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OFFICIAL thread for Half Blood Prince ***WARNING**SPOILERS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 15, 2005.

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  1. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    I just love this line. It actually made me chuckle out loud and I wanted to recognize it.

    But, yeah, Harry is a bitch in canon. THat's all there is to it. He is a giant pussy. I wish he wasn't, but he is. I'm trying to come to terms with it.

    The thing that pisses me off is he could have been so much more. Oh well, Se la vie.
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Wee i've pleased my one person-that's-not-married-to-me quota for the year!!

    Woot now i get to be a total ass instead of trying to be nice! sweet!

    Him sucking in canon is something that took me awhile to realize also. After about the 10th rereading of canon to my kids, I started thinking.. why the hell is this so popular.

    After so many readings you start breaking it down, and asking tons of questions, and you realize, the plot holes, and the general lack of content really is horrible.

    Whenever she's out of ideas for awhile, QUIDDITCH! She'll write a long drawn out match... and afterwards usually totally forgets about the crucial plot point that was important to find out prior to the match.

    Don't have anything else for the 3 idiots to talk about? But you've used a Quid match too recently?

    Potions. Good for 5 pages of useless Snape bashing Harry bull.

    Had potions lately?

    Detention or Malfoy. have the Squib catch them.. despite the invisibility cloak, various memory modification or confusion charms the old gimp squib will catch you!

    Malfoy, despite being a total puss in the first 5 books, will come in, whine abit, then get chased off.
  3. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Canon is incredibly dull when you break it down into its base components, not to mention predictable as you pointed out, however its subtly throws a veil over the eyes of the reader, making it appear as if there really is some real purpose to these scenes.

    HBP failed in this regard.

    HBP appeared rushed, and she was unable to weave this veil as tightly as she had in the first four...she begin slipping OoTP, but this was an altogether "slapped" together work.

    On a FanFiction scaled I'd rate it..."Good". Note that I said FanFiction. On a book scale it was a failure. The second book of the Psychic Serpent trilogy...or hell, the first one was better than HBP. It was such utter rubbish that I honestly look forward to fanfiction more than the 7th look which will either be stunningly good, or an utter failure.

    However it could also be that HBP is a setup for the 7th book, which it would also be useful as, however it all could have been fit into 3 chapters or so rather than wasting an entire book on it.
  4. Zevrillion

    Zevrillion Founder Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    New Zealand
    I think everyone can agree that it was a disappointment but JK didn’t really need to write anymore books. She has more money than she needs so she might not have spent that much time and interest in it.

    Another thing is that Harry Potter really is a children’s book. You don’t really need an elaborate plot than. And how old are we? Most people here are 18+ so the plot might work for children.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    HBP discussion

    Even though you're slamming me in that piece, I must say it made me laugh out loud. Discussing things in a clear and concise way, AND ridiculing me. Good show. (They may have seemed sarcastic, but I assure it, it wasn't)

    All I got to say in this post is a few things I have heard which gives us at least a bit of reason not to give up all hope. As we would have all noticed, everything after book 4 has been quite different to what we were used to. Several people have brought this up (I haven't seen it too much in this forum though), that books 5 and onwards are more of a lead up to big ole' book 7. I have sufficiently deluded myself into believing that, and that books 5, 6 and 7 are kind of their own little trilogy in their way, about this current Wizarding World War, which book 7 will wrap up and make everything write as rain, and make rainbows appear and turn all the rivers into hot chocolate.

    But back to harsh, and where I am geographically located, COLD reality, if books 5 and 6 ARE soley for leading up to 7, this COULD mean that book 7 could start straight off with action and adventure, without spending SOOO many chapters getting all the characters physically re-located to a place where action may or may not commence. Although that probably won't happen, it could be very good if written well. Most fanfics either take too long to get to Hogwarts, or in most cases, get there WAY too quickly. If she eliminated Hogwarts all together (like she sort of hinted at maybe doing), it could really change the process.

    Now I'm just grasping for straws. Probably won't happen, but ya gotta dream..

    Granted, the SLUGCLUB was wasted paper (why won't anybody think of the trees?), but I really liked the Horcrux idea. I thought it was very good. I know you could probably come up with 10 reasons why it isn't fantastic, and then nitpick the hell out of it, but I just like the idea. So :p

    While the route she will probably go is the way of Snape being evil git-man, there is another *possibility*. With the way things had gone down that night, Dumbeldore was going to wind up dead. Either slowly by the potion, or by a DE. If by DE, if it weren't Snape, then perhaps Fenrir who was going to do it before Snape interrupted, or some other DE who got up there to watch Malfoy do it. Snape, being a potions masrter, MAY have recognised what was happening and knew Dumbeldore was going to die, so killed him himself to spare him agony of a slow death (remember, Dumbeldore seemed to be begging Snape...perhaps begging for a pianless death....), whilst fulfilling his vow so he could keep spying for Voldemort until he learns enough vital information to sabotage and run back to the Order.

    Although we can say with almost 100% assurity it won't go down like that, it would be nice to see some fanfics like that.
  6. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    The horcrux didn't piss me off conceptually. Its the way she made Harry jump through hoops to find out what a horcrux is when Dumbledore could have just told him.

    And I don't buy that shit that the WHOLE purpose of 5 and 6 were to set up 7 because even if they were, than she had no business writing these books just to dick around with us.
  7. Zevrillion

    Zevrillion Founder Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    New Zealand
    If the purpose of book 5 and 6 were to set up for book 7 is has to be the longest prologue in the human history. Over 1 500 pages prologue, and I thought the prologue to “the Lord of the Rings” were long.
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Re: HBP discussion

    Nada, not slamming, i'm just a very sarcastic person and a cynic. Unless I specifically go out of my way to utterly flame you like a gay man in San Fransico, don't take anything personal =)

    I agree, I REALLY hate Hogwarts.

    Why? It's a perfect castle, where you can go to be safe, and learn to your hearts content... um.. nada.

    It's a place more freaking dangerous then should be allowed, filled with rascist and often dangerously stupid teachers and often lethal animals/beings.

    Most FF authors, and JKR spend way too much time doing stupid little things. Go back and read how much time she wasted in years past year 1, talking about the moving staircases, or the gargoyles in Dumbles office, the trophy room, etc, etc.

    I don't have a problem with the fact that she used a cheap rip off of a Lich's soul storing device straight out of AD&D, and god knows how many other fantasy settings, but rather the way she delt with it as a whole.

    Dumble: I need you to spend pages upon pages watching stupid ass memories, and no I won't tell you why. By the way, I need you to retrieve a memory about a insane strong soul storing process, that a celebrity stalker/man with the personality of a used car salesman, named Slughorn has. Don't ask why, I won't tell you. God forbid I truth serum his ass, or mind rape him myself. Run along now, and remember I'm NOT manipulative!!!!!

    Doesn't that about sum it up? She could of made Dumbles alone know about it, and it was some ultra secret thing Slytherin did to himself, etc, etc.

    Instead she utterly ruined it by having Sluggy play a part in it.

    True, but that again goes back to Voldie using a method ppl know about to protect himself/the Horcrux. It isn't a secret if everyone knows about it. And yeah, it'd be good to see fanfics like that, sadly, i'm almost certain the majority of the fics that do write like that will be Harry/Snape writers =(

    I've said it before in this thread, and Charlie repeats it again for me: The constant hoop jumping is repeatative, and horrible to read. It's like she went out of her way to make Dumbles manipulative, and stupid for most of the story.

    I forget the exact quote, but in an interview she said she intended for the books to grow with the characters and the readers, and that the later books would very possibly be considered too harsh for the youngest fans.

    I think it's safe to say with the death, decaying corpses wandering around, and most notably, a werewolf who likes to drink the blood of "children" that the series is most def. not for kiddies 13 or under anymore.

    Aye, I found myself in HBP going.. Well it can't suck that horribly, and waiting for the massive twist... and waiting... and waiting... oh look Snape came out of the closet, I guess the twist is Dumbles didn't die.... waiting.. waiting... well damn that was a waste of my time.
  9. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    That's true that with the rotting corpses and shit, she really added an edge to it. The problem is she neglected to show the Wizarding World truly at war. For example, we hear characters grieving briefly be we never see any actually upset.

    THe question I have is this: Is does Albus Dumbledore expect Harry to die in the final fight and take Voldemort with him, rather than train Harry and risk him turning "dark," OR does he truly believe that Harry will emerge victorious and unscathed with his "Power of Love"?

    Obviously, Albus is controlling Harry. My question, essentially, is he doing this to prevent Harry from turning Dark, or because he thinks its the best way.

    I think Dumbledore's an idiot who is too trusting and too idealistic, and I think it would not occur to him that Harry is turning Dark until Harry started to rebel. I think Albus is a foolish, manipulative true believer who feels that this way too defeat Voldemort. I think, in his head, this is the way too defeat Voldemort and Harry will ultimately thank him. (and with JK behind the wheel that laswt statement is probably going to be entirely true :cry: )
  10. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Harry: Oh WOW! Training with Dumbledore! Cooooooool!

    Hermione: I bet that you'll learn lots of battle magics...oh I'm so jealous...hey look theres Ron and Lavender snogging.


    Dumblefuck: Now Harry, watch this meaningless memory rather than learn magic that would help you defeat Voldemort.

    Harry: Okay sir, why is your hand rotted?




    Ron/Hermione/McGonagall/Dumblefuck: Suuure Harry. You know hes really innocent on the inside.



    Dumblefuck: *goes boom*


    Slughorn: OMG Horcruxes R.A.B.

    And thus sums up a good portion (I'd say 85% or so) of the book right there.
  11. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
  12. Zevrillion

    Zevrillion Founder Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    New Zealand
    Re: HBP discussion

    OK, It might not be suitable but I don’t think she was able to make the transition. She has just added some death to a children’s book. That doesn’t make it a book for adults. It’s still a children’s book. A lot of Disney’s cartoon movies have death in them. They are still for children.
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    HBP discussion

    OMFG, that was so hysterical. Although I hate to admit it, it is SOOO true. I especially love the DUMBLES GO BOOM! bit. Oh my god I could not stop laughing.

    I had heard the idea was used in something else too, I just wasn't sure what. AD&D? What is that? Sounds like it may be an interesting read.

    HAHAHAHAHA. Althoigh this practically seems the case, I hope JKR can pull it out of the fire by the end of book 7. Although some people would argue that perhaps Dumbeldore had some inkling he hadn't a long time left in the world (what is he, 300?), or he thought that he would ultimately die in the war which only Harry could end, he wanted Harry to get this experience, and also know about Voldie's history, so when Dumble was gone, Harry could continue the "quest".

    Also, I am looking for an image or two of Voldemort from the GOBLET OF FIRE film, cause I am interested to see what he will look like in this film. If anyone has a pic or a link, could you please give it to me?[/u]
  14. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    You bastard. Now I have to wipe soda off the LCD screen! After the 20th time his fucking hand was mentioned I wanted someone to just run in and chop the effing thing off.

    I agree with you, she tried to make it darker, and did a good job with PoA and GoF, but failed brining the series where we all expected it to go.

    Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. While I never played the pen and paper game, I read series like Ravenloft, Dragonlance (read this, especially the old ones are godlike.) and Forgotten Realms, and played the various excellent video games that the series spawned. All the content you could ever want in hundreds of books.

    As for Dumble wanting Harry to finish the "quest" and his age = 150ish, he should of taught Harry some magic worth bothering with.

    The man is the holder of the 12 secret uses of Dragon's Blood... I'm using several of the uses in my fic, because I seem to be the only fricking on who remembers Dumbles is a well established alchemist! (One of the reasons I'm almost positive he's not dead, you REALLY think he'd destroy the only known producer of the elixir of life?)

    he could of taught Harry some of the uses and made him stronger, or used something he'd gathered in 130 something years out of school. Hell in the last 50-60 odd years of the book's time, he was looked up to as a near god with his power, it made no sense for him to waste all of Harry's years there on bullshit levitation spells and the ilk.

    I haven't seen any Voldie from GoF film yet, and tbh I'm scared to see how horrible they fuxor it up after screwing up Lupin/Werewolf, and Peter. The dragons look awesome, but the extremely dark bit at the end I'm afraid to see how bad they screw it up to make it child "safe" and so all the christian idiot groups all around the world don't crucify it more then they already want to.
  15. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Dude, Christian idiot groups love having a scary boogie man to Say, "see, if you're bad Voldemort will get you"

    Plus these are same fucking whackjobs who took their kids to see a man bein tortured to death for an hour (Thanks Mel Gibson :wink: )

    These idiots don't want to see gays because it complicates their perfect, black and white little world.

    Voldemort, as JK writes him (which is very poorly and shallowly) fits perfectly into this view of the world, with VOldemort the embodiment of everything wrong with the Earth.
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Peter wasnt that bad in the movies. That's pretty much how i pictured him. Weird, fat and a cry baby... lol. I dunno.

    I have no idea how they are going to do the ending to GoF. Will they show Peter cutting Harry's arm for the blood? Will they show the weird-looking Voldie-baby fetus thingy? Will they show Peter chopping is hand off?... I dont think they will and that stuffs it up :(

    I mean, you'll probably just hear Peter screaming in pain or something. lol.
  17. ChuckDaTruck

    ChuckDaTruck Overlord

    May 19, 2005
    Inside YOUR closet. Go check.
    Peter is a pussy, but he is a clever pussy. He was able to get away with murder, literally. And he can't be so incompetent if he was able to become an animagus (something most wizards can't do) regardless of how much help he got from James and Sirius.

    And I think VOldemort is really misusing him by making Snape's servant.

    I mean, the guy has one of the most incospicuous and perfect for spying Animagus forms possible and yet he is used as a goddamn made?!

    At the very least, Since Sirius was found innocent, couldn't they have used him to help infiltrate Hogwarts and guide them upon entry? I mean, the guy knows the school inside and out from his days as a marauder.
  18. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    I aim to please. Anyways I was reading HBP over when I wrote that...I simply can't stand it.
  19. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    How are the copies I sent you going as far as being useful for editing and research?
  20. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Had I not known it was HBP, I'd have said it was a good FanFiction.
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