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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    It sounds like a more epic story than a one-shot would want to cover.

    Unless the cynical metamorphmagus witch actually is the villain or his henchgirl, I'd go with something less gimmicky. Swap her out for a continental version of Mad-Eye Moody, always critical of Harry's intentions and decisions as he thinks Potter is just a media pretty-boy or maybe a hero past his particular great quest who's looking for a new one to make himself seem important. Harry would be working with this guy and seeing what a lifetime dedicated to being an Auror could do to him on the inside.

    It could be awesome, particularly if the Arithmancer villain has a tendency to always out-predict their moves like a true super-villain.
  2. crimson sun06

    crimson sun06 Banned

    Jun 21, 2013
    It is not intended as a one-shot but a full length novel. His partner is intended to be a mix of Tonks and Moody, having the former's sense of humour and the latter's paranoia.
    The villain is exactly meant to be that. He is also a productive and highly respected member of the society hence no one expects him to be a dark lord.

    That's the dynamic I had in mind when I was describing her.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    What a coincidence, I've come across a Beauxbatons!Harry fic just earlier today. It had a starting point that I've never seen before, where France just basically nabbs Harry through mild trickery and bribery into enrolling there because it would bring their Minister, and the whole France as well, some prestige. He was on a vacation with the Dursleys when they do this, and he's only 8 years old, but he's still enrolled and for some reason Beauxbatons is the size of a town with 25,000 students in it and education apparently there starts at 8 and lasts 10 years.

    I got bored as shit of it because Harry has been acting as a... well, kid. I realize he's only 8 years old, but I have no interest in these kinds of stories, not really. In case you're interested anyway, here you go: thé à la grenouille.
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Bonus points for anyone who guesses the reference.

    These creatures he fought, they were like no magical creatures or beings he ever learned about during his Hogwarts years. What were they? How were they appearing all over the ministry, despite the anti-apparition jinx? For what purpose?

    Harry suddenly woke up as if electrocuted. Seeing his surroundings, he was immediately on alert, it seemed his fight wasn't over. Or, was it?

    He was sitting inside a carriage being pulled by two thestrals and the carriage was flying. At first Harry thought that he was flying during the night, but upon closer inspection he realized that he was actually flying through an endless, black void.

    So, he failed then? Was he dead? Is this how the next great adventure actually looked like? All these people at the ministry, he could save them from these creatures if he only had more-

    "Time, Mr. Potter? Is it really that time again?"
  5. gundam_wizard

    gundam_wizard Fourth Year

    Apr 12, 2015
    Up my ass and around the corner
    Half-Life 2?
  6. Hiraelle

    Hiraelle Third Year

    Apr 12, 2015
    I would happily read that. I think maybe you should not do all seven years though, those behemoths are hard to finish and often are abandoned... Maybe just cover the latter years ?
    But the focus of the story interests me greatly.
  7. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    So, this is part of my conflict. It creates a large story that can be difficult to finish, and it requires writing a young kid. On the flip side, you get to see him grow, and if you skip years, I worry that you lose some of that wonder. You aren't seeing a new magical place through the eyes of someone who is also seeing it for the first time. You are seeing it from the perspective of someone who is used to seeing it.

    There is something to be said for the feeling you get when a first year is on the boat headed to Hogwarts and the reveal is made and then you see the great hall for the first time. As years go on, you get to experience the Chamber of Secrets, new secret passageways, the room of requirements, etc. Whereas when you are following a returning student some of those special rooms or secret paths are simply stuff they've already found.

    I'm trying to create a completely new world here. I want Beauxbatons to be completely fleshed out before I even start writing. I'm working on a history for how the school was founded, ideas for secret rooms, a layout for the grounds around the school, etc. Part of what I want to accomplish is to take the reader on a journey of discovery that evokes some of those feelings you got when you started reading about Hogwarts for the first time. I want it to be just as magical but to have distinctly different feel to it.

    Hogwarts is a castle with suits of armor, a poltergeist, ghosts, dungeons, etc. I want Beauxbatons to be a place that is elegantly designed with some beautiful displays of magic. Perhaps a few sinister undertones along the way to set the stage for adventure and exploration but on the surface at least, I'm trying to create something worthy of Fleur's words from the Yule Ball.

    I'm worried that if I skip years to make the story less work or to avoid trying to write kids that I won't accomplish what I'm setting out to do. Plus, there is part of me that thinks writing an 11 year old Fleur with her snobby personality would be fun and just generally create an adorable character.
  8. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    It's difficult to write the G-Man's strange pace of speech however.

    I think a Half-Life/HP story set during the Seven-Hour War would be pretty cool.

    ---------- Post automerged at 07:13 ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 ----------

    Looking it up there is only one HP/HL crossover on FF.net and it's a new level in retardation.
  9. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    That would be an awesome story for sure. I'm assuming you've looked up appropriate French Architecture based on the founding date you've set up for Beauxbâtons. Most classic French building have a square-ish look from the outside, vaulted ceilings inside and an opulence in term of décor for furniture and decoration which I think reflects pretty well Fleur's comments about the grandiose Beauxbatons :)
  10. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    I'd like to read a good Beauxbatons story as well. Consider adding something like a Magical Arts class, where they learn how to animate the magical paintings, using transfiguration for sculpting, or enchanting instruments to play, etc.
  11. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Contemplating having an OC that Dumbledore trained to gain access into the higher ranks of the Death Eaters, kind of like Snape but before Snape with not even the Order knowing of this persons role as a spy.

    OC isn't really going to be uber powerful or anything, rather one of the Death Eater's Voldemort trusted most, allowing me to explore how the Death Eaters conducted shit, how they operated or at least explore my own fanon as it were.
  12. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Oneshot pitch: Fleur Delacour is descended from the ancient Targaryen bloodline. In the First Task, the dragon goes from "magical WMD" to "cute puppy".

    Judges award maximum points for the sheer amount of It's Fleur, bitch.
  13. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Write it. Write it write it write it.
  14. Stan

    Stan Order Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    Its a shame she doesn't have a brother. Oh well, guess we will have to do with Fleur/Gabrielle femslash instead.
  15. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Isn't Gabrielle like 8 in GoF? <_<

    Also, Scott_Press, you could take it the other direction and have Fleur and the dragon go all "Fire and Blood" on everyone for Important Plot Reasons.

    Either way, sounds like a solid crackfic.
  16. Steelbadger

    Steelbadger Death Eater

    Nov 9, 2013
    United Kingdom
    That makes her, like, 14 in Westeros years. /heavy breathing.
  17. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Sadly, I don't have a 'puter available, so even if I write something, it would be on paper and God knows when I'd post it.

    And damn you Newcomb, cause now I'm plotting shit out. Fucking peer pressure.
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    They warn you against peer pressure during school assemblies because it works.

    Here, have an idea-cookie:

    Draco and Viserys share a certain kind of (terrible) personality (and hair), so that should be a thing, plus, you know, Draco could have a nice death by molten gold.
  19. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Watching Psycho Pass put me on imagining a surveillance dystopia using HP artifacts in the books, more specifically the Dark Detectors and other inventions.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    When Harry is killed by Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, he wakes up on the day Hagrid brought him his Hogwarts letter.

    And so does everyone else on Earth.

    Every single person, both muggle and magical. This includes humans, goblins, centaurs, house elves, merpeople, giants, etc.

    People who were alive in 1991 but are dead in 1998 only get memories up to the time of their death (so the last thing Sirius remembers is falling through the Veil).

    As this includes muggles too, expect incredible levels of chaos and confusion.