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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    I started a nuzlocke run on irc a couple of months back and started to name the pokemon after members of irc. It fizzled out when I got a job, however.

    This is the log I kept of my adventures.

    [22:02:05]<Seratin> RULES: If a pokemon faints, it is dead, release it.
    [22:02:05]<Seratin> Only allowed catch the first pokemon encountered on each route. Nothing else.
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Got Charmander. Named him ZOMBIE.
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Rival Blue appeared. Stomped the faggot into the ground.
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Oak's parcel...DELIVERED LIKE A BAWS. Pokedex obtained. Banged Blue's sister out of spite.
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Wild female pidgey apeared. Caught. TINN Joined the party.[22:02:06]<Seratin> Bought store shit and off to grind for a while. OHSHIT, WILD MANKEY. Sir_Xiph joined the team. Grindin soem moar.
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Viridian forest. Gonna catch Caterie! Killed caterpie. Mourned a little before heading to Pewter.
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Sir_Xiph did me proud and destroyed Brock's faggoty penis pokemon. MOUNT. MOON AHOY!
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Bought a Magikarp and called it mknote. I will never let it evolve and instead confine it to a pc box for eternity. The only box it will ever be in.
    Zombie evolved! Introducing... Zombie 2.0!
    [22:02:06]<Seratin> Grindin' in Mt. Moon, Zubat appeared! Blaise joined the party.[22:02:06]<Seratin> Fuck no, Clefairy is gonna kill Blaise! Phew. Subbed out and let Zombie 2.0 mangle that faggoty fluffball.
    [22:55:06]<Seratin> Dome Fossil. Fuck yeah future Kabutops. Fuck yeah.
    [22:55:06]<Seratin> FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU Forgot about rival battle. Zombie 2.0 sweeps and Xiph faces off against his old rival... Squirtlefag. An intense crushing battle ensues culminating in a final command. "Karate chop." Squirtle hits the deck and I strut away, leaving rivalfag weeping in the dirt.
    Clearing out nugget bridge like a pro. Oh shit, Tinn is poisoned! No matter, I just used an antidote, no more potions... fuck. I switch in Sir_Xiph. Sir_Xiph clears house....Oh shit... Poison point. Xiph is poisoned! NOOOOOO Frantic run to the pokemon center.... gonna make it. No... nonono. Xiph is gone. He will be avenged...


    Current team: Zombie 2.0
    : Tinn 2.0
    : Blaisebat
    : Syaoran

    Lost bromon: Sir_Xiph.

    Useless fuckers in pc boxes: mknote

    Anyway, that game is on my bedroom floor somewhere so I'm just going to start an emerald rom. Haven't played any of the hoenn games in about 3-4 years so expect some massive failure.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  2. Mindless

    Mindless Big Boss DLP Supporter

    Dec 31, 2006
    United States
    Just an update for anybody who wondered what happened to me. I've been mid-job search and started having to put more time into that, mostly to keep my face stuffed. Should be back on by next week, with team rebuilding tiem.
  3. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Started one of these for myself. Standard rules with a no status or healing item clause. Centers are free to spam.

    -Got Squirtle, the wee little turtle. Named it Atlas :3
    -Wooped rivals ass.
    -Did the package business then went to get a Mankey. I named it Jailbait, cause a level 5 shiny is too sexy to be legal.
    -Went into Vermillion Forest hoping for a Weedle. Came out with Sparky Jr, level 3 Pikachu. This is the best game ever.
    -GRIND TO 9
    -Rival lurks around the League entrance apparently. Raped his bird with Sparky and Jailbait took apart the failsaur. Now off to the wall that is Viridian Forest.
    -Poison not as big a problem when Sparky rapes everything it sees, midway through the forest and poison free so far.

    EDIT: Playing LeafGreen on an emulator.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  4. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I Just finished the 4th( I think ?) gym. leader was 'crasher wake'. I still have had only 1 death so far and I think that is impressive since I have never played diamond or anything newer than red/blue/yellow before this run. My luxio and bibarel handled the water types pretty well (using spark and hyperfang respectively).
    my team
    Luxio (28)
    Kadabra (28)
    Monferno (28)
    Gyarados (23)
    Bibarel (31)
    Haunter (29)

    bibarel has been sitting with the XP share so it is time to pass that off. I'm not exactly sure where I am heading, just taking it one route at a time. I've found strength HM but dont have the badge to use it, and i've got the badge to use Defog but i don't have the fog hm. I did get Fly in last town, but I have not used a flying pokemon yet to teach it to.
  5. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    I'm sure my session could have gone worse... not sure how though.

    Continued towards Fuchsia and caught a Bellsprout, then entered the town proper and got the good rod. Despite Calz telling me I'd changed routes, I went south and fished anyway, getting a Magikarp. Thar goes my hopes for surfing for a Tentacool...

    Went back into Fuchsia proper and got Goldeen. Fair enough.

    Then things went to shit. I went into Safari with the premise I could run from pokemon and not be penalized, but once I threw something - anything - then that was my one and only try. Yet I forgot my right to run away and so didn't want to 'risk' getting a Magikarp by fishing. Ran into a Nidoran (male) and accidentally threw a ball. I managed to catch the bastard, but... WASTE.

    Then I caught a Nidoran female by accident. Released her.

    Went to the patch to fight bird keepers and fought a wild Raticate that wouldn't let me escape and then just crushed Snorlax. WTF RATICATES, Y U HAET ME SO. All game, rats be trolling.

    Tried to catch the other Snorlax, but even with red health and sleep, it chose to escape and die. Typical.

    So the team I had been planning to use against the Grass and Poison Gyms was a man down (Poison-immune Molly...) but I did a little more leveling, and figured I'd go take out the Fighting Gym (the bird keepers were getting a few too many crits).

    Aaaaaaand.... oops.

    Forgot the gym forces you to fight back-to-back... Should have stayed low and just talked to him, but nope, not ol' Vlad. Machokes + Revenge + Human Error and I'm down Pidgeotto, Raticate, and Jolteon, pretty much the entire A team minus starter. Lose my TMs for Shockwave, Return, Dig, my Cutter, my Flyer... honestly, it looks so bad right now.

    The new team is Venusaur, Cubone, Krabby, Nidoran, Weepinbell, and Gyarados. I can get by without Fly, but... this is starting to look less like the awesome and balanced team it once was, and more like a Pokemon special olympics squad.
  6. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Right now I have a level 9 Starly named Vir, a level 11 Piplup named Carzy, a level 7 Shinx named Anarchy, a level 10 Shinx named Seratin, a level 9 Bidoof named Poytin, and a level 8 Zubat named thisperson.

    I would be further along but the fucking emulator keeps crashing and has thus far cost me about an hour and a half of unsaved gameplay over the course of 4 crashes. This annoys the shit out of me, but there isn't much I can do. Right now my goal is to get Carzy to evolve and then to go assrape Brock. The Zubat has been a rather pleasant surprise because of Supersonic, and it is very likely that Anarchy will be stored in the Vault the second I find a replacement for him since he's a redundant version of Seratin and electric besides.

    I used to have a Magikarp names Silens, but an emulator crash wiped him out.
  7. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    My emulator would occasionally crash on me when an error along the lines of 'microphone input' or something comes up. I get around this by saving the game and closing the emulator altogether and then reloading. Otherwise I would loose a lot more than just the info from the last save.
  8. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Weird. My emulator's worked 100% on both Win 7 and Vista.
  9. Gullible

    Gullible Headmaster

    Jan 31, 2006
    Sitting in front of a broken compooter, lolololol
    Yeah I've had no problems at all with either VBA or no$Gba... except the latter running really slowly when playing anything P/D upwards and the former not running DS games at all.
  10. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    If only there were two keys you could press simultaneously on the emulator to make it create what I shall pioneer by calling a 'save state'. And if only then, after one of these so-called crashings, one needed only to hit one of those two buttons to instantly return to the moment in time one had previously been.

    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  11. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    I have random black screens while playing, that results in not being able to continue from that point (even if I save after it happens). Probably has something to do with XP, as a few other programs like to do this too. Or it could be a crap copy of the ROM.
  12. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Ouch. Three big guns went down. Today's gameplay:

    - Winona was a piece of cake. Electrode's Spark and Swampert's Ice Beam owned.
    - Found Mightyena in Route 120 and 121. Killed both, since I got a Poochyena already.
    - Caught a Heracross in the Safari Zone. Both first Safari Ball and first Pokemon I encountered. Heracross comes in to replace Hariyama.
    - Found a Tentacool in Route 122. Killed it. Will fish in Lilycove for a Staryu or Wailmer as my backup Water type.
    - Caught Shuppet on Mt Pyre. Never raised one before, and since Skarmory is not of much use anymore, I'll bringing him into the fold. Unfortunately, it only knows Night Shade as an attacking attack right now, so I've got to TM it up. Bought a Thunderbolt TM from the Game Corner and taught it to Shuppet.
    - ...Electrode is dead. From a Wobbuffet in Mt Pyre. Thunderbolt took of 3/4 and Wobbuffet used Mirror Coat. Bye bye Electrode...
    - Frell! Frell! Frell! Banette is dead, too! Four trainers afterwards. Same freaking deal, pretty much. Wobbuffet. It used Destiny Bond after Thunderbolt didn't kill it. I tried to switch, but Wobbuffet's ability Shadow Tag meant I couldn't switch out. I was screwed. Neither Wobbuffet was in Ruby! Farewell Banette... Hariyama and Skarmory are back in the team. Only Victory Road and Route 123 left to find good new non-Water type Pokemon (the rest are water routes).
    - Found a Shuppet in Route 123. I replace Hariyama with it. I'm pretty pleased that I can get a Banette back, but I'm saddened that my last chance to replace Gloom has passed. Not sure how I'm going to defeat Wallace (the champion, who uses Water) now. Just have enough money to replace the Thunderbolt TM.
    - Caught a Magikarp in Slateport.
    - Caught a Wailmer in Lilycove. Was hoping for Staryu. I'll keep Magikarp instead, replacing Skarmory.
    - Found a Geodude in Team Magma's hideout, but accidentally killed it. Then found three Torkoal's in four battles. Would've been nice to have a Torkoal to back up Camerupt.
    - Speak of the devil... Camerupt perishes due to a wild Graveler's Magnitude. My Magnitude left it with 1-5hp, and the response was a Magnitude 8 that took off at least 68... Really wish I had that Torkoal now.
    - Caught one of the Electrode that was surrounding the Master Ball in Team Aqua's hideout. It jumps back into my team, but my aim is to acquire a Spheal or a Chinchou.

    Team as of this post. Bold in my party.

    Mudkip -> Marshtomp -> Swampert Lv 46
    Poochyena Lv 4 - Fainted
    Zizagoon -> Linoone Lv 20
    Poochyena the 2nd Lv 15
    Wurmple -> Cascoon -> Dustox Lv 28
    Taillow Lv 21 - Fainted
    Whismur -> Loudred Lv 29
    Makuhita -> Hariyama Lv 33
    Oddish -> Gloom Lv 29 Fainted
    Koffing Lv 15
    Numel Lv 24 - Fainted
    Skarmory Lv 34
    Swablu Lv 17
    Zubat Lv 15
    Numel the 2nd -> Camerupt Lv 43 - Fainted
    Trapinch -> Vibrava -> Flygon Lv 45
    Voltorb -> Electrode Lv 41 - Fainted
    Wingull Lv 24
    Heracross Lv 40
    Shuppet -> Banette Lv 39 - Fainted
    Shuppet v2.0 -> Banette v2.0 Lv 42
    Magikarp -> Gyarados Lv 29
    Wailmer Lv 24
    Electrode #2 Lv 30
  13. Juggler

    Juggler Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    You're lucky scaryisntit. At least with Wallace, you have a whole bunch of non-resisted attacks you can use. If it was Steven, then you'd be crying for a Numel or something.

    I've been really lazy and haven't even looked at my Sapphire in days. I'll get back to it, eventually.
  14. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Well, I figured to procrastinate from my exams and any writing I might otherwise be doing, I'd try doing one of these runs while I'm bored.

    Doing it in Fire-Red, because I haven't found a good enough DS emulator (at least nothing that matches the caliber and speed of VBA). Also doing it with the only saves when I turn the game off (apparently doing it the other way is cheating - which makes sense).

    Team thus far:

    Tinn Tam - Bulbasaur
    Irene - Mankey
    Aekiel - Pidgey
    Minion - Rattata

    Streaming here. Watch and enjoy!
  15. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    If it's not part of the game and something I have to use the emulator menu proper for then I can't do it without the emulator crashing. Thus my dilemma.

    Just for your sarcastic post I am naming a shitty Pokemon after you ;)
  16. scaryisntit

    scaryisntit Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2008
    Sydney, Australia
    Almost. If I was up against Steven (which I'll likely try anyway, since apparently you can find him in Meteor Falls after the Pokemon League - he's got Lv 75 or so Pokemon), I've got Flygon and Swampert. Both will know Earthquake, and I taught Flygon Flamethrower. Might be teaching Flamethrower to Gyarados, too, once I've got enough money again. Banette to Thunderbolt Skarmory, too.

    I'm glad I'm not versing Cynthia. She's freakin' hard. The hardest champion yet, for me. Her Garchomp smashed my team in Platinum twice before I won thanks to its massive attack and speed stats. Didn't help that three were weak to Earthquake, and four out of six were slower.

    Question. What do you need to be able to create a stream? Although I've got a crap time zone for the majority of the audience (for example, it's just after 2am as of this post), I wouldn't mind putting mine up for the remainder of this run, or the Crystal/Diamond/Leaf Green one I'll start whenever this one is done.
  17. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Go to livestream.com and create a channel, then download procaster (it gives you the option) so that you can stream your monitor. Boot it up, and away you go.
  18. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    The Adventure continues.

    -Took on one of the fucking Bug Catchers in Viridian, Sparky got poisoined. Fainted steps away from the Pokemon Center. Fuck you Weedle. Fuck you.
    -Another Weedle. Another Poison... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE? YOU WERE A FUCKING SHINY MANKEY!! T.T
    -Caught a Rattata on Route 2. Its name is C(annon) Fodder
    -Made it through Viridian without any more poison.
    -Atlas will rape brock but I have no idea what I’m going to do about Misty.
    -Atlas raped Brock. Then got poisoned fighting another fucking bug trainer. Barely made it to a Pokemon center, scariest moment of the game so far.
    -Caught a femal Nidoran, no nickname. Poison Point got me, thought I lost Fodder, till I remembered the Mount Moon PC.
    -Mount Moon, found a nice lvl 9 Zubat. Named it Edward.
    -Made it out of Mt. Moon with a Nidorina a Wartortle and everyone else still alive. This awesome Fighter guy taught my Wartortle Mega Kick, replacing Tackle :3
    -Forgot about my rival. Lost Nidorina to his Failsaur’s Sleep Powder/Leech seed combo. Fodder then destroyed with his newly learned Hyper Fang.
    -The Nugget bridge was no problem, but Route 24 was a major pissoff. First pokemon was a level 7 weedle. Second was a level 14 Bellesprout. Xp
    -Route 25 was a Kakuna, didn’t even bother catching it.

    And I called it a day.

    Team as it stands:
    Atlas – lvl 17 Wartortle
    Jailbait – RIP my shiny Mankey
    Sparky Jr – Victim of the Weedle Conspiracy
    C Fodder – lvl 18 Rattata
    Edward – lvl 17 Zubat
    Weedle lvl 7
  19. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Doing some ultra-conservative grinding (Rock Tunnel, mostly) to get the retards somewhere up to par. Desperately need the exp. all but of course that requires 50 pokemon (51 since I can't count the illegal Nidoran capture). So measures have been taken...

    Current Team:
    Daphne the Venusaur, Level 37
    Susan the Weepinbell, Level 30
    Salazar the Gyarados, Level 30
    Kingsley the Krabby, Level 27
    Krum the Nidorino, Level 26
    Lavender the Cubone, Level 26

    Horace the Sandslash, Level 23
    Gred the Doduo, Level 20
    Ch'ding (really now?) the Farfetch'd, Level 15
    Gabrielle the Goldeen, Level 11

    That's right, Filius got traded for the most useless bird of all time and I leveled up Horace through the DC. This way if I hit another Spearow I won't lose it through the species-clause, and it's a +1 to the pokedex without needing to level...

    And now, the massive list of casualties.
    - Rowena the Pidgey (Viridian, Wild ???)
    - Blaise the Mankey (Viridian, Wild ???)
    - Theo the Zubat (SS Anne, Rival's Kadabra)
    - Pansy the Diglett (Vermillion, Trainer's Pikachu)
    - Cho the Magikarp (Diglett's Cave, Wild Diglett)
    - Astoria the Beedrill (Game Corner, Giovanni's Kangaskhan)
    - Romilda the Vulpix (Game Corner, Giovanni's Kangaskhan)
    - Goyle the Geodude (Game Corner, Giovanni's Kangaskhan)
    - Molly the Snorlax (Fuchsia, Wild Raticate)
    - Padma the Pidgeotto (Saffron, Gym Grunt's Machoke)
    - Pettigrew the Raticate (Saffron, Gym Grunt's Machoke)
    - Harry the Jolteon (Saffron, Gym Grunt's Machoke)
  20. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Now for some updates:

    -Minion tragically perished in a brawl with a double-critting Pidgey.
    -Taure the Caterpie was captured and quickly levelled to a Butterfree
    -in revenge for Minion's death, Tinn Tam shredded Brock's gym without a single heal
    -Aekiel passed on to a critical hit from another Pidgey on Route 3, but fortunately his soul was revived in the capture of a new Pidgey - who soon evolved into an impressively quick Pidgeotto
    -Xipho the Magikarp was purchased and power-levelled like no tomorrow until he became Xipho the Gyarados
    -my first encounter in Mount Moon was a female Zubat. In honour of Vlad, she's been power-levelled into a vicious little pokemon named Daphne

    Current team in Cerulean City is:
    Xipho, the Gyarados - lvl 20
    Tinn Tam, the Ivysaur - lvl 18
    Aekiel, the Pidgeotto - lvl 20
    Daphne, the Zubat - lvl 17
    Taure, the Butterfree - lvl 18
    Irene, the Mankey - lvl 18

    My quest continues!