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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631
    You could always just torrent it.

    But yeah, I'm running a HG save file right now and I've got a Growlithe named Growlie and a Togetic named Happy, both in need of an evolutionary stone I can't get a hold of - damn department store doesn't sell them! The one stone I got from the bug catching contest (won that shit with a Weedle like a boss) I wound up using on a damn Sunkern, turning it into some joke of a dandelion pokemon. I'm dying right now cause I had a Ditto and Mareep chillin at day care and they popped an egg out. I took the Mareep out and replaced it with Blacky the Eevee (scrubs a level 5 and I'm not taking any chances in the daylight with him) so I could evolve Fluffy into a Flaafy - bitch goes down like a throw rug against a Rattata that knew bite. I left her corpse in the grass for the Murkrow to pick at and began knitting with the remains of her bloody wool to pass the time - when her egg hatches I'll show her offspring just what happens to those that fail me.

    Now I'm heading back to Ecruteak so I can show Morty just what kind of monster made Whitney burst into tears. My Feraligatr remains wholly untested in combat to this point, the only scare coming at the hands of Whitney and her whore Miltank's attract - Happy (as a Togepi, I might add) made quick work of her when the chips were down.
  2. Telrath

    Telrath Second Year

    Mar 31, 2011
    I may, but even then I'll have to wait until tomorrow, I'm not home at the moment.
  3. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    My Pokemon weren’t going to cut it for the ice gym. I needed something awesome, and I had just the thing in mind!

    To Iron Island I went and I immediately used my repel to tell the Zubat and Graveler to fuck off. A blue-haired guy demanded to be my pal, and I had the crushing realization that I was in a doubles area. Double battles never go well for me, but I was confident I could get through this area as my Pokemon were at a high enough level.

    I had Gaspar the Haunter up first with Cheddar the Gastrodon as backup. I really love the extra experience you get with a traded Pokemon. Gaspar leveled like crazy. The Lucario I was forced to partner with could have been worse; it hit where I wanted it to hit, even if its attacks weren’t very strong.

    Eventually, I encountered this one double battles with these two fucking trainers. As I’m writing this, I had to look them up on Serebii as all this happened a couple of days ago. So, these two trainers. The first Pokemon out were a Pelipper and a Ponyta. I immediately focused on the Ponyta as I didn’t want my partner’s Lucario to die. The Ponyta died easily to a Shadow Ball and to a Force Palm, while the Pelipper did some bullshit I can’t remember. Next out was a Haunter and I was like “Shit”. Now, my Haunter came with two ghost attacks and two dark attacks, so I did not like this enemy Haunter with potentially the same moveset. I stayed in though. I was confident. This was where it gets a bit fuzzy. Gaspar was hurt, in yellow HP, I think, but the opponent Haunter is killed. Pelipper is still alive with barely any damage. I didn’t give a shit about Pelipper all battle, and it shows in this recollection.

    So, my opponent sends out a Floatzel as his last Pokemon. No way was I letting my Haunter deal with this shit, so I sent out Cheddar.

    Here’s what the situation looked like:

    Pelipper (level 33) + Floatzel (level 34).
    Green health + Green health.


    Lucario (level 34) + Gastrodon (level 39).
    Yellow health + Green health.

    I wasn’t worried about the Floatzel. I was at a high level, I could take it. To my disappointment, there was no Surfing shenanigans for me (I need Hidden Power Grass or something to deal with these fucking water types), so I Body Slammed the Pelipper, got it paralyzed, I cheered. Lucario attacks Floatzel, Pelipper does whatever, and Floatzel Crunches my Gastrodon, doing a lot of damage. Not enough to get me into yellow, but it was still a lot.

    Now I know who the real threat was. Floatzel Crunches again, sending me at the tip of the red health zone and I retaliate with Mud Bombing the fuck out of Floatzel, who barely stays in green. I seriously need a better ground move. Since Cheddar always attacks last (she’s a slug, I expect nothing less), I had to get her out of there. Gaspar was hurt and I didn’t want to send in my Sneasel because it’s weak as fuck, so I decide, hey! Let’s send in my Murkrow, who could easily take a Crunch. Haha, I love it when Pokemon use Crunch on my Murkrow. So I do that and he takes the Crunch like a pro. Suck on that, Floatzel!

    Next turn Floatzel goes first because it’s fast as fuck, and hey, why not use Ice Fang on the flying-type? Wouldn’t that be fun?

    Floatzel’s jaws are made of steel and ice, and my Murkrow dies. It wasn’t a crit. Lucky the Murkrow was at full HP, took one attack, and then passed away.

    I sent in Chaos the Machoke and while it died, I healed my Gastrodon. It took five turns to end the battle. Gastrodon killed the Floatzel. Lucario, who was a witness to these events, took out the Pelipper. The last Pokemon, Sudowoodo, was swept away by a Surf.

    There were Plasma Grunts at the end of the line, but Gaspar took care of them. The blue-haired guy gave me an egg for partnering with him, and departed.

    I took Lucky’s body to the surface and buried him at sea. Cheddar the Gastrodon, Gaspar the Haunter, Silens the Sneasel, and Unnamed the Egg stood by me as I cried to the heavens. Why Murkrow, I asked. Of all the Pokemon, why Murkrow? There wasn’t any answer, and I suppose I didn’t expect any. They could have at least made it a crit so I didn't have to whine about Murkrow's shitty defenses.

    I hatched the egg within half-an-hour of endless biking, and named the Riolu, Zeit. I withdrew Klael the Zubat and Sorrows the Magikarp from the box, to make a full team.

    It’s training time. This endless massacre of my favorite Pokemon ends here.

    Cheddar (Gastrodon, Level 41).
    Gaspar (Haunter, Level 42).
    Silens (Sneasel, Level 34).
    Zeit (Riolu, Level 17).
    Klael (Zubat, Level 14).
    Sorrows (Magikarp, Level 22).

    Anya (Drifloon, Level 23).

    Rest In Peace:
    Calz (Starly, Level 15).
    Ollie (Machop, Level 5).
    Drome (Budew, Level 10).
    Ashaya (Meditite, Level 19).
    LT2000 (Ponyta, Level 22).
    Lutris (Prinplup, Level 27).
    MattSilver (Luxio, Level 27).
    Lungs (Chingling, Level 27).
    Sree (Quagsire, Level 22).
    LT2000 F (Ponyta, Level 26).
    Palin (Roselia, Level 36).
    Lucky (Murkrow, Level 41).
    Chaos (Machoke, Level 34).
  4. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    Congratulations, LT2000, for being one of the first people (to my recollection) who finished a complete Nuzlocke run! It's fulfilling to see people actually reach the end, becoming the Champion!

    Vira, you better EXP-Share that Magikarp. I am telling you, Gyarados learns Dragon Rage at Level 23, and once it learns Ice Fang, you will thank me for finding a way to beat Cynthia's Garchomp. >_>

    Also, Lucario to Drain Punch Candice to death. Call it a "Reverse Maylene", if you will.
  5. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I trained up Winona for a bit before heading on towards Petalburg Woods. Along the way I taught some stuck up punk that money means nothing in a Pokemon battle. I then took his money.

    Upon entering Petalburg Woods a small mushroom shaped Pokemon appeared before me. It seemed displeased to see me and made that known. I didn't care and caught it anyway. I named him Red because I think he'll be a badass and I think badasses are named Red. I went back to my dad's town and trained up Red a bit.

    I then headed back into the woods and watched as Eyeslee evolved again. On the plus side it no longer has gigantic eyes. On the other hand it now has a bunch of tiny eyes. This is because it evolved into a moth looking thing apparently called Dustox.

    I continued on into the woods and came across some weird guy who was looking for Red. I was about to tell him to fuck off when some weirdo in a Red outfit came down and picked a fight. I kicked him squarely between the nuts and the other guy gave me a Great Ball. Obviously he was in awe of my fighting ability.

    After that it was a quick trip to Rustboro. I headed onwards past the city because I knew there were some routes up there. To my disgust the first thing I saw on route 116 was a pink cat that my Pokedex called a Skitty. I caught the thing and called her Green because she was going to be put in a box and promptly forgotten about. I got to Rusturf Tunnel and a small pink blob that my Pokedex called a Whismur cried at me for a little bit before I called it. I called him Bass in the hopes that his voice would get deeper eventually.

    I then made my way to the Rustboro gym. There I put Stalker into the lead and made my way through the chumps trying to keep me from the gym leader. When I reached they gym leader I found out she was a fairly attractive girl my own age. She seemed to be into me until Stalker stomped all over her pokemon and then evolved right after. I'm not sure if they trade-off of not getting laid for having Stalker seem a lot more relaxed and less creepy was worth it. My Pokedex said that Stalker's new form was a Grovyle.

    Upon exiting the gym the same punk in red from before came running out of the building across the street while being chased by the weirdo from earlier. Deciding that I could use some entertainment after my gym trip I followed. Of course it seems that the weirdo wasn't very athletic and didn't get far. When he saw me he asked me to go and beat up the guy in red again. This time however he offered me a reward beforehand. I couldn't pass up the chance so I took off.

    As I approached I found an old man sitting outside of Rusturf Tunnel holding his hip. As I continued he told me that a punk in red stole his Wingull and ran into the tunnel. Holding a fondness for my own Wingull I commiserated with the man and said I'd get his Pokemon back. I went into the tunnel and saw the punk trying to ride the Wingull. Of course he was a fatass so the Pokemon couldn't carry him far. I went right on over and kicked the guy in the nuts again and took the package off of him. The old man followed behind me and told me that whenever I wanted I could use his boat to get between Slateport, Dewford, and Petalburg.

    I then went back to the weirdo and gave him the package. He gave me another great ball and took me to meet his boss. When we got there he told me he'd appreciate it if I took the package to Slateport and also a letter to some guy named Steven. He then gave me a PokeNav for the trouble.


    Stalker - Grovyle - Level 16
    Eyeslee - Dustox - Level 14
    Smokey - Zigzagoon - Level 15
    Bandit - Poochyena - Level 14
    Winona - Wingull - Level 14
    Red - Shroomish - Level 14

    Green - Skitty - Level 7
    Bass - Whismur - Level 8
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
  6. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Nuzlocke NY Edition,

    So on the train to meet up with Ash and Lungs I got bored and started a Nuzlocke. Surprisingly it is actually going well for once. I start with Lamora the Oshawott as my starter, he is quick to flee and has a hardy nature. I slap aside the local Furry Hugh for the kicks. I don't capture shit until Route 20 which yields me a Pidove. It would normally sucks but it has super luck so I'll use him for a bit, Zennith the Brave Crithax. Floccesy Ranch exceeded expectations when I encountered a Fem Riolu which was great. Ash will be a boss Lucario :awesome

    Lamora the Oshawott
    Zennith the Pidove
    Ash the Riolu
  7. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    On my way out of town I ran into May again. It seems she had somehow managed to navigate her way through Petalburg Woods. I made her promise to call her dad to let him know where she was before taking off.

    Then I taught Smokey the move Cut because he kept sharpening his claws on everything we came across anyway. We worked our way back through Petalburg Woods the back way. When we came across Briney's house we went inside to say hi. He welcomed me and told me that we could take off to Dewford whenever I wished.

    We left towards the island community at once. As soon as I got there it seemed like everyone wanted to give me something or spout "NOW ANIME" in my face. I headed to the local cave and as soon as I entered a rather large fellow gave me the HM for Flash. I thanked him for his worthless contribution to the 'Fill up Poytin's Bag' fund before heading deeper into the cave.

    The first Pokemon that approached me was a tiny thing covered with metal. I weakened it and caught it. My Pokedex informed me that it was Rock and Steel type and that its name was Aron. It also told me that Arons had the unfortunate habit of eating bridges. I decided to name her Syaoron. Since she seemed like a worthwhile addition to the team I went back to the Pokemon Center and put Eyeslee in the box because all Bug-types are worthless unless their names are Heracross, Scyther, or Scizor.

    I went back to the cave and made my way through it. Along the way Smokey evolved into a sleek looking motherfucker whose species was Linoone. At almost the same time because he probably didn't want to be shown up Bandit evolved into a vicious looking Pokemon called Mightyena. At the end of my trek through the cave I met a silver haired guy who was apparently Steven. I passed along the letter and he gave me a TM for the move Steel Wing. I thanked him and then promptly taught it to Winona.

    It was then that I went on to the Pokemon Gym. Inside it was pitch dark. I made my way through the mini maze. Along the way I 'accidently' felt up a few of the karate girls in there. I may have to go back there eventually. Along the way through the maze Winona took offense to the dark and destroyed every Pokemon. Brawly thought he could stop Winona's ass kicking spree but he was wrong. Winona knocked him out and I took a Knuckle Badge off of his unconscious body.


    Stalker - Grovyle - Level 20
    Smokey - Linoone - Level 20
    Bandit - Mightyena - Level 20
    Winona - Wingull - Level 24
    Red - Shroomish - Level 20
    Syaoron - Aron - Level 20

    Green - Skitty - Level 7
    Bass - Whismur - Level 8
    Eyeslee - Dustox - Level 14
  8. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Triumphant return!

    As some of you may recall I had a Black 2 Nuzlocke run going, but I stopped updating that back in October. Long story short, tragedy struck and I didn't exactly want to keep going, but I picked it up a few days back and, well, kept going. This is the result. Quick recap to remind folk: Just beat Clay, fifth gym leader, and my team is Hamwise the Pignite, Spikette the Trubbish, Whistler the Leavanny, Penelope the Ducklett, Freebie the Zorua, and Ferric the Ferroseed. At this point I've also lost seven Pokemon. Because I'm a terrible player. As you'll soon find out, I get worse!

    But yeah, where was I.

    --o The Traveller's Unova Log, Final Entry.

    To put it lightly, The Traveller has travelled a long road to get to this point. For a long time The Traveller didn't want to put words down in The Traveller's log, because that just made what happened all the more real. History isn't history until it's written down for generations in the future to see, to either use an excuse to repeat mistakes, or to learn something from it. The Traveller supposes now that The Traveller is making history, but should've done so sooner. If The Traveller had done so, maybe all those mistakes wouldn't have been repeated...

    But The Traveller digresses.

    After beating Clay, The Traveller participated in the Driftveil Tournament, winning handily thanks to the Ham and Whistler team-up. After that and beating some Plasma goons, The Traveller moved north to Mistralton City, catching an Aron in Mistralton Cave and nicknaming it Earl. Earl soon joined the ranks of the team after Whistler died ( 8 ), killed by a critically hitting Body Slam of all things. Earl proved himself soon enough as a sturdy battler capable of taking a few hits, and evolved into Lairon thanks to the Lucky Egg and some training. Pen evolved into Swanna, Freebie into Zoroark, and Spikette into Garbador around the same time. The Traveller would've liked to see Hamwise evolve too, but...

    Ham died (9). In battle with the Mistralton Gym Leader Skyla. It was... a stupid miscalculation on The Traveller's part. The Traveller had pitted him against Skyla's Skarmory as the only hope for defeating it. He wasn't fast enough, and The Traveller forgot he was part-fighting. Ham went down in a pile of shredded and bloodied flesh, swept up by the Surf attack Pen used to avenge him immediately afterwards. Ham's loss still haunts The Traveller as the turning point, the day The Traveller wanted to just stop, and never write such a thing down. Because it's history now. Hamwise, the noble starter Pokemon The Traveller claimed as The Traveller's own so long ago, is dead.

    The Traveller's luck didn't increase after Ham's death. The Traveller pushed on with Spikette as the leader of the little motley band, and brought out Skyrat the Emolga to fill up the team's ranks. The fierce winter weather killed a wild Zebstrika on Route 7 before The Traveller could catch it, and a critically hitting move accidentally killed a wild Litwick in Celestial Tower, too. The next Pokemon The Traveller caught was outside Reversal Mountain. There were two choices: a Drifblim or a Grumpig. The Traveller decided on the latter.

    Of course - of fucking course - Earl died in the battle while trying to capture them (10). Baconwise the Grumpig joined the team on a sour note, as reflected in the name The Traveller gave more than anything else. Ferric evolved into Ferrothorn soon after, proving himself along with Spikette as The Traveller's best Pokemon, both able to wall some enemy attacks while slowly chipping them down; Spikette with Acid Spray and Sludge Bomb being able to kill anything in three moves short of a Steel type, and Ferric's Iron Barbs and Rocky Helmet combo making any physical attackers very regretful after four turns.

    Skyrat died next (11). From a freakin' Bubblebeam. The Traveller did not like that one bit. Frilliant the Frillish joined the team in Undella Bay soon after, but wasn't used. The same couldn't be said for a Roserade picked up on Route 12, nicknamed Rose Stall. Of course, she died too (12)! Because everybody fucking dies! Just like the wild Pelipper The Traveller tried to catch on Route 13, the Golduck on Route 14, and the Basculin in Aspertia City. It was not turning out to be a good run for The Traveller.

    By the time The Traveller reached Opelucid City, the only other new addition was a Zangoose, nicknamed Scout. So, with Spikette, Penelope, Ferric, Freebie, Baconwise, and Scout, The Traveller took on Drayden. Surprisingly, nobody died! Ferric was especially beastly in this battle, taking down both Flygon and Haxorus while Bacon Ice Punch'd Druddigon to death. Things were looking up, maybe. The Traveller captured a Gothorita on Route 9, nicknamed Abby. Yep, things were looking up.

    Hear that? That's the sound of the Nuzlocke gods laughing while The Traveller makes plans. A succession of death so bloody, fast and furious, it made The Massacre Of Six look like a picnic hosted by Catholic nuns in comparison.

    It started with Scout, killed by a trainer's Bouffalant when Close Combat couldn't KO it in one hit and the opponent's Head Charge certainly did (13). Next up was Luna the Amoongus, who was captured on Route 22 and was all set to be trained up to help defeat Marlon, the eighth gym leader, but was killed herself by a critically hitting X-Scissor (14). Abby was brought out and trained up some too, evolving into a Gothitelle and displaying great proficiency against the trainers in Marlon's gym with Energy Ball. Then, well, Carracosta had Crunch and The Traveller had made the mistake of letting it get off a Shell Smash beforehand. OHKO, and Abby goes down (15). The gym badge was won, of course, thanks to Ferric and Freebie, whose Snarl attack made short work of Jellicent.

    There were no deaths for all of one hour, and three captures. Shelly the Crustle in Seaside Cave, Hail Duke the Vanilluxe, and Rapunzel the Tangela, who quickly evolved into a Tangrowth. Hail Duke made it all of two battles after some grinding, and died to an exploding Weezing owned by some Team Plasma fuck (16). Shelly and Rapunzel both turned out to be damn good fighters, with Shelly's speciality being a bit of Stealth Rock, Toxic, its Sturdy ability, and The Traveller's own Hyper Potion collection. Rapunzel was given Rock Smash, becoming the only counter against steel types, which very much came in handy in battle with Colress.

    Colress lost to Ferric and Rapunzel in the end after a fuckload of back and forth, but not before his bloody Klingklang used Giga Impact to kill Baconwise (17). By now Bacon was practically a veteran to The Traveller's ever-changing roster, and this was a harsh loss, akin to being stabbed in the kidney. The other kidney was stabbed when Shelly died in battle with Ghetsis (18 ), thanks to a critically hitting Night Slash. This, of course, after having killed Kyreum thanks to it's usual method of doing things, which was just as awesome as it sounded. The rest of the battle with Ghetsis was full of close calls, such as Eelektross's Flamethrower getting Ferric down to 2 HP, and Pen getting Rock Slide'd by Hydreigon to about the same.

    But, in the end, The Traveller won. Spikette was on fire that battle, killing Toxicroak and Eelektross while walling and allowing for healing of the whole team, and Pen, Freebie, Ferric and Rapunzel all got in a kill each.

    For dramatic effect, The Traveller could easily say that Spikette was the next to die, and that her loss was the one that finally pushed The Traveller over the edge.

    But, thankfully, she didn't die... until after Pen did (19). Stabbed in the lungs.

    A critical hit. Shocker. She'd been with The Traveller the second-longest out of any of The Traveller's surviving Pokemon, and her loss... in a way, The Traveller saw it coming. Her weakness to rock attacks was going to get her killed one day, and in dying on Route 23, it was like giving The Traveller a wake-up call. It was Sinnoh all over again. The options were limited, so very limited. The Traveller could lose The Traveller's entire team, and wipe out ingloriously, a stain on history not worth commenting on beyond a cursory, "Why does that stain look like strawberry jam?". Bringing in Frilliant and having her die immediately while training did nothing to help things (20). Reality check, courtesy of those fucking Nuzlocke gods.

    Then... Spikette (21). Stab in the heart, twist, pull out and stab again. The Traveller's leader, the surprisingly awesome little Pokemon who found its niche from the very start and stuck to it the entire time, evolving into a powerful wall. And of all the things to kill her, another fucking critical hit from a move that wasn't even supereffective, in this case a Flame Burst from Heatmor five levels lower than Spikette... She didn't deserve to die like that. None of them did. But, the thing was, all of them were going to. What else could The Traveller do? The Traveller had lost The Traveller's starter Pokemon, then the new leader, and over twenty in between all of them. There were no more chances to replenish numbers outside of Victory Road, and in there all The Traveller picked up was an Unfezant, who died just as fucking quickly as the rest (22).

    So then there were three. Ferric. Freebie. Rapunzel.

    Rapunzel went up against a fellow Tangrowth. The other Tangrowth had Sludge Bomb. Rapunzel didn't stand a chance (23). No stabbing this time; The Traveller's too numb to it all.

    Ferric and Freebie. A Ferrothorn and a Zoroark against the world, and The Traveller wasn't even out of Victory Road. How the hell could The Traveller hope to defeat the Elite Four and the Champion with these two? Hell, one of the Elite 4 used Fighting types for fuck's sake, and a good one of those could kill both Ferric and Freebie with no quarter. The situation seemed bleak. The Traveller didn't travel for a long time, instead making camp with two depressed and battle-scarred Pokemon for company. The Traveller considered writing in this log and making a suicidal charge at the next trainer who came along. The Traveller would've welcomed it. The Traveller could've felt... alive.

    It was that thought that sprang The Traveller into action. Every muscle that had been used to bury 23 teammates was on fire as The Traveller ran into the forested area of Victory Road, and when Ferric and Freebie caught up, The Traveller only pointed at what The Traveller wanted them to do. And that was to kill a wild Audino that had appeared in the rustling grass. Freebie did so, and The Traveller directed Ferric to kill the next. And the next. And the next.

    Because The Traveller intends to look in the face of every Pokemon deity that would dare to rob The Traveller of so many allies, partners and friends, and laugh at them. Tell them to take their best shot. The Traveller has tangled with gods before, and lost every time. But not now. Not on this day. This day was the one to challenge those that would dare to test The Traveller. They should've left well enough alone. They'll regret so much of what's coming next.

    And what came next? The Victory Road folded to The Traveller's team, such as it was. A Ferrothorn and a Zoroark against the world, bulked up to epic proportions thanks to killing so many Audinos and ingesting a dozen Rare Candies between them. Every Veteran or Ace Trainer in the road, whose ilk had taken Pokemon from The Traveller, collapsed under the weight of The Traveller's wroth, a signalling call and an accepted challenge, a legendary tale in the making as a path was made, obliterated, and made once more. The Traveller was War incarnate, and the Pokemon League The Traveller's battlefield. And when War goes to his namesake, the battlefield becomes a graveyard of ideals, truths, and bloody mangled corpses.

    Ferric's strength lied in taking hits. Iron Barbs plus Rocky Helmet was always going to be his best strategy, and with the extra levels he could do a lot more damage without needing to be healed up as often. He was no slouch in the offensive department either, with Power Whip, Aerial Ace and Payback giving as good as Ferric got, and Toxic being an extra incentive for enemy Pokemon to die without Ferric even attacking them. The strategy was tested on The Traveller's rival's team, and Ferric swept through them without even blinking because of it.

    Freebie was renamed to Ark, because he had earned it. The monster had always been a staple of the team who never stood up and made a huge impact. But he was always there and his strategies hadn't changed much beyond attacking with Foul Play or Snarl, and occasionally using Taunt to put enemy Pokemon on the back pedal. Now, as high a level as he was, Ark was a fucking beast of speed and special attacking power. To help things along was Nasty Plot. Using two, or even one, of those would make Night Daze and Flamethrower instakill anything, and using Taunt beforehand would certainly stop opponents from trying to stop Ark from setting up in non-attacking ways. The Traveller had no doubt Ark would prove very instrumental.

    The Traveller arrived at the Pokemon League at the brink of dawn, and, after buying enough Hyper Potions to feed a third-world region like Orre for a year, The Traveller pushed on the great stone doors leading to the Elite Four, and they crumbled under The Traveller's might.

    The Elite Four crumbled too.

    Ark destroyed Caitlin. One Nasty Plot was all it took, and The Traveller has to wonder if that was even needed. Night Daze obliterated all of her Pokemon in one hit. The Traveller took special delight in seeing Sigilyph brought low. The Traveller disliked Sigilyphs.

    The Traveller liked Caitlin, though, and managed to score her phone number after the battle. Bonus.

    Ark repeated the process on Shauntal's ghost team, and The Traveller only stopped him for a second to let Ferric get in on the action and Power Whip Golurk's head off. Two down, two to go.

    Grimsley was Ferric's show. The barbs, the helmet, and the occasional Power Whip or Aerial Ace for good measure. Nothing in all of The Traveller's travels can compare to the fierce might of Ferric's walling skills. Nothing ever will.

    Marshal, the one who gave The Traveller pause and a few sleepless nights, too fell to Ferric. There was a close call when Conkeldurr's Hammer Arm scored a critical hit, but The Traveller had already condemned the crithax gods, and they had been cowed into pale imitations of themselves.

    The Champion awaited The Traveller next. Her name was Iris, and she wielded dragons of great power and varied movesets. She had so many advantages it almost became funny in a sick, cruel, twisted bitter way.

    But The Traveller had Ferric and Ark. And those two made Champion Red's Pikachu look like a pissy little Rattata fresh off the teat. Ark took multiple Focus Blasts to the face and survived them, using Nasty Plot to set up before sweeping Iris's Hydriegon and Druddigon. Haxorus gave The Traveller minor trouble thanks to a Focus Sash, but Iris chose to use Dragon Dance, as if that would help her, and Ark was able to finish it off. The other three of her team - Aggron, Archeops and Lapras - were food for Ferric, who Power Whipped here and there, but mostly just sat there and let the opponents kill themselves on his barbs and helmet.

    And that was that. The Traveller took two Pokemon to the greatest trials in Pokemon history and conquered them. The Traveller did it for all the ones lost to get to this point. Dovely, Misty, Sonic Boom, Killer, Asura, Old Rufus, Huntress, Whistler, Hamwise, Earl, Skyrat, Rose Stall, Scout, Luna, Abby, Hail Duke, Baconwise, Shelly, Penelope, Frilliant, Spikette, Phesanty, and Rapunzel. Lest The Traveller forgets their sacrifices. Lest Ferric and Ark forget. And more than that. The Traveller told Ferric and Ark of the incident at Sinnoh years earlier and in another life, and the two of them fought for Stormy, Copper, Vee, Serenity and the rest too.

    They expressed interest in taking on the Champion Cynthia, who apparently liked to vacation in Unova. The Traveller knew she wouldn't recognise The Traveller by face alone, but The Traveller had hope she'd feel the pain she put The Traveller through when Ferric and Ark destroy her precious Garchomp in revenge for Stormy. Then, maybe afterwards, The Traveller will travel for a bit, replenish The Traveller's team with some new Pokemon in new areas, and take them along on many adventures, so many roads to be travelled, and not alone. The Traveller hasn't faded yet. The Traveller had earned a victory, and maybe a full life with Ferric and Ark. Hell, maybe The Traveller will call up Caitlin, take her out to dinner, apologise for the whole grinning-while-killing-Sigilyph thing. That'd be nice.

    But for now, The Traveller has to make history in this log, because that's what The Traveller does, because all those deaths had to mean something, and The Traveller wants to tell the world what it does mean: that never giving up and going out of your way to kill a thousand Audinos is the best strategy when your back's up against a wall, and then you can overcome any hurdle with your team, as small and disadvantaged as it may be. The Traveller likes that. The Traveller is near to finished now, at the point where all that's left is as simple as saying goodbye, travel on, and Traveller Out.


    Travel on.

    Traveller Out.


    I'm way too ashamed to reveal what level I powerleveled Ferric and Ark to in order to beat this run. After being such an idiot and losing so many Pokemon, I just said fuck it. I wanted to win a goddamn run after losing Platinum, and the idea of doing so with just those two Pokemon spoke to my wounded pride. And hell, it was just pure fun after all that frustration to do some sweeping like that.

    This'll be my last Nuzlocke run in a while, until Pokemon X and Y comes out. Much like I did for B/W and B2/W2, I'll pick one of the two to do a run in, and I'm 50/50 on it being a Traveller's Log. Might try something new, some new story technique to spice up the whole thing. But yeah, October. Watch this space.

    As always, hope at least somebody enjoyed by ramblings, and, so yeah, keep on Nuzlocking, kicking ass and taking names. And don't be like me. Because I suck. But at least I'm mildly entertaining in my suckiness.
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Don't be down on yourself, brah. At least you aren't like me, ragequitting like a bitch all the time.
  10. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Hah, yeah. Thank Arceus for Audinos and Lucky Egg, though. Hope the tradition continues if I get to the same point in Pokemon X/Y.
  11. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I made my way back to Briney and had him take me to Slateport. Once there I kicked the crap out of almost everyone on the beach and in a nearby shanty house. Apparently beating up the people in there made the owner want to give me a few Soda Pops. Who am I to tell him no?

    I then went into Slateport. I went into the shipyard and some tool named Dock told me that they guy I'm supposed to deliver the package too was in the museum. I made my way over to the museum and saw it was full of people in matching red uniforms like the guy who I kicked twice in the nuts. In a futile hope I told the people running the museum that I was there to deliver a package. However they didn't believe me and made me pay to get in. It was then that I saw they guy who I kicked in the nuts twice. Apparently I left an impression because as soon as he saw me he handed me a TM and fled. I made my way upstairs and gave the package the only guy up there.

    It was then that two of the red uniformed people came upstairs and tried to assault us. I decided that an ass kicking was in order and beat them down. Then some older guy with red hair came up and admonished them for sucking. It was they left and apparently took their entire group with them. I should start my own group. Except our uniforms wouldn't look nearly as dumb.

    I left the museum and looked around Slateport. It seemed there was some sort of open market going on. Since there wasn't a building to burn down and nobody participating looked like a normal shopkeeper I entered. I quickly found a drug dealer who called himself the Energy Guru who would buy some of my random junk and I sold it to him. After leaving the market I saw a brightly colored building. Apparently it was some Pokemon contest building.

    Knowing that my Pokemon were the shit I entered with the goal of winning whatever the contest was. However I was stopped by the fact that I didn't have a contest pass and the fact that this was apparently one of the higher end contests. It was then that I decided that in addition to becoming Champion I would also win every god damn contest in Hoenn.

    Realizing that there wasn't anything else I could do in Slateport I headed north. There I found an Electrike that I decided to call Spare because if I was extremely unlucky and one of my Pokemon died then I would bring her out. It was along this route that Red showed how much of a badass he would become when he evolved into a Pokemon called Breloom. He then proceeded to punch everything in sight.

    Also along this route I ran into May again. She decided that she wanted to battle me and she had a few new Pokemon that I'm assuming her dad gave her for protection. Of course they didn't stop me from winning the battle. After I beat her she gave me what she called an Itemfinder and ran off. Deciding to humor her I held onto it. This was also when Winona decided to evolve into a Pelipper. It was a grand day indeed. It was then that I made my way into Mauville. Seeing a strange building I went into it and found what appeared to be a bike shop.

    The owner ran over and asked me where I had come from since my shoes were muddy. I told him that I was from Johto by way of Littleroot. He whistled in surprise and decided that he would give me a bike for free. I was given the option between a technical bike and a bike built for speed. The Mach Bike came with me and I headed to the nearby bike path. With Syaoron in the lead I took out all the trainers on the path. It was then that I noticed the strange looking house. Upon entering it I saw a weird mad staring at me from under the table. Upon speaking to him he said that I was sharp and that I should challenge his Trick House. I made my way through the back of his house and at the end he gave me a piece of candy that Smokey had occasionally given me. Upon asking him what it was he told me that it apparently makes your Pokemon stronger upon eating it. I then gave Syaoron all of the ones that I had.

    I made my way back to Mauville and went to the gym. I was surprised when I saw Wally in front. I went up and apparently he was about to challenge the gym. His uncle convinced him to fight against me first to test if he was ready. He still only had his Ralts and even though he trained it he still wasn't as strong as me. I told him to train up a bit and then try to do the gyms. Inside the gym Syaoron made short work of everyone. Everyone that was until Watson. When Syaoron got to Watson's Magneton it was a hard fought battle. Mostly because Magneton's magnetic pull kept Syaoron from moving as well as he was able. However Syaoron pulled through in the end.

    I then made my way to Verdanturf Town. There I saw another Contest Hall. It was here that I was about to actually get a Contest Pass. In preparation I went over to the Pokeblock maker and made a few. I then entered Smokey in the Tough competition because he's a tough guy. The result was that I came out with my first Ribbon. Seeing Smokey's picture up on the wall was a proud moment for me. I then went into Rusturf Tunnel and broke a rock. Because I did a guy gave me another HM.


    Stalker - Grovyle - Level 25
    Smokey - Linoone - Level 24 (Tough Contests)
    Bandit - Mightyena - Level 25
    Winona - Pelipper - Level 26
    Red - Breloom - Level 25
    Syaoron - Aron - Level 30

    Green - Skitty - Level 7 (Cute Contests)
    Bass - Whismur - Level 8
    Eyeslee - Dustox - Level 14 (Smart Contests)
    Spare - Electrike - Level 12 (Cool Contests)
  12. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Good news! I have my DS back working, so I'll be doing...something soon.
  13. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I headed north from Mauville. I decided to work my way through the Fiery Path. On my way through I caught a Numel that I decided to name Oz. I then kept going on to the next town. In the next route I found a Spinda that I named Mishie. Along this route Syaoron decided that it was time to evolve and I found an impressive Lairon in my party.

    While in Fallarbor I saw that they had another Contest Hall. I quickly entered Smokey in the Super Tough Contest and dominated the competition. It was also in Fallarbor town that I decided that I had enough of Stalker's leering and put her in the box. I pulled out Oz to replace her. I went back to Mauville to train him up a bit. It was along my first steps into the grass on route 117 that I caught Roses the Roselia.

    I then found out that those Team Magma posers had apparently gone with a scientist to the nearby cave system. I headed to the cave system and with the use of a couple Repels didn't see a single wild Pokemon. Inside the cave the Team Magma members ran away as soon as they saw me and some other group of guys dressed in blue.

    Deciding that I would like to partake of my passtime of kicking Team Magma members in the nuts I followed all of them to Mt. Chimney. When I arrived at Mt. Chimney I found the guys in blue who were apparently called Team Aqua were fighting Team Magma with Team Aqua's leader taking on three guys at once. Got to respect that in a guy. In the meantime Oz evolved into a tough looking Camerupt while we were beating up some Team Magma guy. Then their leader decided that he wanted to be kicked in the nuts as well. And who was I to tell the guy no. After Maxie was done rolling around on the ground he ran away and I made my way to Lavaridge town.


    Smokey - Linoone - Level 32 (Tough Contests)(2 Ribbons)
    Bandit - Mightyena - Level 32
    Winona - Pelipper - Level 32
    Red - Breloom - Level 32
    Syaoron - Lairon - Level 33
    Oz - Camerupt - Level 33

    Green - Skitty - Level 7 (Cute Contests)
    Bass - Whismur - Level 8
    Eyeslee - Dustox - Level 14 (Smart Contest?)
    Spare - Electrike - Level 12 (Cool Contests)
    Stalker - Grovyle - Level 25
    Mishie - Spinda - Level 14
    Roses - Roselia - Level 13 (Smart Contest?)
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You boxed your starter? Bad karma, man.
  15. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    It fits with the character in the Nuzlocke. Who is genuinely creeped out by his starter.
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Your team is going to be wiped for abandoning your starter.
  17. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    I always abandon my starter when I can. Because screw that guy in particular.
  18. redshell

    redshell Order Member

    Feb 11, 2009
    Starter abandonment is frowned upon, mostly because, at the very least, it's a free UU pokemon that essentially levels itself if you aren't brain-dead. The UU thing is because, again, if you aren't brain-dead, you won't be taking the ones that are NU or worse (sup, Meganium).

    That said, if you can find a better pokemon that better fills the slot, more power to you.
  19. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    It's rare that I abandon my starter but when I do it's because I have a specially bred egg waiting in the wings to take the lead spot in my team. Usually something not found 'til late game or even just something interesting to use.
  20. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    On Ruby: replaced my starter with a Zigzagoon as soon as I got pokeballs. Released that Torchic into a KFC battery farm and went on to kick the ass of a rock gym then fighting gym with just that one li'l guy.

    Abandoning your starter is one of the most fun ways to play. And if you kill it yourself, you're saved from the heartbreak when a crithax tackle or terrorist exploding Graveller appears.