case one of those absolute skullfuckers decides to go al-Qaeda on my ass. They have Pokeballs full of dead Pokemon.

    And then comes Giovanni. And I mean seriously, you can tell the grease just oozes off this fucker's suit. Admittedly a nice suit, but WASH YOUR FUCKING HAIR. And he opens up with an Onix - that dies to one Magnitude from Kalas. He brings out the goddamn Kangaskan that takes four Magnitudes to bring down (Hit Points - it has them!). Oh, and there was a Rhyhorn. Magnitude happened. POP POP! And that's exactly what happens when Giovanni throws in the towel and drops his Silph Scope, leaving Lavender Town open to me.

    But first, a detour. I figured it was time that Mattsilver got his chance to shine - and righteously thrash some Grass-types like nobody's business. But I remembered that Ash fellow had to dress up like a chick to get anywhere close to Erika's gym (which wasn't going to happen on my watch), when all one really had to do was appreciate a fine musky scent. The latter I could work with.

    So I did what any slick motherfucker/borderline-sleazeball would do - grab a sick-ass blazer, shine my shoes, spray on some Armani cologne, and unleash the wee beastie with a fire exploding on its tail. And as the Lasses squealed that I was 'Too rough!' and 'A real eye-opener!', I had to say I felt like one hell of a badass.

    And then Erika decided to sashay over and eye me imperiously as she sent out her mutant flowers to defend her precious virginit - hahaha, as if. Her Victreebell did the best possible thing by hitting Matt with Stun Spore - because he was my heavyweight for this fight, Poisonpowder really could have made things complicated - and then I spent the rest of the fight round barbequing the entire group, served with a light honey garlic sauce, some lemon roasted potatoes, and a teriyaki-glazed chicken. The beaten gym leader wanted to join, but not today, kimono girl - this is a dinner of champions, for a man and his Charmeleon who now knows Flamethrower.

    So, I trundled back to Lavender Town and prepared my ascent of the tower - oh FUCK, it's the pissant again. You know, this time I don't have patience to fuck around with your asinine cuntfuckery, let me introduce your Pidgeotto to Inq and his little friend THUNDERBOLT. Oh, you have a Growlithe? Aww, so cute, I want to scratch his back and make roll over - namely because he just died from a Rock Throw to the sternum. Oh hi, Wartotle, I think Inq has a present for you too! Oh look, Exeggcute - I needed something to test my Flamethrower on! And a Kadabra too - how a Flamethrower up your ass, because you know what else bends spoons? HEAT.

    Right, so the pissant runs away like the little bitch he is and I catch a Gastly that I name Mindless. Grinding time!
  16. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Isn't that the spot where he asks you about death? You killed his raticate and then insult him while he mourns?

    For shame.
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    "During the course of the game, you steal your rival's innocence, crush his dreams, and ultimately snatch away the love of his own grandfather."

    And we do it like a motherfucking boss, mah boi.
  18. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    My journey began in Twinleaf town. The day had started off normal enough, but the next thing I know I'm commanding a Piplup to pound a cowardly-withdrawing Turtwig into submission - nearly lost the damn battle! I prevailed, however. I next traveled to Lake Varity, where I would later capture Beaky after stocking up on pokeballs. Dipshit (honestly, who names their son that?) followed me there like a lost houndour.

    I ditched him soon after and met up one of Rowan's lab rats, a blue-haired wench by the name of Dawn. She taught me how to properly use my balls and for that I am thankful. Once she left I quickly captured a sickly Bidoof and named him Barrel - for now he's just an HM whore that will be sacrificed at the first sign of trouble. With a Starly at one side and Piplup at the other I quickly began slapping the shit out of any n00b trainer that dare lock eyes with me. Dipshit foolishly challenged me again when I ran into him, right before I managed to capture Luxy, a tiny little Shinx that can't even tackle properly (I later swapped him a few times to get the little scrub some XP). Beaky's wing attack made quick work of the Turtwig and his own Starly (nut ride some more, yeah?) was a joke. From there I scraped some more trainers and made my way towards Oreburgh. Spotted an Abra before entering the cave and smashed that little fucker before he could teleport away.

    The cave proved to be little challenge, but a damn Psyduck I wanted to capture proved to tough. I had to put the little shit down before he offed one of my team. Upon making it to Oreburgh I scouted around a bit before heading north and catching Rider, a fine specimen - she'll do fine after some leveling up, but as of now she's useless. I'll probably swap her out for a growlithe if the opportunity arises. Never really been a fan of Ponyta or Rapidash, so her days are numbered.

    I traveled to the mines next. I had planned on capturing an Onix and naming it Skyeater but I wound up with a female Geodude named Geobroad (I'll try my hand at enslaving a Steelix later on). Nothing of note happened in the mines: all I can say is the workers there that actually battled me shouldn't quit their day jobs.

    High on success and ithout heading to the center for some rest I stormed the gym with my freshly-evolved Prinplup at mid-health. Bubble swept the trainers that dared challenge me and Roark's team, though his cranidos survived a bubble and retalliated with a solid headbutt - nearly shit myself for a second there; would have burned that damn gym to the ground had shit went south. After tanking the headbutt a metal claw took the dino out of commission.

    I left the building like a boss with my shiny new badge.

    March: Level 17 (Male - Prinplup)
    Beaky: Level 13 (Female - Starly)
    Barrel: Level 4 (Male - Bidoof
    Luxy: Level 12 (Male - Shinx
    Rider: Level 5 (Female - Ponyta
    Geobroad: Level 5 (Female - Geodude)
  19. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Whats the Nuzlocke rule on in-game trades? Just traded a medicham for a Haunter in game thinking I'd have a nice Gengar.

    Fucker was holding an everstone. They trolled me hard.
  20. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    So tragedy struck at the top of Pokemon Tower. A spirit rose from the blackest depths, manifesting in the form of a female Marowak. I sent Palindrome the Vileplume out to battle, confident she would kick ass and take names -

    Bonemerang. Critical Hit. The flower was crushed against the stone.

    Howling with shock and fury, I sent out Mindless, now a Haunter at equivalent level with the rest of my party, to wreak bloody havoc, and indeed he did, but the loss still rings harsh. You shall be avenged, Palindrome, and perhaps the inevitable water/ice type I'll have to capture might bear your name. In the mean time, I'm seriously lacking a fighting-type right now as well... Saffron City may require many a decision.


    Inq the Jolteon lvl 30
    Poytin the Fearow lvl 31
    Mindless the Haunter lvl 32
    Kalas the Graveller lvl 33
    Mattsilver the Charmeleon lvl 34
    Irene the Butterfree lvl 30
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2013