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Other Schools, OCs....maybe even America.

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by PWIZDUO, Mar 3, 2012.


    PWIZDUO Fourth Year

    Dec 21, 2011
    Hey guys, I did a search but nothing came up. Recently I've been wanting to read some stories set in the US or other countries (even england, but not at hogwarts) focusing on a completely original non-mary sue character.

    What I'm looking for is almost original fiction, a new story with proprietary plots, characters,etc., but within the context of JKRs mythology. There can be mention of what's going on in the books or, from the present day, what happened in the books, and there can be some crossover but I'm looking for mostly original material. Hell, any muggle born anywhere finding out they're a witch or wizard has to be a pretty profound experience, enough emotional drama for a story at least.
  2. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    The obvious one is Miranda Flairgold's stuff.

    A Second Chance at Life

    It receives mixed reviews, but it's one of the most popular series' out there.

    Although, Why the fuck would you want to read the shit you're describing?
  3. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    The obvious answer is Alexandra Quick.

    PWIZDUO Fourth Year

    Dec 21, 2011
    Why the hell not? I've read the original books, its a nice fantasy world and a good story (right up till HBP), but let's be honest, the cannon characters can be kind of annoying and, after 10 years of the books and a similar amount of time reading fanfiction, I already know them pretty well. If I'm going to be reading mostly original characters in original stories, which, really, is 99% of the fanfiction on this site, I'd just rather not have them be named Harry, and Draco, and go to a hogwarts that vaguely resembles the school in the books.

    I guess it comes down to, I like the harry potter fantasy and mythology a lot more than I actually like the actual story. And well this is the internet, if I can think of it....it should exist, right?
  5. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    You are at the wrong site if you don't want to read about Harry and other canon characters. Go to ffn and put OC &OC as your search or something.

    I refer you to Potter Law.


    Harry Potter. That is all. If you don’t understand then you’re hopeless. Give up. Leave the fandom. And just incase you still don’t understand, Harry Potter is everything in this fandom. Treat him well (by mistreating him). Make him shine (by sticking him in the darkest, most woe-begotten situations you can fathom). Keep the Harry Potter, Harry Potter.
    Translation: Keep it Harry-centric.​
  6. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    That only works for porn. If you can think of it then someone has made porn of it.

    The Harry Potter mythology is just all other fantasy mythology cobbled together into one bitesize piece.You are much better reading decent original fantasy then you are looking for fanfiction. If you've been reading fanfiction for ten years then you should have already read just about any good, and a lot of not good, stories.

    But if you're looking for fics with no relevance to canon you might want to try nextgen, although I wouldn't advise it.

    Also read rule 1 in the potter laws

    Edit: Ah, There be's ninjas about
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2012
  7. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Get off your high horse, thebrute7. Who gives a fuck? He made a thread in the appropriate section, and there are even fics on DLP that are not Harry-centric, such as Alexandra Quick. Many, many members like Alexandra Quick despite there being no Harry. Sure, I'm not one of them, but I'm not asinine enough to bitch about how someone who does like it isn't adhering to 'Potter Law'.

    TL;DR Shut the fuck up and let people who have something useful to contribute post.
  8. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    pcharmed86 has a couple novel-length, OC-centric, set-in-America stories crafted in the Inverarity mold (though nowhere near as good).

    Disobediencewriter's Harry Potter and the Irish Choice is another. (I'm not a big Disobediencewriter fan and couldn't make it through it when I read it years ago, but you might have better luck).

    Naia's Anarkia, apparent inspiration for Miranda Flairgold's ASCAL and sequels, is another non-Hogwarts Harry story that was readable back in the day.

    And then there's this other story you might have heard about...

    PWIZDUO Fourth Year

    Dec 21, 2011
    Thanks for all the great suggestions guys. I'm going to give AQ a shot, keep the recommendations coming.

    You're right, over the last 10 years I've read some awesome high quality bookstore level stuff, and a mountain of utter shit. I check the library here for a slightly above average awesome/shit ratio and do read a lot of harry centric stories, but I was looking for a change and something a bit more elusive so I made this thread.

    I completely agree with you about the harry potter mythology being an amalgamation of a lot of common fantasy themes but the execution is excellent. I love the idea of wizardry existing in its own fully functioning society, policed and regulated almost to the point of taking the magic out of magic, bubbling just under the surface of the every day world. To me one of the best parts of fanfiction or epic serial fiction is that you have a universe sized sand box - be it on arrakis, in middle earth or across a galaxy far far away- in which you can build a story that melds seamlessly into a larger picture much like non fiction narratives emerge from history. I think that JKR for all her other failings as a writer, has created one of the nicest fantasy sandboxes in a while; I just want to go play on the other side without messing up anybody else's sand.
  10. Blazzano

    Blazzano Unspeakable

    Aug 6, 2009
    Too many people are eager to start quoting the Potter Laws to show their DLP saavy, without paying any regard to the most important Potter Law of them all.

    Law LXI.

    PWIZDUO Fourth Year

    Dec 21, 2011
    I'm necroing my own thread from 8 years ago. (WOW 8 YEARS)

    This is where I was first turned on to AQ and that is one of the greatest series i've ever read.

    But 8.5 years is a long time and I'm wondering if anybody here has recommendations for fics that may have come out in the mean time.

    To clarify my OP, it doesn't have to be a different school AND an OC. A hogwarts educated OC is fine. If the OC is going to hogwarts though, i'd prefer that they be separated from the events of the cannon story line.
  12. FitzDizzyspells

    FitzDizzyspells Seventh Year DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Dec 4, 2018
    Skim some of the chapters of Latet Anguis In Herba. If you like the characters, then read Shade to Shade. The author created a group of four Slytherin friends who are a year above Harry (Shade to Shade takes place during HBP). None of them really come into contact with the Golden Trio save for a few brief cameos, and the events of their lives are separate from Harry's. I really enjoyed it.
  13. cucio

    cucio Groundskeeper

    Aug 13, 2016
    High Score:
    There are a couple of (very old, pre-HBP) stories by St Margarets that may loosely comply with your requirements: "Lee Jordan: Tour Guide" and "Roger and Lisa: A Romance".

    Main characters are taken from canon's tertiary cast, post-Hogwarts, so they may be considered practically OCs. SM's style is slice of life, well crafted, focused on character development. Expect mostly fluff, spare dashes of action, humor and whimsy ancillary magic. Not your usual DLP fare, YMMV.


    PWIZDUO Fourth Year

    Dec 21, 2011
    I’ll check those recommendations out, thanks.

    what I love so much about AQ is that it’s not a slice of life, it’s a story with its own plot and adventures centered around an OC who is as important to her time period and location as Harry was to his.

    obviously, stories like that aren’t a dime a dozen, but I’m hopping to stumble on something in that vein.

    Harry Potter was set in the mid 90s it’s 25 years later, seems like if you could have a whole seven years worth of epic stories that have nothing to do with canon with an 11 year old who starts today.