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Other Fandom Library Needs You!

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Zombie, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    That's true, but since the very reason we're having this conversation is that DLP is no longer sustainable via new member enthusiasm, I don't think there's an alternative to real commitment from the mods and forum veterans. As it is, DLP has as much activity as we are willing to give it.

    Still, perhaps we can look into a system where approved members get the ability to the thread OP? So it's a big group of us that can chip in as fancy takes us, rather than relying on the thread starter and forum mod to do everything?
  2. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Initial idea I had for this thread was to throw up a poll, I decided against that because I wanted legitimate feedback. Once the thread reaches a certain saturation I might put one in. But this is good guys, thanks for contributing.

    Someone finally said something that I was wary of throwing up as an idea out of the box.

    I like the concept, personally, of thread tags to indicate fandom and an all in one sort of board. I feel like this is beneficial, but I also feel like this is a detriment. Why is is beneficial? Primarily because the content would be found in one place and one place only. There are other sites that utilize this and with minimal fuss, its seems to work and is easily maintained. It also gives the post by post formatting that a mega thread wouldn't -- this to me seems the way to go. Post by post, and the discussion of said rec be in its appropriate thread.

    Largest determent I feel for this idea is that we're trading forum navigation complexity to tag complexity. I feel like this could be mitigated but it would just take commitment. Clear rules, clear guidelines for posting, and expectation.

    re: thread tags and being managed by other people. I don't really know about this. If you take a moment to browse the forum at large, most people use tags as a meme center. Tag Guidelines need to be managed. The expectation is that you only are going to use tags for a defined category, nothing more nothing less. If its appropriate to add more tags in then they can be submitted for review to see how pertinent they are.

    I say this because while some people like Ao3 I fucking hate their tag system. I don't want forum navigation/searching to become an even bigger shit storm than it already is sometimes. But that's just my opinion.

    While that is true, this entire thread is about increasing activity and bringing things into a new perspective as we adapt with the time.
    I don't think a larger approval group is going to make things better, user compliance is going to help more than anything.
  3. Heleor

    Heleor EsperJones DLP Supporter

    Mar 3, 2006
    Seattle, WA
    If you're considering the single-forum-with-tags approach there's definitely things to make the experience worthwhile (if with a bit of help from our admins).

    For example, this plugin allows tag pages to be managed / edited by users: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/tag-essentials.4572/ -- If you look at the examples, you can browse threads by forum or by tag, if that's what you're looking for.
  4. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I'm not well-versed in mod/adminship, so have no idea how easy any of this would be to implement.

    I like the idea of big pots for stories, rather than navigating through to the correct subforums, and as long as everyone puts the fandom in the title, I don't think it would matter too much.

    Tagwise, I don't mind if we end up on Ao3-style full retard. Yes, it's annoying, and useless... But it does offer a reasonably powerful, freeform search tool. There would be lots of stupid tags, but does it really matter? Allow a custom setting for ordering of tags (alphabetical, most common, most searched, chronological, hidden) and people who don't like it can turn it off.

    I like using the "New and Almost" threads, but mostly because I know lots of people use them much more frequently (often, anyway) than creating threads in For Review. If there was some form of clamping down on it, then I'd use FR much more.

    Perhaps a button, next to "New Posts", for either "New Threads/Posts/Unread Threads For Review" might be nice, if people wanted purely to see what was currently up for review. New Threads to only display threads that had been started since you last clicked, Posts to function as "New Posts", and "Unread Threads" to be more threads you'd never visited, although that's because I tend to leave a library thread open and jot thoughts down if I'm doing anything with it.

    Whilst it would be a pop-up, and I never read them on SB/V/QQ, something along the lines of "Hey [thaumologist]. it's been [19] days since you last Reviewed, and [351] days since you last put anything up for review!" might be good. Before checking, I hadn't realised how long it'd been since I last put anything up at all, especially as I've actually got a few I'd wanted to stick up when I get a chance to re-read.

    One final though, is maybe limit voting on threads without a post? If we're putting things in the library, or saying they shouldn't, then I feel we should actually explain why.
  5. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    I think we should also expand our wheelhouse in terms of other fandoms. I've recommended expanding the library to published fiction before, but we should also take a look at all the other types of online fiction. Fictionpress, fiction.live, light novels, the various serials, Spacebattles/SufficientVelocity/QQ, etc. Hell, there's even a Literotica story in the library from the long long ago time of 2010(with 4.5 stars to boot). I know that DLPers are reading stories in all these places, and some of us are even discussing them in places like IRC and Discord. Lamora and Probellum are running or have run quests on fiction.live, while people like apoc, Mishie, and I have all read quests there. Fair warning, fiction.live is a cesspit that is very difficult to find quality in as it's subsumed in smut, but that's true of fanfiction too tbh.

    As another argument in regards to the forum redesign to make Other Fandoms more prominent, take this very thread as an example. I knew this thread existed and wanted to post in it, and it took me a couple minutes to find it. I ended up in the Other Fandoms Library, then clicked through to Other Fandoms, then clicked into Other Fandoms Discussion before finding this thread. What a shitshow.
  6. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I have nothing against this but, the only story worth reading on ficitonpress is Mother. I've yet to find anything else that is comparable.
  7. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    I'm also a huge fan of the tags as Thaumologist is. There are some tags you can use to find classics (fucking awesome or the syed tag comes to mind). And I guess it allows for kinda off-the-wall traits shared by various stories that belong all over the fandom to be grouped easily and to be found easily.
  8. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    So, update on this after a bit. For now, could everyone try to use the Almost Rec in the Other Fandom forum similar to how the HP Library Almost Rec is being used right now. The threads aren't locked (yet), but I'd like to get submissions going there directly or to the actual other fandom library review section if possible. And my goal is to move away from them directly. There is nothing wrong with discussing fic in those threads, but honestly lets stop this shit of "I didn't think DLP will like it." Or "This might not be to everyone's taste."

    E: Post them, but actually post to the Other Fandom Review section, if its Almost Rec Worthy, make sure to tag it as such so that it can be sorted appropriately until I can talk to someone about modifying posting priv. Forgot about that.

    All I can say is so what?

    You're a member of DLP, and if you like it, there is certainly someone else on here that might. Megathreads are shit. And while they might work on other forums, we're not really trying to be like other forums. Don't be afraid of judgement. If someone is being needlessly abusive, report them. If you see authors posting in their review threads. Welcome them to DLP. And don't be shit artist.

    That doesn't mean compromise your morals, or that you have to compromise your experience here on DLP. Be the change you want to see.

    Also, use the report function. I cannot stress this enough. Mods don't know shit is happening unless its getting reported. Mods don't access all portions of the site on a day to day -- that is wasteful of their time and yours. A report can be gotten to quicker.

    Don't abuse reports either. Make sure that its valid -- if a mod action is necessary it will happen -- and if you disagree with mod judgement. I don't know what else to tell you. Staff sets the rules, you're expected to follow them.

    There is a FFN Autofiller link, its very useful and it can cut down on 90 percent of your post time, all you need to do is give it a quick review and and a rating.

    I'd like to try this out for a bit so that we can bolster some discussion and get some activity going. You've all been doing a great job so far in reviewing threads -- well @CareOtters has and a couple other people, for which I appreciate.

    I'm still noticing a lot of threads getting rated but no responses have been left. I guess something is better than nothing, but I can't stress enough how much I want for you guys to get into the habit of leaving a review.

    Thanks to everyone that's participating. Lets Make DLP and Other Fandoms Great Again.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  9. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    So we've had a bit of a resurgence in Other Fandoms - thanks everyone who's posted something. Even if I gave your thread a low rating, I'm still glad that you put it up for review.

    On the note of low ratings, I do think we should consider relaxing the point of entry into the Library. Just for Other Fandoms, because we hold our home fandom to a higher level. I'd suggest it would be worth lowering the barrier of entry to Other Fandoms to 3.5 stars - the smaller sample size of reviewers means that just one person with sand in their vagina can have a much greater impact on the overall rating. Not a huge deal, since we do have Almost Recommended, but something I'd like to see.

    My other, perhaps more actionable suggestion, is that we add a new thread prefix to the Library. We already have Complete, WiP, Abandoned, etc. I'd like to add "Quest" to the list so that we can sort them separately. Not sure if that would be of value to everyone else, but I'd love to be able to filter past them at a glance.
  10. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    I second Quest.

    I forgot to ask for almost rec to receive posting permission. So that it can be used like the HP library. That was my intent. Think that puts less pressure on library entry.

    I'll keep 3.5 in mind when I'm sorting in the future. Probably going to be based more on thread sentiment than actual thread rating at that point.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Edit: You can now post to almost rec with three star submissions.
  11. Scott

    Scott Professor DLP Supporter

    Apr 25, 2008
    I'll just like to say if you're like me and read on your phone you'll have to flip your phone sideways to rate a thread. At least on my phone you do. It took me a bit to figure that out.
  12. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    So I just posted a Steins; Gate oneshot onto the Other Fandoms review board and I noticed that there's either been 0 Steins; Gate fics recced before or they weren't tagged with Steins; Gate.

    I think one of the main issues, at least for me, with Other Fandoms is that even Other Fandoms kind of has a list of "main fandoms" like Worm or RWBY or Naruto and since I haven't watched Naruto or RWBY and haven't read Worm stuff in over a year I've kind of... just avoided that section in general because most of the stuff there I've either never watched or am not interested in. The only thing I've commented on in the past like... year in that fandom was the actual Worm thread and MoL.

    I'm not entirely sure how to solve this; or if this is even a problem, but there's a whole lot of anime and games and more obscure original fiction/novels out there that a lot of us probably haven't encountered. Maybe it'd be a good idea to split Other Fandoms into general sections like "Anime", "Games","Fantasy Novels", etc. kind of like the ff.net homepage, with specific popular titles like Evangelion, Fate/Stay Night, Naruto, etc. as subsections within the general section of Anime.

    Because, like, while I was making the thread for the oneshot I kept thinking to myself, is it even a good idea to stick it here or should I stick a rec in the multimedia, anime rec section instead since maybe there's a higher chance that someone who actually enjoys Steins; Gate will find it there considering the fact that the sequel is airing.
  13. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Too many sub categories. I'm of a mind for lumping it all in one place but not everyone is for that. Thread tags and titles are a decent way of sorting imo. I feel like the sub forums places emphasis on something that isn't there because they were made subforums as a response to popularity and kinda grew from there.
  14. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    The new posts section on the side of the main screen kinda shortchanges the other fandoms stuff by only showing one of the new posts there, whereas it is one of the more active parts of the forum.

    Not really a new point, I guess, but gonna echo that since it's something that's been annoying me for a while now. So yeah, more subforums might not be necessary but a new way of structuring the ones we have is.
  15. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Honestly, I would be fine with just folding the specific subforms into the general ones so we have something like this:
    • Other Fandoms Review Board
    • Almost Recommendable
    • Anime, Cartoons and Comics
    • Books
    • Games
    • Original Fiction
    • Television and Movies
    Or even separate Anime, Cartoons and Comics and maybe include a section for Crossovers. like so:
    • Other Fandoms Review Board
    • Almost Recommendable
    • Anime and Manga
    • Books
    • Cartoons and Comics
    • Crossovers
    • Games
    • Original Fiction
    • Television and Movies
    Move Firefly/Stargate/Star Wars (latest post between these was 2017!) into Television and Movies, Evangelion/Fate Stay Night/Naruto into Anime, My Little Pony into Cartoons and Dresden Files/Worm into Books.
  16. Eiri

    Eiri Banned

    Oct 10, 2015
    High Score:
    So I ended up spending quite a lot of time (the last couple of months...) on SB and SV reading after I initially went to better understand how their organization works from suggestions in this thread. Through this experience, I have come to really despise the megathreads and the numbered threads (seriously who's gonna go back and read all the unsortable, unformatted, recommendations from [Insert Fandom] Recommendation threads 1 to 42?) and really like the forum aggregation function.

    I think that on DLP especially, outside of the WBA, the review and library boards would be best served by an aggregation function. It would fit in well with the sub-forum structure we have now without substantially moving everything onto tags, and adds minimal work to thread posters or modders. Basically the main library puts everything into one place and really helps discovery, while the subforums can be selectively added or removed from the overall pile of threads with a user selection if they wanted to focus on one fandom only. It would be perfect for all the different fandoms.

    Nevermind the tags business, that doesn't work on SB/SV either, so I suggest we use them optionally for searches on whatever minor thing somebody wants to tag but keep big things like WIP, Complete, etc in the thread title.
  17. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    @Lord Ravenclaw has considered this I think. Probably added it to the list but yeah, I think it would be a great idea.
  18. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    This is a revival of my earlier statements and my earlier appeal. We were doing good for a bit guys, but right now we've got more coming in than we have actual reviews going up. I'm sure than just the few people reviewing things read this. The thread rates are evident that you're all just getting lazy again. Threads with 1 review, and 5 ratings. Surely, the Four of you that rated, but didn't review can say something nice about the story, or why it deserved your rating.

    The whole point of reviewing is to review and let other people make an informed decision, as well as foster discussion. I know that many feel thread rating is your actual contribution, but we can do better than that. Show me that you can, please. It really makes sorting things a chore when the only threads that get any kind of feedback are dumpster fires, meanwhile potential gems go undiscovered.

    Thanks for your participation.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2018