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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    As people who've been in my stream and have seen my notepad file The Monument will tell you... the only reason I won my first streamed Ruby Nuzlocke was a Linoone as my last party member killing Metagross with Strength.
  2. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Elesa? Can't you just tympole through it?

    Not really relevant but Poytin's post reminded me that I really dislike metagross. He's not extremely that bulky and while his attack is high, his STABs suck. Meteor mash and Zenn Headbutt cover 4 types total. I raised one because I liked the idea of a metagross, but even EV trained adamant with decent IVs, I swapped him out really quickly.
    Last edited: May 10, 2013
  3. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Not in White 2, no. Tympole and its evolutions aren't available until Post-E4 because all the areas where they can be caught in the original are blocked off until that point.
  4. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    > Someone revives Nuzlocke thread.
    > Sudden urge to play Nuzlocke.

    I feel like a Heartgold run. What’s that? What happened to my Diamond Nuzlocke, you ask? It died and got boring, end of story.

    So, let’s get started!

    Fuck, everything’s so slow at the beginning. Why is the text so slow? Where’s my running shoes? I demand running shoes. I went downstairs and my mother gave me menu options, and I changed the text speed immediately. I have no time for that shit. That done, I got to the lab, dodging that idiot Ethan, and Elm offered me an adorable Pokemon. I was going to start with Totodile, but in a last minute decision chose Chikorita (M) instead. I want to play this game on hard mode, not medium (Totodile) or easy (Cyndaquil) difficulty. I name the Chikorita MattSilver, and he will serve me well.

    To Route 29! If I see a shiny Pokemon before I get my Poke Balls, I may kill someone. Also, I forgot how cute Chikorita is. Every time I send him out into battle and he makes his little sound and animation, I go :3. Anyways, I got to Cherrygroove and mugged an old man for his Running Shoes, then continued on to Mr. Pokemon’s house. I got an Egg and a Pokedex, but the Egg is way cooler and may be something I actually use. Back to Cherrygroove, some red-headed asshole gotin my way, but MattSilver gave a beating to his Cyndaquil and sent him packing. Back at Elm’s, I proclaimed my new rival is named Adam, but no one cares. Fine, fine, just give me my fucking Poke Balls already, I need to catch shit.

    At Route 29, the first Pokemon I meet is a Sentret (F). It breaks out of my first Poke Ball like a bitch, but the second catches it. I name her Cheddar. Next up is the route to the north. I’ve always been under the impression you could catch Phanpy here, but apparently not. I find a Spearow (F). While battling it, I get the sudden realization that it knows Peck, and my only other Pokemon was in yellow health. Well, maybe it won’t use Peck, I thought, but then it does and fuckfuckfuckfuck- oh, it only did 3 damage. I catch her easily and name her Ashaya. The last route I go to catch something is in the one past Cherrygroove, which gave me a Caterpie (M). He is named Kens.

    I went back to Route 29 to train with MattSilver babysitting. The first time I send Ashaya out, the opponent Pidgey crits on the first turn with Tackle and leaves me with 1 HP.

    What the fuck are these Pidgey eating? -.-

    I trained for a bit and discovered Ashaya murders everything within two hits. If this Spearow dies, I may be in trouble come the first gym. Anyways, I started my trek to Violet. Kens the Caterpie was underleveled so I sent him out to deal with the first two trainers. He murdered three Pokemon in a row with sheer guts and willpower, and evolved into Metapod. I was so fucking proud. There was a new route after that, so I went in hoping for a Bellsprout or something. Nope, Metapod. Disappointed, I ventured into Dark Cave and found a Zubat (M). I caught the little bastard and named him Klael. I doubt I’ll use him though as I’m not interested in raising a Zubat.

    Finally, I made it to Violet City. There are two places to get Pokemon here, the route down below and in Sprout Tower. I have to wait until night for Sprout Tower to (maybe) get a Gastly, but the route below is a different matter. I want a Mareep to own the flying gym, but it has a 20% appearance rate in the morning and day, and 10% at night. At night, however, there’s a 35% chance of getting a Wooper. Decisions, decisions… As long as I don’t get a Rattata, I think I’m okay with whatever I get, but that’s for next time because it's time for a break.

    Current Team
    MattSilver the Chikorita (level 9).
    Cheddar the Sentret (level 7).
    Ashaya the Spearow (level 7).
    Kens the Metapod (level 7).
    Klael the Zubat (level 2).
  5. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    From the sandy white coast,
    As invisible as a ghost,
    The man with the most,
    Making a rhyming filler post.
  6. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Matt. <3

    It’s night time, so it’s time to catch some teammates! First, Sprout Tower, which only has one good Pokemon. My only Pokemon that can hit a ghost-type are MattSilver the Chikorita and Ashaya the Spearow I don't trust Ashaya's tendency to crit, so MattSilver is up first.

    First Pokemon I find is a Gastly (F). Great success! One Razor Leaf didn't get it into yellow, but another will do it. I shall name her Sorrows and she’ll be awes-


    Goddamn it, Matt. ;_;

    With disappointment in my heart, I trudge down to the route below Violet. Come on, give me a Mareep or Wooper, Mareep or Wooper, it’s not that difficult, just give me a good Pokemon-


    Why are you doing this, game? :(

    I kill the Rattata with my Chikorita. It didn't deserve to live.

    So. The only Pokemon I can use for the gym is Spearow and Sentret. Not the best choices, though Ashaya is pretty badass. I need to get them at a good enough level to take on the gym, and for that, they need more training.

    Within ten minutes, I destroyed Sprout Tower and their sucky Bellsprout. The only problem Pokemon was the Elder’s Hoothoot and its damn Hypnosis. Klael the Zubat was sacrificed so I could heal Ashaya. Kens evolved into a beautiful Butterfree and learned Confusion. Thank god. Still too weak though. I went to the route below Violet to train against wild Pokemon. Even when wild, Bellsprout give the most experience and happen to be the weakest Pokemon there, aside from Hoppip. It was convenient. To my annoyance, however, whenever Ashaya or Kens went first, Mareep would come bouncing in droves. Why couldn’t they have shown themselves last night? ;_;

    I wanted to bring all my Pokemon to level 13, but got bored by 11. Gym time!

    I beat up the two gym trainers, and challenged Falkner. His first Pokemon, a level 9 Pidgey, was a wimp. Cheddar the Sentret killed it with two Quick Attacks. Pidgeotto was… a problem. I kept Cheddar in because she used Defense Curl and I didn't want to lose my boosts. I used Quick Attack, but found my strongest attack did little. Eight-hit-KO at least. Pidgeotto used Roost to mock me, the little shit. It swept away my Sentret with a Gust and got her in red. I used a Potion, and tried again. Back in red. I only had one Potion left (you can tell I didn't prepare at all for this battle), and refused to use it on my most expendable Pokemon, so Cheddar the Sentret died.

    Next up was Ashaya the Spearow. She used Leer once then Fury Attack. Throughout this entire battle, Fury Attack only hit two times if it hit at all. Annoying as fuck. Soon enough, I got caught in the same situation as Cheddar. Whatever damage I did was Roosted off, and my Growling had little effect on Pidgeotto’s Gusts. Instead of doing the sensible thing and using Leer as much as I could, I kept trying to attack, hoping for a crit (I didn’t get a crit). I used my final Potion on Ashaya and sent her into the thick of battle for one last shot. She died by a Gust.

    Next was MattSilver the Chikorita. Immediately, I face-palmed. I could have used Poison Powder at the start of the battle! Well, better late than never. Pidgeotto helpfully got me down to 2 HP while I poisoned it. Pidgeotto used Roost while I had MattSilver use Tackle. Next turn, my Chikorita was murdered.

    One Pokemon left. Kens the Butterfree took the stage. Surprisingly, Pidgeotto didn't Gust much, only using Tackle. My poison was taking effect, and it became even more helpful when I used String Shot to lower the Pidgeotto’s speed. However, while Kens’s Confusion was doing damage, there was little chance of me winning this battle.


    A Confusion confused the Pidgeotto. What is that, a 10% chance of happening? It sure took its time. Either way, that was the turning point of the battle. All the damage I was doing finally added up and Pidgeotto couldn’t use Roost if it kept hurting itself. Kens finished it off with a final Confusion, and the battle was won. But at what cost? Three of my Pokemon were dead, and all I had left was a Butterfree.

    Oh well. At least I didn't wash out at the first gym leader. That would have been embarrassing.

    Current Team
    Kens the Butterfree (level 12).

    Rest In Peace
    Klael the Zubat (level 2).
    Cheddar the Sentret (level 11).
    Ashaya the Spearow (level 11).
    MattSilver the Chikorita (level 11).
  7. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I made a filler post for you.


    Vira </3.
  8. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    With only one Pokemon in tow, I picked up the Togepi Egg from the PokeMart. I hoped it wouldn’t have Hustle like last time. With nothing better to do, I went to the Ruins of Alph and caught an Unown J, named Jack (I couldn’t think of a J DLP name on short notice). Of course, he had the most boring Hidden Power of all, Fighting. Thanks for nothing, Jack.

    To my dismay, the route below Violet is only one long route. No Pokemon here for me! I wanted a Mareep. :(

    I dodge all the trainers and head to Union Cave. If my Togepi was useless, I needed another Pokemon to take up Kens the Butterfree’s slack. The first Pokemon I find is an Onix (M), which was wtf. I didn’t know Onix could be found here. I shrugged, and caught it anyways. It was modest-natured. Of course it was. I named him Oz, because there’s no way I’m getting a Snorlax in this play-through. Back at the route, Kens was cleaning up the trainers when my Egg hatched! I named him Lucky. The Togepi (M) had Extrasensory and Serene Grace. He would do nicely.

    Once Lucky was at a reasonable level, I took on Union Cave. Kens and Lucky took turns murdering everything until I came out on the other side to a light downpour. I don’t know why it’s raining on this route; if they wanted to put rain somewhere they could have at least made it a longer route. In the grass, I find a Hoppip. Not exactly what I was looking for, but okay. I sent in Lucky to lower its HP, but Extrasensory got a crit and killed it in one hit. Goddamn it, Lucky. :/

    So, Azalea Town. It would be a problem. My only two battle ready Pokemon were a Butterfree and a Togepi. Not exactly a good matchup for the bug gym or my rival’s Quilava. I really needed a Slowpoke or something, but when I went to Slowpoke Well, it helpfully gave me a Zubat (M). I name him Klael2 and took him outside to train. First Rattata killed him with a crit Quick Attack. Welp. I cleared out the well, gave some balls to Kurt, and decided to take on the gym. In the very first trainer battle, my Butterfree leveled up and learned Gust. <3

    To my surprise, psychic attacks do neutral damage to bug-types. Well, I’m not complaining! The gym trainers were easy, and I made it to Bugsy. I sent out Kens first to poison the Scyther, which used Focus Energy and Leer. I pulled Kens out as immediately and sent out Oz the Onix to take the U-Turn, which murdered him. Bugsy went into Metapod which Kens killed with one Gust. Scyther came out again, but this time Kens was ready. Gust did decent damage, and with the added poison effect, Scyther eventually fell. Last was the Kakuna, which Lucky beat with one Extrasensory.

    That was easier than expected! But now the real challenge, my rival.

    The douchebag came strutting up, and my Butterfree pimp-slapped his Gastly with a Confusion. With the Quilava, I was on red alert. I couldn’t remember if Quilava knew Flame Wheel, but either way, I had to prepare myself for the possible loss of Kens the Butterfree. Quilava kept using Leer and Smokescreen and I switched out often to help prevent any crits. But here’s the funny thing: Quilava only attacked once, and that was to kill my Unown with a Quick Attack. Kens and Lucky got out of that battle without being hit once. Rival’s Zubat did more damage than the Quilava and that’s just sad.

    Before going into Ilex Forest, I bought some repels, then went straight for the Headbutt Guy. Kens couldn’t learn it, unfortunately, but Lucky could. I used Headbutt on a tree and a Hoothoot (M) dropped down. It was at level 4, so I used Poison Powder and waited until its health was low enough before catching it. I named him Taure. On the route below Goldenrod I found a Drowzee (F). It’s so annoying, why are they always psychic-types. I have enough Pokemon with psychic attacks, give me some variety, please. It’s like I’m cursed with these psychic-attackers. Either way, I caught her and named her Tinn.

    There’s a lot to do in Goldenrod, though it’s a pity that the only interesting Pokemon up ahead are bug or psychic-types. Oh well, we’ll see how it goes.

    Current Team
    Kens the Butterfree (Level 17).
    Lucky the Togepi (Level 17).
    Tinn the Drowzee (Level 13).
    Taure the Hoothoot (Level 4).

    Rest In Peace
    Klael the Zubat (Level 2).
    Cheddar the Sentret (Level 11).
    Ashaya the Spearow (Level 11).
    MattSilver the Chikorita (Level 11).
    Jack the Unown J (Level 5)
    Klael2 the Zubat (Level 6).
    Oz the Onix (Level 6).
  9. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Don't forget the grass types and Nidorans north of Goldenrod.
  10. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    LOL, the size of Vira's obituary list has made me feel guilty about ragequitting the White run. I'll pick it back up after work.
  11. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I'll just leave this here. This is The Monument. My text document that details the deaths and successes of my Nuzlocke teams from my streams.



    FlapsMcGee - Pidgey - Level 3 - Died to crit
    Bill - Caterpie - Level 6 - Took a Rattata to the face
    Ephrum - Beedrill - Level 15 - Crit Gust I didn't think it had.
    Onion - Oddish - Level 21 - Multiple Swifts to the face. - Misty
    Beefman - Mankey - Level 20 - Water Pulse into confusion. - Misty
    Chuck - Raticate - Level 20 - Water Pulse into confusion. - Misty
    Doug - Charmeleon - Level 20 - Water Pulse into confusion. - Misty

    Game over. You have died. Please try again.

    GAME 2

    Onion Jr. - Bulbasaur - Level 5 - Rival is a dick.

    GAME 3 - Switching to Ruby

    Nuzz - Seedot - Level 3 - Zigzagoon to the face.
    Shaggy - Linoone - Level 22 - IT KNEW HI JUMP KICK 14 LEVELS EARLY?!?
    Lumen - Numel - Level 31 - Torkoal landed on him.
    Lumen Jr. - Camerupt - Level 61 - Steven is a beast.
    Cupcake - Breloom - Level 61 - Steven is a beast.
    Weederpie - Beautifly - Level 60 - Steven is a beast.


    Survivors: 1

    Fluffy - Linoone - Level 60 Survived Steven with 47 Health. <3
    Poof - Pelipper - Level 62 - Steven is a beast. But pulled himself back from the grips of death for a second chance at life. <3
    Keeki - Swampert - Level 60 - Steven is a beast. But pulled herself back from the grips of death for a second chance at life. <3

    Switch to Heart Gold

    Emulator died due to freezing.

    GAME OVER. Please try again.

    Take 2 :

    DS Emulator can suck it.

    Switch back to a GBA or GB game

    Crystal run:

    Akiru - Totodile - Level 9 - Lady Onion had to cut a bitch.
    Twitch - Rattata - Level 2 - Lady Onion had to cut a bitch.
    Malphite - Geodude - Level 6 - Slower than shit and drowned.
    Derpy - Slowpoke - Level 6 - Rattata crit to the face.
    William - Growlithe - Level 16 - Pidgey's are dumb.
    Malphite Jr. - Graveler - Level 40 - Suicune sucks all of the nuts.
    Marsh - Dratini - Level 22 - Fuck you Jigglypuff and your crithax.
    Lady Onion - Victreebell - Level 54 - Crit Self-destruct = tiny bits.


    Scrooge - Golduck - Level 65 - One shot everything Lance had.
    Sona - Hypno - Level 65 - What's that Koga? You want some?
    King Boo - Haunter - Level 65 - Heh Psychic types. How cute.
    Vladbat - Crobat - Level 65 - My friend from the beginning.
    KungFuGrip - Machoke - Level 65 - Does KungFuGrip have to choke a bitch?!
    Mister - Flareon - Level 65 - Everything burns.

    Pokemon Diamond Run:

    Starmix - Starly - Level 4 - Took a crit Bidoof to the face.
    Bucktooth - Bidoof - Level 3 - Took a crit Bidoof to the face.
    Pingu - Piplup - Level 13 - Machop broke him in half.
    NomNomNom - Zubat - Level 14 - Onix threw a rock at him.
    Weederpie2 - Cascoon - Level 9 - Took a crit Bidoof to the face.
    Bucktooth2 - Bibarel - Level 17 - Lost a Rollout battle.
    Piemel - Meditite - Level 22 - Couldn't finish it.
    Pyrios - Rapidash - Level 47 - How can you critically explode?!


    Mr. Clean - Skuntank - Level 68 - Why have I never used you before?!
    Chet - Dialga - Level 70 - Legendaries for the win.
    Weederpie3 - Beautifly - Level 71 - You've brought glory to your name.
    Apolo - Machoke - Level 64 - Another of you wins the game.
    Patrice - Gastrodon - Level 71 - Slow special sweeper.
    Chuck - Abomasnow - Level 65 - Garchomp didn't stand a chance.

    Pokemon FireRed Again:

    GRS LTNING - Diglett - Level 21 - Dat Rival Kadabra
    Oz - Snorlax - Level 32 - Doduo burn hax.
    ChaosGuy - Jolteon - Level 42 - Koga'd
    Onion - Vileplume - Level 36 - Koga'd
    CG's Ex - Primeape - Level 35 - Koga'd
    Sree - Raticate - Level 24 - Sacrificed to catch Jelly the Tentacool. Dat Wrap.


    9Tailed - Electabuzz - Level 63 - Electricity all up in this bitch.
    Irene - Gyrados - Level 62 - And they said you were worthless. You showed them.
    Ozlene - Snorlax - Level 62 - Jumped on the competition.
    MattSilver - Venomoth - Level 63 - Blew everthing up with your mind.
    Sorrows - Dragonite - Level 62 - Worth every second trying to get you.
    Ash - Fearow - Level 62 - Longest lasting member of my party. Also you shit over my Rival's starter everytime.

    Ash - Butterfree - Level 22 - Starmie'd
    FlapsMcGee - Pidgeotto - Level 21 - Starmie'd
    Chompy - Charmeleon - Level 22 - Took a Raticate to the face
    Vladbat - Zubat - Level 9 - Took a Raticate to the face

    Why can you not learn Cut team?

    Game Over

    Joey - Rattata - Level 4 - Tried to eat a crit Gust.
    Mishie - Kakuna - Level 8 - Struggled a little too hard.
    Cutter Two - Bellsprout - Level 15 - Died to Dat Crit.


    Vira - Lapras - Level 67 - Surfing and winning all day
    Oz - Snorlax - Level 68 - Powering through everything. They can't ignore your girth.
    Onion - Venusaur - Level 67 - First starter to survive in a long time.
    Ralph - Sandslash - Level 66 - Wrecked face all day.
    FlapsMcGee - Pidgeot - Level 66 - Went along for the long haul.
    DarthVader - Ninetails - Level 67 - First fire type to survive for a long time.

    Freyr - Hoppip - Level 6 - Geodude hurts.
    Camazotz - Zubat - Level 6 - Goddammit.
    Heimdall - Geodude - Level 15 - Croconaw spat on him.
    Loki - Rattata - Level 4 - Switch bait.
    Tantalas - Rattata - Level 11 - Gen 2 Rollout
    Amaethon - Togepi - Level 16 - Gen 2 Rollout
    Vetala - Golbat - Level 23 - Kimono girl'd.
    Friga - Nidoqueen - Level 31 - Wheezing blew it up.
    Tyr - Fearow - Level 37 - Too many Dragonairs.


    Poseidon - Lanturn - Level 57 - Dat Sweeper/Tank
    Dracula - Crobat - Level 55 - You took a while. Worth it.
    Surtr - Typhlosion - Level 55 - Second starter in a row to survive the game.
    Hera - Nidoqueen - Level 55 - General attacker = win.
    Menhit - Primeape - Level 55 - Dat Physical attacker.
    Ra - Ho-oh - Level 55 - Overkill ahoy.

    Edasich - Poochyena - Level 15 - Taillow is OP.
    CanisMinor - Zigzagoon - Level 14 - How did the crit do 3x damage?
    Perseus - Whismur - Level 7 - Taillow'd.
    Scorpius - Beautifly - Level 21 - Dat Rollout.
    Atronach - Baltoy - Level 24 - Geodude blew the fuck up.
    ScorpiusMD - Anorith - Level 24 - Weak piece of shit.
    Gomeisa - Nuzleaf - Level 17 - Died catching a Manectric.

    Stream-a-thon Part 1 Over.
    Stream-a-thon Take 2:

    Ruby Continuation:
    Sakura - Swampert - Level 41 - Dat Groudon.

    Going until a Master Contest is won.

    Draco - Camerupt - Level 39 - All of the EQ.
    Apus - Swellow - Level 37 - Secondary flyer for the win.
    CanisMajor - Manectric - Level 40 - Used only for this run.
    Scavenger - Linoone - Level 25 - Rare Candy grinder
    Grus - Pelipper - Level 40 - OP as hell.
    Zoinks! - Dusclops - Level 40 - Smart Contest beast. <-Master Contest winner.

    Redshell - Luxio - Level 22 - Kadabra was faster than everything.
    Lunge Fish - Shellos - Level 23 - Forgot to heal.
    Toad - Bibarel - Level 20 - Dat Pursuit.

    Still working on this one.
    Last edited: May 13, 2013
  12. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Right then.

    Because I can't remember clear details from the better part of a week ago.

    - Two deaths since I last posted. One (the Archen) I went into, the other was my Solosis who kicked it in the Big Stadium to some shitty baseball guy's Panpour. Dat Scald. Forgot to put on Eviolite, derp.

    - New captures prior to The Ragequit: Ursula the Minccino (Route 5), Princess the Ducklett (Driftveil Drawbridge), Creampop the Vanillish (Cold Storage) and Blankie the Swadloon (Route 6)

    Beat Clay thanks to Ed Bighead the Palpitoad being a boss and Scalding a lot of stuff. Almost died to his Excadrill though, because Excadrill is a monster. But did survive that, only to herp an enormous derp and allow my prized Archen to die at the hands of Bianca's Servine. I didn't figure it would outspeed me, which is an enormous idiot moment on my part, and it killed me with Leaf Tornado.

    And so, that combined with losing my Solosis means that I have to reorganize.

    First order of business is to power on to Chargestone Cave for that Lucky Egg I need so much. Also have a stroke of luck inside and grab Maschenny the Joltik who has Compoundeyes AND a Special Attack boosting Nature. I guess the game decided that it owed me something.

    Maschenny joins the team, and Marlon the Pidove along with Creampop the Vanillite are promoted to Le Roster.

    *Eye of the Tiger*

    Once those three are caught up (Marlon evolves through Tranquill to Unfezant during this span), into Chargestone Cave.

    Cautious battling and switching prevents more casualties, though crithax does its level best to fuck me over again when a Plasma Grunt's Scraggy uses a critical Payback on Maschenny. But this time, I luck out and she survives with a couple hit points. Somehow.

    Lucky Egg switching makes leveling easier. Ed Bighead evolves to Seismitoad during the gauntlet run of trainers, and Zhang Fei evolves to Emboar in the process of beating N's candy ass.

    So now I'm in Mistralton City.

    Professor Juniper's dad shows up as I walk into Mistralton City, but I ignore him at first to go to the Move Tutor's house. Zhang Fei's Hammer Arm takes precedence over old dudes. And then I still ignore him while he's talking, since Skyla is much more interesting.

    So I have to go to Celestial Tower.

    Rather than catching something in the wild on Route 7, I pull good old Jericho out of retirement, slap the Exp. Share on him and grind the couple levels needed to evolve him to Boldore. Trading him to the Hiker inside one of the cabins on the route, I receive Minipete the Emolga in exchange. Minipete inherits Jericho's old home in the box.

    The Exp. Share then goes to Creampop, who evolves to Vanillish at Level 35 while the rest of the team gains experience on the Route 7 trainers. Maschenny also evolves to Galvantula before I enter Celestial Tower.

    Uneventful climb up Celestial Tower, catch Geoffrey the Litwick on the second floor. Ring a bell at the top, while Skyla tells me how kind and pure I am. Bitch don't even know a thing.

    So she leaves (y u not Fly home, Skyla?) and I spare myself the walk by letting Marlon give me a lift back to Mistralton.

    Ding a ling, the ice cream truck is rolling through Mistralton Gym. Creampop crushes all the gym trainers, catching up in experience to the rest of the team. And soon enough, it is time for...

    Mistralton Gym Challenge: Redeemed Burger King Sera vs Epic Tit...Skyla

    So, this battle is much less interesting that the title. Creampop makes easy work of Swoobat and Unfezant. Swoobat tries to bolster its defenses with Amnesia, but a critical Ice Beam trolls that, while Unfezant begins to set up Razor Wind but takes her own blast of ice to the face for the OHKO. Maschenny tags in to flash fry Swanna with Electro Ball.

    Badge and Acrobatics TM get. Not going to use Acrobatics right now though, since it is pretty crappy unless I don't use the Lucky Egg, which I'm not going to do because dat boosted experience.

    Skyla is nice enough to tell me that Team Plasma (PLASMAAAAAAA!!!) is headed towards Irricus City. So over the mountain we go.

    But as I reach the stairs...I have a Jet Badge! Cheren has a Jet Badge! So we have to see who's stronger as though I haven't whipped this guy's ass half a dozen times already!

    No challenge here either. Marlon beats down Cheren's Unfezant and Simisear with Return. Maschenny then zaps Dewott with Electro Ball and wrecks Liepard (LOL PURRLOIN) with Signal Beam.

    Champion Alder was watching the battle. Cheren is not pleased to be complimented for losing (but he's so good at it...). As much as I hate to agree with the nerd, he has a point. Alder, you should not compliment Cheren. He sucks ass.

    Anyway, Ginger Jiraiya (is this the true leader of Team Plasma?) hands over a Surf HM. Time to put that bitch to work, Surf taught to Ed Bighead.

    First area to explore is the depths of Wellspring Cave. Nothing to catch here, as I bagged Jericho in the upper level eons ago. But there are goodies to be had, and trainers to wallop. Stereotypical karate stooges training in a cave. Marlon happily whips all their asses. Focus Blast and Low Sweep TM's acquired.

    Route 17 is next. Repel through Route 17, as I don't much care to have a Frillish and there is that whopping one percent chance that I might be able to fish up a Kingdra here later (yeah right...).

    In Route 18, I consider grabbing the Larvesta egg, but decide not to since I have about the same odds of being able to keep a Larvesta alive in a Nuzlocke run as I have of hooking that Kingdra. And that's being generous. Instead, the grass yields Narushima the Scraggy. Shout out to Shamo. Read it, and try to look past the prison rape.

    Well, Narushima Ryo is one badass motherfucker indeed, but unfortunately his Pokemon White avatar has Shed Skin and not Moxie. He's still a potential candidate to be used when I eventually decide on my sixth and final Pokemon, but he'll be box fodder for now.

    Oh, and don't think I've forgotten you, Veteran Ray. Vengeance for Mr. Krabs, my beloved Crustle of Nuzlocke yore! Ed Bighead rips through his Basculin (Grass Knot!) and Darmanitan, and Creampop comes in to blast his Simisage with Ice Beam. Fuck you, Ray.

    After grabbing the Thunderbolt TM at P2 Laboratory (I don't think this counts as a separate area, so I didn't catch anything here), it's on to Mistralton Cave.

    My dreams of sweeping the endgame with a Haxorus like last time are shattered when Mistralton Cave yields a Woobat. Caught and named Bianca because it's an ugly bitch and so is she. My god damned Archen...

    Also catch Cobalion here, but that's a Legendary and only gotten due to plot. It goes in a separate box and is ineligible to be used.

    Ditto Virizion, which I return to Pinwheel Forest to catch.

    Now it's into Twist Mountain, which is thankfully linear due to it not being Winter. Clay and Cheren are here. I don't want to talk to either, but have to listen to the old land baron blather on about shit.

    Only thing of note inside Twist Mountain is the Flash Cannon TM gotten in the lowest level. That at least gives Creampop one alternative attacking move aside from Ice Beam.

    I was thinking I could grab a Cubchoo in that room also, as I seem to remember Ice types being available in that one spot. They might be, but I didn't get one. Instead of a Bear, I came across a Brah. Darius the Gurdurr located in the cold and bumping that iron. I would use him, were I able to trade and evolve to Conkuldurr. But I can't, so get into the box, BRAH.

    Oh, how cute. Cheren managed to win against a Team Plasma goon at the exit. Have a cookie, son.

    Irricus City, a town with wild Pokemon to be had. And one is caught in Landmine the Stunfisk. Also buy a Thunder TM. That + Compoundeyes Galvantula = Rape and Profit.

    The gym is another bore. Zhang Fei is overleveled compared to the resident trash, and uses pretty much whatever he wants to melt or crush the ice.

    Irricus Gym Challenge: Magnificent Burger Emperor Sera versus B-List Movie Extra Brycen

    Go back to Pokestar Studios, shithead. Flamethrower, Flamethrower, Hammer Arm and your show is cancelled, Brycen.

    Outside, it's Cheren and Bianca. And Brycen. And the Shadow Triad. Can I trade in the special ed crew and get the ninjas? I should have ninjas. Ghetsis is an old man who can't control his bowels and doesn't deserve ninjas.

    Anyway. Dragonspiral Tower (of God). I would like a Druddigon here. But instead it's Asgard the Golett. Which is also a good find, so I'll take it and use it.

    And now, the fate of the world is at stake. But that's going to fucking wait because Sera has a brand new badass Gundam to train. Later.


    Zhang Fei (Emboar) - 46
    Ed Bighead (Seismitoad) - 44
    Marlon (Unfezant) - 42
    Creampop (Vanillish) - 44
    Maschenny (Galvantula) - 42
    Asgard (Golett) - 35


    Boozehound (Lillipup)
    Raleader (Sandile)
    Mandala (Darumaka)
    Holli (Petilil)
    Ursula (Minccino)
    Princess (Ducklett)
    Blankie (Swadloon)
    Geoffrey (Litwick)
    Minipete (Emolga)
    Narushima (Scraggy)
    Bianca (Woobat)
    Darius (Gurdurr)
    Landmine (Stunfisk)


    Androssi (Patrat) - Bad Judo
    Lachesis (Solosis) - That baseball player was doping
    Extinction (Archen) - Eat shit and die, Bianca
  13. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    I skipped the trainers on my way up to National Park. I had to get some new teammates before wasting experience points. Just before the gate, I went into the grass. I was hoping for a Nidoran, gender didn’t matter, a Nidoran would definitely make a my day-


    Well, it was going to happen eventually.

    I catch the little bugger and name him Poytin. The Bug Catching Contest wasn’t on today, so I went through National Park to the east route by the Sudowoodo. Lucky the Togepi nearly died to a trainer’s Kadabra, but he held on and murdered it. Good for him. I went into the grass and the first Pokemon I saw was-

    Pidgey. :/

    Did the game have to give me flying-types? Witney’s Miltank is going to crush them, I just know it. At least Poytin was at a decent level (14). It should be easy to train, I thought to myself. I battled some random trainer below Goldenrod. He sent out a Psyduck, I sent out my Pidgey. He used Water Gun twice, leaving me in red, and I got him at the edge of red with my Quick Attacks. I went first, used Quick Attack, but HE LIVED, and Poytin died. Why do all my Pokemon die so quickly? ;_;

    With my Pidgey training a failure, I went towards my last hope, Azalea Town. I went through the forest twice because I forgot a Cut Pokemon, but when I finally reached town I started Headbutting every tree I saw. Serebii informed me that I could find Aipom and Heracross here, and that excited me. I’ve never trained either of those Pokemon before and it could be so fun. Spearow could be found there too, but who cared about Spearow, I knew what Pokemon I was getting-


    Was there any doubt?

    I caught him and named him Ashura. Annoyingly, both Taure the Hoothoot and Ashura the Spearow were at a low level, so I had to train them. Carefully. I would need all the help I could get come Whitney. After training a bit, I finally entered the Bug Catching Contest. I treated it as the Safari Zone; I could encounter any Pokemon at any time with the chance of catching them, but as soon as I threw a ball, I was locked in. I saw a Pinsir, but my Butterfree crit killed it with Gust. Reluctantly, I settled on a Beedrill (M), as Kens was getting low on health. To my outrage, a kid with a Caterpie won the contest and I didn’t even place (lost to a Kakuna and a Butterfree, fml). I named the Beedrill LT2000.

    I went and cleaned up some trainers, and Lucky the Togepi rose to level 20 and evolved. I’ve never raised a Togetic before. This is so exiting! :3
    The only teammate I’m not so sure of is Tinn the Drowzee. I’m sorry, but Tinn’s sprite is creepy as fuck. If I look away for one second, I’m afraid I’ll turn back around and find my Drowzee molesting the other trainer. Even without that, Tinn doesn’t jive with the mono-flying thing I have going on. At least Tinn won’t die instantly to Whitney’s Miltank.

    Current Team
    Kens the Butterfree (Level 19).
    Lucky the Togetic (Level 20).
    Tinn the Drowzee (Level 12).
    Taure the Hoothoot (Level 11).
    Ashura the Spearow (Level 12).
    LT2000 the Beedrill (Level 12).

    Rest In Peace
    Klael the Zubat (Level 2).
    Cheddar the Sentret (Level 11).
    Ashaya the Spearow (Level 11).
    MattSilver the Chikorita (Level 11).
    Jack the Unown J (Level 5)
    Klael2 the Zubat (Level 6).
    Oz the Onix (Level 6).
    Poytin the Pidgey (Level 14).
  14. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Vira... all of <3 for naming something that isn't a Ponyta after me. Even though I died. At least I wasn't a goddamn Ponyta.
  15. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Well, if Whitney scares you, you DO have a Drowzee which leaves open the Machop trade in Goldenrod. But of course, you then lose access to Eevee. Not worth it IMO, but the option is there.

    ---------- Post automerged 05-15-2013 at 12:59 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-14-2013 at 07:05 PM ----------

    Trained the Gundam on Route 7, and it is a swell non-Steel mech of doom. Iron Fist ftw. Good experience there with wild Zebstrika, Tranquills and Watchogs. And almost nothing there could post a threat to Asgard because of its typing. Leveled Asgard until it evolves to Golurk at Level 43. Lucky Egg is win.

    So yeah, climbing Dragonspiral Tower after making N, Cheren and everyone else wait on my ass. Bitches. Ho hum beating up Team Plasma. N has Reshiram (which I beat the shit out of with my Haxorus once upon a time) and talks shit. I have to get Zekrom, but I can't use it because Nuzlocke so I'll be kicking its ass with summat else.

    Relic Castle, more of the same. I wish I hadn't set my rules for Fossils like I did, because wild Krokoroks and Cofagriguseseses. They're good experience at least. Ghetsis tries to deliver an evil speech but just comes off like a poopy old man.

    Get some rock at Necrene City. Time to go to Opelucid.

    Catch Maximilian the Shelmet on Route 8. Skip catching anything in the Moor of Irricus because there's nothing there that I haven't got already.

    Bianca wants another battle. Easy beatings. Pig and spider tag team. Zhang Fei beats down Stoutland with Hammer Arm, Maschenny fries Simipour with Thunder. Fei roasts Serperior with Flamethrower, which takes two rounds due to rain. Maschenny wrecks Musharna with Signal Beam and that's a wrap.

    Another Ghetsis sighting. Go away, old man.

    King Oscar the Garbodor joins up on Route 9.

    After more Team Plasma BS in Opelucid, time to challenge the gym. Opelucid Gym is a lot harder than I remembered it being. Should have played it safe and just used Creampop to wreck everything, but I like to keep my levels even and sported with some risk to do so. Nothing bad happened, but it wasn't the brightest move nonetheless.

    Opelucid Gym Challenge: Divine Dragon Burger Emperor Sera versus Token Loli Iris

    No risks taken here. Creampop, now level 47 and fully evolved to Vanilluxe, Ice Beams Fraxure and Druddigon to death before either get to move. Haxorus gets off an ineffective Slash before meeting a similar fate.

    I get a badge, a Dragon Tail TM that I will never use, and Juniper (the hot daughter, not the annoying dad) hands me a Master Ball because I'm a cool guy.

    Speaking of cool, god damn I love the music on Route 10. Best track in any Pokemon game for my money. You may disagree if you wish.

    Also speaking of cool, CAP'N USA the Rufflet added. America, fuck yeah.

    Last round with Cheren. It's Galvantula Time. Thunder zaps Unfezant. Ed Bighead tags in to drown Simisear, and Maschenny is back out to fry Samurott and Liepard. At last the boy acknowledges me as his better. Well then, you should have done that to begin with.

    Victory Road is...yeah. But I got a Deino named Ophis. Too late in the game to bother with raising it, but I might consider it if I play past the end. Assuming I get there, since I'm envisioning a couple issues with the Elite Four and especially the end battles.

    Also, I might have accidentally hit the reset button once here. Some Veteran bitch with a Beeheeyim. So I had Ed Bighead use Dig, and the whatever the fuck a Beeheeyim is used Energy Ball while I was underground. So yeah, I might have manipulated time because I could see the ending there and it wasn't good. When I emerged in the past, I slapped myself and used Asgard instead. Shadow Punch OHKO on that bitch.

    Does it count if I never actually get hit?

    And we're there, at the gates of Hell. Team check time.

    Zhang Fei the Emboar

    Level 51

    Head Smash
    Hammer Arm

    Ed Bighead the Seismitoad

    Level 50
    Swift Swim

    Rain Dance
    Drain Punch

    Marlon the Unfezant

    Level 50
    Super Luck


    Creampop the Vanilluxe

    Level 50
    Ice Body

    Mirror Coat
    Ice Beam
    Acid Armor
    Flash Cannon

    Maschenny the Galvantula

    Level 50

    Thunder Wave
    Signal Beam

    Asgard the Golurk

    Level 50
    Iron Fist

    Iron Defense
    Shadow Punch
    Heavy Slam

    Honestly, not the best team. Speed is a serious issue with this group, but that's Nuzlocke. If I had the Archeops I was planning on, this would all be cake. But let's roll the dice anyway. I do have strategies that should work, unless the game (crithax) decides to screw me. I prefer to outspeed and sweep so I don't have to worry about that, but it's not an option this time.

    Versus Shauntal

    Might as well get the hard part out of the way. I don't match up particularly well against Shauntal, and if I am going to fail the Elite Four it's going to be here.

    Creampop opens against Cofagrigus, since I don't need him elsewhere and I would like to keep my other monsters clean. Ice Beam takes a heavy chunk out of the coffin. Cofagrigus burns Creampop with Will O' Wisp, but that's worthless. Another Ice Beam drops it.

    And immediately out to Chandelure, which is the one that scares me.

    Ed Bighead gets the job. Chandelure is faster (LOL @ being outrun by Chandelure...) Shadow Ball does heavy damage but thankfully does not kill and that clinches things for me as I set up Rain Dance. Surf wastes the damn thing, since Swift Swim boosts Ed's speed.

    Maschenny goes out against Jellicent, and roasts it with Thunder.

    Ed returns to drown Golurk and that's game.

    Versus Grimsley

    Zhang Fei opens against Scrafty. Hammer Arm OHKO.

    Ed Bighead switches in to take on Krookodile. Intimidate lowers Ed's Attack, but that's not a problem. Earthquake takes a big bite out of my Seismitoad, but Surf eats Grimsley's entire plate in response.

    Zhang Fei returns against Bisharp. Bisharp does Super Effective damage with Aerial Ace. but Aerial Ace is a pretty weak move so it's alright. Hammer Arm for massive overkill.

    Maschenny gets to clean up against LOLiepard. X Defend at the start to take the edge off the predictable Fake Out, not needed anyway since my adorable little arachnid outruns Liepard and Signal Beams it to death.

    Two down, and I don't anticipate much trouble from here.

    Versus Caitlin

    Asgard in front like a boss, and oneshots Reuniclus with Shadow Punch.

    Maschenny zaps Sigilyph next. I love Galvantula so much. Might be my favorite Pokemon in any gen,

    Asgard returns against Musharna. Shadow Punch...does not OHKO. That was not what I expected. Shadow Ball counter takes a huge chunk of Golurk's health. Fortunate that the game didn't make me pay in blood for that miscalculation. Next turn, Caitlin pops a Full Restore as I use Heavy Slam to lower Musharna's health enough to set up a KO in the next round but not enough to provoke another healing. Shadow Punch finishes the job.

    I had planned to use Asgard to finish Caitlin, but its health is pretty low and I don't want to risk it. Maschenny comes back in. Signal Beam does about 60% damage to Gothitelle, which sets up Calm Mind. Gah. But another Signal Beam barely gets the kill. That could have gotten complicated if Caitlin had been able to pop another Full Restore.

    And last is Marshal. This was the one I had been dreading for most of the game, and why I was so pissed about losing my Archen. But I have a Golurk and now it's a piece of cake. Putting the Float Stone on Asgard, since two of Marshal's Pokemon have Grass Knot.

    Versus Marshal

    Asgard versus Throh. I set up full defense with Iron Defense while Throh chips away with Payback, which doesn't do as much damage as it might because I'm not attacking. One turn to heal with a Hyper Potion once I'm done setting up and then a pair of Earthquake drop Throh.

    The rest is a clean sweep for Asgard. Marshal never tries using Grass Knot and Close Combat is useless against Golurk. So he continuously tries to use Stone Edge and Rock Slide for next to no damage. Yawn.

    Elite Four done, and now it's on to the hard part. Beating N is going to be a tough challenge this time, and I don't have an instant win button like I did with Haxorus in my previous White Nuzlocke. Let's see how it goes.

    When I'm done doing it or failing to.
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  16. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    I can either fail at HG or Black, up to DLP, I'll name my starter after whoever has the most convincing argument.
  17. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Black sucks.

    HG isn't too bad.

    I think that's pretty convincing.
  18. NTD

    NTD High Inquisitor

    Jun 2, 2012
    Roaming, accruing charges... Please wait
    What he said.
  19. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    I'll let my answer be in graph form:

    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  20. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Black has annoying rivals, and a stupid evil team. HG has a great rival and Team Rocket. Also your lead pokemon runs around behind you.