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OFFICIAL thread for Half Blood Prince ***WARNING**SPOILERS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 15, 2005.

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  1. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet

    my thoughts exactly
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Plus, Tonks is 24 (graduated the summer Harry entered, and according to the HP Lexicon's math, James and Lily were 20-21 when they had Harry, this would make Remus at LEAST 36, just in terms of life experience, Remus has lived 150 % as much as TOnks has.

    Very Happyinda weird. He really is robbing the cradle in this case.

    Here is my real issue... JKR has created a BRILLIANT world and her plots and stories are interesting..., what's fucking it all up is that her characters are not evolving or really maturing. How much has any of them REALLY changed other than noticing the opposite sex. I am gonna be frank with you, the kid I was friends with in Middle school, I don't talk to anymore. I wanted to go to college and he didn't (go NYU) :wink:

    Anyway, these characters are NOT changing, the relationships they have with people are NOT changing. The only two relationships that really changed for Harry were how he thinks of Malfoy (at the very end) and how he gets along with Ginny. Maybe you could argue that he had slightly more power in his interactions with DUmbledore, but that's kind of weak and very minimal. :?

    The world she created was fun and brilliant and the mysteries are superb, but then she had to change it, to make the characters evolve, and add character arcs, and JK has refused to do that. That is the problem with the books. I think the first 4 books are perfect. Its around book 5 that things stagnate and one wonders why does no one change in these stories, and the bottom line is JK doesn't know how to write characters well. Don't get me wrong JK creates beautiful, rich portraits of characters, but that is all they are...portraits, they don't change. No matter how you approach them they just are not moving forward. The character who changed the most in this whole story was Draco Malfoy, and he had a very secondary role in this story.

    ONly, at the very end does Harry change at all, even then its not much.
  3. I think I read enough here... I will now give my imput to the gallery.

    I liked this book. *holds up hand to stop protestors* I honestly did.

    Personally, i dont see what you people have against Ginny, other then the fact that you've read one to many fanfictions with her getting together with Harry. Look at teenagers in general before you say she is a slut, and note that many of the teenage populus goes through many boyfriends/girlfriends. I dont care that to you she is a little known character after the 2nd book until the 5th one. Would YOU date someone you considered a sister?

    Hermione? She's a teenager for pitties sake! What do you want, for her to be the smartest thing to ever walk the earth and to know who she is to get together with as soon as she lays eyes on them? We've ALWAYS known she was book smart, not street smart! For crying out loud you folks hate her guts!

    Ron...Well, he's not my favorite guy, and tends to be jelous as was once more shown...but in the end isnt he always there to back his friends up? This has been shown one to many times for it not to be true.

    Dumbledores death...let me think on that...I agreed with it. It could have been done differently of course, but he needed to die.

    Draco, yes that will probably cause a lot of slash fics...I'll have to watch out for those....

    Snape? Well, I never liked him all that much ne way.

    Horcrux? That actually makes sense. I LIKE that idea. And frankly it sounds a lot like an old myth I read a while ago...cant remember which one though....

    Anyway, i know a lot of you wont agree with me. but before you flam/disagree, READ THE BOOK FOR PITTIES SAKE! How many people are just responding after reading spoilers, or blowing things out of proportion?
  4. True Story

    True Story Third Year

    May 16, 2005
    Washington D.C.
    Thats what I too am pondering how exactly can someone who hasnt read the book call it a piece of crap? I most definately did not like hearing of Dumbles death and voiced that opinion but calling the book crap wihtout even reading it yo thats just stupid. If you read it and form that opinion then good for you but otherwise.......
  5. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I gotta problem with the Ginny/Harry thing because it comes outta no where. With Cho, Harry actually thought about her since third year. Got wierd feelings and stuff around her but with Ginny, it was all ONE SIDED until suddenly Harry likes her. Just like that... BAM, I like her now. He hardly even thought of her before now. It definately isnt love at first sight so what the hell is it?

    Of course you dont have to really know the person but he didnt even think of her at all. It just showed up. It didnt move along how his feelings for Cho went.

    First he just thought she was pretty. Then he started blushing and stuff around her. Then he got weird feelings in his gut. Then he started thinking a little about her. Blah, blah, blah.... its all in the build up.
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    Aye I agree with you Charlie, that's pretty much what I meant. I took a break from the forum after being on edge from deleting 19239397389 godamned spoilers anons kept coming in here with.

    Fanfiction Pet Peeve for example had a post by a HalfBlood guest that spoiled the entire book. I deleted. They reposted. I deleted. They reposted somewhere else. for 15 mins we went back and forth till they finalyl stopped. Fucking annoying.

    There was no way Harry was going to go dark, he's not marketable as a badass after the pussy act he's had for 5 years, which is why i perfer fanfiction.

    But having him act so freaking weird all through this book, with just assloads of wasted potential shining all over the place is pathetic.

    And for the love of god I hate Hermione. BUT WHY IS SHE SO EFFING STUPID IN THIS BOOK?!?!?! In any other book, they'd all of followed Harry anywhere. In HBP noone, and I mean noone listens to his ass through the whole story.
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Aye, and even Draco goes from a bully who hides behind everyone to this plotting criminal mastermind wanna be.

    If she'd ditch OOTP, stuck this in year 5, and actually had Harry TRAIN then all would be better.
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Exactly. The whole book is like this. Hermy and Ron are buyable, but not the way Ms. Perfect and smart goes from calm to rulebreaker, to whiner, to love struck...etc.

    The moods for the characters just flop around way too much.

    Ginny would go over much better actually, if JKR had used her somewhat after year 2, and the end of OOTP. It just seems like she's a disposable character tossed in there horribly. She may not be a slut, but she does bounce around alot, considering the rest of the other girls don't seem to, or it's not mentioned.

    The relationship with Cho, horrible disaster it was, had logic to it. It had progression. It wasn't forcefully shoved down your throats like this was.

    And on a side note, ppl accept Tonks/Remus everywhere I've looked.. despite the massive age diff. of 11/12+ years. I'd easily go for Harry/Tonks with a diff of 6/7, considering she can change shape to be whatever she wants ya know.

    Uncomfortable with her as she is "normally" Bam take on the look of a teenager. College ppl dating Seniors in High School isn't uncommon around nowadays. Granted it's usually a 'ship based on sex, but it does happen
  9. TaldMar

    TaldMar First Year

    Apr 8, 2005
    Still the best part of the entire book was when Ron suggested Harry use his luck potion to get the memory and Hermoine said what could be a better use. So i thought well maybe life or death battle with Voldemort. You know walked towards each other Tom trips on robes hits head on rock to be knocked senseless Harry uses this to blast him into tiny little pieces. When Harry is off in his own little world thinking about using the potion to get with Ginny. WTF!? Now i don't know about you but fight for my life might be more important then getting to possibly kiss my crush.

    It's the little stuff that kills the book from what it could have been.
  10. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    thats what i thought too....life VS death your definetly gonna need luck
  11. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    /imates stupid HP fanboy: Bah, he won't need luck! After he gets done fighting all the gym leaders and gets his Rock city badge... er I mean Horcrux thingys, he'll be teh unbeatable!

  12. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    LOL. Everyone is matching it up with pokemon. Its so bloody funny.

    ARGH! All this HBP fanfictions are poppin up all over FF.Net and its... ARGH!

    Thou, i did see a good one with Harry talking to Dumble's headmaster picture. HA!

    Most people are getting Harry to travel with Ron and Hermione... ARGH! He should go it alone and leave those two back at home. If thats what happens in book 7 with the three of them going on a trip... ARGH!

    Go it alone Harry, go it alone.
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I saw one on hpfanfiction that may of well as been called Ash, Brock, and Misty travel to find the mystical Pokemon Horcrux!

    I really do hope she doesn't have him as a portrait. Everyone's used it, and i've only seen one or two fics that have used it well. Removing Dumbles from the story helps Harry be his own man finally, knowing her, she'll screw that up to.
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Dumbledore will be back as Harry's mythical phoenix Pottermon. And of course Malfoy has to be the crappy rival character that shows up and battles Harry from time to time. I think there was a whole family of Pokemon that looked like elemental variations of ferret. Draco can have those. And Cho has to be guarding the water badge, because SHE'S TEH HUMAN H00SEP1P3 LOLZORZ~!!!
  15. Lord_Slytherin

    Lord_Slytherin Third Year

    Jun 19, 2005
    lol, and Bellatrix and Snape can be team rocket
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005

    This is so funny.

    He will become a painting thou Mid. All the headmasters do. Its just the matter of will Harry and him interact heaps.
  17. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    LMAO, this is getting me inspired to do a random and stupid fic. I should do one where Harry is adopted and raised by HULK HOGAN and comes to Hogwarts with a sprayed-on beard and knowledge of the mystic ways of Hulkamania.

    "Whatcha gonna do, Lord Voldemort, when Harry Hogan and Hulkamania RUN WILD ON YOUUUUUUUUU~!"
  18. Contempt

    Contempt Third Year

    Jul 15, 2005
    The Bitter End

    Lord Voldemort looked fearfully at his arch enemy, Harry Potter, as the young man walked toward him with long powerful strides. Harry cracked his shoulder, his bulging arm muscles streching against the shirt. Looking darkly at Voldemort with unvieled malice, Harry opened his mouth to speak.

    "Tell me Voldemort...CAN YOU SMELL WHAT ROCK (Jr.) IS COOKING!" Shrieking in fear, Voldemort tried to dodge as Harry lunged at him. Sadly, the WWW had come to the Wizarding World, and mass violence and steriod use would run rampant.
  19. Zevrillion

    Zevrillion Founder Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    New Zealand
    WoW. Now I have finished the book. Got it yesterday and read it in one sitting. Now 15 hours later I have finished the book. Damn I am tired and my eyes are ruined

    I don’t think it was too bad. It could have been a lot worse.

    One thing I don’t get is the whole “power of love”. Damn I hate that. What is Harry going to do? Kiss Voldie in the final battle. Ohh I can see it now. Harry kisses Voldie and Volide falls down clutching his heart after getting a heart attack and dies. Somehow I don’t think that is very likely and I don’t think I will like whatever lame idea JK will use.

    The Lockhart wannabe was totally pointless in my opinion. Someone else could have that memory.

    The whole Voldie memory thing was a little bit interesting but anyone with an IQ over 10 could have figured out how Riddles upbringing. It starts to look like a bad FBI thriller book were a psycho killer is on the loose.

    I think the Horcrux thing was ok. It gives a plausible explanation to Tom immortality. Now will have to see if JK is going to buy the rights for Pokemon.

    Another thing that annoys me is that Snape is right. Harry isn’t very good at magic. He is mediocre at best. In DADA, the only thing he can do is Patronus and the rest a three year old can do. We saw now that a Patronus can change. I think in the final battle Harry will cast a Patronus and out comes Picachu.

    Oh can’t come up with anything more now. OK I lied. It just too much to write.
  20. ghst.san

    ghst.san Sixth Year

    May 31, 2005
    You guys are mean :p

    This whole power of love thing reminds me of Sailor Moon ^^ . You know the episode where Sailormoon sacrifices himself to safe her friends? The same thing will happen with Harry too. He´s going to sacrifice himself and then some mysterious power is interfering and rescues him and his friends. YAY
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