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Abandoned Only Enemies by leave this world - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Cell, Apr 18, 2006.

  1. se7en

    se7en Professor

    Mar 29, 2006
    stump town
    Well, to me, Harry has to be quite evil and crazy to be with Bellatrix. it just fits
  2. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    I didn't think Harry was evil, really. To him, getting an innocent man out of prison is worth killing every auror in the world. It's not like he goes around torching muggles or anything like death eaters or Bellatrix, he just kills those involved in something wrong, of course he's over the top with it, but I think it makes it interesting that way, like the war totally changed him, and now he has no problem killing those he believes deserve it.
  3. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    Ah that would make this the very first (good) Harry goes insane and gets in bella's nickers fic ever. THE POTENTIAL!!!!!!
  4. Athenia

    Athenia Groundskeeper

    Apr 28, 2006
    I think the Harry description is perfect. Apart from the consequences of winning a war (If side A wins, the world will go this way... and if not, then) once you move from terrorist type actions (like in HBP) to full out war (as described in the beginning of this story, I think both sides tend to act the same. Sure, Bella's crazy and everything, but she is smart and powerful. Harry is smart, powerful and so far into living his life in a war setting that he is willing to what he needs to to get what he wants. But more, just look at the scene when they both first arrive in this dimension. Remember when they were told that they were meaning arrested for dark magic and they both just broke down laughing? That's the mindset these two people are in and that's a Harry that would realistically take on Azkaban's "innocent" guards to get what he wants.
  5. zEROfrustration

    zEROfrustration Second Year

    May 18, 2006
    South Africa
    I just found this thread and after reading everything said about it I can't wait to read it. In fact I'm going to read it now.

  6. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    Very good new chapter. I really love this story. The description of Azkaban was very good, especially the ward system and the fighting scene was as good as ever. I just want to know how Dumbledore is going to react if he finds out that Harry and Bella raided Azkaban.
  7. Malice?

    Malice? First Year

    Apr 18, 2006
    Next chapter

    Heres a short excerpt from the next chapter. Ive got it started now which is always the hardest part. I hope to have it up in the next two to three days, but who knows, might be quicker if I'm lucky:

    Albus waited until Kingsley disappeared from the floo before he allowed his grand-fatherly visage to degrade into a snarl. Merlin blighted Potter. From this world or the next he never ceases to cause me trouble.
    “Still sure of your approach to the Potter brat now?” A sibilant voice drawled from behind, interrupting Albus’s thoughts.
    “Yes Severus I’m sure. The boy can be brought to heel. The boy must be brought to heel! We must be patient is all. Have you forgotten that we need something to break the deadlock with Amelia? Everyday we loose ground to that damned witch and the DMLE slips further into her absolute control.”
    “And you think Potter, a dark arch mage allied with the Queen of Pain, is going to help us out of the kindness of his heart once he hears tell of the rampant corruption? No Albus, the boy is a rouge force who would as soon destroy us as Amelia!”
    “I have taken steps Severus....” Albus began placatingly
    “Steps! Bloody fucking hell Albus spare me from the refuse you feed to the Order. By the look of things the boy is running around completely out of control, consorting with not a single person who we can even loosely claim to be on our side! Is your idea of steps allowing him to come into contact with Hermione? She knows I killed him! She bloody well knows and you didn’t even try to interfere?
    And now this! Now he runs off to Azkaban. Seems an odd coincidence that he does so only days after the damned Mutt is seized! I am telling you Albus the boy is against us and needs to be dealt with now.”
    Albus sighed deeply as he determinedly fixed his most grand fatherly face on before turning to face Snape, “My boy you must have faith in me.” He said patiently, infusing the tiniest edge of compulsion, “ I assure you I value your safety far beyond this new Potter.”
    Snape simply snarled in response before turning and storming from the room with a dramatic flair of his robes. Albus counted to a long three after the potions master left before he allowed his face to relax. Snape had certainly felt the compulsion, it should convince easily convince the paranoid death eater that Albus had no qualms about Potter killing him.
    Once he reached that conclusion Snape was sure to reach for that little black skull he thought hidden from Albus. A veritaserum proof assassination order. After all, he certainly had told Severus quite the opposite if it ever came to question.

    as ever admins if this kinda thing doesn't float with you just let me know

    latta kids.

  8. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Lord Ravenclaw approved. Simply one of my favorite Dark!Harry stories of all time. Wonderful characterization, and no "Harry uses dark magic, but he's really light! Lol!" He's undeniably dark, and a Harry/Bella that doesn't involve a submissive, remorseful Bella to boot. Bravo.
  9. digitalstorm

    digitalstorm Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 23, 2005
    Agrees with Lord Ravenclaw 150%. This is my favorite Harry/Bella story ever. Its simply done brilliantly. Keep up the good work.
  10. arkeus

    arkeus Seventh Year

    May 26, 2006
    Hum... I don't think i can believe that greasy git would ever think a Potter could be more powerful than him, even if showed proof :/ Ah well, the whole fic ask for a suspension of disbelief, but in its genre, it is very, very good. But this could be because of my bias against Darkmagic!Harry. after all, there must be a *light* killing spell :p
  11. Malice?

    Malice? First Year

    Apr 18, 2006
    Chapter up

    New Chapter is up. I tried a slightly new style for part of it to attempt to convey the chaos involved in a battle. Let me know what you guys think.

  12. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    I much enjoyed the latest chapter, great job keep it up. I've not been this phyced for a hellatrix story for awhile (if ever)
  13. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    I think you're trying to over compensate the fact that there is no Voldemort in this world by having more enemies, who are also powerful. I mean, aurors, order of the phoenix, some weird assasins guild, plus it seems like Harry will be fighting death eaters too after he heals. I really didn't like the assasins guild, and especially the fact that Snape is apart of it. Merlin he's a fucking superhero, Order member, Death eater, and Super secret assasin member.

    That said, I'm being more critical, simply because these things annoyed me more then normal because I love your story. I understand the need for having enemies and conflict, but be sure you don't overdue it.
  14. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    I have to agree with TheIllusiveOne. But other than that it was a great chapter. I just hope the assasine guild plays only a very minor role.
  15. Malice?

    Malice? First Year

    Apr 18, 2006
    you are quite right TheIllusiveOne. In a story with Harry and Bella as strong as they are I do have to reach a little bit to provide them with something interesting to fight. The reason I opted for the assassin's guild is becasue they represent a force outside of England that could have resonablly expected to have seen combat in the last ten years and thus be somewhat more on par with Harry and Bella.

    You don't have to worry about them playing a large role, beyond possibly creating some tension between Snape and the Moody. Also as far as Snape goes I probably should have clarified that he is not a member of the guild, simply a person who is able to directly contact and hire them. I've tried to make him a behind the scenes kind of player without alot of raw power, but plenty of low cunning to make people's lives difficult.

    thanks for the feedback guys.

  16. cazten

    cazten Slug Club Member

    Nov 22, 2005
    Bella's husband must die a painfull death! I picked up that he didnt like Harry's show of power, or Bella's reaction to it. Hopefully he tries to strike Harry soon so Harry can kill him off.

    On another note, this story is fantastic. When i first saw it go up i assumed it was some stupid fanboys attempt to have Harry get with an older girl. Its a good thing i found a link to it here on DLP.net or i would have never read it.

    BtW i like the battle scenes. There at least seems to be some sort of stratagy to it, rather than throwing curses left and right that really have no meaning and jsut hoping on hits.

    The only thing i dont like is Harry's inability to defeat Bella. When he did Voldemort you made it seem like they were doing very impressive nearly impossible shit. Stopping time very shortly, ect. But when he fights bella it seems like hes just back to normal fighting mode. I can however let this slide on the assumption that hes fought Bella many more times than Riddle, and she knows how to counter him better. But still he just seemed to be on a slightly higher level when dueling Riddle.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2006
  17. Malice?

    Malice? First Year

    Apr 18, 2006
    chapter 13

    I've stared work on chapter 13 and will hopefully have it out in 2-3 days from now. heres a preview as ever (note this is a dream sequence and would normally be italcized, but ah well)

    Chapter 13No Rest for the Wicked

    Harry floated a thousand miles above the blasted plains of Azkaban and looked down. Ruin greeted his gaze. Scorched stone and broken bodies as far as the eye could see.
    “You really made a mess of things Harry.” A voice chided from behind him. Harry spun at the sound, his wand instinctively springing to his hand even in the dream scape. A killing curse died on his lips a moment latter as his eyes caught up with his instincts.
    Hermione. His Hermione stood calmly before him, his wand poised between her eyes. Her beautiful, scarred eyes. “Hermione? But..you’re...you’re...” Harry asked in wonder, his wand slowly falling down to rest by his side.
    “Dead?” She finished for him calmly, “So I am. What’s your point?”
    “But how..?”
    “You never truly cared about the how before Harry. Don’t start now.” Hermione said calmly as she floated next to him, “No Harry. It is not the how. It is not the why with you. It simply is. It simply must be.”
    “What is? What must be?” Harry demanded more harshly than he intend from the ghost Hermione.
    “You hear but you do not listen Harry. The same war. Different faces. Look below you! Look and see! You cannot do this anymore Harry, you cannot!”
    “I had to Hermione. I had to save Sirius...” Harry pleaded back to her expressionless face even as they seemed to dive closer and closer to the battlefield below.
    “So you did, but that is not of what I speak.” Hermione countered calmly as they came to a stop at ground level. “Look around you Harry? Have you not seen the like a thousand times on a thousand different battlefields. Fire. Death, and you standing there in its midst”
    “I did what I had to Hermione! I will never stop doing what must be done!”
    “No you won’t. Indeed, you can’t anymore than I can cry. Fire burns those who would wield her Harry. You know what you must do. You must become the flame.” Hermione said quietly in a cold, dead, voice that should have been ringing with passion.
    “No! Hermione, you cannot be saying that I should...that I should become like Her! All this, all this is a tool, nothing more. It has no purpose in and of itself, no higher cause!”
    “And your war does Harry? Our war that in the end destroyed us all had some purpose? When all is meaningless who can tell the means from the ends? We are what we are Harry, what we have caused ourselves to become for good or ill. Struggle against it and it will consume you as surely as the Flames of Atlantis.”
    “I cannot believe that is the only path Hermione. I WILL NOT! Cry for me, cry for what we have lost, cry for something, anything, but please Hermione...please...” Harry begged the ghost of his best friend.
    Hermione regarded him calmly for an endless moment at his outburst before reaching out one ethereal hand and cupping Harry’s face gently. Slowly she pulled him close until he was staring straight into her eyes.
    Their eyes locked for an eternity, before she slowly shook her head and removed her hand from her face. As she broke contact a single drop of blood fell to the ground from the jagged scar under her right eye.
    “There are no tears in me Harry. No Tears. Never what you want my poor friend. Only blood...” She said in her same emotionless tone even as she began to fade from view
    “Hermione! Wait! Hermione!” Harry screamed even as consciousness rose up to claim him.


  18. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Interesting sequence...I look forward to seeing what role this plays in the upcoming chapter.
  19. digitalstorm

    digitalstorm Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Dec 23, 2005
    Looks like another wonderful chapter is on the way.
  20. TheIllusiveOne

    TheIllusiveOne Raptured to Hell

    Nov 23, 2005
    Los Angeles
    Didn't think much of the newest chapter, to be honest. It was your shortest yet and nothing really happened except that Harry and Bella are starting to accept that this is not their world. I really didn't like WiseAndAmbigious!Hermione in Harry's dream, seemed really forced. At any rate I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter, though.