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OFFICIAL thread for Half Blood Prince ***WARNING**SPOILERS

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Midknight, Jul 15, 2005.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    HBP discussion

    Alot of people are VERY upset over Dumbeldore's death. And I mean ALOT! Although I was shocked to the very core when I read that scene, I have to admit... it was fucking brilliant. It was (well, for me) totally unexpected, a HUGE twist, and in the end I simply thought it was great. Alot of people are bitching about how Harry won't be able to learn from him now, which means Harry will have to persue knowledge and magic HIMSELF, which are the fanfics I have always liked the best. I believe book #7 will be the most Independant!Harry canon book yet!

    Also, people were expressing extreme disbelief over how Bellatrix Lestrange knew Occulmency (or at least, the Mind Arts). Remember, in OOTP she said she was trained by Voldemort himself, who is a master Legilmens. And since Voldemort would've known Dumbeldore to also be one, having his servants know Occulmency to make it harder to be interrogated seems prudent.

    Since I have always been a Harry/Ginny fan, I don't complain about the pairings ROWLING made. Alot of people are saying that his feelings for her came out of no where. Just because Rowling didn't mention any of his feelings for her till the kiss in the hallway, doesn't mean they didn't exist. There are some things in these books which goes on behind the freakin' scenes! Besides, he spent practically the WHOLE SUMMER getting to know her and be with her, which is how alot of highly successful and praised Harry/Ginny fics begin. WSWo what is it ain't going to be Harry/Hermione. Stop pissing and moaning and get over it.

    I absolutely loved the memory scenes, I thought they were extremely interesting. I always wanted to know the down-and-dirty of Voldemort's past, and now I got it. The Horcrux idea I also loved as well. I thought it was rather clever, and some people keep saying she ripped it off from some other book. Well, she obviosuly must have, since NO TWO AUTHORS HAVE EVER, *EVER* HAD A SIMILAR IDEA BEFORE *cough*practically 70% of fanfic authors*cough*.

    The fact Snape was the half-blood prince quite surprised me. But it didn't disagree with me. I was hoping throughout the whole book *please don't let the half-blood prince be some sort of royalty or big influential, powerful being*, and I got my wish there too. :)

    For those of you who claim that Draco went from idiot to mastermind, well, he became a Death Eater, the dude (can't remember name) who got stuck in the Vanishing Closet in OOTP was the son of a DE, is it hard to believe that it got back to Voldemort and HE planned everything and told Draco everything he needed to know?

    I, for one, LOVED it. Sure, alot of us were kind of disappointed, but thats mostly because we had so much anticipation, build up over a long time, waiting for this book to be released. Its like how Christmas Eve is more exciting than Christmas Day, because of the sheer anticipation. And I guess I can see how the book didn't live up to the expectations built up by SOME people.

    In conclusion, I loved it,. I also find it very interesting, that a majority of those people in this forum who have trashed the book, have bad spelling and/or grammar. Coincidence?
  2. Lord_Slytherin

    Lord_Slytherin Third Year

    Jun 19, 2005
    Interesting perspective, obviously everyone has a different opinion (although that probably won’t stop Midnight coming in and yelling at you ;)). I didn’t hate it that much; disappointment is probably a better word. There were a few things that were done well, and a few things that I really hated. Unfortunately these things really detracted from the good parts.

    Yes it was a great scene. Unfortunately I already knew it was going to happen. I also really liked the quest to get the Horcrux, despite the various jokes about Pokemon.

    The romance was incredibly poorly handled; and the fact that I hate Ginny with a passion didn’t exactly help matters. Despite my dislike of the pairing, I could have handled it if it was done well or made sense. But it didn’t. There was no evolution of their relationship, there was no logical reason for Harry to suddenly start ‘loving’ her when he did. It was extremely contrived; and Harry’s internal dialogue was woeful. And don’t give me that about stuff happening off-screen, anything important pertaining to the plot or the characters should be on-screen. Expecting the reader to somehow magically know what’s happening off screen is bad writing. Lol, I don’t think you’ll find many Harry/Hermione fans here actually.

    As for Ron/Hermione, I actually didn’t mind that much. Besides lavender, who was slightly over the top, their interaction and constant fighting was rather funny. But I’m defiantly of the opinion that romance took up far to much screen time. Remus/Tonks; came out of nowhere, wasn’t relevant to anything, only put in to appease fangirls.

    Please do not turn Harry Potter into a bad episode of the OC.

    The memory scenes were interesting, the first one really creeped me out. But I think her portrayal of Voldemort was far to one dimensional. Multi-dimensional villains are good. Also, they did remind me unpleasantly of a murder detective program, and ‘getting behind the mind of the killer’. Not to mention, as others have said, they were essentially just thrown in there to break up the plot.

    I thought it was rather obvious. It was a Potions book. Although, at one stage I thought it might be riddle

    Eh, Draco was defiantly not a mastermind. He was defiantly still an idiot; just a desperate idiot forced to adapt to circumstances. I loved the scene where he stepped on Harrys face.

    The main problem in HBP was the lack of interesting things happening at Hogwarts. In all the past books there’s always been an interesting new character, and/or an interesting plot going on that Harry has to figure out. In this book we got Slughorn, and 400 pages of contrived romance. The plot was obvious from the start, even to Harry, and wasn’t really a plot in the sense of previous books. It was very unrowlingish.

    Actually, I think that was intentional. She did mention that book 6 and 7 were essentially two parts of the same book. And she does have a habit of making us think one thing and then turning it around completely. I fully expect to get a very different interpretation of the events at the end of HBP in book 7.

    Perhaps you should check your own spelling and Grammar before correcting others. If you want to state an opinion, fine. But there’s no need for comments like this ‘to prove your point’ or whatever.
  3. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the first post HBP i read and in the first ch harry and ginny are an item again..........people they broke up leave it there
  4. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005

    Harry/Ginny shippers are going to take over i swear. Lets just all build some sort of bomb shelter and ride it out, hmm?

    Or... counter with some awesome Dark!Harry, Slytherin!Harry, ect stories.
  5. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    i say we counter because sometimes the best defence is a good offence
  6. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Godamnit. You made me spit soda all over my keyboard, rofl
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Ah, but Dumbles didn't know his death was coming. Perhaps the portrait is something that is made when the Headmaster retires, not just a given thing.

    I really don't get the extreme amount of portraits either, other then a handful of times when one's spoken, they've never really done crap.
  8. Contempt

    Contempt Third Year

    Jul 15, 2005
    The Bitter End
    Spies for the current Headmaster? Seems plausable
  9. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    *shrug* I won't yell at him, since he obviously doesn't have the balls to post under a fake, assumed semi-valid Internet name anyway, heh. I don't yell at anyone really, just discuss their points and attempt to steer them towards my POV, as they do the same in return. *shrug* It's what the forum is here for, discussion.

    I will say however, coming to the forum and insulting people in various subtle ways is fairly stupid, but whatever gets his rocks off.

    I'm glad the bastard died actually, he was a fucking drain on the entire series. What did he ever actually... DO? It was all Dumbles this, Dumbles that.. Is the series called Dumbledore? No? Then why the hell don't we have Harry taking a larger part, and being much more active?

    The only problem I have with Dumbledore dying, is there are so many deaths of people throughout the entire book, that by the time you get to Dumbles.. it just has no shock value at all.

    And currently, if JKR didn't have Harry get training from Dumbles while he was alive, I doubt the kid's going to get strong at all.

    Behind the scenes or not, when the readers are not let in on something, it did not happen. Considering the bullshit Slug Club bits, and various other times she wasted space, if that really did happen, I'm sure it would of been included.

    I couldn't give a flying freak about CANON Ginny being paired with him, it's the fanfic version of her as a godamned nutcase a good majority of us hate. Normally she's "just" Ginny, then suddenly Harry's willing to near sell his soul to screw her ya know. Makes no sense at all.

    Ron/Hermione would of been fine, except for the nonstop, bullshit back and forth with the Lavender triangle. It was a collosal waste of space and time, considering the impending war in the world, to spend so long on that bullshit.

    Notice she fleshed out the ship between Ron/Hermione.. and yet Harry/Ginny just got popped in there. Hell I called the ships for HBP the day after I read OOTP. She sent 6 there, 3/3 boys/girls so they'l all use that moment as their "pillar" for their ships.

    The memory scenes were a waste, plain and simple. They were tossed in to give time to pass between the acti... er LACK of action. Why the hell is Dumbles showing Harry all this shit, instead of actually training him? Why doesn't he go to Slug and rip the info from his damned mind, he obviously knows he was lying to him. Sending Harry to get it is just stupid sorry.

    Having Voldemort become immortal, using means some half assed celeb stalker knows of, really cheapens it. It should of been kept mystical, and revealed to Harry somehow, but not like that.

    I wished it had been a powerful being. The cheap ass play of words was really disappointing. We spent awhile thinking all sorts of things, but to come nowhere near the fact that is was that LAME is seriously crazy.

    And to find out through a potions book... ug. If it'd been done better, the play on words would be excusable, but Harry suddenly getting Snape's book, that teaches him stuff, and have it revealed that way..ug.

    And since when in the hell does becoming a DE make him smart? In 5 books he's portrayed as a coward, who only opened his mouth when he was almost sure nothing bad could happen to him. Him taking the initiative was so far out of character for who he was established to be, he may of well as been named Asshat or something.

    That says to me, just like all previous years, he only did something when he was sure the outcome benefited him/no risk to him. Just like a true Slytherin. His actions in the rest of the book however, just did not see true to who he "is/was"


    I honestly don't think so, that book 7 will be better. Consider the amount of content she has to cram in there. De's being fought, deaths, and a believable way for Harry to defeat Voldemort. I think it'll come down to her keeping Harry relatively normal/not strong, but the final Horc. being destroyed wipes Volde out.

    [/quote]Perhaps you should check your own spelling and Grammar before correcting others. If you want to state an opinion, fine. But there’s no need for comments like this ‘to prove your point’ or whatever.[/quote]

    Other then a few posts made in obvious shorthand on purpose, I don't see anything horrible.

    My own posts often have a small amount of typos, due to the speed I type at. I try to stay on regular posters about typos, because we have at least 2 people I can think of off the top of my head that have grammar and spelling that borders on unreadable.

    Ya know, that reminds me to take my own advice I used to give on various other forums.

  10. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    i get the image that book 7 is gonna read like a dungeons and dragons adventure....

    The quest for the Horcruxes .... just sounds D&D-ish...
  11. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    The part of the Rogue is played by Harry Potter

    The female wizard by Hermione

    The small useless kender/gnome by Ron Weasley!
  12. Allowaycar

    Allowaycar Second Year

    May 3, 2005
    South Carolina
    Hell I wouldn't mind Harry having to work to find the horcruxes. As long as he does it solo. He needs to ditch Hermione and Ron and grow a set. Now I can understand every now and then getting Hermione to help him out with research, cause she is smart, but Ron? Uh...sorry Ron, there is no chess set horcrux. Go back and play with your toys.
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005

    See i bought Hermione as a cheap ass plot device to always know everything.

    The way JKR dumbed her down, and got rid of Ron's supicious attitude about Malfoy really harmed that though =(

    Usually it's Hermione putting 2 and 2 together, but all i kept seeing in the whole book was Harry going: MALFOY IS EVIL!!1!11! werd! and everyone else going nope, he's a good guy you're imagining things.

    I really hope that half ass sudden change in the way the characters act leads to Harry actually being smart and a decent person next book, instead of like he was the first 5. *looks at dead basilisk...*"Duh...I'm a lucky bastard"
  14. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    i bet he's going to die at the end of book 7...i meanhe has no training what so ever....yep he's going to die...it just feels like that but i hope he bang luna in canon first because i can see those two in canon *still paining over the loss of tonks*
  15. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I wouldnt mind Harry/Luna. There is nothing wrong with that pairing in my opinion. He could use some whacked out logic from time to time.

    He should do it all solo. Ron cant do shit and Hermione is now stupid. Just leave them behind to make babies. *Shudders*

    Can he be one of the Horcruxes? I mean, he probably transfered some of his soul into Harry. Did Dumble's say he wasnt? Well, he could be wrong.
  16. ghst.san

    ghst.san Sixth Year

    May 31, 2005
    hmmmmmm you might be right with the soul transfer thing. Harry has a strong connection with Voldie which might come from having a part of his soul. But i dont think that Harry will die. In the final battle it will be Harry, Ron and Hermoine who´ll kill Voldie with the POWER OF LOVE WOHOOOO.
  17. Zevrillion

    Zevrillion Founder Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    New Zealand
    Yes. That sounds likely, but before that; Harry, Ron and Hermione will drive around in a magical Hippie van and search and destroy Horcruxes.
  18. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Battling Pokemon trainers along the way *shudders*
  19. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    the power of love... I won't even fill the board with my obscene rants on where she took that.

    It'd honestly become a NC-17 only thread really fast.

    *Harry runs up and french kisses Voldemort. I wub joo!"

    Voldie would die of shock, Horcrux soul receptacle or not.
  20. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Seriously thou, it will be some killer awesome spell thats powered by the emotion of love or some bullshit like that. It will be unbeatably because love is the greatest and all that stuff. Anyway... *shudders*
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