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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    This actually makes me wonder if it is even possible to do that. We saw how completely messed up his soul looked at the end of DH. His soul is so damaged that I'm not sure you could call it back and if you did it would most likely be useless and in pain. There has to be a reason nobody would ever do that to their soul beyond what happens in life.
  2. Ennead

    Ennead Seventh Year

    Jul 12, 2012
    Harry Potter time travels to a future in which a fanatic cult uses his legacy to carry out terroristic attacks on Wizarding Britain, with the goal of breaking the Statute of Secrecy. Horrified by what they've done in his name, Harry has to stop them before all of wizardom is exposed to a Gattaca-esque world.
  3. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Dark Lord Ron.

    If you're going to make him evil, why not go all the way?

    Bonus points if he actually succeeds because of his experience with fighting Voldemort.
  4. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    The Dark Lord laughs as the professional Quidditch players fly around him, trying not to get too close. They are exceedingly careful not to throw the Quaffle through the rings behind him; after watching the Irish chaser Winston get incinerated by Bikoc, the Dark Lord's pet dragon, simply for scoring a reasonably difficult shot, the other players are too afraid to risk scoring on the redheaded menace that's holding their family hostage. Women and children watch from the stands as orange-garbed guards stare imperiously down at them from the back of thestrals, as if begging any of them
    to try and flee.

    A sallow-faced, dark-haired prisoner speaks up from the far end of the pitch. Still clad in his 1994 Quidditch World Cup Runner-up jersey he had been forced to wear when he was dragged into his cell, Viktor Krum mutters miserably in broken English, "It was one kiss. It's not like I fucked his sister!"

    Beside him, a similarly pale and grim prisoner nods while staring intensely at the game happening above them, "Just shut up and enjoy the game, would you?"
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  5. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Brings new meaning to "Weasley is Our King".
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    So in many cliche-terribad-fanfics people of the wizarding world learn about the Dursleys and Harry's childhood. Outrage follows, including such things as trying to take him away from Privet Drive, etc.

    But I do wonder, what would happen if someone released information about Harry's life to the wizarding public, prior to his First Hogwarts Year?

    Said information would include:

    - That his relatives are muggles who hate magic and think it evil and unnatural.
    - That Harry only learned about magic when his Hogwarts letter arrived.
    - That he lived in a cupboard most of his life.
    - That he was bullied by his cousin and was not loved by his aunt and uncle.

    Let's put fanon aside and not invent such idiocies like physical abuse or starvation.

    I'm curious what would the reactions be? Surely the Daily Prophet would make a sensational article, perhaps some people would indeed try to have Harry taken from the muggles.
  7. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Dumbledore would obliviate the entire population, obviously.
  8. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    In Second Year the news that Harry's a Parselmouth spreads beyond Hogwarts and incites a measure of panic in the wizarding world. Parents demand that something is done and Fudge feels that Harry must be taken into Ministry custody for questioning.

    Dumbledore accompanies him during the interview (which takes place at Hogwarts), providing a strenuous defence against the accusations and finally ending it when Madam Umbridge becomes overly aggressive. Fudge declares that Harry will be taken into protective custody, though its unclear whether its to protect him from danger or protect the wizarding world from him. Lucius Malfoy, as a Hogwarts Governor, will supervise the custody to ensure Harry's fairly treated. Dumbledore cannot fulfil this function as the Board has just removed him.

    A verbal confrontation quickly turns violent and ends with everyone but Dumbledore and Harry unconscious.

    The pair, now wanted fugitives, must flee Hogwarts. Dumbledore decides to search for Voldemort's spirit since his efforts at finding the threat within the school have failed.

    Stuff happens, Harry learns lots of cool magic and forms a very strong relationship with Dumbledore but their attempt to find Voldemort's spirit ends with them barely escaping a trap set by some of Grindelwald's old supporters.

    They return to Hogwarts when news reaches them that Ginny has disappeared. Harry takes the opportunity to visit Hermione, finding her clue, as in canon, and he, Dumbledore and Snape proceed into the Chamber while the rest of the professors evacuate the students to Hogsmeade.

    There's a fight in the Chamber - Dumbledore vs basilisk and Harry and Snape vs Shade-Riddle.

    Ginny survives, Dumbledore's reinstated, Grindelwald's last surviving supporter decides to find Voldemort, Harry returns to Hogwarts and becomes aware of the planning for the Triwizard Tournament as Dumbledore's apprentice.

  9. Nimble Flourish

    Nimble Flourish Squib

    Jan 23, 2016
    High Score:
    The magical creatures that the ministry classifies as beings and some that technically are beings but refuse to be classified as such collectively decide that it actually benefits them more in the longterm to break the statute of secrecy than continue to uphold it.

    This happens after the events of book seven and begins almost immediately after the epilogue. Resulting in a civil war breaking out in the magical world while the casts offspring are at Hogwarts.
  10. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Harry's status pre-PS is something like a mix of national hero and celebrity, so I think there'd be massive public outrage. I think that the public faith in Dumbledore would be shaken (though his reputation would probably survive somewhat).

    This next bit I'm not sure if its fanon or not, but Dumbledore wasn't aware of how Harry was being treated so it's possible he'd pull Harry out of there. At the same time, Lily's Sacrifice needs to be recharged too so...it might actually go either way.

    I think this is one bit fanon gets close to right, if only they'd stop character-assassinating Dumbledore or making the Dursley's even worse than they already are.
  11. Tsar

    Tsar Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2012
    Over the last week, I've been mulling over the idea of a crossover between Harry Potter and The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence. It would be Harry Potter being born into that world with the PotterVerse’s specific brand of magic and Harry having to deal with being truly unique in a strange medieval post-apocalyptic land that sits atop The Builders’ bones.

    Harry Potter is born as one of the one hundred. He is descended from the line of The Steward as opposed to the line of The Emperor. He has the features for it, so it’s an easy fit. That means a thin blood relation to families like the Ancraths and not the Kendals.

    Harry is not like Jorg, his father isn’t manipulative and evil bastard. The man cares for his son and that shows in his upbringing and how he see the world. As a second son he wants to be the hand that makes his brother’s dreams a reality.

    At the tender age of eleven, his magic begins to truly manifest in series of strange and perplexing events. It is wild and uncontrollable and word filters out slowly about the magic prince. Soon it spreads to interested parties like Sagious, Skilfar and The Blue Lady. The Blue Lady seeing a potential adversary in the future seeks to snuff him out rather than ally with him like she did with The Dead King. The attacks leaves his immediate family dead and him the sole heirs to his father’s lands and more importantly his seat at congression.

    This tragedy acts as a foci for Harry’s magic giving him some control in the form of crude but practical magic. He realises that it flows through him like a conduit and that he need a tool let it out properly, a wand. His new found skill and other events in the background stop The Blue Lady from immediately trying to finish the job she started.

    Harry set out to travel the world and learn all he can of The Builders. The hope being that their might be wand out there somewhere that he can use. It is during this time that Harry learns of the hidden hand that manipulates The Empire and vows to destroy it and The Blue Lady to avenge his family.

    Years pass on Harrys quest. He learns a lot and eventually builds a wand. Over the years however magic has slowly started to change him and his perception of the world. He starts to believe that he is akin to the second coming of Jezu and builders and that it his God given rite to fix The Broken Empire.

    With a God Complex and a wand he returns home to take his seat among The Hundred and eventually win the seat of Emperor.

    The A.I network is running simulations in the background manipulating events and trying to find the best way to stave of the turning of The Wheel and destruction. Harry’s flagrant use of magic has speed up the end of the world. The barrier between reality and metaphysical is thinning at an accelerated rate.

    As king of his lands he starts making overtures to other members of The One Hundred paying them visits giving them gift and so on.

    After saving The Prince of Arrow from Sagious’ plot the two form an alliance with over a third of the votes need for someone to be crowned emperor.

    Another power block forms around Jorg believing him to be the only who can stop The Dead King, this group is led by the Red Queen. This happens as a result of wheel turning faster and dead kings power surpassing that of his canon self.

    Jallen is fucking about with Loki’s Key in God knows where.

    Congression roles around and every member of The One Hundred is led their by the Golden Guard. It is during this time The Lady Blue makes her play. In a display of true power Harry stops it and soon after made Emperor. At this time the A.I Networks decides Harry is too dangerous and will not stop using his power and turning the wheel. They decide to use The Builder Sun below the heart of the Empire to kill Harry and The One Hundred.

    Harry cast the strongest fucking Protego ever enveloping the city and saving everyone from the nuclear explosion.

    The wheel spins faster still and the work breaks as a result of his actions. A ton of strange shit start happening, a ton of Elderitch shit.

    The laws of reality are breaking down due to the contradicting will of mankind and its various organisations. It is in short: The Second Apocalypse. New lands begin to form based on various faiths and cultures around the world for example: The Roma churches version of heaven and hell, The Deadlands.

    It’s only Harry’s will as Emperor that stabilises this patchwork mess.

    And the story would end there with an imperial decree forcing unity among The Hundred led under Harry in this new and strange world.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    So I wrote this way back in 2012. And I have no idea where I was going with this. I don't remember a thing about it.

    Hopefully someone will be able to make use of this.

    The Lost Plot Bunny

    June 22nd 1991 - Ron Weasley's pet Rat, Scrabbers, disappears, never to be seen again.

    June 23rd 1991 - For Dudley Dursley's eleventh birthday, his parents and Piers Polkiss go to the zoo. Harry Potter stays at home.

    June 25th 1991 - Dolores Umbridge is found dead in her house. An official Auror investigation is done and they find the Dark Mark carved on her cheek.

    July 22nd 1991 - Philosopher's Stone is stolen from Gringotts. Many people saw that it was Peter Pettigrew that did it. He is caught several hours later at Knockturn Alley, but the stone is missing. Albus Dumbledore makes sure that Peter is given Veritaserum and questioned. This results in Sirius Black being exonerated and given a formal apology from the ministry, as well as monetary compensation. However, Pettigrew simply does not remember where is the Philospher's Stone, he is sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss.

    July 23rd 1991 - Realizing that Pettigrew most likely gave the Stone to Voldemort, Albus Dumbledore reactivates Order of the Phoenix, with headquarters at Grimmauld Place 12. Two Order members, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, are sent to guard Harry Potter in Little Whinging.

    July 24th 1991 - Lord Voldemort is angry that Wormtail took the stone to someone else. He abandons the quest for the stone but decides to go to Hogwarts anyway, to keep an eye on Potter.

    July 31st 1991 - Sirius Black and Nymphadora Tonks arrive at Privet Drive #4 and tell Harry Potter that he is a wizard. They give him his Hogwarts Letter and take him to Diagon Alley and later to Grimmauld Place 12. Harry then learns about Lord Voldemort and that he is most likely back.

    August 2nd 1991 - Harry receives a photo album from Sirius. Inside he finds many pictures of his parents.

    September 1st 1991 - Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are sorted into Gryffindor.

    September 12th 1991 - Lord Voldemort (as Professor Quirrell) starts killing Unicorns in the Forbidden Forest and drinking their blood.

    October 10th 1991 - Sirius tells Harry about the Room of Requirement in a letter. He and Ron Weasley go to explore it.

    October 31st 1991 - During the Halloween Feast, Draco Malfoy calls Hermione Granger a Mudblood. Ron Weasley punches Malfoy for this comment. Ron and Malfoy both get detention, but Hermione becomes Ron and Harry's friend.

    December 23rd 1991 - The Dursleys die in a car accident. Dumbledore suspects Voldemort, as the Dark Mark was carved on the car. It is decided that Harry will live with Sirius at Grimmauld Place.

    December 25th 1991 - At Grimmauld Place, Harry receives his late father's Invisibility Cloak from Albus Dumbledore as a Christmas present.

    December 26th 1991 - Famous writer, Gilderoy Lockhart is found dead in his home. The Dark Mark is carved on his cheek.

    February 24th 1992 - Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy serve detention in the Forbidden Forest with Rubeus Hagrid. They spot a dead unicorn and Harry encounters Lord Voldemort for the first time since his infancy.

    March 1st 1992 - Sirius Black arrives at Hogwarts and starts a secret investigation after Harry tells him in a letter about the encounter in the forest.

    June 4th 1992 - After Sirius Black exposes Quirrell as Voldemort, the man escapes and secretly goes to Lucius Malfoy. This confuses Dumbledore, who thought that Voldemort used the Philosopher's Stone to regain his body.


    July 31st 1992 - Dobby the House Elf tries to warn Harry Potter about Voldemort's plans, but is unable to find him, as Harry is protected by the Fidelius at Grimmauld Place.

    August 1st 1992 - Remus Lupin is chosen as the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

    August 20th 1992 - Harry is escorted by Sirius and Hagrid to Diagon Alley to buy his school supplies. At Flourish and Blotts they meet the Malfoys and Xenophilius Lovegood with his daughter Luna. Lucius insults Xeno and Sirius threatens to hex Malfoy if he speaks again. The Malfoys leave but Draco secretly puts Tom Riddle's Diary to one of Luna's books.

    September 1st 1992 - Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, and Colin Creevey begin at Hogwarts. Harry and Ron are unable to go through the barrier and as such, they are taken by Sirius via Side-Along Apparition to Hogsmeade. Sirius contacts Albus and tells him about the problem with the barrier.

    September 8th 1992 - The Chamber of Secrets is opened by Luna Lovegood, under the influence of Tom Riddle’s diary. The cat, Mrs. Norris is found dead.

    October 31st 1992 - The Chamber of Secrets is opened again and Padma Patil is killed by the basilisk. Aurors arrive in the castle and arrest Hagrid. Albus Dumbledore is removed as Headmaster of Hogwarts. Minerva McGonagall becomes acting Headmistress.

    November 10th 1992 - Barty Crouch Jr. escapes his father and finds Quirell/Voldemort at the Malfoy Mansion.

    December 25th 1992 - Luna throws away Riddle's Diary after she realizes that it is manipulating her. Susan Bones finds it several hours later.

    March 8th 1993 - There is an explosion in the Hall of Prophecies at the Ministry of Magic. Many prophecies are destroyed.

    May 8th 1993 - Susan Bones disappears. Hogwarts is on alert and Sirius arrives to protect Harry, just in case.

    May 9th 1993 - The Diary kills Susan Bones and Tom Riddle's spirit regains full power. Having what he wanted, Tom escapes Hogwarts to search for the other Voldemort. However, he is seen by Peeves, who tells McGonagall about it. McGonagall, Sirius and Remus are take by Peeves to Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom and told that a boy emerged from a hidden entrance. They blast it open and enter. They find Susan's body and the now-useless diary. A team of Aurors is called in and the Basilisk is discovered and killed.

    May 10th 1993 - Hagrid and Dumbledore return to Hogwarts, but with Lucius Malfoy as Deputy Headmaster. Meanwhile, Tom Riddle and Quirell/Voldemort merge into one, which results in Quirell's death, but also with the full return of Voldemort.

    May 11th 1993 - Snape and other Death Eaters are summoned by Voldemort. Thanks to that, Dumbledore knows that the Dark Lord is back. He tells Fudge, but the Minister does not believe him.

    May 30th 1993 - Lucius tells the Board of Governors that Lupin is a werewolf. Remus is then forced to resign. Dumbledore teaches the DADA class for the rest of the term.

    June 18th 1993 - Lucius Malfoy starts influencing the Ministry and Board of Governors to become the next Headmaster. However, his initial attemps end in failure.

    August 7th 1993 - Horace Slughorn receives a package with a mysterious red stone and a note attached to it.


    August 8th 1993 - Under Malfoy's influence, John Dawlish an Auror loyal to the Ministry, becomes the DADA teacher at Hogwarts. Lucius convinced the Minister that Dumbledore is getting paranoid with his claims that You-Know-Who has returned.

    August 9th 1993 - Horace Slughorn gives the Philospher's Stone back to Dumbledore, but he creates a lot of gold for himself before he does that.

    September 1st 1993 - The Ministry refuses to give Hermione Granger a Time Turner. She is therefore forced to drop Divination and Muggle Studies.

    September 9th 1993 - Voldemort attacks Azkaban and frees his loyal Death Eaters. Many Dementors leave the prison to join him.

    October 10th 1993 - Cornelius Fudge is put under the Imperius Curse when he starts believing that Voldemort is back.

    October 15th 1993 - John Dawlish becomes the High Inquisitor of Hogwarts.

    October 31st 1993 - Eleven muggles are murdered in London by Death Eaters.

    November 10th 1993 - Igor Karkaroff is murdered.

    December 19th 1993 - Dissatisfied with their current DADA teacher, Harry Potter and his friends decide to create a secret study group to train defense. They decide to name themselves The Defense Association.

    December 25th 1993 - Narcissa Malfoy is kidnapped by an unknown attacker.

    January 5th 1994 - With the help of Remus and Sirius, Harry and the DA learn the Patronus Charm. Hermione learns it first.

    February 11th 1994 - Draco Malfoy puts Sybill Trelawney under the Imperius Curse and sends her to Hogsmeade, where she is kidnapped by the Death Eaters. Her body is never found. Dumbledore convinces Firenze the Centaur to teach Divination instead.

    March 9th 1994 - The plans for the Triwizard Tournament are abandoned due to the chaos in Britain.

    April 18th 1994 - Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe discover the existence of the DA. In order to prevent them from telling Dawlish, Hermione casts Obliviate on them.

    May 1st 1994 - Someone steals the Hufflepuff's Goblet from the Black Vault at Gringotts. Voldemort immediately starts to inspect the remaining Horcruxes. When he sees that the Slytherin's Locket was replaced with a fake by R.A.B., he is furious. He tells Bellatrix to summon her house elf, which she does. However, the elf, still loyal to Regulus Black, pretends that he doesn't know anything about a locket. Angered, Voldemort kills the elf.

    May 20th 1994 - Several Death Eaters destroy the London Bridge, killing hundreds of muggles.

    June 11th 1994 - A Red-Haired Narcissa Malfoy is spotted in Transylvania. Surprisingly, at the same time the Blonde-Narcissa is seen in Knockturn Alley.

    July 19th 1994 - Dumbledore finally convinces the public that Voldemort has returned when he reveals that Fudge was under the Imperius. Cornelius is sacked as the Minister and is replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour. John Dawlish is replaced by Alastor Moody as the new DADA teacher.

    July 20th 1994 - Dumbledore discovers Slytherin's Locket at Grimmauld Place. He however doesn't know what it exactly is. He eventually attempts to destroy it, but is unable to.

    July 26th 1994 - Walden MacNair is killed by The Red-Haired Narcissa Malfoy.


    August 22nd 1994 - Barty Crouch Jr. kidnaps his father and uses polyjuice to take his place in the International Confederation of Wizards.

    August 1994 - Dumbledore sends Hagrid to contact the giants and make allies with them.

    September 1st 1994 - Death Eaters kidnap Harry Potter at Kings Cross station, using a Portkey. He appears in an unknown forest and is attacked by Voldemort. Their wands connect in Priori Incantantem. Dumbledore arrives several minutes later, as he placed a charm on Harry to track him. Order members arrive next and fight the Death Eaters while Dumbledore protects Harry and fights Voldemort. The Dark Lord eventually escapes, but Remus Lupin and Lucius Malfoy are killed.

    September 8th 1994 - The Death Eaters capture the Red Haired Narcissa Malfoy when she attempts to kill Bellatirx. However, when Voldemort attempts to interrogate her with legilimency, she dissolves into sand, much to his surprise.

    October 31st 1994 - Using various bits of information, including the confession of Luna Lovegood and a freshly-gathered memory from Horace Slughorn, Albus Dumbledore realizes that Voldemort turned the Diary into a Horcrux and used it to come back. Further investigation proves that the locket Albus found earlier is probably a Horcrux as well. He immediately destroys it with Fiendfyre, which is much more powerful when cast by his Elder Wand.

    December 25th 1994 - Hagrid returns, bringing news about the giants. Turns out that they are loyal to Voldemort.

    December 26th 1994 - Luna Lovegood kisses Harry Potter in the Room of Requirement after their latest DA training.

    January 7th 1995 - All the Time Turners in the Ministry of Magic, stop working.

    January 12th 1995 - Luna and Harry go on a date to Hogsmeade, they avoid Madam Puddifoot's shop. They have a good time and decide to go on another date sometime later.

    March 11th 1995 - Narcissa Malfoy returns to Malfoy Manor after nearly two years. She doesn't remember anything and claims that her name is Narcissa Lestrange. When the Dark Lord tells her that she is named Malfoy, she refuses to believe it and claims that her sister is Bellatrix Malfoy.

    May 8th 1995 - Dumbledore finds the Gaunt Ring Horcrux, while he recognizes it as the Resurrection Stone, he manages to stop himself from putting it on. He and Severus Snape destroy the Horcrux and remove the curses first.

    June 1st 1995 - On a visit to Hogsmeade, Neville Longbottom is given a small golden cup by a mysterious stranger. Upon touching the object, he feels an extreme need to give it to Albus Dumbledore. He does so and the Headmaster recognizes it as Helga Hufflepuff's lost cup. He destroys it immediately using Elder Wand's Fiendfyre.

    June 9th 1995 - Alastor Moody decides to return to his work as an Auror and leaves his job at Hogwarts.

    July 8th 1995 - Voldemort forces Severus Snape to swear and Unbreakable Vow that he will kill Albus Dumbledore before September 1st.

    August 1st 1995 - Voldemort and Dumbledore both receive notes that state: "Two plus Two, minus four. When you die, please close the door."
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
  13. Goten Askil

    Goten Askil Groundskeeper

    Feb 27, 2015
    At first I thougt it was some sort of "Avoid all the usual tropes" fanfic. Then I suspected a Time-Travelling Voldemort supplanting himself. But after the thing with the Narcissas... I don't know.
    Your mind works in strange and interesting ways, Xandrel.
  14. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    That's what notes are for, you utter bastard. Now I can't stop thinking about that riddle. I thought the "Twos" was about two dimension travelers and their counterparts in this story, but that doesn't really concerns Dumbledore or Voldemort.
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I may be wrong, but I think I remember what was the idea here.

    I think there were two time travelers from the future attempting to change things. However, they were enemies and working against each other.

    Now, going back in time that far is a BAD THING (read Pottermore on Time Turners) as it can do damage to time itself.

    You can see some clues why: Prophecies in the Department of Mysteries are suddenly destroyed, Time Turners stop working.

    I think that was also the reason for the Red-Header Narcissa Lestrange.

    Time is falling apart the longer the time travelers act in the past.

    Narcissa Lestrange was from a Alternate Universe and was randomly transported against her will to this world.

    Now, if I continued this, I would have more chaos happen, like more people being sent to and from alternate universes, time changing speed in many places around the world, random alterations to the world (like suddenly a building is standing backwards).

    Eventually the time travelers would realize what is happening and would try to stop it.

    EDIT: But then again, the bit on Pottermore about time turners was written after 2012, so who the fuck knows anymore. Maybe I came up with time being damaged independently.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  16. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I had this idea for a more Quidditch oriented story. Would probably change the rules of the game first, maybe make the snitch worth only 50 points or so, might fix the Seeker wins 95% of the games thing that's going on, but not too clear on that.

    Anyway, main point would be, after all that's said and done with the plot, Harry wants to play Quidditch first, instead of becoming an Auror. So, he has done a bit of looking into various teams and is considering joining Oliver Wood's team. Wizards being wizards, they have tryouts and signings of all teams at once, in one area for a week or so. Harry goes there, hoping to find Oliver but gets kinda drafted/pulled into a relatively weak team. I'm undecided if that team is a completely new one or just a pre-established weaker one like Chudley Cannons.

    It would definitely have a sports anime feel to it. In fact, team leader would be heavily inspired by Hiruma from Eyeshield 21. Would think of having Katie Bell or one of the other two chaser in the team, just to have a familiar face. She probably tried the all female team and didn't got in or something like that.

    Not much beyond that, I'm afraid. I just want to read something like that, trying to get through the league and whatnot. Harry's fame being something of a two edged sword character to it, one that gets them more recognition initially but also scrutiny. New rules make it harder for them, since otherwise, a good Seeker dominates the game too much, imo. Maybe new rules or something and Harry struggles with that.

    Nothing planned out, never going to write this and I doubt it would be more than a guilty pleasure but I'm fond of sports anime and I think I would like one for HP.
  17. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I always thought the best way to fix Quidditch would be to make the seeker also take on chaser duties.
  18. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    Think by allowing some spellcasting, things could be more exciting as well.

    For example, certain things are magic proof or straight up not allowed. Like, all the various equipment in play can't be actively charmed or used magic on in general. Can't hex the brooms, clothes or players themselves. Can't do anything to the hoops. Can't use stuff like accio on the balls.

    But you could use indirect stuff a lot. Like wind pushing stuff around, mist or smoke to blind people. Dunno what a good balance would be, but magic could add another layer to the game. You'd have to balance good athletes and good spellcasters, preferably having people who are good at both.
  19. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    I just got this idea for a Xenocentric fic. Xenophilius Lovegood looses Luna during the war against Voldemort it drives him more insane then before. He then decides to live as a muggle and joins a new war where in an act of desperation ends up eating a little girl named Misha Lector.
  20. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    We have numerous stories with Harry/Hermione/others turning into heirs of Founders/Merlin.

    I'm pretty sure nobody wrote a story centered on Viktor Krum being a heir of Spartacus.