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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    It's not actually Zabini Kingsley. Sran just forgot to use punctuation to separate the names. He's referring to them individually.

    My first thought on reading it was that it felt like an action/thriller movie plot. If he lifted it wholesale, that'd explain why.
  2. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Sounds flat and uninspired. The terrorists don't seem to have any actual motive or agenda other than "blow shit up for teh evulz". why would Harry and Hermione pretend to be spies, when he's one of the most famous figures in the wizarding world, and everyone important would know they're not married? not for me, anyway.
  3. Lucius Rex

    Lucius Rex First Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    Illinois, United States
    WI the unamed son of Charlus and Dorea was a girl the same age as James and they fell in love, got married and had a son named Harry?
  4. Lesath

    Lesath Second Year

    Jan 22, 2016
    High Score:
    Incest I guess. And whatever for would you change Harry's parents? It doesn't sound like plot at all.
  5. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009
    Harry Potter and the Perils of Inbreeding

    Follow Harry Potter, along with his best friends Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle as they prove it's our choices, not our abilities, that define us and that you don't need to be the sharpest tool in the shed to be a hero.
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Just another HP/ASoIaF crossover (with a twist).

    Robert and Cersei have only one child, a black haired and green eyed boy, called Harry. After he's born the Queen focuses all her attention on him (ignoring even her twin brother) and the King doesn't bother with his wife anymore.

    The boy is growing fast and everyone is expecting him to be a good king, one that the realm haven't seen for quite a long time. First though, they need to wait for the old king to be gone or so they think because to everyone's surprise soon after his son turns four and teen, he leaves the Iron Throne and sails to Essos.

    A newly crowned King Henry is very young and most expect him to be a puppet in hands of his grandfather, but he proves them wrong. He quickly establishes himself as a person to be respected when he successfully manages to settle the Iron Throne's debts, especially to the Iron Bank.

    That's said, not everyone is pleased with the young king, even among his own family. His uncles from his father's side for example. One believes himself to be more fit to be the king, the other listens to a foreign woman who speaks that he's the chosen one.

    But Harry has more problems than that and that's the fact he isn't the only one to be reborn in this strange world. Lord Voldemort is present too. Or rather Lord Voldemorts because for every piece of soul he created, there is one hiding in somewhere in the world.

    1. Tom Riddle's Diary.
    Helped in establishing the Valyrian Freehold, especially their control over dragons, and ensured survival of Targaryens after the Doom that was caused by other Voldemorts. Now once again manipulating young girls (Daenerys) into doing his biding.

    2. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring.
    The Many-Faced God of the Faceless Men.

    3. Salazar Slytherin's Locket.
    Found by Euron Greyjoy when he was just a boy.

    4. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup.
    Was manipulating House Gardener until the Field of Fire. Now it does the same with Tyrells.

    5. Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem.
    Hidding in Oldtown, controlling the maesters in the Citadel.

    6. Nagini.
    R'hllor. Trying to use the Prophecies for his own gain this time around.

    7. Voldemort.
    The Great Other. The final Voldemort that Harry will face.

    None of the Voldemorts are pleased with the others, believing themselves to be the original and the rest to be usurpers that need to be eliminated.

    Once King Henry is done with them all, he discovers the biggest secret of his existence – he's not Harry Potter. Instead he too is a piece of Voldemort's soul, one that was housed in Harry's scar and that's why his memories got very confused.

    It's hinted when in dreams he sees some scenes from a different point of view than he should, but he believed to have some of Voldemort's memories, not the other way around.

    Additionally, something he doesn't even realize, he used his magic to brainwash certain people around him to act in a way he wanted. That would explain some out of character behaviour of Cersei (he wanted a loving mother), Robert (he wanted to rule as fast as possible) and few others that regularly interacted with him.

    Depending on whether I want optimistic or pessimistic ending, "Harry" would either find redemption for his past life, maybe by sacrificing himself to defeat the Great Other or he would embrace his true identity becoming the Immortal-King of All Realms.
  7. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I think that facing and defeating all seven is too much for one story. It's difficult to do each one justice and feels more like a video game progress list. You must collect these six evil pieces before facing the final boss. JKR did it, but in a mammoth years long project over multiple books, quite organically, with clear story and character arcs for each book.

    Might I suggest that Harry only faces one or two horcruxes in the story, with the existence of the others only speculated on or avoided by Harry and left for a potential sequel?

    In Harry's youth he discovers a horcrux in the Red Keep, [perhaps belonging to a visiting noble, or one already present that's responsible for Targaryen madness]. He throws down with the horcrux and defeats it as either a simple matter or a bit of a preliminary youthful adventure for our hero if you wanted a warm up for the main adventure. The point of it would be to introduce Harry to the idea that the Voldemort horcruxes are here, and bring about his character's overriding motivation to contain and defeat their evil rather than whatever petty concerns he had before.

    It sets the tone of the story for your readers too. They aren't going to be wondering why Harry isn't doing a tech uplift, or helping the smallfolk with their every complaint, because the reader is already absorbed by and invested in this adventure you've begun.

    You could use the fallout of this early horcrux adventure to be the trigger for Robert to leave. Perhaps the horcrux incident breaks him in some way, or he was wearing/using the damn thing, or even just "the kid's got this better than I ever did, I'm outta here."

    From this first step, you then write the main story of Harry vs. Voldemort. I'd recommend the fight against The Great Other/Voldemort as the overarching conflict. The fallout of that conflict would be Harry recognising or being told by Voldemort about his own true nature as just another horcrux - a defective accidental one. If at this point you want to keep writing more sequels, then The Great Other doesn't necessarily need to be destroyed, so much as weakened and pushed back, thus leaving him as an ultimate big bad that looms on the horizon until next Winter while Harry deals with other horcruxes.

    Also, you said that the horcruxes all believe themselves to be the original. I'd posit that they all know they're horcruxes, and so they don't believe themselves to be originals. They do all want to supersede the others though.

    HorcruxHarry grows as a person through the story. You said you wanted him to find redemption or otherwise resolve the conflict within him. Is Harry the only Horcrux that's capable of character growth? Some of those horcruxes, if not all of them, have been around for thousands of years, assisting the rise and fall of people and empires. Are they the same personalities as they were on Earth, or have they changed and grown in character?

    The other horcruxes have been co-existing for thousands of years. Even though the horcruxes want to crush each other, they've never destroyed a peer in all that time and seem to keep distance between one another. What makes Harry's presence so different? How does he run into all of those other horcruxes? Are they jealous that he's got a body? Do they have any way of communicating, or are they all ignorant of each other's existence and location?
  8. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I get that you want to set him at odds with Renly, which is plausible given that even in canon he was a scheming little cunt who didn't even know, or care, about Cersei's children being bastards before seeking to remove them, but Stannis? Wouldn't work.

    Stannis is all about doing his duty, and what he perceives as right/lawful, and he would not seek to displace his actual nephew just because some foreign cultist may have brainwashed his wife into following her particular religion. This is a whole another set of circumstances that possibly wouldn't even happen in the first place, as Stannis wouldn't be spending his time on Dragonstone, and would be grumbling and grinding his teeth back in King's Landing.
  9. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    To be honest I prefer to have a total war between them all at the same time than have Harry face each one personally.

    Could be that way. It's a small difference as long as they all want to eliminate the rest.

    Horcruxes stay mostly the same. Only "Harry", because of his contamination by Harry's soul, and Voldemort, who is the prime soul piece, are capable of significant change.

    They do keep some distance, but they all play a long game too and it's simply time for it to have an end now that they all are present. My only problem is finding an explanation why "Harry" is the last one to appear.

    Maybe he actually appeared much earlier as the Last Hero, but was destroyed? But him being reborn would suggest they all can be completely exorcised from this world. Which isn't a bad concept to play with, an eternal war with yourself as punishment for your deeds. It would give them a good reason to finally play more risky moves against each other too.

    I'm aware of this, but he's affected by the Voldemort's piece of soul too. Of course, I could explain that way every change in characterization I do and I do like Stannis, so he's one of people that actually resists and we would see his struggle.
  10. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    This gave me an idea of Harry Potter joining a spy agency and becoming pretty okay at it, he might or might not be unstable though.

    Arc 1: Welcome to the Secret

    This would be Kingsley recruiting Harry to the Secret, the external security force for the Unspeakables. When agents in other divisions have found threats Secret Agents are called in. Harry accepts believing that he will be helping in the post Voldemort fight, and then he gets knocked out.

    He wakes up in Germany with his new mentor/partner, Terry Boot. There they are hunting down some old money German financiers for Voldemort. He promised them a Grindelwald type control and without him there they were deciding to take it by force. What follows is their months spent first training Harry around Germany while also investigating their targets. Eventually they would strike at a gathering and while successful in stopping the plot and capturing hidden British Death Eaters, Terry Boot dies getting Harry and the Prisoners away from the Lair.

    Arc 2: Trouble in Little Diagon

    Harry was successful on his first mission but distressed in losing his friend and mentor. This doesn't stop Kingsley from sending him to assist an infitration agent in stopping a radical group from igniting a bomb in Diagon Alley on the day Hogwarts Students traditionally go shopping.

    Harry heads off to the countryside where he is posing as a Mercenary to help in the initial assault after the bomb. The inside contact helped to set up the contract and the Unspeakables use magic to change his appearance. Once inside he is herded to the first meeting point and while being given a speech from the obviously insane leaders of the radicals he sees Percy Weasley, who is mentioned in the first book as having quit his job in a rage over some radical injustice. He immediately knows who his contact is and manages to get into contact with him. They manage some way to stop the plot on the day of the attack. Just managing to stop it before anyone in the public knows. Harry grows close to Percy during this and ends up helping him reconnect with the Weasleys.

    This Arc ends with a happy and well adjusted Harry. He's gotten over the loss of Terry Boot, and has moved on to accept his job.

    Arc 3: Goldwand

    Harry is being sent to investigate Robert Greengrass. Famous businessman and investor in Magical Britain. An agent embedded in his staff has found solid proof that Greengrass has been involved in financing various terrorists around the globe. Voldemort being the most recent, but the list would be long. Harry is being sent to retrieve this information and meet the agent.

    Harry immediately starts attending the various social gatherings that the Greengrass and their confidants go to. As he works his way around investigating just how depraved Greengrasses and his associates business practices are he runs into a snag. Harry has started to fall in love with Daphne Greengrass, the beautiful, smart, and kind daughter of Robert. She works for her father's company on the legal side and knows nothing about the darker side of what they do. This makes his job difficult as clues left for him by the other agent keep drawing him closer and closer to what he is looking for.

    Things come to a climax when Harry finally finds the evidence, plans to cause the unveiling of the improved Azkaban to fail. With all of the various gathered officials and businessmen there it would cause a huge blow both in getting several allies out of prison and killing his competitors. Harry manages to stop the plot, but it comes at the cost of killing Robert and letting several dozen prisoner transfers escape from the island. The mission only succeeds with the timely intervention of Astoria Greengrass, the Secret Agent who had been assisting Harry the entire time. Daphne, distraught at her sister and Harry's betrayal flees the country.

    Harry ends this arc in contrast to his last one. His mission was only partially successful, and he lost a girl he was falling in love with. Throughout this we would get glimpses of his private life. Percy and George have become increasingly close to him, but it comes at the price of him not really seeing Ron and Hermione. Ron has become an auror and is busy with handling the fallout of Voldemort. Ron also kind of resents Harry because he thinks he gave up the good fight and spends his time spending money and being an "Aristocrat". This isn't helped by his break up with Hermione who has started a job at the Foreign Affairs office of the Ministry. She moved to France for a three year term.

    Arc 4: From Bulgaria, On Broom

    Harry, still distraught over the disappearance of Daphne accepts a mission far from Britain. He is sent to Bulgaria to join a group of agents who are posing as buyers for information on the International Magical Intelligence community. It is especially important because mentioned is information on Secret. Harry meets his contact, surprised to see Viktor Krum is part of a multinational team intent on getting this information. Of the five there is a French agent, a German agent, a Bulgarian agent, and an American Agent. They are to buy the information and take the sections about their own countries then split the rest. They set out and attend the Auction, an event that sells off hundreds of dark items to various bidders.

    The Auction takes place in Morocco, and the agents quickly get to scheming into not only getting the list, but other items their various governments want. Harry and Viktor quickly agree to work together, to the annoyance of the American who hates Viktor and wanted to work with Harry. The Frenchman and the American work closely together while the German sticks to herself besides team planning.

    Harry is given his own task and invites Viktor to help him. He is to investigate a group who is at the Auction for the information and has been on the Secret's radar for asking about them. He attends a poker match that is supposed to have several members there with Viktor and finds the American in attendance. As the game goes on they all suspect each other of truly being with the other organization while playing and acting as if they have never met. Eventually they leave in chase of their original suspect. Harry and Viktor manage to corner him, only for Viktor to betray Harry and stun him.

    Harry is captured and tortured by various people who attempt to question him about the Secret and his old life. On the day of the auction Harry is rescued by the American agent, who explains that Viktor says he lost you and the target. They race to the auction and arrive just in time to see another group outbid their representative, Viktor. Harry recognizes one of the men and he and the American plan to ambush the other group at the pick up. While initially successful Viktor and a mysterious partner attack Harry and the American. The American goes down and Harry nearly loses until the German agent appears and helps fight off the pair. As they escape Harry misses a killing shot when the hood falls off of Viktors partner. It's Terry Boot, who quickly retreats with Viktor, stealing the papers for the old Soviet bloc.

    Arc 5: Vacations are Fun Right?

    Harry, reeling from recent discoveries and betrayals, flees to Costa Rica on the suggestion of George Weasley. He prepares himself for a few weeks of relaxation in the sun. He meets a pretty girl on the beach and takes her back to his room, only for several thugs to burst in the room halfway through demanding their arrest. Harry fights them off only for the girl to knock him out. Harry is woken up in a Dutch camp out in the jungle, where he is introduced to the rebels. While initially he is against their request for help he meets Blaise Zabini, who suggests that he might also be a Secret Agent on a job.

    From there Harry would assist the rebels in taking down several important government installations, the entire time they take the time to show Harry the corruption of the government. This continues for several weeks with a campaign across the country
    culminating in a large strike against the Palace of the local ruler. Blaise pulls Harry aside and reveals to him that they are to in fact betray the rebels in the throne room. From there taking over the country themselves in the name of Britain. Harry has his doubts but goes along with the plan until they are finally in the throne room. There one of the Rulers advisors turns out to be Hermione Granger, shocking Harry and Blaise who don't know how to react. Hermione tells Harry one of the safety phrases and together they subdue Blaise. The rebels win but believe Harry to still be on their side. Hermione and Harry go through Blaise's items while Hermione explains his back story. Blaise was a Secret Agent, but left three years ago to the wind. While searching they find a strange symbol on Blaise's shoulder. A symbol that Harry finally realizes he saw on a necklace Terry had and on Viktor's broom. (The strange symbol is described several times but he doesn't piece it together until now.)

    This means that Blaise worked for the same people that Terry and Viktor do. With this information Harry returns to Britain ready to figure out just what this all means.

    Arc 6: Colosseum Royale

    Harry is being sent to extract an Agent and an enemy spy they managed to turn. In Italy he finds that he must win them as a prize in a dueling tournament. (This is where we find that Italy has been a Dark Power since WW2. Mussolini's magical counterpart was much smarter and stronger and held onto power. Italy is a very Dark country as a result, and getting an enemy spy would be an extreme boost. Anyone with impure blood is a second or third class citizen. They can even be put into slavery for periods of 7 years to life to pay debts.) The two agents in question were put up as the prize by an Italian duke after he found them to be spies for a rival duke. Harry must win the tournament and escape before they realize that he is a Secret Agent.

    This is made much more difficult by the presence of Viktor Krum, who despite a rocky meeting is intent on his friendship with Harry. He promises that what they are doing has a real purpose, and that Harry should support them. What exactly, he won't say, but Viktor promises once he joins it will all make sense. This is all in the background of Harry fighting through an increasingly dangerous tournament against Wizards and Witches who fit right in with Voldemorts inner circle. Harry does well in the tournament, even fighting off attacks outside of matches on his own. He also manages to sneak into the cells and meet the agents, it's Penelope Clearwater and a Russian spy named Anya. They provide him with information needed to start planning his escape. Harry realizes that he will need a partner and considers asking Viktor, which he must do anyway as they are slated to fight in the championship anyway. During the fight things are going well into it is interrupted by an attack from a radical group, one which shares the same name as the group Harry was apart of in Costa Rica. Viktor and Harry are forced to help them as they are Viktor's allies. Harry runs back and manages to rescue Penelope and Anya, getting to the boats just in time to cast off. As he's leaving he finds out what Anya's information was. The Rebel Group is an organization that has been planning on overthrowing several nations for years, and it's agents have finally started acting.

    Arc 7: You Only Live Seven Times

    Harry returns to Britain only to find out that the Magical world is in shambles. The entire ex soviet bloc is in open rebellion, no matter how the country is currently aligned. Russia, which had been stable for several weeks in the chaos, has finally succumb at the hands of a so called Light Lord, who plans to bring Russia to the light. Despite calling for the Light this does not stop him from killing any who get in his or his followers wake. Harry is being sent to assist in the extraction of the Unspeakables office in Moscow, Kiev, and Rome. He and a team of three other Secret Agents will be in charge of security.

    Harry and the team arrive in Russia and you get a frantic Broom chase through the city as they fight off both Rebels and Loyalist before finally managing to get to the British Embassy and it's Wards. There they find most have left except for the Unspeakable agents who are waiting for one more field agent. As they prepare the last few documents and magical devices they get a distress call from the front of the complex as the last agent rushes to the gates. Harry and another Secret Agent go to help and end up running into Russianmort. They manage to fend him off and get everyone out at the cost of Secret Agent's life. Harry shows some impressive magic but he is outclassed by the Russian, who fights similarly to Dumbledore.

    Once in Kiev they actually arrive at a full and safe embassy. The Aurors still hold the location and expect several more weeks of relative safety before the local rebellion reaches them. The Unspeakables are leaving simply for convenience. Harry is prepared for a safe few days before he is contacted by the American Agent from arc 3 who needs help. He was helping to extract some American diplomats and they were ambushed. Harry agrees and as the unspeakables leave helps the Americans to join them. This turns out to be good thinking as they arrive to Rome in a warzone. The Embassy has been under siege for months at this point, the supplies Harry and Co. bought with them being a welcome relief. From there they fight off Italian rebels long enough for Loyalists to finally come and assist them. Only to have to have to sneak away in the night from the loyalists who wanted them for "Questioning." e
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
  11. FloreatCastellum

    FloreatCastellum First Year

    Mar 29, 2016
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Very rough plotbunny that I'm not sure is worth pursuing yet. After a plot driven fic, I want to return to a missing moments, rounding out canon sort of thing, but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in this.

    So I don't know if any of you guys have read The Book Thief, but inspired by that...

    Narrated by death, a fictionalised and in-depth account of the lives of the Potter family/ancestors (taken from the Pottermore writings), going through the years and focusing on their subconcious relationship with their "old friend" death. The invisibility cloak would be a constant, almost taking on a character of it's own as it proves vital to each character in different ways.

    It would have all the Potter characters mentioned in the Pottermore writing, plus potentially a few others, and would spend between one and five chapters on each "Potter", leading up to James Potter's death.

  12. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    I've posted this in the Harry/Fleur thread, but I thought I'd post it here as well and perhaps get some people's opinion on it and work out the little kinks in it.

    It's a premise for Bond!Harry fic.

    The Triwizards Tournament happens in Year 7, as such Voldemort's rebirth is pushed back and Harry is a legal adult. He joins the newly reformed Order of the Phoenix as one of their field agent. His first mission is to gather some valuable intelligence from a VIP known as Horace Slughorn. The intel is gathered but some Death Eaters disrupt the meeting and end up killing Slughorn and Harry barely manages to escape. He brings the intel to Dumbledore.

    ^That's the concrete stuff so far. I'm still debating on the missions Harry will go through during the story. For the Fleur part, I see her as a mercenary of some sort. She's talented and paperwork never suited her, so she's working for various organizations (Gringotts and foreign ministry being what I had in mind) and, coincidentally, ends up headbutting with Harry on his missions.

    The first mission would end up with Fleur betraying Harry and letting him fend for himself against the enemy, after some flirting and sex obviously. I was thinking perhaps a Ball or social function at Malfoy's Manor or the Ministry.

    The second mission, Harry would pull off the betraying act, but Voldemort would show up and he can't let someone to Voldemort's mercy, rescue Fleur or at least turn back to help her escape.

    That's all I have for now. I was thinking of making the mission related to the Horcruxes obviously, but I want to derail from canon (obviously, again), any suggestions would be appreciated at this point.
  13. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Thinking of a work set after Deathly Hallows maybe 10 years down the track where Harry's grown in reputation as a prodigious wizard, climbing the Auror ranks and is being courted to take the Head of the DMLE position.

    Before he takes on the role though he decides to investigate rumors of a new Dark Lord rising in Europe.

    It bases itself how the Wizarding World looked to Dumbledore to defeat Grindelwald before also looking to him to defeat Voldemort and how with the absence of Dumbledore that adulation and expectation has fallen onto Harry.

    With that though, comes the Dark Lord's true intention which is to lure Harry out and murder him. With the intention being to use Harry's death to further his fame and reputation in his rise to power. From there a cat-and-mouse game ensues between the two.

    As a direct result of the storyline it will have a few OC's, I was thinking of basing it in France or perhaps in Eastern Europe to try and work with Durmstrang or Beauxbatons characters that were already established like Fleur or Viktor Krum, with the fic bouncing between England and whichever location I end up working with.
  14. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    It could an interesting twist if the Dark Lord comes from the microstate like Monaco.
  15. DiscipleOfPhenax

    DiscipleOfPhenax Squib

    Apr 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Would this be a simple continuation following Deathly Hallows, or would there be AU elements?
  16. kpjam

    kpjam First Year

    Jun 13, 2010
    If I do end up writing any of this, I'll probably never publish. Anyway....

    Bran Stark dies from the assassin. Bloodraven is distraught because he is going to die soon and there will be no one to guide the prince. There is no one else with the ability. He comes up with a desperate plan, there three cotf left on the isle of faces. He uses his power and the remaining life force of the children to summon Harry. Harry after the books arrives and the ghost of high heart shows up, and tells Harry he is charged with helping in the fight against the great other/white walkers. She gives him some of the things she collected and found on the island, knowing he will need a want, she presents him with unicorn horns and hair, along with some clothing and a few coins, all she wants is a kiss. 'It's been so long.' Winter is coming and she sends him along.

    His first accidental stop is the crossroads inn just in time to see Catelyn arrest Tyrion. A little lost he follows, questioning the 'arresting party as he goes along' and befriending Bron, Chiggan, and Tyrion. They make it to the Vale, still loosing Chiggan and Tyrion's 2 men at arms. He is appalled at Lysa and then Tyrions imprisonment 'torture chamber' and breaks him out, taking Bronn with him. All the while learning about the world.

    The make it back to the Riverlands, slightly ahead of canon. Harry is appalled again, he didn't believe Twin would sack the Riverlands out of hand. He's also a bit annoyed at himself that he didn't just rescue Tyrion after the first day. In a bit of pique, he 'borrows' the Lanister warchest, leaves Tyrion and Tywin, and enlists Bronn in going to the capital with him. He needs to learn more about this kingdom.

    They make it to the capital and get a couple rooms, it happens to be the day after Ned's imprisonment. He explores the city and attends court a couple days, listening to rumors and trying to get a lay of the land and to gauge the King. He happens to be there the day Sansa begs for her fathers life. He hears about the missing daughter and goes to find her. He collects her and is almost immediately visited by Varys. (Bronn is known to sell Varys a choice morsel). He is annoyed and intrigued as Varys invites him to visit Ned with him in a couple days. He spends time with Arya, quizzing her on her life. She picks up one of his wands he is practicing wandmaking with and it shoots sparks. He has found a potential apprentice.

    He makes his appointment with Varys, and decides Ned and his family need to go home. He rescues Ned and Sansa, apparrating them to the isle, as the most northern most point he remembers, then spends a dizzying night poping north until them come across some of Rob's men. (This is after Riverrun has been liberated.) They travel to Riverrun adn cach up on the news until they meet the family. Harry and Catelyn argue. Harry says some unflattering things and tell them to make peace. He leaves.

    He decides Arya is better off as an apprentice then a brood mare for the freys and keeps her. He says some less then 100% true things to keep her there. He focuses on training her and getting more info about the world when word of Renly and Stannis hit the city. Etc... etc...

    That's the stuff I have thought out.
  17. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    If I ever wrote a Harry Potter/ASOIAF cross I think I'd try to do something new.

    At the start of the Chamber of Secrets when Ron, Hermione and Harry are all at the bookstore, some combination of Lockhart ineptitude, magic books and the Horcrux in the diary launch them into Westeros. Yes, it's contrived, who cares?

    Upon pulling themselves together they find themselves in the middle of the woods somewhere that vaguely looks like England with their school supplies and random debris from the bookshop around them. They wait for awhile, what might make one of them nervous is balanced by all three of them being together again, but as it starts to get dark they get worried. Harry knows that the ministry can track underage magic, and Hermione mentions that it's legal in an emergency, so Ron volunteers to cast a spell. Worst case scenario is his Mom being mad at him, so they gather some branches together and he starts a fire.

    No owl comes, but someone else does, Arya Stark along with Gendry, Hot Pie and the rest. A quick conversation as well as the newcomers clothes reveal that they're not in England anymore, and are in fact in the middle of a war zone. Somehow the fact that they have magic comes out, maybe they saw Ron start the fire, and the already hungry Hogwarts students agree to help the other children.

    From there I'm less certain. Arya is the only one who really knows anything about the world so they follow her lead and head towards Riverrun, where she promises her Grandfather will help them.

    I wouldn't have the Harry Potter characters get involved in the game of thrones, the only real divergences would be Arya not doing things like accusing the Hound or freeing the Northmen at Harrenhal. Maybe Jaqen would find her later and with a larger picture she'd use her three names more wisely, or perhaps she just makes it to Riverrun and that's the end of her part in the story.

    I like sending them at the start of Chamber of Secrets, because with the three of them and books they have an excuse for being able to do a lot of things, while not being able to solo the setting.
  18. Maeglin

    Maeglin First Year

    Sep 27, 2014
    There's a plot bunny that's been on my mind for a while now. Recently I tried to find some good "Harry raises Harry" fics and unfortunately only found a few good but unfinished fics. So the idea is pretty simple, really. Have Harry time travel to his younger self, but in the process lose all his powers, making him a squib. It could be interesting having younger Harry grow up in a family atmosphere, but preventing older Harry from solving too many issues at once.
  19. Alpaca Queen

    Alpaca Queen Fourth Year

    May 12, 2014
    New York
    So yeah, I watched/read Sakamoto Desu Ga recently out of boredom, and couldn't help but make this stupid thing:

    “Occupied,” came a cool, confident voice from inside. Different though it sounded recently, Emma could recognize that voice anywhere. A nasty, gleeful smile crossed her face, and she turned to her friends.

    “Oh my god, it’s Taylor!” She said in a loud whisper. When Madison pulled the bottles out of her bag, nudging her chin questioningly towards the stall, Emma added, “Yeah, do it!”

    Taylor seemed to move inside her stall, but Sophia had already put her back against the door, holding it shut. Madison moved quickly, passing two bottles to her and then grabbing two for herself. Then, together, they began pouring the contents into the stall.

    Juice and soda cascaded down, the bottles sputtering as they emptied onto the unfortunate girl below. Every time one ran dry, Sophia or Madison would toss it into the stall with Taylor, and Emma would hand them another from the bag. As a sickly sweet scent filled the bathroom, she grinned, imagining how sticky and gross Taylor would be next class.

    Let’s see you try to look cool now, bitch.

    Madison shook her last couple bottles out, giggling madly, before throwing them over the door to join the others. A puddle, dark purple and bubbling, was beginning to flow out of the stall, and Sophia backed up to avoid it. As she did so, the door swung slowly open.

    What she saw inside made Emma’s mouth drop.

    “My, my,” Taylor said, one leg crossed lazily over the other, a stylishly clear umbrella resting against her shoulder. Juice and soda dripped off it, somehow never landing near her perfectly dry clothes or hair. Smirking, she adjusted her glasses. “What a sudden shower.”

    As Emma watched her former best friend snap the umbrella shut, she could swear somebody in the background was playing a jaunty jazz tune. So smooth it looked practiced, Taylor drew to her feet, flicked her hair, and then nodded to the three of them – before just casually strolling out. Sophia and Madison were too shocked to respond, but Emma snapped out of it just quickly enough to reach out at her.

    She wasn’t quite sure what she intended to do – stop her, maybe – but in the end it didn’t matter, as Emma slipped on the growing puddle and landed flat against the floor. Scrambling quickly, she moved away, but the damage was done: her perfectly-arranged clothes had been stained a deep, splotchy purple.

    Sophia and Madison rushed over to help her up, but she waved them off, turning instead to the exit. "Who are you?" she shouted in disbelief at Taylor's back.

    Taylor didn't turn around, but she did pause for a moment before continuing out. "I'm Taylor, don't you know?"

    Edit: It occurs to me that there is a separate thread for plot bunnies of non-HP fandoms. Could a helpful mod perhaps move my post to this more deserving thread at some point?
    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Harry Potter / Star vs. The Forces of Evil crossover

    In the royal kingdom of Mewni, Princess Star Butterfly receives the royal magic wand from her parents, the king and queen. She is told that the wand is very powerful and a big responsibility and must be kept out of the hands of evil force. Star assures her mother that she can handle it.

    Unfortunately, she manages to set the kingdom on fire with it under a day.

    To teach her a lesson and to make sure she learns to control the wand somewhere else the king and queen decide to send Star away. It is decided Star will be sent to Earth and be tutored by the wizards and witches from its dimension.

    They take their dimensional scissors, cut open a portal to Earth and arrive at the gates of castle Hogwarts.

    The king and queen speak to Headmaster Dumbledore and explain to him that they come from a different reality, that their daughter must learn responsibility and control. Dumbledore is generous enough to allow Star to attend the classes, though after he sees the type of spells she can use he notes that the magic he is familiar with is different.

    Since Star is fourteen years old, it is decided she will attend classes with fourth year students after she will be sorted with all the new students at the beginning of the year.

    Coincidentally, Hogwarts is to be host this year to an extraordinary event: the Triwizard Tournament.

    Meanwhile, the monsters of Mewni led by Ludo who wishes to acquire Star's powerful wand learn that Star is now hiding on Earth among many wizards. They decide to investigate this dimension and find a way to steal the wand. To do this they create a temporary base in the Forbidden Forest.

    At the beginning of the school year Star is sorted with the other students and goes to Gryffindor, being a brave princess and all.

    Eventually the plot would somehow involve Ludo and Toffee learning about Voldemort and Death Eaters as well as acquiring allies among magical creatures (especially goblins) which have been kept down by wizards.

    Also, it'd be pretty funny to see Star be mocked by Draco Malfoy only to shout "MEGA NARWHAL BLAST!"