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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Ah, boredom. What shall I do with you?


    I thought long and hard about what game to Nuzlocke and, having restarted X/Y recently, decided on Alpha Sapphire. So gogogogogogogo-

    1. If a Pokemon faints, it’s sent to the RIP box in the PC forever.
    2. I can only catch the first Pokemon I see on a route, not including the beginning phrase when I have no Poke Balls. Shiny Pokemon are also exempt from this and are considered an out-of-game experience. If it’s not the first Pokemon on a route, I’ll just throw it into a box and deal with it after the game.
    3. Gifted Pokemon (including the starter) will be Wonder Traded away until I get a non-legendary Pokemon that’s equal to or below the level of the Pokemon I traded away. This is to help the lack of diversity in the remake Hoenn region.
    4. All Pokemon get a DLP nickname, as usual.

    All settled? Let’s begin.

    Right off the bat, I misstep. When I deleted my old save, the game prompted me to choose a language and me, currently learning French, chose French. I thought, ‘Pfft, who cares about the remakes plot, it’s all stupid,’ and didn’t consider that all the attacks would be in French too. Fuck.

    Whatever, I’m strong, I can do this.

    As my mom drives our moving truck with me about to be squished in the back, numerous Pokemon flash by outside, taunting me. Fuck off Tropius, I know you don’t live near here. Mom parks and I hop out, ready to get a move on, but Christ, these people. Stop dragging me to the side and yapping, I have shit to do and Pokemon to bury. After being introduced to Brendan, the most boring rival of the games, I’m confronted with poor Professor Birch about to be mauled by a Poochyena. It’s level two, come on guy, give it a kick and it’ll kneel over. But as always, it’s up to me.

    My starter doesn’t matter in the slightest, so I choose Mudkip and I’m forced to sigh. The rare female starter. Why give yourself to me in this game? In other news, Water Gun in French is ‘Pisolet a O’ which is hilarious. “Mudkip, use Oooooooooooo.”

    I kick Poochyena’s ass and Birch thanks me by giving me the Mudkip. DLP-Chan joins the team for the next five minutes, so love her while she lasts. At the next route, I have my fateful encounter with Brendan and have no problems. I suppose the rival Pokemon don’t have their immediate elemental move otherwise that would be hard to beat, but give me a little challenge. :(

    I follow Brendan back to Littleroot, get my Pokedex, fend off Brendan and my mom who are bugging the shit out of me, and make it to the grass. There, a Wurmple makes an appearance and I catch him. Hmm, who would like to be a beautiful butterfly? Kang would, so Kang the Wurmple joins the party.

    So, here it begins. I open my menu to Wonder Trade my starter, and stop.

    Where’s Wonder Trade?

    I look all over. No, no, this can’t be happening. How can I start my Nuzlocke when I still have my rejected starter? I turn to google in desperation only to die. I have to wait to fucking Petelburg, ughhhh.

    Fine, whatever. I catch a Wingull in Route 103, and name her Cheddar. In Route 102, the grass shakes, but I spot that Zigzagoon tail and avoid it like the plague. Nice try, asshole. When the grass shakes again, I can’t tell what it is, but I cross my fingers and get… Lotad! Not bad by itself, but when it does a Teeter Dance, I tackle it in my haste to catch it. And that’s how Lutris joined the team~

    Lutris and Cheddar do quick work of the remaining trainers and once I help Wally* get a Pokemon, Wonder Trade is given to me as a reward. I boot it up and send DLP-Chan away, bracing myself for a Rattata or something similarly useless, but Arceus shone a light upon me and my new starter glided down.

    Protean Froakie. I can’t read what attacks it has (egg moves everywhere), so I’ll have to battle a bit to figure it out.

    Either way, I’m happy.

    Current Team.
    Froakie. L1, M. Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown.
    Lutris the Lotad. L6, M. Teeter Dance, Growl, Absorb.
    Cheddar the Wingull. L5, F. Growl, Water Gun, Supersonic.
    Kang the Wurmple. L2, M. Tackle, String Shot.

    Rest in Peace.
    None. Yet.

    *Wally's called Timmy in French. Timmy, really? Come on now.
  2. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I really hope you continue this, I'm already hooked by the adventure. Having never finished a Nuzlocke I may just start one myself. I would do Omega Ruby but as it's my home game with pretty much every high level Pokemon I've gathered over the years, I'm not starting a new save file. Alpha Sapphire it might have to be.

    Also: Seriously, nice trade with Froakie. I was expecting a Wurmple.
  3. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Have you tried using PokeBank? That's where I put all my Pokemon. It took me fifteen minutes to transfer my Pokemon from my old AS save to it, but to be fair I had to do it twice because I lost my internet connection. Just as I finished ordering my Legendaries too. :(

    Me too, though I was content with my catches in Lotad and Wingull, so anything I got was a bonus. Thank god some trainer called Tracy from Massachusetts was apparently hatching a lot of eggs and needed to get rid of the rejects.
  4. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I had Pokebank but it's over 18 months since I've used it so I've no idea whether or not I need a password or any of that jazz VB or whether it's even still active. Any idea about the those specifics?

    If so I'll happily port them over and Nuzlocke ruby.
  5. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    The subscription expires after a year, so I paid under $8 and got it back. The account is never deleted and I didn't need to submit a password, so you should be okay.
  6. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I actually just finished an Omega Ruby Nuzlocke. With the standard rules and two extras.

    1. Species clause. For reasons that will be explained in 2.
    2. If I catch a Pokemon that has a final evolution that I have never used in any game before then it takes priority into my team over anything I've used before.

    My final team was a Ninjask, Weezing, Seaking, Latios, Kecleon, and a Shiftry.

    I had actually forgotten about the free Latios until it happened. Then I remembered I'd never had one before. So it replaced the Grumpig that I had also never used before.
  7. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    So, the first thing I do is figure out what moves Froakie has. Carefully, I find weak ass Pokemon to send my level one Froakie out against and eventually find a Ralts that can do nothing but hug. Froakie’s first move is obviously Growl and hmm, I wonder what the non-damaging Poison move “Pics Toxik” does??? After confirming Toxic Spikes, I turn to his ground-type move and recognize the animation. Mud Sport. Sorry, tiny frog, I don’t think a Mud Sport would stop a Thunder Shock from roasting your ass.

    The last move, though. It’s a normal-type and non-damaging move and doesn't raise any stats. It does nothing. My initial guess was Conversion, but that didn’t seem right, so I looked up Froakie’s egg moves on Google and damn, poor Froakie has awful egg moves. The move turned out to be Camouflage, which is super useless, so whatever.

    Anyways, I spend the next little while training the four Pokemon I have to level 5+ before venturing out into Route 104 by the sea. I run around a bit trying to manifest the shaking grass but eventually give up and find a Wingull. I ditch it, and destroy all the trainers on the route, including that stupid rich kid and his Full Restores. It’s a level 8 Zigzagoon, just let it die. But even that Zigzagoon proved useful, as Kang the Wurmple evolved into a…

    Well, I’m not sure. All the names are in French, and I’ll admit, I’ve never payed attention to these sort of cocoons. I’m 70% sure he’s a Cascoon because of the decently-sized eyes, but don’t quote me on it.

    Ah, Petelburg Woods. Shaking grass beckons and bestows a Skaloth, and when dear Froakie murders it accidentally, I can’t bring myself to care. Nothing is worth the worst ability in the game.

    Moving on, some researcher is huddled in the middle of the path and blathers on about something I can’t understand. Je ne tres parle pas Francais, buddy, sorry. Suddenly, a douchebag pirate appears and sics his small dog on me and I send out Kang in retaliation. Hope you like being poisoned, asshole!

    Just gotta use Poison Sting… Just gotta keep doing it… Until it happens… Come on, any time now…

    As this is going on:

    “Poochyena used Howl!”

    “Poochyena used Howl!”

    “Poochyena used Howl!”

    “Poochyena used Howl!”

    I eventually take the hint and switch to Harden and use a Potion when Kang gets damaged, and we’re back at a stalemate. Poison Sting does little on its own and I can’t switch out in fear of everyone else being bulldozed. I just have to keep hitting it until Kang pulled through…

    You know where this is going.

    One crit is all it takes, and Kang is shot into the stratosphere. Weeeeelp. Lutris the Lotad subs in and defeats the Poochyena, and despite everything, I feel sorrow in my heart for the lost Kang. I quite like the Pokemon I’ve gathered, I don’t want to lose any of them, but you can’t stop the inevitable. Let’s hold a moment of silence for the first casualty of my playthrough.

    (Kang was apparently a Silcoon. Whoops)​

    Moving on, I clear the forest in record time and get to Route 104.* Some boy gives me the TM Echo which I guess is Echoed Voice. Where is TM Bullet Seed though? Lutris only has Absorb, he needs an update, stat!

    Ah, new grass, new friend. I sneak across the entire grass patch to get to the shaking grass and a Wurmple presents itself! Level seven, female, and I shall name her Kanga and everything will be okay-

    “Cheddar used Water Gun!”

    “It was a critical hit!”


    Whatever, to Rustboro I go, but first I have to get through these trainers with my increasingly injured Pokemon. Nothing major happens, but when I got to Rustboro and Brendan came out of the Poke Mart, I mashed the B button to reject any sudden battles. But none occur, and I’m left to my own devices. One Pokemon Center trip later and to gather new friends I go!

    As soon as I get to the side of Rustboro, a pink tail with yellow-headed pins sticks out of the grass. YES, GET ON MY TEAM! But my sneaking is interrupted by a trainer, and after I beat his bug-type ass, I have to run a bit before another pink tail appears. Cheddar is sent into battle to lower the HP of the cutest cat-

    “Cheddar used Water Gun!”

    “It was a critical hit!”


    Cheddar is officially off Pokemon catching duty, forever.

    Well, I have one opportunity left, at Whismur Cave, which produces, surprisingly, a Whismur! Lutris’ weak ass Absorb carefully lowers my target’s HP and the first Poke Ball brings Tinn the Whismur into the fold.

    Things are looking up. Let’s hope it stays that way.


    Current Team.
    Froakie. L13, M. Lick, Bubble, Toxic Spikes, Quick Attack.
    Lutris the Lotad. L13, M. Teeter Dance, Growl, Absorb, Bubble.
    Cheddar the Wingull. L12, F. Growl, Water Gun, Supersonic, Wing Attack.
    Tinn the Whismur. L10, F. Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl.

    Rest in Peace.
    Kang the Silcoon. L8, M. I suppose some butterflies aren't meant to be.

    *Apparently the routes below and above Petalburg Woods are the same route. Good thing I didn't catch anything!
  8. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I think k we would have forgiven you the Petalburg woods route debate as it's one of the more salty debates about R/S Nuzlockes. Good to see you catching a Whisker because Exploits is surprisingly handy in the game.
  9. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    The autocorrect is strong with this one, Seratin.
  10. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Jesus Christ. Rushed the post when I got home from work and didn't bother checking it.

    There's dangers to mobile posting, kids.
  11. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    The suspense is killing me. Will my near water-mono team stand a chance against Roxanne’s rock-types??? Time to find out!

    After defeating the gym noobs, Roxanne and I begin our battle. Roxanne has a great design, by the way, I love her magenta eyes. I lead with Tinn the Whismur, at healthy level 11, while she has a Geodude. Echoed Voice sucks on its own, but once it gets in the zone, Whismur turns into a sweeper. I use Echoed Voice, doing a bit, and Geodude uses Rock Tomb.

    And theeeeere goes half my health.

    No matter. I consider Cheddar the Wingull for a moment before remembering she’s a bird. So, I sub in Lutris the Lotad instead because he’s vaguely defensive, and he sponges the opposing Tackle no problem. A couple Absorbs has Roxanne wasting a Potion before her Geodude withers away. Haha, take that loser! She sends in her last Pokemon, a Nosepass. Nosepass is pretty shitty, but I switch in Froakie because I don’t use him much.

    Nosepass does a Tackle, causing little damage, and I attack with Bubble-

    But nothing happens.

    Well, that’s untrue. Something French scrolls across the screen, but I can’t read it. I try again with a similar result. Does Nosepass have some weird water-negating ability? I thought only Groudon’s super Drought did that. Shit.

    I go to Lutris the Lotad and soon it becomes a battle of attrition. Absorb, being super shitty, does 1/8 damage to Nosepass, while Rock Tomb does 1/3. Luckily, I have ten Potions stocked and use them every other turn. Lutris uses a Teeter Dance and while Nosepass hits itself in confusion, I Absorb the shit out of it until it’s dead.

    That was harder than it had any right to be. Still, I’m surprised everyone lived. I thought for sure I’d have to sacrifice someone.

    Signifying my triumph, Lutris evolves into a Lombre. One step closer to a dancing Pokemon!

    I get my badge and head back to the Pokemon Center. That feeling you get when you push on the stylus to roller blade only to remember you’re a loser. :(

    So in my despair, I beat the shit out of an Aqua grunt and rescue some guy’s Wingull. I better get a reward for this. I’m then dragged to another guy’s office and given an errand to deliver a letter to his son. Do I look like a post office box to you? You’re lucky I’m heading to Dewford anyways.

    But first, I have some cutting business to attend to. Or I would have if the only Pokemon that could learn cut wasn't Froakie. Yeah, I’m not wasting a move slot, never mind.

    I threaten the Wingull guy into giving me a boat ride and once we land in Dewford, I make my way to the cave. C’mon, something sturdy, c’mon…


    Or, in French as they call it, Nosferapti.

    “Nosferapti used Vampirisme (Leech Life)!”

    D’aw, come here little fella.

    I name him Seratin and heal him up before facing the beach trainers, only to remember Zubats are dead weight until they learn Bite. Okay. :|

    Since I was going to skip Dewford gym, it was back to the cave I went! … Wait, who are these white-cloaked people? Hey, assholes, you’re in my way! I talk to one, but French French French. Uh, what do I do? I go back into town, miffed, and talk to every single person there before heading back to find nothing has changed. The only thing I haven’t tried is the gym, and looking at the gym, memories long buried float up, of sweeping Machops and Makuhita. I enter, defeat a trainer with Cheddar, and see at the back a Machop and a Makuhita getting brooms out of the closet.

    Fuck that, I’m googling this.

    “Steven’s room is immediately accessible.”


    After a Repel and numerous attempts to get up the sandy slide, I read a little closer.

    “Dewford gym not skippable, sorry nerd.”


    With pain in my heart, I turn back to Dewford. I have five Pokemon. Will they be enough?

    I defeat the second trainer okay, but the third… She starts off with a Meditite and I with Froakie. Froakie had just learned Water Pulse, so I was confident in my frog ninja’s powers. I let a Water Pulse loose, doing over half, while Meditite goes straight for the Confusion. Decent damage and tweety birds start circling Froakie’s head. Shit. I switch him out for Lutris and get hit with another Confusion. More tweety birds. Fuck.

    Lutris has good defense, but I hit myself in confusion twice before Bubbling that Meditite away. I stay in for the Machop and do a Teeter Dance. Ha, let’s see how he likes that!

    Not once did he hurt himself in confusion. NOT. ONCE. Instead, he uses Focus Energy and Leer. Like fuck I’m staying in, but my options were limited. Cheddar was still injured from the second battle, Froakie wasn’t doing okay, and Tinn the Whismur needed to be as far away as possible. Welp, I guess it’s Seratin’s turn.

    My god. This Zubat.

    The typing helped, but Seratin didn’t tank one critical hit Karate Chop. No, not two, and not three. FOUR CRITICAL HITS. FOUR. And in the meantime, Seratin was whittling away this Machop’s health with Bite, and ah, when that Machop died… Nothing was more sweet.

    I skipped my way to the Pokemon Center. Five Pokemon went in and five went out, but it wasn’t to be my last trip.

    The gym leader still waited.

    Waiting for death.

    Please don’t sweep me.

    Current Team.
    Froakie. L15, M. Lick, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Quick Attack.
    Lutris the Lombre. L15, M. Teeter Dance, Growl, Absorb, Bubble.
    Cheddar the Wingull. L13, F. Growl, Water Gun, Supersonic, Wing Attack.
    Tinn the Whismur. L13, F. Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl.
    Seratin the Zubat. L12, M. Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite.

    Rest in Peace.
    Kang the Silcoon. L8, M. I suppose some butterflies aren't meant to be.
  12. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Ah the benefits of being 4x resistant to fighting type moves.
  13. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:

    I'm just glad to be helping.
  14. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Zubat are amazing for Bugsy/Brawly/Gardenia. There are worse Pokémon to temporarily pick up if you want easy outs for that particular Gym but don't want a Crobat. Same reason why Geodude are popular for Surge - they just completely wreck the Gym.

    Also, no clue on Nosepass. There are Abilities that negate Water-type moves, but Nosepass ain't got one of them.

    Btw, two catches until Wattson (sorta, but I don't think you'll be fishing for 'karp). Hope you don't get Zigzagoon and Surskit/Marill. :sherlock: Your team's kinda terrible for him.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
  15. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    So, the gym. Hmm.

    As I approach the Dewford Town Gym Leader, I am taken in by two things: the gym equipment surrounding him like a sacrifice circle and his vaguely realistic face set onto a bobblehead. Ack. Who designed you? He says something in French and I nod along with a smile plastered across my face.

    This won’t go well.

    He starts with his Machop and, seeing the good things that resulted from the last battle, I send out Seratin the Zubat. Just as I get a Supersonic off and look at Seratin’s other moves, I remember, ‘Oh, right, Seratin’s moves are shit.’ I try a Bite anyways. Does maybe 2HP.

    As usual, confusion gives me the middle finger while Machop unleashes a Seismic Toss, doing nearly half. Shit. I wasn’t expecting this attack. Can’t switch out though, not here. We exchange Bites and Seismic Tosses and when Seratin is on the run, I turn away as he’s squished for the last time.

    Well. <_<

    I send in Cheddar instead, now certain Machop has no rock attacks. Seismic Toss still does a chunk and pushes Cheddar into the red before a Wing Attack finishes the Machop off. Now for the real fight. When Makuhita comes out, I switch in Froakie. I make a mental note of who to sacrifice if things get tough. A sad business Nuzlocke is, but a business all the same.

    I release a Water Pulse, doing nearly half, while Makuhita Bulks Up. I think I can live one hit, so I use Water Pulse again-

    Annnnd Makuhita dies.

    It was so quick I leave the gym in a daze, wondering how that happened. Why am I leaving with most of my party? When did Froakie evolve? What is this broken broom doing in my hands?

    I had forgotten this game is stupidly easy. Maybe I should have played Yellow instead.

    I say goodbye to Seratin the Zubat, heal up, and talk to Steven. Oh, sorry, “Pierre.” At least you’re not off-model. After, I travel to Stateport in a whirlwind and go to the route above Stateport, while shooing Cheddar out of lead position. I need more diversity in my team and I need diversity that won’t get crit before I catch them.

    I have just the Pokemon in mind. I run beside the grass for a bit, trying to manifest an Electrike. I know what it sounds like, and I ignore the Plusle/Minum that try to trick me. Nice try, guys. Finally, something else sounds and it’s definitely not an Electrike. A Gulpin?

    I look to the grass only to see white light. What the heck? I disturb it, but it starts shaking again with the same sound. It’s familiar, but that can’t be. Alpha Sapphire is a shit remake, keeping all the bad parts of Ruby/Sapphire, including the crap amount of Pokemon in each route. This sound was of a Voltorb, which I was 80% shouldn’t be here.

    Out of curiosity, I enter the grass and presto, a Voltorb! They’re kind of fragile, but I catch it and name it Evan. With my new electric Pokemon, I clean up the beach trainers with Evan’s Spark and find myself furthering the plot by heading to the docks.

    Now here’s the shit I hate. I enter the docks building, only for the game to zoom in on a guy and for my character to automatically walk to him. I know this is the game for kids, but come on now. Let me find him on my own. Stop holding my hand, no, stop it! I DON’T NEED HELP I’M AN ADULT.

    I’m ushered to the museum where I duly go upstairs to find the old guy. Sup, where the pirates at? The pirates appear, I beat them, and Archie comes to make my acquaintance. Oh, your name is Arthur? I don’t know, buddy, seems too serious for you.

    They leave, I leave, I’m bored to tears. All I see in my future are routes filled with boring ass Pokemon, but more specifically, water Pokemon. I need to get past Mauville before I can even think of fire-types. Ugh, I need another gift Pokemon so I can use Wonder Trade. There’s no way I want to be stuck with a mono-water team. Water is my favorite type, but I have a goal here and it’s me not dying.

    I’ll just have to try my hardest to keep my non-water Pokemon alive!


    I think I’m some smart shit when I see those twin girls standing beside the road. A Plusle and Minum in my future? It’s more likely that you think! I put Tinn the Whismur and Lutris the Lombre up front. Try your best, Pikachu clones, you’ll get no victory here. I start with gusto, with Tinn using Echoed Voice on Plusle, and Lutris using Fake Out on the other. Neither do much, but that’s Echoed Voice for you. As I was patting myself on the back, Plusle uses Swift.

    The next time I look up, Tinn is in ribbons on the floor.

    Oh no they didn’t.

    Not Tinn. I loved Tinn.

    And that is the first shot of the battle for my life.

    I send in Evan. I have no choice. His only non-electric move is Rollout so I click that and order Lutris to use Absorb. That fucking Minum immediately uses Encore on Lutris and makes him useless. Meanwhile, Evan gets locked into Rollout, something I didn’t realize would happen. So there I was, the only option left to me was using Lutris’ free turn to hover over my Pokemon with Potions in hand. To lose one Pokemon here is arrogance. To lose two would be stupidity.

    Every turn I used a Potion on someone while Evan’s Rollout became strong enough to kill the Plusle. Lutris finally broke out of Encore and Bubbled that Minum to hell. When the battle ended, I carried Tinn’s remains to the Pokemon Center and sat in front of the PC for a long time.

    Maybe water-types are my destiny. Maybe fighting the inevitable will only bring more tears.

    But I have to try.

    I have to try.

    Current Team.
    Frogadier. L18, M. Lick, Water Pulse, Toxic Spikes, Quick Attack.
    Lutris the Lombre. L18, M. Teeter Dance, Fake Out, Absorb, Bubble.
    Cheddar the Wingull. L18, F. Growl, Water Gun, Supersonic, Wing Attack.
    Evan the Voltorb. L18, M. Charge Beam, Spark, Rollout, Screech.

    Rest in Peace.
    Kang the Silcoon. L8, M. I suppose some butterflies aren't meant to be.
    Seratin the Zubat. L12, M. You tried your best and that's all that matters.
    Tinn the Whismur. L18, F. Yeah, my bad.

    FUCK, I forgot about Wattson.
  16. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Crobat carried the fuck out of me for the middle half of my Nuzlocke Squared run of Platinum. Wrecks all three of Gardenia/Fantina/Maylene.
  17. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I'm not gonna lie and say that Zubat's death doesn't cut me to the core. It does. I was so proud of the little guy's spunk.

    Regardless, that is the nature of the Nuzlocke. I have to say I was looking forward to an Exploud too but hey, shit happens. Voltorb may be fragile but if I'd caught it I would have been thinking fuck yes. SPEEEED.

    I've never used the Froakie line so Frogadier is something I'm looking forward to seeing in the future.
  18. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Voltorb isn't terrible, though I prefer the other Electric-type lines you can catch on route 110 (and I said lines, not unevolvable Pikaclones) for various reasons. Electroball hits like a truck on it though, if you get there.

    Also much amused at someone else running afoul of Plusle/Minun in the ORAS games. I'm not the only one!
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    This thread wasn't going to be active for long before I broke down and jumped in. Since I bailed on my last Heart Gold run some months back (the rules I set were boring and I lost interest somewhere around Chuck) I'll be running that game again. This time as a Chesslocke. When I looked them up, I saw that the 'official' rules have changed since I last played, but I'm going to use the version I remember.

    Basic rules are thus:

    15 total captures allowed (max sixteen Pokemon including starter). One King, one Queen, two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks, eight Pawns. No more than one of each piece allowed in the team at any given time. Standard Nuzlocke route encounter rules apply, though as usual I'm adding the No Repeats clause. Captures can be skipped if not wanted, but no second tries.

    King: Must be the starter and a male. Must always be in the team. If he dies, the run is over.

    Queen: Must be a female. Optional rule that she must be in the same egg group as the King, but I'm not going to do that. Too restrictive.

    Knight: Cannot use any moves with base power above 60, before STAB any any other modifiers.

    Rook: Moves can either do damage or inflict status, but cannot do both. Tackle can be used, because it does damage with no status added. Thunder Wave can be used, because it inflicts status but does no damage. Body Slam cannot be used, because it does damage and can inflict paralysis. Simple enough.

    Bishop: Restricted to only two damaging moves.

    Pawn: Must be in its base evolution, and in an evolutionary line that is able to evolve. So no Tauros, Pinsir, et cetera.

    Pawn promotion is possible, if a pawn is able to solo a 'major' battle (defined as a Rival, Gym Leader, Elite Four, Champion or villain team Admin or Boss battle). Promotions must be assigned as soon as eligible.

    And with that, to battle.

    After waking Professor Oak up at four in the morning to give me a tutorial, I'm downstairs and getting my things from Mom. At Professor Elm's lab I receive Garon the Totodile. He's the King, obviously. I normally go Cyndaquil on these, but I want to do something new and will never use Chikorita.

    A quick jaunt through Cherrygrove City and up to Mr. Pokemon's house. On the way I get Running Shoes and an Apricorn Box. I can be a decent apricorn collector, wow. After picking up and egg and a Pokedex, it's back home to New Bark Town. On the way, I encounter a shifty looking punk who insults me and challenges me to battle. Clearly he is some sort of delinquent, and a confirmed liar. He claims to have a good Pokemon, but sends out Chikorita. LOL. This goes about as expected.

    I deliver the egg, and now I can start the journey for reals and catch things. On Route 29 I hope to grab either a Pidgey or Rattata to Pawn in order to get one of those two common lines out of my hair so that they can't screw up later route. Instead I get Sentret, which doesn't show up enough to be worth trying to avoid later. Pass on this route.

    Better luck when I duck north into Route 46 and catch Olympia the Geodude. Female, designated as a Pawn with the intent to promote at some point in the early game. That's the first three gyms pretty much in the bag with a single capture. Cool beans.

    After spending a couple minutes on Route 29 grinding up Miss Geodude, it's back through Cherrygrove City and up into Route 30, where the initial encounter is Rhiannon the Pidgey. Also a girl, also designated as a Pawn. That's one trash line down. Too hard to promote and too useless to squander a higher order piece on, so boxed.

    I crush the budding dreams of Youngsters and Bug Catchers up into Route 31, and encounter a Metapod. Pass on this. I won't likely see it again outside of Ilex Forest and I'm not so eager to have an Oddish that I'm going to waste a valuable piece to maximize the odds of getting one.

    And that leads me into Violet City, where I pass through and dip into the small bit of Route 32 that I can access in hopes of bagging a Mareep. Here my bad luck at the outset comes back to bite me a little, as I get Scabbers the Rattata. Also designated as a Pawn, but one that I might end up using. Rattata has a decent move pool, and isn't terrible as base evolutions go.

    And that's where I'm choosing to break this episode. It's still morning and I want to wait until night to hit Sprout Tower so I can get a Gastly, which is now a guarantee since I've got the Rattata line bagged and crossed off the list.

    Active Squad

    King: Garon the Totodile, Level 11 (Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Rage)
    Pawn: Olympia the Geodude, Level 10 (Tackle, Defense Curl, Mud Sport, Rock Polish)


    Pawn: Rhiannon the Pidgey, Level 3 (Tackle)
    Pawn: Scabbers the Rattata, Level 4 (Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack)
  20. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Interesting set of rules you have going there. I'd be tempted to try something similar myself but I know with absolute certainty i'd screw up early. Basic Nuzlocke for me I think.

    Ah Hell, I'll get in on the action while I have the time off.

    The rules are the same as Vira's above challenge.

    The game is the same as Vira's above challenge.

    The resulting Nuzlocke will probably end in tears way before Vira's above challenge.

    The game opens up as usual, your moving truck speeding through a dirt road to Littleroot. Lots of bullshit with moving Machokes, setting of clocks, missing your absent father on the TV, awkward advances from May in her bedroom and saving Birch.

    He rewards me with a Torchic I'll just trade away in Petalburg and I set off to find May. I sneak up on her in the woods but she sees me just in time and challenges me to a battle. Well. Okay. Not what I wanted from the encounter but w/e.

    She curbstomps me. Wut.

    I grumble to myself about unholy starts and race back to Littleroot to get the Pokedex. Then I find out beating May is a requirement and I have to go find her again. This time I win, we go off to the lab, I pick up a 'dex and some balls... NUZLOCKE BEGIN.

    First pokemon I encounter is a Zigzagoon which I crit into the stratosphere due to hax'n'shit. Oh well, I wanted that Poochyena with the Ice Fang but not to be.

    I head north to the grassy area on Route 103, north of Oldale and encounter a Wingull which I promptly snap up and name Oment.I'm decidedly okay with this.

    I swing by Route 102 next and immediately see a tail waving out of the grass. I sneak up on the little fucker hoping for an elemental bite move... only to find a Zigzagoon. Again. Okay whatever. I ball it, name it Ollie King and move on. Not before I notice its moves. Charm, Growl and Tail Whip. Rufknkdnme.

    Petalburg next, wally cutsscenes, game leading by the hand and shit. Finally wonder trade.

    I say goodbye to Torchic and hello to... lvl 23 Pidgeotto. I roll again, High Lvl, Japanese name, high level and finally get a usable pokemon. Ralts.

    I was decidedly unexcited about this before I noticed it was lvl 1. Egg moves? Yep. Growl, Destiny Bond and Shadow Sneak.

    I don't even know what to think about that but hey, Welcome to the team, Tarsal.

    I scoot over to Route 104 and dive headfirst into the tall grass.




    LT2000 joins the team.

    This might be a duulll Nuzlocke, guys.


    Oment - Wingull - Lvl 6
    - Water gun, growl, supersonic.

    Ollie King - Zigzagoon - lvl 6
    - Charm, growl, tail whip.

    Tarsal - Ralts - lvl 3
    - Growl, Destiny bond, Shadow sneak

    LT2000 - Zigzagoon - lvl 4
    - Tackle, Growl

    Fucking Zigzagoon.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016