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Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Nemrut, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  2. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Are season rewards based on overall final placement or season high? I can't seem to find anything and I'm asking as its the first season I've bothered to attempt competitive mostly because a couple of friends were doing it and wanted the extra voice.

    Mid Plat with 2672 as my season high albeit I decided to venture in alone after they no-showed tonight and dropped into the mid 2450's. Not all that happy but I'm not sure what I expected, I know full well how 'solo q' always ends up going.

    Sufficed to say I won't be bothering with competitive again for another couple of weeks (altohugh that's just work & busy weekends over anything else... maybe a little side-eye at the no-showing) - it's sad seeing defeat snatched from the jaws of victory so many times.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  3. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    It goes off your season high.
  4. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    New map is out, and it is pretty fun map IMO.

    Was also a nice surprise to find 5 loot boxes waiting for me on log in.
  5. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Just started playing this week.

    any tips?
  6. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Try out every character, even if you think you won't like them.

    Once you've tried out every character, pick your favorite 2 out of each role and git gud.

    Hit the Gym, Lawyer up.

    Play Comp.

    Get salty.

    Go play Arcade for a month before venturing back into competitive.

    Rinse, repeat, Victory.
  7. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Don't play Genji, Hanzo, or anything that a weeabo would instalock.

    Reinhardt/Roadhog for tanks, S76/Reaper for offense, Torbjorn/Mei for defense, Lucio/Ana for heals. All good heroes to get your feet wet with.
  8. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Agree with most of this, but Dva is probably easier than Roadhog if you're just picking it up (although I love me some RH so ymmv). That, and Ana is a good healer, but probably not a good starter. Definitely reccomend Mercy/Lucio there.
  9. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Like Jon said, try out every hero. This will not only help you figure out your "mains" but also you'll get an understanding of every heroes' abilities.


    • S76: Currently the most powerful offense hero since the last patch. Medium ranged hero who has self-healing ability and good burst damage. Very strong against the resurgent Pharah.
    • Reaper: Due to the 3-4 tanks meta, we see less of him.However, coupled with a good Zenyatta Reaper can still dish out a lot of damage.
    • McCree: Still really strong, that hero requires really good aim but can deal with almost any hero with his really strong burst damage if you can hit headshots!
    • Tracer: Pretty good on King of the Hill map (Ilios, Oasis, Lijiang) for her mobility; it makes her one of the best to hold a point when all your team is dead or otherwise occupied. Pretty hard to master, but I find her super fun to play. She has difficulty against DVA, and I would not recommend on any other kind of map unless you're really good and can make things happen with her.
    • Genji: The bane of every overwatch player. The hero is really hard to play correctly, so if you're actually interested I would suggest watching a couple of pro player playing him to get a hang of how to do so. It's all about jumping around, harassing, and then sudden burst damage with 2-3 abilities at the same time. Can be really strong when paired with an Ana since he becomes really hard to kill with nanoboost during Dragonblade.

    • Mei: One of the most annoying hero to deal with because of her survival kit, but also because of her disruption abilities. Freezing enemy, or splitting up a group in two with her walls or even controlling a point with her ult. She's very strong on KoH map, but can workout on pretty much any others. She's not the most powerful, but if she manages to freeze a support it's pretty much dead.


    • I never play tank, so I can't really give much advice here. I'd probably suggest knowing Reinhardt since he's still one of the best tank due to his shield, and either DVA, Zarya, or Roadhog; you can pretty much fill the off-tank or main tank role.

    • Lucio: Technically the easiest to learn since you can just keep your heal up at all time, and press 'E' when in a dire situation. However he does have some depth. Things to master include wall-jumping to reach high ground when being pursued or to survive a push-off a ledge or even to just be on the ceiling when someone is trying to cap your point, and buying some time. Switching between speed and heal at the appropriate time to make the most out of it (chasing retreating enemy, pushing into a point, getting out of mei's ult, etc.) Still the best AoE healer of the game, he's really strong when paired with Ana who's grenade will increase his AoE ability.
    • Mercy: I started playing as her when I first started OW, so I can of feel like she's one of the easiest, but a good Mercy requires some work. Contrary to other healers, you can't heal AND damage at the same time; you either have to rely on your teammates or switch to your little pistol, knowing when to do so is essential to survive. Very good hero to play when you have another friend with you who can always position himself to provide you an escape route with your guardian angel. Always stay at the back of the fight, and use your ultimate (Resurrection) when you feel it is adequate; don't wait for a full 4-5 man wipe, sometime just rezzing a tank will be good enough to prevent an enemy push. I find her very good paired with Soldier (30% damage boost to him during ult, and their tendency to position high ground gives you a good escape when being chased), or the classic Pharah for some flying opportunity.
    • Zenyatta: Zen is one of the strongest healer to rank up with. His ability (Discord) to make an enemy take +30% damage is really good against the current tank meta, but also helps the whole team. He also has a very decent DPS with his shot, and can help provide further killing potential when your own offense teammates are perhaps not cutting it. It can take a while to figure out how to heal effectively with him. His ult is heavily countered by Ana's grenade (which reduces healing by 100%) so that's something to watch out for. If playing him, I would suggest opening you mic, and calling out your discord target to incentive your teammates to focus on that one target.
    • Ana: I feel like she is one of the most difficult hero to play. She requires good aim, and good communication. Her toolkit however is really strong against almost any heroes. Sleep dart can render an ultimate null, and her grenade can force back a push by preventing a diving hero from committing from fear of dying or can boost your own and your teammate own healing ability. Nanoboost is really strong with S76, Genji or any other kind of shooter (no longer with tanks unless the enemy doesn't have much kiting ability). Ana lacks in mobility, and flanker can make her life very difficult.
  10. Dark Belra

    Dark Belra Minister of Magic

    Feb 14, 2008
    Dublin, Ireland
    Overwatch is quite different to other games in regards to dying. As long as you die along the same time as your team, your death is good or at least fine. If you are trying too hard to stay alive, you risk creating a situation where you are alive when your team is dead and you are dead when the rest of your team is ready to go. The only punishment for death in Overwatch is giving your enemy ult charge, and if you jump off the map that doesn't even happen. So, as soon as you see like 2 - 3 people on your team die without a counter kill, either back off or go nuts, go in, die and get some ult charge. Ride together, die together. even if you think your teammates are idiots, go in and die with them always.
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I didn't start out with Hanzo but after hearing that "he shoot bricks" I started playing him and I feel he's one of my most solid heroes now.

    Still shit, but slightly more solid in consistency and less goopy shit.

    I'm defaulting to Roadhog/Reinhardt a lot, and I have really good accuracy on my Roadhog hooks but he's just so beefy he soaks so much shit up. I've never been a PC FPS player so honestly I just suck at accuracy in general.

    Thanks for all the advice. Should I save anything to do with my free loot boxes/coins? Should I stick to quickplay or is there a better return somewhere?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  12. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Lootboxes contents are determined the moment you receive them, no point in waiting unless you just want to open a bunch at a time or that lootfeelz.

    Quickplay and Arcade are both great places to start.

    In arcade there are 2 new modes. 1v1 and 3v3.

    I enjoy them both a lot.
  13. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    Reduce your mouse sensitivity when playing FPS on PC. I'm currently at 700 dpi and I think 7.5 in-game. That's what I feel most comfortable playing with now. Took a bit of time to get use to it though.
  14. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Tried some more and lost 62 points from 1 game because my game crashed midway through round 4 & I spent round 5 being a pinata because after I got my game back up I was locked to 20 FPS and now I can't even get the game to load without crashing. New drivers weren't the issue, tried all my settings down to low & still having issues even after a full reboot.

    Not sure what the problem may be as I was playing just fine last night. Feels bad man.

    On the brightside Blizzard are discussing changes to Roadhog hook that should be a buff barring the jump/dash/LoS thing which... I don't see making much sense. Also makes playing against a decent Tracer more frustrating, at least to me.
  15. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    Churchey -
    Learning D.Va would be a good idea with how crazy 76 currently is... and that they are, apparently, at long last, going to actually try and fix Hogg's hook.

    Learning to abuse his hook right now might not be a great idea- it's not working as intended. His hook might end up better overall, but it should, hopefully, be less bullshit.

    If you want to play something completely random, you could always try Mystery Heroes. Though that's about 50% surprisingly fun and 50% the other team rolled 4 bastions+torb+sym and no one on your team can hurt them because of shitty rolls life is pain.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  16. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Why is DvA good against 76? Just the shielding?
  17. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Yeah, when soldier ults, you fly into his face with shield up and pretty much negate his aimbot.
  18. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    The other reason is that armor (the yellow part of the health bar) actually reduces incoming damage by 5. Against big damage sources (junkrat bombs) that isn't much, but against enemies that do lots of damage over time, e.g soldiers gun spray, it is fairly significant.
  19. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Makes sense. Dva always takes the soldier hits better than roadhogg who just seems to melt
  20. JErosion

    JErosion DA Member

    Feb 14, 2015
    The only problem with using D.Va to crack a Soldier 76 is if he has a buddy Mei, the freeze and then taking those Soldier bullets to the face will end you quick. Learned this the hard way on Valdavosk, its also a testimate to why solo queuing at lower levels sucks, Its either your beating the crap out of the enemy or your can't even get out of spawn.

    Ive had so many games where Im the only one to touch the point. I shouldn't be getting gold for nine seconds of objective time.
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