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WIP Paradoxical Parallels by HistoryOnRepeat - T

Discussion in 'The Alternates' started by Sesc, May 23, 2019.

  1. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Title: Paradoxical Parallels
    Author: HistoryOnRepeat
    Rating: T
    Genre: Adventure/Drama
    Status: In-Progress
    Library Category: Alternates
    Pairings: None
    Summary: Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, suffered a remarkably similar past to the child Tom Riddle when he was put into the foster care system. He grew up equally charismatic, just as cunning, and with the same love for the chaotic. But naturally, Dumbledore never suspected Harry as he had with young Tom. Harry's chosen allegiances were ones that they would never see coming.
    Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15720600/chapters/36544053

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Slytherin!Harry, with Harry modelled after Tom Riddle.

    First year is done, updates are ongoing. Generally: If you like those kind of stories, read it. Otherwise, you're missing out. It's gripping and so immersive that I actually didn't even realise the author left a giant (Canon-)point unaddressed until I read about it in a comment.

    The problems this story has are threefold.

    1. The author can't stick to one tense. This is easy enough to clean up; he got a beta for the last few chapters that is currently revising the others.

    2. It's somewhat over-the-top. Harry is just too good, objectively speaking, but it's not that much of an issue, because in-story it's just fun to read about; suspension of disbelief works.

    3. You know how the usual problem of the First Year AUs is too many details and slow progress? This story has the opposite problem. There is enough plot for like 200k words, and the author condenses it to 65k. The result is that it feels more like snapshots from the first year rather than a coherent story. Every scene resp. plot point on its own is cool, but it would gain in atmosphere enormously if it was expanded.

    This issue is compounded by the fact that a big part of the story is written from POVs other than Harry's about Harry, so instead of where the action is, the camera is on the people watching the action -- or even worse, on the people having no clue wtf is going on. That, while a clever stylistic device to convey the confusion Harry inspires in others, is also maximally frustrating, because I don't want to read about Draco trying to piece together what Harry is doing, I want be there myself when Harry does it and get all the details first hand.

    It's also a waste of plot -- you have a cool storyline, a cool character, and then you write a story about people watching that character and storyline unfold. Come on, man.

    Limit the bulk of the story to two POVs, Harry's and Daphne's, because both are (or could be) the main characters and have their own storylines, expand everything for more details, and it'd be an awesome story. Like, 5/5 territory.

    This way, it's still cool, but also an irritating tease.

    Originally I wanted to say a 4/5 if the tense is fixed, but the ending especially makes you scream in frustration with the POV thing, so I'm miffed enough (in this "it could be so much better"-sense) that I give it a 3/5.
  2. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    Gave it a try but stalled out on chapter 9. Harry is just too unbelievably good. Like, he was discussing magical theory with Flitwick in his first month, when he has no prior magical knowledge. I don't care how much of a prodigy you are, you need to actually learn the basics before that, for terminology if nothing else.
  3. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    I don't entirely disagree, but I wanted to posit that this, too, is one consequence of the missing details resp. POV. When Harry deals with Rosier in the Common Room, this is more or less plausibly explained. But in that above case, does Harry know the theory or doesn't he? And what is he talking about exactly anyway? We have Draco's POV telling us that he doesn't understand, which is a patently useless information. If we were shown the details from Harry's POV and knew he had studied this, the argument would be a different one.

    I think the story actually degrades in this aspect towards the end. It's evident already in the chapters -- we have seven chapters to take us to Halloween, and four for the rest of the entire year.
  4. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    I like this story - for me, the biggest flaw is that it's a bit overwrought in some cases, but it never got in the way. This is a story about an inexplicably powerful Harry, but the road to power isn't the plot, it's the effects of it. Harry is the catalyst that creates all the problems and plot points, and refreshingly, this story doesn't keep things leashed to canon. Definitely agree that you'll need to embrace the inexplicable part of OP!Harry and roll with it to enjoy everything.

    It's stylishly written, engaging, and (unlike Sesc) I think the brisk pace is a big merit - the author always keeps the ball rolling and knows when to introduce new elements to complicate what's already happened. I'm not a big fan of Slytherin!politicz and thankfully it never got bogged down in them.

    Good read. Looking forward to the sequel - 4/5.

    The final chapter feels unfinished. We're missing out on the resolution to Dumbledore's plan to catch the stone - that final scene with Moody and the offhand way of mentioning the owl was probably meant to resolve that but just confused me - and critically I think we're really missing out on finding out what Quirrel/Voldemort's reaction is to the stone being snatched before he could get his hands on it. In fact, Quirrel isn't even mentioned at all after Halloween. The extent and origin of Harry's injury needs to be expanded upon, too.

    All this probably leads to that feeling you mentioned, @Sesc, of the quality declining - I don't think it's an issue with pace so much as the combined weight of unresolved plot threads.
  5. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    @Palindrome: Exactly,
    that was what I meant above. Quirrelmort just drops off the face of the earth, and I didn't notice until I read a comment pointing this out.
    That said, I think there is a happy medium to be found. Up until the Halloween chapter, the pacing is fine. Afterwards, it gets bogged down in the POV changes and rushed to the end. And it's not that this is limited to Harry; despite the POV changes, the only other one that is actually interesting is missing, namely
    Daphne's, because wtf even that thing with the wards alone would have yielded enough plot to fill another story of the same size. Massively wasted potential, there. We are told it's a giant deal -- and I'd even agree and call it a novel idea, haven't seen this before -- but instead of showing us all about this fallout through Daphne, all the reactions of Astoria who for all intents and purposes is now owned by Harry, and all of Daphne's struggle and despair -- we get, what? Two scenes? I'm tearing my hair out.
  6. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    Went through the rest of it because it turns out 9 isn't far off from the end. Yeah can't really give it more than a 3/5. It's perfectly readable, but it feels like it can't make up it's mind about how good Harry is, beyond 'better than anyone expects'. If they hadn't established that Harry didn't know magic before Hogwarts I could buy that Tom is bleeding through the scar or something, but he regularly tackles incredibly advanced books that people think he's taking from the Restricted Section on a lark because of how ridiculous the thought that an 11 year old could understand them is.

    Like, it's not impossible to have prodigies like that, the problem is that Harry has had no education before this. It's possible for an 11 year old to have mastered advanced calculus, but it's not believable if he was introduced to mathematics less than a year ago.
  7. BeastBoy

    BeastBoy Seventh Year

    Nov 20, 2018
    So generally I'm not much of a fan of the Slytherin Harry or Dark Harry subgenres and the cliches that come with them, but I think this story does those cliches fairly well. In essence, the Slytherin kids' politicking and scheming actually sounds like the sort of thing that smart kids would do rather than a dumb person's idea of what smart kids would do.

    I do really like the brisk pace in theory, and it is refreshing to have an author deal with a year in only 65k words, but I wish that those words had been devoted to Harry's POV instead of jumping around like it does. I think an example of the multiple POVs that works well is the prologue, with Dumbledore talking to the orphanage matron. Starting with Dumbledore and having him be relieved that Harry doesn't appear to be like Riddle at all is good, especially because the author is dropping in foreboding hints.

    I also think sticking with Rosier's POV as he confronts Harry in the Common Room is good, because we keep the mystery alive about how exactly Harry was able to deal Rosier.

    The most grievous example of the POV shifts not working well is during the two chapters after the prologue. We get Draco encountering Harry on the train, we get Daphne encountering Harry in the Great Hall, and then finally we shift back to Harry and have him remember the events of the train. I can't help but feel like I would rather have just stuck with Harry the whole way rather than see the events from another POV and then have Harry remember them back.

    I would rate this a 3/5. Props for making a type of story I generally don't like as much very enjoyable, and props for not falling into the word bloat trap that so many do. I just wish more time had been spent with Harry rather than other people's reactions to Harry. I think it has a lot of potential as it moves along into the subsequent years, though.
  8. quixoticcool

    quixoticcool Third Year

    Mar 17, 2016
    United States of America
    High Score:
    I think this is really good and am surprised to see how poorly it reviewed so far. The thing I can compliment it the most on is the multiple perspectives, I absolutely hate them, or so I thought before I read this. The multiple perspectives are used to turn what would be a boring slog of "harry is OP and pure slytherin and does everything right, thank you and plz review" into a perpetual series of asking yourself what happened before and what is going to happen next. I do think Harry is more than a bit too good at everything but the use of alternate perspectives mitigates it to a certain extent. I like that the Slytherins seem more prone to aping their parents rather than actual full on scheming. Daphne is a bit too ludicrously suspicious of Harry at times, her Samhain plot would have made more sense to be planned after rather than before a certain critical event of that evening. Other than that i feel few criticisms have merit, while the pace is brisk it doesn't seem overly so and I have yet to notice a "plot hole" that isn't resolved the chapter after with some form of explanation or another. 5/5

    @Palindrome I think you need to take a closer look at that scene in particular it is the opposite of an unresolved plot thread and instead a resolution to one. I do however think it is one of the most ludicrous examples of Harry being too good in the entire story.
  9. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    I read it and to be perfectly honest its kind of garbage, but high tier guilty pleasure. Basically Harry is super smart and ahead in all of his classes to an unreal degree because he is also doing like a thousand different things. And by 3rd year he is basically waving his dick around at everyone being the best of the best at everything. It stays interesting just because he is basically stomping everything, which can be entertaining when pulled off correctly which this fic does.

  10. James

    James Unspeakable

    Jan 22, 2015
    Enjoyable enough.

  11. Utsane

    Utsane Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Aug 18, 2017
    I had high hopes going into this fic; the first chapter, despite the minor grammatical errors, was written relatively well. It had all the hallmarks of a story that could bridge the gap between guilty pleasure and genuinely good. Unfortunately, it soon fell flat on its back.

    The quality of writing stayed pretty consistent, but the narrative approach the author chose made it read more like really long summary than anything else.

    The main problem I had with this fic was that the only two characters with a believable voice were Draco and Dumbledore. Everyone else had the same edgy, contrived voice that seems to plague most guilty pleasure fics.

    However, once the characters are a little older, this may be less of a problem.

    All in all, I'd give this a solid 3/5.
  12. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    This was a really weird story. I wanted to like it but I feel like they missed the mark on what a Young Tom Riddle would be like. This kid was basically a shark in calm waters, when there was no evidence to support why he should be. Charismatic /= shark like personality. The thing they got right was when:

    Killing Hermione with the troll Harry got pissed because he felt like he was the one that deserved to determine her fate.

    They mess up a bit on the immersion because they have Harry talking about and knowing things that as a child from an Orphanage he should have know knowledge about. I know he could have read about it, but it was really immersion breaking when they did it. I'd go back and point the specific scenes out, but there are quite a few.

    The end of the year run for the PS was also super hamfisted.

    1) It contradicts everything I mentioned in my spoiler.
    2) There's no way he could have kept it hidden.

    Also how all the kids seem to follow him, but don't follow him is a bit weird. I think they tried to make it seem like they're doing it out of survival, or following the person with the most power, but realistically? Harry did fuck all to display any kind of power level. You can only use so many nice terms to describe someone, but that doesn't mean they're powerful. Afterall, Lockheart was charismatic, but he was as weak as a fucking goldfish, in all respects.

    The crashing of the wards around Daphne's house, the fact that she wasn't present for the latter half of the first year, and all kinds of other things just didn't make sense and I feel like the author had purpose when including them but maybe forgot why. Its likely a setup for a later bit, but already I don't want to read more of this story because of how it makes me feel.


    Based on ratings its library worthy, so it will sit there for now. I'll move it when I need to later.