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Plagiarism Discussion regarding Art of War

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tridentwatch, May 4, 2006.

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  1. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    Ghost Planet
    Trident wasnt banned for the story thing. I banned him. I didnt know this existed until after I banned him. I banned him for being a duck fucker and abusing smileys in his post.
  2. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    Isn't banning a person because they fuck ducks profiling? And isn't profiling illegal? :p
  3. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    No, because Sree fucks camels, and Dark fucks sheep, we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's not discrimination against bestiality fetish lovers.
  4. nessin

    nessin Guest

    Number one - Yarrgh!:

    I don't know what planet you live on (and of course I freely admit that I can't speak for every country present in the world) but generally ignorance or turning a blind eye to something does NOT imply you support it. As a matter of fact, from a legal standpoint, its usually the complete opposite. So JK Rowlings not taking a official stance (that I know of) in respect to Fanfiction means that (in a Court of Law) she does not support it.

    Number two - Copyrights:

    In terms of Copyright light, I'm only familiar with the United States, so keep that in mind. However, in the US, any work derived from copyrighted material without express permission from the original owner is not covered by a copyright. As fanfiction is an entirely derivative genre, any work of fanfiction created or distributed in the United States is not covered by a copyright. What this means is all those legal high ground people have not a leg to stand on unless the fanfic author has documented evidence that JK Rowlings approves of that individual fanfic.

    Now, you can argue till blue in the face as to whether plagiarism is bad from a moral/ethical standpoint or whehter one author should give permission to another in respect to a fanfic, but you lose all credibility the second you cry "Copyright!"

    Just had to get that off my chest after reading this thread.
  5. Cervus

    Cervus Raptured to Hell

    Aug 29, 2005
    Manchester, England.
    The following is a quote from a newspaper over here in England. I'm not too sure of which paper it came from but I kept this quote in the case that people claimed JK Rowling was not supportive of fanfiction.

    I think it's obvious from that quote that JK Rowling doesn't mind fanfiction based in the Harry Potter universe.

    I also find is pretty funny that JK Rowlings official site contains a link to Mugglenet, a site which hosts a Harry Potter Fanfiction achieve.
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  6. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Okay. Lets see.

    You say you've read this thread. Obviously, you missed the 2-3 posts that said quite clearly that JK Rowling whole-heartedly supports and allows fanfiction based on the Harry Potter series.

    I don't know where you come off saying that turning a blind eye to something means that you don't support it. Sure...in some cases, yes. In most, it's because people can't be bothered either way.

    In this specific context, i'm pretty sure FF.Net, even with the admins that it has, would not dare to incur legal wrath. They owuld have, as soon as people began asking for a Harry Potter section to post fanfics in, contacted JK or her lawyers, and sked for permission. Obviously, going by the fact that it exists, we know that she must have given permission.

    That, buddy, would be your 'official stance'.

    I can't be fucked to care about the nitty-gritty of copyright laws. You do, so bully for you. If JK allowed fanfics about HP to start, it's her fault that she didn't make it specfic enough to say "only Harry/Ginny allowed, no slash, and no super!Harry"

    Thank god she isn't a Nazi. She recognized that people are creative, so she gave us free reign to do what the hell we want. Individually approving fanfics would be a bit of a hassle, wouldn't it? And i'm not talking about us writers. I'm talking about HER. Having to take a gander at each of the untold millions of HP fanfics out there would be a rather large waste of time.

    Point is...this is about plagiarism. It's blatant, that much you should be able to see. It's a matter of principle, not a matter of technicalities. Sure, tridentwatch could have kept posting his shit at FFNet, if they had allowed his fic to stay. The admins here made a decision to get rid of him, and it was done because authors don't appreciate the way in which he arbitrarily decided to take over someone else's work.
  7. nessin

    nessin Guest


    You, as of your post replying to me, are the only one to even mention some kind of official source about JK Rowlings stance on fanfiction. Am I to believe that people who state she made that statement, but fail to supply sources, are speaking of factual statements?


    1) Fanfiction.net hosts material associated with copyright holders who, for one reason or another (such as lack of life), can not have provided permission. In case you need further clarification, that means you can't assume fanfiction.net has not gained approval to host fanfiction from all copyright holders. Granted, you can assume so given the quantity of Harry Potter fiction, but it isn't a 100% issue.

    2) Considering that fanfiction authors have paid a visit to courts (at least in the US) over the issue of copyrights in the past, I'd imagine you should be a tad bit more "fucked to care" about the issue. Granted, the last instance I read on the subject had the result in favor of fanfiction...

    3) I find it interested that you bring up the plagiarism issue, especially considering I clearly pointed out that my statement was directed at the copyright argument only. Yet you bring up the issue of plagiarism in relation to principle and technicalities. Am I missing something, or are you trying to argue against me on a subject I didn't make a statement on?
  8. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Look at the topic title, nessin. "Plagiarism Discussion regarding Art of War". This whole thread is about the issue of plagarism, not copyright law. Therefore Yarrgh! can bring it up as much as he likes.

    As far as I'm concerned, Cervus' post ended this arguement. JKR has said she approves of fanfiction. End of story.
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  9. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Agreed. In the case of authors with 'lack of life', such as J.R.R. Tolkien, they would have asked the "Estate of Tolkien", which is how the authorization for the movies, etc, was given.

    Granted, fanfiction itself is an infringement of copyright laws. Authors who aren't dicks realize that this work can never be published, so they don't care. When people blatantly publish fanfics on copyrighted works, the authors are happy, because they can sue, and make a shitload of money off the author and the publisher, while making the whole effort (the fanfic) seem like a joke.

    Now, authors KNOW that fanfics exist. Therefore, if they have a problem with it, all it takes is a letter or an email from their lawyer/publisher, and FFNet and other fanfiction sites of repute know not to allow those fics to exist.


    I should be more 'fucked to care'? I'm not infringing any copyrights. I'm not publishing my work with an aim to make money. If anything, FFNet makes money off my efforts, since the pages that contain my work have ads on them that pay money to the website. So, i don't care. No one would sue me...i have no money, and since i'm not earning from putting up my work, theres no grounds to sue on, regardless of the fact that JK allows fanfiction about Harry Potter.

    No. If you read the topic of this thread, it says "Plagiarism Discussion". That's what the whole thread has been about. I'm not trying to be confrontational. I'm pointing out the fact that plagiarism is rather undesirable when someone else came up with an idea. Sure, all fics could be called plagiarism if it weren't for the simple fact that the author recognizes the fact that his/her work is based in a canon that they didn't invent.
  10. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Look. I really don't know why this is under discussion, it has been argued to death and back. There really shouldn't have been any argument in the first place. Plagiarism, in school or not, is wrong. Why the fuck do you think teachers will not take a paper that was randomly taken off the internet? Students caught doing that will get a 0, or at the worst get expelled. Nessin, I can't be fucked to go over the last 3 pages of shit to check if anyone cried out, "Copyright!" but I'm pretty sure that that wasn't what most people said.

    I, nor do any of the admin or members of the site, do not give a fucking fuck if fanfiction isn't under copyright. You said that we could argue till we're blue with the moral issue. Well, guess what? We also have a banstick which can and will be used when people disobey the rules of the site or when someone disobeys two members in the staff of DLP. Raven just added a rules section, right next to the User CP. Read it.
  11. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Yes, do read it. Also, my statement at the bottom of the copyright...

    "No personal intellectual property on this site may be used without the credit and express permission of the respective authors."

    While this may not be legally binding with fanfiction (for obvious reasions), it is legally binding when applied to other works, such as original fiction, art, self-composed music, and so on and so forth. As it is, I'm positive a DMCA will still work when covering a fanfiction copied word for word, not to mention true property as I said above.

    This discussion is over. If you have something constructive to add, you may do so. It's a verified fact that JKR knows about and allows FanFiction to continue for her stories. I believe she even talked about it in one of her interviews. If she didn't approve of it, then FF.Net and other sites would have to comply to her wishes and remove the stories.
  12. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    after all she has to know of fanfiction, seeing as how HBP looks like a rip off of most of the horrible H/G 6th year fics out there.
  13. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    I can't believe this thread is still going...

    Anyhow, I have to agree with Mid on the above.

    HBP looks susupiciously like subpar work inspired by 13 year old fangirls.

    Wait..doesn't she have daughter? Maybe that's where all the corny shit is coming from.

    I was so excited about OOTP, as it was the first book to display some semblance of darkness and seriousness. It was the most grown up story in the series.

    Then HBP comes out and treats me like a 10 year old.

    And then, near the end, J.K. tries to bring the dark/dangerous atmosphere back by having Harry try his hand at the cruciatus and sectumsempra curse again. Of course, she fails miserably as almost the test of the book has Harry licking Dumble's balls and lusting after ginny.

    Although, wouldn't it be awesome if J.K. got a sudden heart change, revealed that Ginny was using Love potion, went darkbutnotevil, and avoided a dues ex machina ending?
  14. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Feb 4, 2006
    Glassboro, NJ
    If that happened, There would be one hell of a party on DLP.
  15. Yarrgh!

    Yarrgh! Pirate King

    Jan 29, 2006
    Purdue University, Indiana
    Shit...i'd bring the booze. She CAN write, so if she did that, it would actually kick ass, as long as she went through FFNet meticulously to avoid any and ALL cliches.

    After all, i don't want to read about a fucking trunk in the books.
  16. Silent

    Silent Kinky Wench

    Dec 4, 2005
    She's a fairly creative lady - after all, she did create this entire 'verse, so if she "revealed that Ginny was using Love potion, went darkbutnotevil, and avoided a dues ex machina ending", I wouldn't just bring the booze, I'd drink it!

    Still, to pull off a change that drastic after HBP, Book 7 would have to be really, really long.
  17. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    If she did that for book 7 not only would there be a party with Yaargh! bringing the booze... But there would be a party with Giovanni bringing the hard liquor -- and the random juices/soda's/salt/limes/lemons/misc. paraphenalia to enjoy it with.

    Giovanni trusts that Middy and Vash would bring the strippers both female and male **though secretly thinks Vash would bring a Dominatrix instead**

    We would all wake up the next afternoon/evening, and there would be much jubilation once the hangovers were recovered from.
  18. Cupspeaker

    Cupspeaker Looked into the void

    May 22, 2006
    After reading the entire five pages of post I dont see what the big deal is now with tridentwatch. He was banned, his story was deleted of ff.net, end of story. Why is this thread still continuing? And if Giovanni does bring hard liquor it would be gone faster in this lowly human's stomach than you could say "Give me a napkin!" after I vomit it all out.
  19. Dark Lord Rostam

    Dark Lord Rostam Button La Famiglia Midknight

    Mar 2, 2006
    In that thing you call a closet. Better watch out,
    Look Cupspeaker, you haven't been here and had to put up with Tridentwatch. I've only been here a few months, but I've been here in the time of the great 1,000 and the great Trident ban. He really was an arrogant prick, that's why we hate him. We aren't mad just because he plagiarized, but because he thought he could do it better. Honestly, he was a review-guzzling whore, and a fucktard.
  20. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Locked... because there is no point posting here any longer. All this other stuff can be talked about elsewhere. Maybe I'll split it later or something.
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