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Other Fandoms Almost Recommendable: Barely Readable to Almost Good [Volume the First]

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Rhys, May 11, 2010.

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  1. Rhys

    Rhys High Inquisitor

    Sep 6, 2009
    The author has a tendency to create random misogynist male OCs that exist for a scene or a chapter or so. They proceed to make annoying nuisances of themselves, and then get threatened/outmaneuvered/bitchslapped by Buffy and exit plot stage right. It was amusing the first time, less amusing the second time, and repetitive the half dozen subsequent times.

    While there's a decent amount of justification for it, this Buffy doesn't actually feel very much like S5 Buffy personality wise either. There's a bit of the happy-go-lucky S1 Buffy attitude, a bit of the weary leader S7 attitude, and a generally way more Lawful alignment than any Buffy ever had at any point. Plus the whole fact that she's gay, but Whedon already murdered that boat in S8.

    All that being said, it has a lot of engaging fighter combat, a lot of interesting WW2 period stuff, and Buffy actually using her Slayer powers in a random non-magical setting (they get chucked to side or under the bus more often than one might think). If you can tolerate its excesses this is pretty good, I'd personally call it 4/5.
  2. Vesvius

    Vesvius High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 7, 2007
    I've got an almost recommendable for ya.

    A Naruto/Pokemon fusion story series, with Naruto characters in a pokemon world. It's almost recommended because, well, I can't figure out if it's good enough to be regularly recommended.

    Those are the main ones. The guy's also done some prequels and some "10 things" set in the universe. While they're not the best things you'll ever read, it's a good way to kill an afternoon.
  3. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I was wondering why the fics looked familiar - the basic idea is somewhat similar to Seal Shatter, a Naruto fic by the same author.

    The whole 'Minato is a hero but isn't with Kushina and doesn't know about Naruto'. In Seal Shatter, it's because he loses his memory. Here, it's because Kushina leaves.

    Still, it's interesting enough, though I'd personally prefer to see something a little more about the Pokemon side of things. Only on the fourth so far, maybe that'll change as things continue.
  4. Kurufinwe

    Kurufinwe Groundskeeper

    Nov 6, 2010
    Cracow, Poland
    It's pretty good, some clichés but overall rather on positive.
    Naruto is 5 years older (Itachi's age) and pretty much genius and very similar in character to Orochimaru
  5. Rhys

    Rhys High Inquisitor

    Sep 6, 2009
    3. It's Good to be Neighborly » reviews Sarah said she'd be there if Kaci ever needed anything. Sarah starts to regret that promise when she and Cameron are forced to attend their neighbor's baby shower. Liquid metal terminators might actually be preferable to this.Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 21,725 - Reviews: 47 - Updated: 7-15-11 - Published: 6-23-11 - Sarah C. & Cameron - Complete

    It's rare that you see both Sarah and Cameron in a positive light in the same fanfic (when they're not, you know, fucking). This was a nice little fluff piece, with some great dialog from Cameron.
  6. Trig

    Trig Unspeakable

    Jan 27, 2010
    Surprisingly well written story about Naruto's induction into ANBU. The security and anonymity required and applied by them is quite high compared to other ANBU stories, which makes this interesting and different. Naruto is actually in character for once, he still experiences occasional acts of idiocy despite his status as hero of the fourth war and he still maintains that happy go lucky attitude without going overboard. Pretty entertaining read.
  7. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    I second this. I'm having a hard time finding any major flaws to attack. I didn't notice any giant grammatical faux pas. The writing was simple, clean, and quite engaging. The characterization of both Naruto and the Kyuubi are really good. Sakura and Kakashi are a little weaker, but still solid enough from what little we see of them. Tsunade is fairly well characterized, and I quite liked Ino's characterization.

    Over all, I'm intrigued, and will likely be following it quite closely. As it stands now, I would give it a 4/5.
  8. DarkAizen

    DarkAizen Professor DLP Supporter

    Dec 5, 2007
    Only 2 chapters, but pretty interesting.
  9. SmileOfTheKill

    SmileOfTheKill Magical Amber

    Mar 24, 2007
    Florida, Sigh...
    Intertextus » by aaron vig
    Shepard had seen that the Reapers were coming, then the Heretics and the armies of mercenaries now sent to stop her and her team. But she never could have seen the power and oppertunity she'd be given... by Cortana and the Master Chief. Mass Effect/Halo

    YES, A crossover about these two series. It is surprisingly well, and if it was so out there crossover wise I would suggest it to the library.

    Also this thread needed a bump.
  10. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    This is my third ME/Halo crosover story that I've read.
    This is the first one that doesn't suck.
    The crossover is done very well, with actual buildup that made me surprised and care about what was happening to the characters involved.
    It had a frighteningly good portrayal of Garrus, and a much more accurate mordin (i.e. his technobabble is actally hard to understand, not keyed in so that 4th wall viewers understand it). The chief is his strong silent self, and Liara does a very good job as the surprise.
    Weak characters are Shepard and Cortana. Shepard because of her rather bland personality, and the glossing over that happens. When an empty suit that the player fills becomes an actual character, there is something vital lost in translation.
    Cortana is...pathetic. When you factor in that she is damn old and her emotions about the chief, it becomes reasonable, but still a weak characterization.
    Also, did I mention that there are reaper cults and plot twists and a tense feeling when the crossover happens of "you have no idea whats going to happen"?
  11. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi » reviews
    Naruto knew something was up the moment he landed in the strange forest; being sucked into the sky should have been his first clue. How's a shinobi supposed to adapt to such a strange new environment? Easy, one step at a time.
    Crossover - Naruto & Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 164,100 - Reviews: 651 - Updated: 9-27-11 - Published: 9-29-10 - Naruto U.

    I saw that a rather mediocre Fairy Tail/Naruto cross was up in the Naruto section, and I figured I'd toss out what I'd consider a stronger story- I don't think either deserve to be in the library, but I'd rate this at about 3/5, Naruto's character can be spotty, but most of the Fairy Tail characters are pretty good. It's also got a couple of pretty epic moments,
    like when Naruto gets kicked out of the restaurant for being a jack ass, gets ramen dumped all over him, and then trashes a bunch of Yakuza
    . Good times.
  12. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Title: Rise of the Uchiha
    Author: AlphaEph19
    Pairing: ?
    Rating: T
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7096419/1/Rise_of_the_Uchiha
    Summary: AU. Itachi refused to kill his friend Shisui for the Mangekyou sharingan. Now the Uchiha clan rules Konoha, Sasuke and Itachi are on the run, and Naruto is acknowledged by the very man responsible for his father's death.

    One of the better Naruto stories I've read recently. I can't exactly put it up for review so I posted here instead. Itachi training Sasuke so that they can slaughter their clan together. The Uchiha enslaving the other ninja with the Hyuuga branch seal. Madara turning Naruto into his highly devoted guard dog. The only thing that I didn't like was how sanctimonious things were in Suna. 4.5/5

    Edit: Find out about other fandom version right after posting. /shamed
    Edit: Post moved
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2012
  13. ASmallBundleOfToothpicks

    ASmallBundleOfToothpicks Professor

    Aug 24, 2010
    Eh, it was all right. Interesting premise, but I don't think it was terribly well thought out. Also, the writing in the first three chapters is weak. It does pick up, but I'm kind of getting a Lost Soul vibe from it. 3.5/5 over all.
  14. Testament

    Testament Seventh Year

    Jul 25, 2007
    Title: Making Magick
    Author: Mashadar
    Fandom: Familiar of Zero and Magicka
    Pairing: ?
    Rating: K+
    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7667766/1/
    Summary: The unlikeliest of crossings. The most improbable of incidents. The most hilarious of universes. A considerably different sort of crossover. Sanity is for the weak anyway.

    A crackfic with elements of horror (for Louise). Crossovers are a guilty pleasure of mine, this one though is decently written and quite interesting.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2012
  15. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Title: Elfangor's Folly
    Author: Kim Hoppy
    Fandom: Animorphs
    Pairing: Elfangor/Loren
    Rating: M
    Link: here
    Summary: After the crash landing, Elfangor finds himself on Earth, alone, the only ones knowing of his presence being the five children who saw him crash. Confronted with the choice to fight or to hide, he chooses to continue the battle. AU

    Massive piece of work (520k), that covers the entire Animorph series, including (I think) the mega/ultramorph books. Also, with three different endings.

    The piece is plagued by spelling errors - there/their and so forth, as well as more uncommon ones, but it is very rarely that I found myself unable to understand what was actually meant.

    The reason I couldn't actually rec this is because of three other reasons. Firstly, it reads almost like it should be read alongside/straight after the series. Time skips are common, but without a frame of reference, and canon situations are alluded to, without outright statement. As I haven't read any of the books after the last one was published, this caused me some confusion. When things start to change that makes it even worse.
    Secondly, the entire piece (except epilogues) is done from Elfangor's PoV. This isn't a real problem, but one of the great strengths (I thought at the time) of the original series was that it followed different team members, allowing multiple viewpoints.
    Thirdly, there isn't enough change. Elfangor DIES at the beginning of the canon story. Whereas here we have a trained War-Prince leading the fight against the Yeerks. This should change EVERYTHING, as we go from a group of six thirteen-sixteen year olds fighting a war, to a forty year old veteran leading the same. It almost reads like wish fulfilment - some of the canonical 'hard' choices don't have to be faced any more, and it was uncommon to find new ones arising, although a few did.

    It is a good, solid chunk of writing, and kept my occupied for the weekend, but it wasn't truly standout. A 3/5, although possibly stretched to a 4.
  16. Rhys

    Rhys High Inquisitor

    Sep 6, 2009
    I remember starting that, and just being disappointed with the standard follow along change-nothing plot. There's no justification for it, and a mission of the month series like Animorphs really suffers from such treatment. There isn't really much of anything written in the fandom without some glaring flaws though, so I might hold my nose and try it again sometime.
  17. Sowilo

    Sowilo First Year

    Jul 18, 2011
    Title: Hide Your Eyes
    Author: Evandar
    Fandom: Naruto
    Rating: M
    Pairing: Itachi/Fem!Naruto
    Category: Angst/Family
    Summary: Oneshot. Mikoto knows Itachi is hiding something. He's changed, and she doesn't like the person he's become.
    Link: fanfiction.net

    I was pleasantly surprised with this Oneshot. Normally, oneshots are the fucking bane of my existence because I get into them and they never continue. And Fem!Naruto is so overdone it might as well be a cliche. But I was impressed with this one.

    It's in Mikoto Uchiha's POV, which was really interesting. And it was a bit weird enough to keep me hooked for the entire thing. Even when I read it a second time. Or a third time.

    In terms of almost recommendables, I'd give it a 4/5. It's my guilty pleasure fic.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2012
  18. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Title: The Year of the False Spring
    Author: Sera dy Relandrant
    Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
    Rating: T
    Pairing: Presumably eventual Lyanna/Rhaegar, but nothing yet. Lyanna/Robert, Rhaegar/Elia. Canon pairings, in other words.
    Category: Drama/Romance
    Summary: 281 AL. The story about the Tourney at Harrenhal, the Knight of the Laughing Tree, the duel between Brandon and Littlefinger and the events leading up to the Stark-Tully-Arryn-Baratheon alliance and Robert's Rebellion.
    Link: sauce

    This is the only ASOIAF fic I've found that is any good, and it's worth a read. The characters are well-written, and it's not the typical fangirl squeeing fest that most ASOIAF fics tend to be.

    Anyone that reads the various ASOIAF theories knows about L+R=J, and this is going to presumably cover that. The next chapter is going to be the tourney itself, I think, and it will be getting rather interesting. This is updated regularly enough, and I really enjoy this fic. I was going to post it in For Review, but I wasn't sure if there was enough of an audience for it here.

    The author also has a recently published fic, Water Dancers, which has one chapter so far, but looks promising. Pretty AU in that it says, "What if Jon Arryn died 5 years later?" It contains Sansa/Theon and Arya/Joffrey. Theon is appropriately cuntish.
  19. frantic

    frantic Boosted

    Dec 31, 2011
    Quite possibly the only thing my friend has raised his eyebrow at when he sees my browser. Mostly because he saw Shinji shouting "It's morphin' time!"

    And god it was awesome.

    Oh and then there's this:

    I avoided this for the longest time on the basis that crazy crossovers often don't work. (Ugh I need to get away from trying to find decent HP/FSN crossovers seriously 85% of them are terrible) But this was actually pretty damn good.

    Unfortunately, the author is 'serving a full-time mission for my Church until March 2013. Until then, farewell.'

    Dang it.
  20. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Teach Your Children Well by AvocadoLove - After Madara final attack on the village, Rokudaime Kakashi uncovers a time-travel scroll. Now he's Team Seven's sensei again. And this time, he's going to do things differently. A time travel fic.
    Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 7 - Words: 19,036 - Reviews: 906 - Updated: 3-31-12 - Published: 6-10-10 - Kakashi H. & Iruka U.
    I think it fits into the "Almost Recommendable" category. It's got a few problems and so far it's only around 20k words, but it kept my interest more than most Naruto has lately. Kakashi is the primary character.

    No Pairings so far, but Kakashi and Iruka are heading towards being friends. So far there's no hint of anything else, but given that Iruka is listed as a main character who knows.
    Last edited: May 4, 2012
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