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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Alright. I've had a few days break. It took a while, but I've managed to get my hands on the ability to play Blaze Black 2. Thus, I will start my next Nuzlocke (normal rules) on a hack of a pokemon game that I've never played. This should be exciting!

    Anyways, I start my journey by apparently being hand-picked by Professor Juniper to get a starter and a Pokedex. Before me lie the starters. I think about this carefully and I decide to pick Snivy. I've played Black and used Oshawatt. I've used fire types in most of my playthroughs but I have never used a grass type since Gen I. Anyways, everyone meet Poytin the Snivy - Level 5


    Poytin here has a Hasty nature and comes with the ability Contrary. Pretty badass ability in my opinion.

    At any rate, I get my Pokedex soon after and Hugh, my friend/rival, wants one too. He gets his way and like all games we fight. I pretty much tackle his Tepig to death. Doesn't take much effort!

    Bianca shows me how to use Pokemon Centers and gives me a ton of pokeballs (30!) to go out there to catch new pokemon. I can't wait to explore!

    I enter Route 19 with two goals in mind. First, I need to find Hugh and give him this extra town map. Second, I need a pokemon. In a throwback to Gen I, the first pokemon I come across is a Pidgey. Doesn't take long but meet Plume the Pidgey - Level 4 Plume is a docile creature and she has an ability called Big Pecks. Interesting for all the leer spammers at this stage.


    With my new capture, I spend some time training and move on. For some reason, Alder lives around here and offers me training. I accept and enter a new town. Its not much so I move North. Alder notices I have two town maps and said Hugh was farther into the route. Before he'd train me, I'd have to go give up that Town Map.

    Route 20 I meet another bird, a Pidove. I'm a little disappointed but thats okay. I catch him and he becomes Lungs the Pidove - Level 4


    I kind of ignore Lungs. He'll be a good battler for catching new pokemon. I battle a bunch of trainers on this route, getting my pokemon strong and enter this place called Floccesy Ranch. Here, I see a new patch of grass so I explore. Not one step into this grass and out pops a Riolu. I've never played Gen IV so this will be a treat for me! It takes a lot of pokeballs but I capture Riolu and he becomes Churchey the Riolu - Level 5


    Churchey has a Jolly nature and is a pretty steadfast pokemon. He is going to be an excellent addition to this team once I train him. I find Hugh and give him the Town Map. He challenges but I beat him, even when swap training Churchey. Poytin and Plume are just too strong for his pokemon.

    After this, the ranch owners surprise me and give out a Soothe Bell. This will be awesome for Churchey! They say their Herdier is missing so I go looking for it. By looking for it, I mean I attach the Soothe Bell to Churchey and start doing laps. I want that Lucario before level 25!

    It doesn't take long but we find the Herdier with a member of Team Plasma. The guy gives me a TM (really? thanks....) and it contains Frustration. Ah well. After I get the Herdier back, I'm given an Exp. Share which is really nice!

    I heal up at the ranch owner's wife and go back to Alder. He says I'm strong already so he takes me inside to fight his pupils. I beat their water and fire types with ease. I leave and some guy gives me a Medal Box. Whatever the hell these are. During this time, Cheren is finally available for battle in my home town!

    So I return, after training up my pokemon considerably. I decide to get Churchey to level 15 for Force Palm. However, Churchey has other ideas and evolves at level 14 to a Lucario!


    With this monster in hands, even without Force Palm, I feel confident. I blow by the trainers and get to Cheren. His first two pokemon, a Minccino and a Lillipup are so easy that Plume takes care of them with some Wing Attacks. As for Cheren's Munchlax, I use Churchey's Counter to eventually destroy that baby pokemon.

    My first badge is obtained! Finally, I can get past that Hiker and explore the next city. After some healing up, I beat the Hiker and find Dark Grass. My first pokemon? a Bonsly. I had no idea what it was but I guessed it was a baby form of Sudowodoo. I catch Bonsly and he becomes Sree the Bonsly - Level 11


    Sree won't level up until he learns Mimic at level 33 and has pretty crappy stats too. I'm just gonna box him when I can.

    I almost forgot, but I was given a Super Rod before the dark grass! With my new found power, I go fishing back in my hometown and fish up a Poliwag! Lungs battles this little guy and I easily capture him! Welcome Ash the Poliwag - Level 5


    Ash is another docile pokemon with the ability Swift Swim. Now if only I could get Rain Dance at this point. I spend a lot of time leveling up Ash to get him up to par with the rest.

    And right before Virbank City, I call it a day!

    Current Roster

    Poytin - Level 15 Snivy
    Plume - Level 17 Pidgey
    Churchey - Level 15 Lucario
    Ash - Level 13 Poliwag
    Sree - Level 11 Bonsly
    Lungs - Level 9 Pidove
  2. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    So my Nuzlocke Squared of Sapphire started. So far it can be summed up by this.

    Lamora - Swablu - Level 21 - Seviper + Crit Poison Tail + Poison = one-shot.

    Everyone who knows what level you get Swablus can feel my pain of not being able to catch any more pokemon. Oh well. My team of 5 will triumph.
  3. Tehlaziboi

    Tehlaziboi Ninja Meido

    Dec 9, 2009
    So I just recently got some more free time and decided to spend the night with a nuzlocke run of platinum. Getting bowled over by that douche of a rival sure got me itching to drop-kick him. But then in comes Professor Rowan who offered me the chance for a pokemon!

    After carefully deciding which one would become my pal of pals (eenie meenie minie...), I decided to pick for myself a Turtwig!

    And so begins the tale of:
    Oz the Turtwig - Slow but Sturdy

    What's that? Douche wants to battle with his lame ass monkey? BRING IT, SON.

    The fight started and like the dumbass that he is, Douche begins with a tailwhip. I suppose that candlelight of a fire on the monkey's tail would do some damage but Oz shrugged it off like it ain' no thang. And to punish the Chimchar for his stupidity, Oz responded with a tackle. "YOU JUST TOOK 22 POUNDS OF PURE SHELL TO THE FACE THERE BOY."

    It seemed the tackle really messed with our opponents' minds because they responded with yet another tailwhip. Man, this fight is in the bag Oz! Tackle that little shit again!

    And so it continued on for a grueling three rounds. Every time Oz charged the Chimchar, he rewinded their minds or something. After the fourth tailwhip, I was pretty confident in our victory. The monkey was dead on its feet and Douche was clearly panicking. So it was with confidence that I got Oz to do one more tackle.

    And then he missed.


    What the fuck?

    The Chimchar was at the very last dregs of its health yet somehow, managed to get out of the way. But it was okay! Oz still had full health and I was sure that given another round, he'd bulldoze the monkey. No worries!

    And it seemed like without Oz there to tackle him, that Chimchar finally got his wits again. Douche actually ordered him to attack us! Chimchar used Scratch!

    Okay, it's cool. The defense was hit but it shouldn't be out. Oz can take some pansy scratch attack no problem!

    Wait, why is his health still dropping? Holy shit it's in the red! HOLY SHIT IT'S GONE.


    ...And so ended the story of Oz. Struck down by a lucky critical hit.

    Oz the Turtwig - Gone Before Your Time

    So yeah, I'll start another game after I get some sleep but man did that game kill my mood for a Nuzlocke run. Just... goddamn. -___-
  4. Master

    Master First Year

    Feb 13, 2012
    Most of the time, I go by the rule that the challenge doesn't officially start until you get your pokeballs.
  5. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Current Team

    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 46
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 44
    Emile (Bronzong) - 44
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 15

    So, not a lot of ground covered because I've had work the past couple days.

    After losing my Gastrodon, I need something else to handle Byron. I also have no stocked Evolutions, so I have limited options. I eventually decide to grab a Quagsire since it can be caught in its evolved form and has the same typing as Gastrodon.

    First thing to do is use the Exp. Share to give Mazino ten levels to unlock a capture, which goes quick.

    Now, the game could have been a cunt and given me something else at that route outside Pastoria City, but it isn't and gives me Laure the Quagsire.

    New Capture: Laure the Quagsire, Level 26. Next capture at Level 36.

    I level Laure in the same manner that I did Repellista the last time, by abusing Vs. Seeker rematches against the Collector on Route 214 with the Jolteon, Vaporeon and Flareon. It takes an hour or two to get the Quagsire up to speed, but I have no problems in doing so other than occasional Sand Attack annoyance. Also yay, naturally learned Earthquake at Level 36. Nice.

    Once I'm done, Laure picks right up where Repellista had been and slaughters the rest of Canalave Gym.

    Byron is no problem. Magneton has the edge in speed and lets loose a pretty damaging Tri Attack, but no status problems come with it and Earthquake kills it. Surf drowns Steelix and another Earthquake slaughters Bastiodon.

    Mine Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    Flash Cannon TM is used on Emile, replacing the generally useless Gyro Ball. Perhaps I'm not using the move right, since it's apparently supposed to be good, but meh.

    Blah blah, Team Galactic content. Professor Rowan is a boss and sends Barry to Lake Acuity where he will hopefully get lost in a blizzard and freeze to death en route. Don't worry, Barry. If I find your popsicle of a corpse on one of those routes I will happily adopt your Heracross for you.

    So, troll the Galactics at Lake Valor and Lake Verity and I'm headed into the snow too. I was hoping to get a Sneasel or a Swinub with my unlocked capture here, but I instead got Enne the Snover.

    New Capture: Enne the Snover, Level 32. Next capture at Level 42.

    Not really interested in using Abomasnow though it would be a decent counter for Cynthia's Garchomp later, but I do believe I have a decent plan to handle that regardless. I think I might end up ignoring convention a bit and using Giratina. I think I've earned such a reward in surviving this challenge up until now. But we'll see, I still have to avoid derping with the Snover until I get 10 levels.

    Might as well use that Evolution I have saved since I won't be having a Mamoswine. After getting to Snowpoint, I backtrack and level Mazino a couple times, who is already a pretty happy badass hip-hop pervert due to getting massages and wearing a Soothe Bell. At level 15...

    Mazino the Riolu evolves into Lucario. 6/6 Evolutions used.

    Surfing to the Pal Park area and talking to the old belt dude tells me that I need a Level 31 Pokemon to get my Focus Sash. That will be instrumental in guaranteeing that I won't get raped by Garchomp in the last battle, so I will be grinding Mazino until I get that.

    And that's what I'm doing now.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest, Relic, Cobble, Fen, Mine
    6/6 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Snover, Level 32. Next capture at Level 42.


    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 48
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 46
    Emile (Bronzong) - 46
    Laure (Quagsire) - 46
    Mazino (Lucario) - 27


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 32
    Ja Wangnan (Togepi) - 11
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 15
    Enne (Snover) - 32

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax
    Repellista the Gastrodon - That Ace Trainer called me a noob and he was right
  6. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Poytin, we scrapped that rule, remember? If your most recent 'mon dies you have to go back and catch the same one and start the 10 level process over again.
  7. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Weak. :colbert:

    I'm still abiding by it.
  8. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    I wouldn't be talking, Mr. "You can two level and catch a different 'mon if things don't work out."
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    You mean, in that set of alternate N2 rules that I created and never used? Or are you mistaking me with somebody else?
  10. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    You never used those? Well then. Carry on.
  11. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Yeah, LOL, I made those alternate rules because I wasn't sure I was willing to deal with the No New Catches Ever rule either. But in the end, I decided that if I was going to bother at all I might as well do the challenge 100% legit. Honestly, IMO getting rid of that rule combined with retaining the ability to reuse routes makes N2 easier (if perhaps more tedious) than standard Nuzlocke.
  12. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    Dawn of the next day.

    I enter Virbank City and watch the Gym Leader Roxie argue with her father. I gather all the hidden items around the city, wondering why people stash these things all over the place and head south to the Complex. The first thing I find down there is a TM containing Low Sweep. This is a godsend for Churchey!

    I enter the wild grass and find myself encountered with a Machop. Another fighting type. Meh. But since this is Blaze Black 2 and I can actually get myself the beast of a Machamp, I decide to catch Machop. Takes only one pokeball but Rents the Machop - Level 11 joins my team!


    I grind him on Audinos for a bit before challenging the inner complex. I'm not too happy as Rents is relaxed in nature but his ability is always great! First, I try my luck in the grass. I am hoping for an electric type, such as an Elekid or a Magnemite or even an Electrike. Instead, I find myself a Magby. Well a fire type isn't so bad and I've always wanted to try out a Magmorter!

    Welcome to the team:LT2000 the Magby - Level 12


    I beat a bunch of the trainers in this area and grind on Audinos for a while. Sometimes a random Porygon, Castform or Beldum appears to disrupt the amazing pokemon that is Audino.

    During this grinding session, Poytin evolves into a Servine and learns Dragon Age. Plume evolves into a Pidgeotto.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Both of these pokemon will be useful in the coming gym battle.

    I walk back to my hometown and fine Roxenne, the rock gym leader from Hoenn and beat her pretty easily. Ash proves to be amazing against her fossils and Poyton OHKO's Nosepass with a Leaf Tornado.

    Back in Virbank, I try my luck at the gym. After one trainer, I realize that without type advantage over the pokemon (my pokemon levels 18 to 21), I better go train. My team had issues dealing with just the trainers and their Nidorino/Nidorina. Better not tempt fate.

    First, I accidentally found Brawly and challenged him. All of his elemental punches and his strong pokemon leave my entire team below 10 hp or left after that battle is over.

    And then it is grinding time. Audino after Audino. I spend countless of hours grinding. So much so that LT2000 evolves into Magmar, Rent evolves into a Machoke and I actually push Ash to level 35 as a Poliwag for Wake-Up Slap and finally allow him to become a Poliwhirl.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    With this team, I absolutely destroy Roxie as my pokemon are now extremely overleveled with strong moves (Flame Burst, Fire Punch, Bubblebeam, Steel Wing etc.)

    To get the ball rolling, I had to watch a crappy movie and make my own. Once that was complete I decide to call it a day and continue my journey another time.

    Current Roster
    LT2000 - Level 30 Magmar
    Poytin - Level 27 Servine
    Plume - Level 28 Pidgeotto
    Ash - Level 35 Poliwhirl
    Rents - Level 28 Machoke
    Churchey - Level 26 Lucario

    Lungs - Level 9 Pidove
    Sree - Level 11 Bonsly
  13. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Hrm. I can see that.

    ... This will require some further thought.
  14. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Version Played: Pokemon Liquid Crystal by LinkAndZelda and company.

    This is a mod on FireRed which seeks to include everything about Pokemon Crystal, the spriting is fucking beautiful and it is dramatically harder - the first trainer you fight starts at level 7 and Falkner is like, 15 or something. By the Leet Four, they're at like, 60-70. It's some shit. Also, the Orange Islands, post-Kanto are in this game, which is cool to me. A certain perk of this game is that things which usually require trade evos can be evolved with Moonstones. Like Alakazam.

    Ruleset: No death run. Pretty much impossible. If I fail, I don't think I'll stop, because this game is just that much fun.

    Game Start!


    Walked out of my house. My mom stopped me or something and we had a nice chat. So I went to Elm's place.

    Got a Cyndaquil from him because I'm supposed to talk to this Mr. Pokemon guy. Named the little guy Serotonin.

    Walked over a town, training my guy, because I knew I'd need it. Ran up to see Mr. Pokemon and he told me to go back to Professor Elm. I leave his house and disaster strikes. Someone's stolen a rare pokemon from the lab. Jesus Christ, I leave town for 5 seconds and it's like no one can get anything done.

    The legendary Professor Oak thinks I'm cool so he gives me a Pokedex. Heard that it was something I should be proud of.

    I take a walk through the grass again and beat up some poor Hoot Hoots until I'm level 8.

    Then I try going homebound and this rude fuck with long red hair accosts me and challenges me to a pokemon battle.

    Hey it looks like a very familiar Totodile. Wonder where he got something that rare from, I mean, I've been volunteering with this pokemon lab that had a stolen rare pokemon for my entire life before I was entrusted with-

    I beat his level 7 totodile with a bunch of smokescreens followed by a few tackles, and he runs off, before mumbling his name to me.

    It's Silver or something, but I decide to be an asshole, and I name him VMAT2. The cop actually believes me. I call him that because I'm naming my team after neurotransmitters. What better than to name him after the substance that removes neurotransmitters from the brain?

    Hehe, I think that name's going to stick. He's going to be so pissed when he sees me again or something.

    I see Professor Elm and he's like, mad, but he's happy that Professor Oak gave me a pokedex, and tells me to go see my mom.

    Clearly I completely underestimated how rich my family was, because she hands me a gold nugget to go on my journey with, which is like, where was this money when I was growing up and volunteering at the lab for minimum wage or something? She also bought me a pair of running shoes, which are pretty nice.

    So after I leave, this old guy standing in the grass tells me that he wants to teach me how to catch Pokemon. I refrain from telling him that he's taught me eight times by now, like, once a year since I was like, four. Senile, much? He catches yet another Weedle, bringing his collection of pokemon to 14 Weedle and 3 Ratata, and lets me on my way.

    I walk through town and up North to get to Violet City, and I fight this group of bad trainers, and one of them has his weedle poison Serotonin, so I feed him a potion and leg it back to the Pokemon center.

    I forcefed a trainer a potion and dragged him to the Pokemon center. I'm kind of delinquent.

    Whatever. Cyndaquil learns how to burn shit, and so when he encounters this bug catcher on the route, the bug catcher's weedle and caterpie are burnt to a nice crisp. I think the guy hates me.

    This guy dressed in all black puts his hand on my ass and challenges me to a battle. Tells me his name is Zane. Of course, I"m like, BAD TOUCH, but his porygon's already out.

    So I make it especially bad for him. My Cyndaquil throws so many smokescreens he hit me once ever like, 8 moves and I beat him up with tackle and ember when it converts types to steel and psychic.

    I walk upwards and see a janky ass cave. I talk to the guy staring at me from beneath this ledge with a ramp, and he gives me an Ultra Ball for no reason. I think he was hitting on me? O.O

    I walk into a cave, and catch a Zubat, naming him Histamine. He's going to beat up so many freaking slowpokes at the well.

    Me and my Pokemon walk west and end up in Violet City.


    Serotonin the Cyndaquil, Level 13
    Histamine the Zubat, Level 7
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Everyone blew past me and finished their runs, so I felt like I needed to work out exactly what I was supposed to do. Looking back the last thing I got was cut (never mind the fact that I have the badges to use 2 other HM i don't even have) so I think I need to head out east of Cerulean street. 'Lo and behold, there is a tree to cut that yields a trainer (another cutie, this one exclaiming "You're mine!" so my reputation is spreading. Oh yeah!) with level 18 grass pokemon. I think i'll let Foresight lead the way to level up, he is a full 18 levels behind Raphael -who is a blastoise now- like the rest of my party, but at least a kadabra is useful.

    Lucky is basically useful as a fly slave for now, but depending on what's in the grass I may try and grind him into a pidgeot. I know some people find pidgeot suspect in its use in combat but i've always been partial to pokemon who spam avoidance moves like fly and dig, and having a quick attack (or just high speed) to polish them off is useful. Also I just like the line, probably my favorite default flybots in the game.

    Unfortunately route 9 yields a spearow, which dies in a single confusion. I regret that I can't evolve kadabra into alakazam, but one must make sacrifices when playing an emulator. Route 10 will include all of the rock tunnel+power plant+misc grass, but i'm not a fan of spamming repel to get through so i'll probably have to do without an electric pokemon for this run. Luckily I run into an Onix (lvl 15, M, Lonely with Rock Hero) who eats all but 3 of my pokeballs, so I name it Myst. Immediately after I see Myst, I have the opportunity to catch a machop but, well it's nuzlocke so I kill it.

    I've also decided navigating the rock tunnel without flash will be difficult. In the original version you could hit start and the screen would light up and you could navigate through echolocation, but not in leaf green. Luckily Status Quo can use flash, so I fish him out of the box (dear lord all that's in there is a magikarp now...How the hell does everyone seem to have so many more pokemon than I do? I've only had one death) and teach him flash. It seems like I will only need to use it once (as opposed to every time I change floors) which is a relief, and Foresight makes good time through the cave. I almost teach him future sight since it seems fitting, but choose to keep confusion and psybeam, since most things get one shot anyway.

    After dodging the trainers outside rock tunnel (while my pokemon's HP is high, their PP is low and it's so easy why not?) I heal at the pokecenter and change Lucky the Pidgeotto into LuckyLee the Pidgeotto. Heading back to clean them up is a breeze. Stoney cleans them all up without much fuss, so I buy 15 greatballs at the pokemart and scratch my head trying to remember where Mr. Fuji went. While I ponder this I head west out of town to get that water i'll need to bribe the guards in the area. Corruption in the pokemon world is so rampant, no one even comments that the only people who work the police departments and pokecenters are from the same family, so I guess no one comments about a little grease on the wheels of travel.

    The trainers here are a piece of cake for Foresight, but halfway through I decide to try and level LuckyLee. Pidgeot is a majestic beast that flies ridiculously fast, and honestly i've just always had one. Route 8 yields a Vulpix (16, F, Calm) named LT2000. The rest of the trainers are completely useless, but I don't feel like grinding to get a pidgeot right now, so I head into Celadon. Some nice old lady gives me some boiling hot tea, and I rush to use it to bribe the guard(s) before it cools. I'm not sure how the tea gets to all the other guards, all things considered, because if they had a way of getting foreign matter from a distant location why not just get a drink themselves?

    I avoid the grass outside town because I don't even really care what's there, and decide I need to clear out Team Rocket. The real question is who to use to clear the place out? I'm thinking Raphael has been sitting on his laurels for too long, and everyone else (except Myst and LT2000) has caught up with him in terms of levels. At some point I will have to level those two up, but it's probable that Myst will be traded in for a dratini after the game casino is back up and running.

    Exploring town leads me to believe a few things. One is that Rocket grunts are assholes, and another is that if you are going on vacation, don't let your girlfriend bring her little brother. Also that the basement of the game corner is the worst kept secret ever. After picking up my coin collector I decide to explore a bit more. I know the Fly HM and a free Eevee is in the area, so I should pick those up. I name the Eevee Lungs (not sure why) but s/he goes in the box. On the way to fly I have a scary moment where I need to face 2 level 29 fire types (Rapidash and Ninetails) with my opening party of a parasect and pidgeotto, but I switch into Raphael and Foresight and one-shot both of them.

    I head into the market after that, I need more pokeballs (even though i have like 20) and to see if I can round out my party a bit with TMs. Unfortunately the only TM I even like to look of is Hyper Beam, but I don't think I need it yet. At the moment I have a fire, water, grass/bug, psychic, normal, and rock/ground type, so I can't see any major types i'm lacking. Really I only need the psychic and the water (Raph and Foresight) to end this game but having more pokemon won't hurt. Before I leave I teach Fly to LuckyLee though.

    Time for the game corner! First thing is first, beg coins off people so I have to buy less. 50 down, about 4550 left! Maybe if I clear out Team Rocket the price will go down? $10,000 for 500 coins is a crap ratio (20:1?) so I head into the basement. The pokemon from rocket are so pathetic though that I wind up using LuckyLee to kill the raticate and ratata because bite only has so many PP.

    Still I'm not inclined to take a chance with my good friend Raphael and I put Foresight up first against Giovanni. He's basically super effective against everything Giovanni uses anyway, so it's not like i'm risking very much.

    Of course he puts out 2 rock types and a normal type, so actually Raphael would have been safe anyway. Either way 2 confusions and 2 psybeams later they're all dead and I think i'll head to clear out Erika's gym while i'm in the area. Foresight is pretty good against grass anyway, so I just heal up and run right there. The old perv is still there, but we play it like a locker room and avoid eye contact.

    The only thing that annoys me about this place is that one girl has a bulbasaur and an ivysaur. I've traveled all over and never once did i have the opportunity to catch any of the starter lines (though if this was yellow i'd get them free IIRC) so how'd she get two? Either way all the sprites scream for rape and Foresight obliges, learning psychic in the process. I don't even heal and swap LT2000 in for the free experience, who learns Will-O-Wisps from the free exp. I wonder when or if i'll get EXP share this game. Raphael will take care of Sabrina, and Foresight will take care of the fighting mini-gym, and Giovanni left me the Sliph scope for the tower for Fuji, so I have a full agenda.

    Well, may as well clear out the fighting gym first, the the psychic one, it won't be that ha- why are there still rockets here? Oh right they took over Sliph Co, I guess I need to clear them out too. Foresight gets level 40 in the fighting gym, and I get a free hitmonchan (that I have no use for, so I don't even bother to nickname with a DLPer, so he is called Godhand). Can't seem to find the way into Sliph Co, but I literally run through some grass that prompts me to grind out that Pidgeot. However after a chain of 3 pidgey using whirlwind I decide to get those levels (up to level 36 from 28) somewhere else. Raph leads the way through the tower and right into my rival, who has a growlithe despite the fact you can only get one in Fire Red, much to my annoyance. His ivysaur gets a razor leaf off when I use bite instead of dig, so I heal up and prepare to climb the tower. I think it's okay if I catch one pokemon here (i've been treating the towns as separate from their routes) but if I don't (or it isn't usable) I don't mind.

    Unfortunately I bite the ghastly and gib it, so I guess not. I rescue the channeler from the pokemon haunting them, and climb the tower using water pulse and bite on Raphael. Foresight is level 40 and he is only level 41, so I want to get some distance between them so they all know who the favorite is. A wild cubone makes me sad because I know he is just looking for his mommy. Apparently one of the channeler made a pokecenter zone for me, but since I haven't taken any damage yet it's a bit useless. Unsurrprisingly I crit the marrowak-ghost and it's rocket at the top causing problems, but Raphael is strong so no worries.

    That's about it for me though, I've been on vacation and now i'm driving back to Fl from NJ.

    Party to date:
    Raphael the Blastoise lvl 41
    Foresight the Kadabra lvl 40
    LuckyLee the Pidgeotto lvl 28
    Stoney the Parasect lvl 31
    LT2000 the Vulpix lvl 18
    Myst the Onix lvl 15

    In box:
    Status Quo the butterfree
    Mad Drag the Magikarp
    Godhand the Hitmonlee
    Lungs the Eevee


    Cheated the Primeape
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Fucking last weeks of class :/ Anyways I caught Drome the Articuno with no loss, and grinded up Vash a fair bit. I got lost in pokemon mansion because I fucking forgot about the statue buttons D8 Anyways I found the key that bitch Blaine hid due to his fear of Team Dlp Pokemanz. That quiz nonsense was pointless, Lungs just drowned every gym trainer and most of Blaine's team. Lamora had to be called in because Arcanine is a monster, however that fake legendary was no match for my real one.

    Bill kidnapped me after I beat Blaine, and then has the audacity to ask me to run errands for him and his loser friend whose name I don't care about. After I finish this ruckus on the Tri Islands I'm off to get my final badge. Almost time to dethrone the dragon king, Lance.

    Team DLP Pokemanz
    Lungs the Lapras Level 44
    Vash the Aerodactyl Level 33
    LT2000 the Victreebell Level 44
    Drome the Articuno Level 50
    Lamora the Zapdos Level 50
    Poytin the Charlizard Level 43
  17. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Nuzlocke Squared Round 3(Sapphire):

    Lamora - Swablu - Level 21 - Seviper + Crit Poison Tail + Poison = one-shot.
    LT2000 - Swalot - Level 39 - Kyogre'd
    Irene - Ludicolo - Level 43 - Kyogre'd

  18. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Is this and the "CELEBRATE WITH THOSE WHO SURVIVED" a reference to something I should know?
  19. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Nah. It was just something I started to designate when I won/lost in the file. All Caps so people watching my stream could see it easily.
  20. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Current Team

    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 48
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 46
    Emile (Bronzong) - 46
    Laure (Quagsire) - 46
    Mazino (Lucario) - 27

    Much Vs. Seeker abuse to raise Mazino to catch up with the rest of the team. I did also get that Focus Sash, but I'm having doubts about the plan I was going to enact with it against Cynthia (spoiler, I was going to use Lucario to try and bait her Garchomp into using Earthquake, tank it with Focus Sash and OHKO it with Counter). I might opt to be a bitch and use something a little more foolproof, since upon further research I have learned that said Garchomp also runs Flamethrower, and the wrong move choice there could ruin everything and result in me being swept clean.

    Anyway, I haven't made much progress other than grinding that Lucario, but I did complete Snowpoint Gym. Mazino crushes Sneasel and Piloswine with Aura Sphere and then Emile subs in to drop Abomasnow and Froslass with Flash Cannon.

    Icicle Badge obtained, 1 Evolution now available.

    So that's done. And I now need to decide on how to complete my team. Option One is to grind up Enne the Snover ten levels and then take another stab at Sneasel or Swinub. Option Two is to be a real cunt and use Giratina. And last, I can use a Gyarados. I'm leaning heavily towards the latter, even though I previously claimed that I wouldn't. I really, really do not want to get all the way down to the Elite Four and lose and I'm not all that certain that I can take down Flint or Cynthia with this team as it stands now. Gyarados would make both a walk in the part.

    Before that, however, it's on to take down Team Galactic for good.


    Badges Obtained: Coal, Forest, Relic, Cobble, Fen, Mine, Icicle
    6/7 Evolutions Used
    Most Recent Capture: Snover, Level 32. Next capture at Level 42.


    J.V. Grace (Crobat) - 48
    Koon A.A. (Jolteon) - 48
    Emile (Bronzong) - 46
    Laure (Quagsire) - 48
    Mazino (Lucario) - 48
    Leesoo (Bidoof) - 15


    Rozeal (Turtwig) - 7
    Androssi (Shinx) - 23
    Rak (Rhyhorn) - 32
    Ja Wangnan (Togepi) - 11
    Enne (Snover) - 32

    Never Forget

    Yuri the Machop - Hidden Power = Crithax
    Repellista the Gastrodon - That Ace Trainer called me a noob and he was right